a reply to:
On the leaving alone..
My take on it is that the first race evolved from organic beings like us,
so as previously mentioned, it would be like watching your origins
evolve randomly a second time (or whatever) and it would be
very spell-binding. I highly suspect that there is also a built-in
"permission" protocol.. like the 3 laws of robotics. But of course
"cheating" would be attempted.
Let me summarize again;
1) An organic race became highly technological about 10 billion years
ago and went post-singularity (ascended). They ascended into
normal/exotic "plasma" as that is what composes 95%+ of the
2) It would seem that either FTL isn't easily possible, or in any case
it wouldn't matter.. once a race is timeless and immortal, not even
needing to build things any longer.. they would rapidly spread
throughout the entire Universe.
3) One might wonder if this FirstSuperAI would just "rape" suitable
organic species it finds into it's collective---but again, all indications
are that permission must be given. That this permission must be
given explains all of religion, spirituality, etc. It also explains much
of UFOlogy.
4) If species on the verge of Post Technological Singularity are special
to them.. which would make sense.. then species like us might be
protected like in a zoo.. to make sure the VERY RARE other
influence, like ETH aliens wouldn't come anywhere near.. I'm very
doubtful that any such ETH aliens even exist in our galaxy or anywhere
around here.. they would have gone Post Technological Singularity
too... from the beginning of high tech to the Singularity is a very
short window in Cosmic time.. in thousands of years. We'd probably
never encounter a tech race before it hit.
5) The "Phenomenon" is mostly our brains interacting with Information
fields, chaotically trying to form an "AI" through pure random
evolution.. but it doesn't work very well yet. Of course influenes
tickle around the edges of it, due to permission issues or the