posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 12:18 AM
I am doing this right now. I apologize if i cause nausea. I do not have a therapist relationship at the moment. This will severely damage my so called
"reputation" on this site but i need to shout-vomit this somewhere.
Okay my mom and dad divorced when i was a little boy. I should have spent weekends with dad. Mom raised me. Dad was an alcoholic and did not care, so
i spent weekends with his parents. My grandpa and grandma. They lived in a rural house. Strawberry field there. Birds had a habit of eating those
strawberries. I had an air gun from them. Look, i have been a really good shooter since the beginning. I am not lifting myself on a podium here, i
just am a really good shooter. Every Finnish person has to do mandatory military service unless the person is a woman or a jehova's witness. I
disliked the army, but loved the shooting with an assault rifle there. It is very close to meditation. It is only me, the weapon, and the cardboard
target. Everything else from this world is gone.
So okay, i was like 12 years old. Grandparents promised me 10 Finnish marks for every bird i shoot down. We have euros now. We can roughly say it was
like 1.50 euros or 2 american dollars. I was like "yeah, money for doing something i like, who can lose anything huh?"
I aimed the gun towards a bird who was doing nothing but sitting on a tree branch. Pulled the trigger. The bird dropped down to the ground like a
rock. A big part of my soul died at that moment. It just did. Trust me, it was not worth the ten marks. I still see that bird dropping to the ground.
Every single day of my life. This really hurts me. I have violated against a living being.
About the army? well i was in coast artillery and at one point three weeks in a row without vacation. Might sound easy? Well most likely it does sound
easy because most likely you are a stronger person than what i am. Had to wake up for duty at 3 AM. I was on an island. Plenty of frogs. Protected
frogs. So i walked out from the barracks. Saw a frog just sitting there. And i lost it. Kicked the frog as hard as i could. Frog flew in the air and
fell back down on the ground. A really beautiful frog. Cute. Green and lumpy on the backside, totally white from the stomach. And the frog dropped
dead with it's white stomach there. I see that white stomach. Every single day, it has been like that for two decades. Over two decades now. I am
crying as i post this but i need to do this. I must confess to someone, anyone. Feel free to hate me, i deserve it totally.
I am sorry for this. I truly apologize from the bottom of my heart. I deserve this pain. Every ounce of it. Let me have it, karma, kick me and haunt
me and eventually kill me. I am not anyone.
Again i apologize. But thanks for letting me share this. It means a lot to me. Going to my bed to cry right now ->