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We Stopped Beleiving In Witches, When's The Bibles Turn?

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posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 05:59 PM
The salem witch trials were because of some mold ... almost like '___' ... was forming on something ... that they were eating I am not srue the whole story ... but I read a research paper on it about 4 years ago. Anyways there were real witches and there are real Angels and Demons. If you do not believe it. Just get sober one day and go to a church preferibly Charismatic. If you do and the church thier believs in the holy ghost. And follows gods teachings I promise that you will be able to feel gods presence. If you try and open up to him and that is the easiest thing in the world. Because he already knows you and what you have and will go through.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 06:03 PM
ok witches, IS AN EXAMPLE. Would you prefere dragons? fairies? Pixies even!? IMPs?! GNOMEs?! ....... example.

When I enter a church, it feels like I am entering a library, so quiet and such. I cant stand the atmosphere. This man standing up infront of me, telling me how a "god" wants me to live my life. I have morals, and know what is wrong and what is right. I dont need some flashed up preacher that looks like he just jumped out of the medievil times restaurant telling me how HIS god wants me to be.

I aplogize for offending you, and everyone else who this may have offended. Sorry. Except the person above me. I am not an alchoholic, I probably drink and get drunk maybe twice a month.

[edit on 22-1-2005 by _BLiND_]

[edit on 22-1-2005 by _BLiND_]

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 07:55 PM

but here it goes, over 100 first hand accounts of Jesus written down and submitted

can you please provide sources?

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 08:16 PM
100 firsthand accounts that jesus existed? In the bible correct.....dont u think this is abit biased? I never said jesus didnt exist, i just think he was a looney claiming to be the son of god.
Jim Jones existed, how about Manson even? These people had their beliefs and started a cult, which what chritianity was at first, just when more and more people join the "cult" it becomes a religion.
Also i never stated that kids should be tort to be athiests, i just said tell the kids only what we know of the world through scientific fact, insted of teaching them half truths and lies through religion.
When they reach the mature adult age of 18 they are open to find the religion they want, without any bias toward any religion........even though if this was in place i cant really see a texan red neck studying Taoism.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 09:22 PM
and i'm saying the only way to successfully complete that task they would need to be taught every religion, including science, for the least amount of bias as possible. You can't teach someone science ever since their born with their impressionable minds, and expect them to have a non-biased approach in terms of a God. You would say the world started this way or that way, and then their would be no thoughts of God. But what if you introduced all of the concepts together and let them choose their own path from there. That would be the ultimate freewil.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 10:22 PM
Why cant religion and science co-exhist? They dont contradict each other.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 10:57 PM
i'm not saying they do, but to only speak of science would contradict of religion, as the opposite would do the same. Religion is not outdated, people need it, it is a lot our strongholds. It's like in Shallow Hal even though he is dating those ugly girls he sees them as beautiful, even though no one else does. Than his friend has the person come back and take the curse off of him and now these hot girls are ugly... the way i am relating these two is like this. Even if religion is stupid some of us precieve it as something beautiful and a neccesity and even if you could disprove it, some people need it to help them, including myself, it means everything, and if you could prove it wrong i wouldn't want to see it differently because i am HAPPY now.... Everyone's own happiness is very important and crucial. That is my take on it... that is why it isn't outdated. Call me ignorant if you want, but that is the truth.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 11:49 PM
Blind i'm loving you work in this forum mate, Keep it up

I also share you vision for a world where the idea of a "creator" is as laughing as hunting down innocent women at "witch" trials.

What is wrong with the people here claiming witches exist?! We're not here to talk about that and Frankly dont care!

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 12:04 AM
Religion does bring people happiness and a sense of purpose in their life, but this is a self delusion that i do not think that future generations should go through. I am searcher for the truth and i dont plain to delude my kids into believing a certain thing just so they have a sense of purpose.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 02:03 AM
We are not "claiming" witches ecist, we are TELLING you they exist. If they didn't my mom wouldn't exist, or LadyV, or several of my freinds.

Anyways, Bible is about as reliable as toilet paper, except toilet paper serves a purpose.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 02:25 AM
Without God there wouldnt be a universe.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by _BLiND_
You proved my point, Mankind does not have an answer... must be God.

I dont have the answer. You dont have the answer. Let's say a bunch of tiny gorillas about the size of an apple created the world. Maybe a purple leprichaun with his hair on fire created the world? ... Just as feasible as a higher being.

[Edit: Had to get my sarcastic bits in there]

[edit on 22-1-2005 by _BLiND_]

well what do you believe in then? its soo sad to see another person who spends thier time trying to debunk someones religion... its even sadder to see someone who doesnt believe that theres a place to go after we die.... why follow the rules if when you die you are nothing?? wheres the good in that... im officially discusted

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Anyways, Bible is about as reliable as toilet paper, except toilet paper serves a purpose.

Anyways, witches are as real as toilet paper, except toilet paper serves a purpose

frankly yours.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 03:30 AM

Anyways, witches are as real as toilet paper, except toilet paper serves a purpose

you might just find how real witches are. you may well have just kisded over a bloody hornets nest, as there are several here. including myself and wife.

you know it has been said it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

i guess its a little late for you to take that advise.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 03:44 AM
im suprised this thread is still going... there is a reason people believe in the bible and you will see it in your life time. End of Story. I gave you a reason to drop the whole arguement going on this thread. Of course there is a supreme being, the reason you can't concieve of this is because you can't think of anything greater than your own being. Some of us have found truth, yes it makes us happy, and guess what, some crap in life isn't just coincidence. Just wait though, in time you will see what you doubted sooooo dearly!

