originally posted by: LookingForABetterLife
Feeling drained of energy today which is making me feel sick and tired. This is the feeling one gets when your life and soul are slowly being taking
away from oneself by something like the energy vampires. I've thought about this a bit and wonder if I am the one taking away my own strength and
happiness. I know that the future may be better for myself but all I see and dwell on is the worse possible outcome.
I'll go watch some online shows to keep my mind from thinking as I try to wake up today.
Hugs everyone.
Hi Luke,
You probably aren't aware of this, but I suffer with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
I've had it for about 12 or 13 years now.
It feels almost EXACTLY as you described above! Like an "Energy Vampire" has sucked the life out of you, leaving you sick, listless and tired to the
I had come through a bout of a glandular fever type of illness, which my doc had treated with anti-biotics.
The symptoms of the illness passed, but I was left with this listless, tired all the time condition which rapidly deteriorated into muscle & joint
pain, sleep problems, nausea, headaches, brain fog, depression, memory problems etc etc etc.
7 months of tests then followed. With no clear diagnosis.
In fact - the docs said that my results were "excellent" and that I appeared to be in tip-top shape! (At that time I was a regular hill-walker,
motocross bike rider and windsurfer, so I was very fit.)
They eventually diagnosed PVFS (Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome) a form of CFS, because they had ruled out virtually everything else.
I was stupid & stubborn back then and my instinct was to fight (and BEAT!) this damned thing, but I slowly learned that you can't beat it. Every time
I tried... It kicked me where it hurts and I ended up barely being able to function.
At its worst, I couldn't walk 50yds on the flat without stopping to hold on to something/someone. Every muscle & joint ached endlessly, and my memory
problems multiplied to the point where I couldn't remember what a glass of water was called. My confidence in my own abilities went down the drain. It
was like I went to bed as a fit & healthy 40 year old and woke up as a weak, confused 80 year old.
I thought that I was dying.
I finally did a bit of research and learned that you can't "fight" it, you have to adapt to it... recognise when it is getting bad, and take
appropriate action (in my case going and lying down in a quiet dark room for 30mins!).
Once I did this, I got my life back. But not before I had given up my career in IT.
I learned that my condition was like being powered by an old battery which doesn't hold its charge very well.
I could function at an acceptable level - so long as I didn't drain the battery flat. If I ever did drain the battery flat... it would take 2 or 3
DAYS to re-charge it.
Once I learned to recognise the symptoms of a drained battery coming on... I simply stopped and lay quietly for a few minutes to avoid draining the
battery, and it worked!
Now, I still get tired and achey if I overdo it, but it hardly ever gets too bad because I know what to look for, and what to do.
There are many different types of CFS, and it's thought to be related to M.E. too.
It might be worth getting yourself checked out for that as it sounds like you may be suffering from something similar, and I wouldn't wish it on an
Effin Ogre, never mind a Shedbro.