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 05:02 AM

Of course there is a supreme being, the reason you can't concieve of this is because you can't think of anything greater than your own being.

The difference here is that people claim there is a surpreme being that they know about, so yes they concieve it and they try to make up dogmas and false phophets who claim to hear this surpreme beings thoughts.
I never said there isnt a enitity out there the is totaly above all comprehension of the human mind. It annoys me when people say they do comphrehend this enitity, as many christians do.
So if i cant comprehend this enitity, then what should i comprehend? Myself, to get in a touch of a philisohpical arguement...all i know that truely exists is myself, so yes i will focus on exploring myself (i know that sounds bad haha) and maybe i will find this enitity in myself rather than up in the "sky".

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 05:47 AM
First off I am not here to debunk anyones religion. What someones beliefs are I am not saying anyone is wrong. This is a thread everyone uses to explain their own perspective about the world around them. The truth is that none of us really know what the "TRUTH" is. In my eyes I believe for myself that what really matters is the person that you are. How you treat people. I do this with no organized religion in my life. I feel that I do not need a benevolent God to make me act a certain way in accord to his "Word". I think of the God in most organized religions not as benevolent as it should seem. The story goes that God loves everyone. If I am wrong and there is an almighty power, thenI will continue to Heaven without my prayers or belief in that God. Then being the good person I try to be without God is ok also. On the other hand, I have heard of this same God to cast out the ones without such praise to him/her/whoever. In that case I would be rejected from the love of God along with billions of other people that either feel like I do or are a part of another organized religion different views. In that case said, I would like to have nothing to do with that God for that would be a total contradiction in what I think is morally right. Science has its flaws also with a tremendous amount of theories that either can or cannot be proven or textbooks made out with an agenda and not based completely factual. I rather look at those theories and hard evidence of science because those at least have an attempt of being proven true unlike ancient written texts. I will continue to be myself without a God to lead me and I will teach my children to be good people. Help people and treat with care the world/environment. One thing I will not do is shelter them and allow them to think my way is right to not believe in a God. I want my children to ask questions but not for me to just help them find answers , I will include input from many sources and let them decide on their own answers. That way I can also learn from them.

PS sorry for the "sermon" and the plethora of Gods and I's and buts in there.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 11:35 AM
If you believe in the Bible, by definition you believe in the classical witch. Samuel conjures a witch to divine the future, Simon Magus dies in a contest with biblical phophets. There are various other stories about Magicians in the Bible, especially in Egypt.

Maybe we need to define what a witch is ?

A witch for pratical purposes is a person able to control the Natural forces around us (Nature).

There was a Previous post about a Witch being someone that understood the pharmacuetical effects of the Foxglove, Marigolds, and the 100,000 other plants that todays drug industry processes and packages to save your life. This is an important point, and can be directly related to historical records. As the medical profession grew into a professionally licensed industry in Europe, the midwifes guild competition was too much for them. So they labeled them as witches. The womens knowledge ( occult ) of the secrets of Nature and how to control these secrets, was a threat. so they were killed.

Ergot was the mold that grew on bread, and it does have effects simalar to '___'. The tragedy was ergot grew on the bread of the poor and uneducated. The ruling classes took full advantage of the effects during the middle ages and ensuing Witch hunts.
A witch was associated with Cats, Brooms, kettles, etc. All of these are items that women in the middle ages required to keep a House. The cat hunted rats. ( maybe more cats would have kept the Bubonic plague from becoming the disaster it was). The broom to clean house, the kettle to feed her Family, on and on. These associations continue to this day in cartoons and movies, holloween etc. how did a Lady take care of her home without these items in the middle was a Catch-22 , and she paid with her life. the Hypocrisy of politics and wealth were just as tragic 500 years ago as they are today.

Go to a Las Vegas Magic show. They would never be allowed to leave the stage alive if they performed their act 500 years ago. are they a witch? no, but any technology not available to the general public is viewed as magic.

Does a Witch in the classical sense exist today? They do, they must. Nature is a divine force and carries with her divine powers ( God). Does Tapping into those powers make you or me or anyone else a Witch? did it make Moses, or Samuel or Solomon or any of the hundred other examples in the Bible a Witch? what we call a Witch, God may be calling a Prophet, or a Messenger, or an Angel. We need to be carefull what what we do not understand.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 01:23 PM
I do not understand how in the world you or anyone else can dignify or rationalize witchcraft with explanations of medicine and aid. That is absurd. The Bible clearly states to avoid witchcraft, do not conjure spirits or consult mediums and so forth and so forth. I would only assume that anyone that tries to make excuses for witchcraft or to downgrade it's danger could not be a Christian. To try and conjure spirits or use witchcraft is to try and emulate GOD. Try and remember what happened when SATAN tried it.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by deesw
I do not understand how in the world you or anyone else can dignify or rationalize witchcraft with explanations of medicine and aid. That is absurd. The Bible clearly states to avoid witchcraft, do not conjure spirits or consult mediums and so forth and so forth.

Not everyone is Christian....not everyone believes in the bible...."you" believe, but it' doesn't mean it's true...

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