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Originally posted by wang
I see hoenstly what you are trying to get at, and i agree with you 100 percent. But its not as easy as u make it out to be, the sad thing is that christianity and islam are both growing.....
Now i wont slag on anyone religion, but religion is out of date. The christian church use to teach people that the sky was like a dome, and the stars were hanging off the roof, this is the only way they could explain the sky, and as we now know that is a ridiculous teaching. Christianity has always played on the "how can u be sure?" arguement, always playing on peoples ignorance. In todays modern world with science explaining the universe and the world, christianity is now playing on what we dont know again, anything we cant explain is the work of god. Yes its a very frustrating point trying to persuade a fanatic christian that maybe just maybe their god acturly didnt do anything. Anywho the only way i can see religion dieing out is when a theory of mine comes in to place.
Now any person with a logical and fair mind can see the merit of my theory.
I think that religion should be absolutely illegal to anyway under 18, and only scientfic theories should be teached to them, and if they ask how the world was created, they are told what we do know through science and if they ask somethign that cant be explain they get the simply reply of "we dont know how or why" then when the reach the age of 18, which is considerd in most places the age when a child becomes a adult, they are given every religious text they want. The bible, koran, torah, kabbala, the satanic bible, hindu texts, buddism texts, etc etc. Then at this age where there mind are not impressionable and they can make a decision for themselves on what they believe, not what is pushed into their brains at a young age. So if all of these religions really are so enlighten, and so "right" then this person who has no initial contact with any belief of any sort can decide for themselves what to believe.
If this could be applied to every newborn on this planet from today, i gurantee that all organised religions will become little cults. The one god figure that has been worshiped for so long will become like the paegen gods. This is the day that humanity will take its next step in evolution and that all citizens on this planet will open their minds to new things they never thought was concievable, and they world will see a new age of knowledge. This will become the humanity golden age.
Yet with people like GW in charge of the most powerful country in the world....doesnt look like the golden age is comming anytime to soon.....even though it is my one wish to break the chains on humanity from religion, just wish it would be in my life time.
Originally posted by _BLiND_
Do not teach the child to be an athiest, Do not teach the child anything, let them come to you and ask you questions and let them choose what THEY want to beleive, not what YOU want them to beleive.
Prove to me that jesus existed. Gospels... ...written by people who beleive he existed. Religion is about selfishness, not nessicarily individual selfishness, but overall. Mankind thinking he is some special little creation and when its all over, we get to sit at the feet of an all powerful god, and he loves us and blah blah blah.
So just because a book says he existed means he did? It is a book, just because it uses names and places of real, doesn't mean it is fact. Who knows, in 10,000 years someone might find "snow white: and hte seven dwarves" and interpret it as a goddess and the dwarves are dieties.
[edit on 22-1-2005 by _BLiND_]
Originally posted by Ryanp5555
i know those aren't accurate portraits, im providing you with examples of why your thinking is flawed. Again, we will never get over this one point, but here it goes, over 100 first hand accounts of Jesus written down and submitted.
Originally posted by _BLiND_
Actually I knew it was called the Shroud of Turin, I just didn't want to look TOO much like an idiot, if I was wrong.
They took peices of the corners? ... I didn't know there was blood on the corners. They took samples of bloody cloth as wel, atleast I thought. Why in the hell would you restore such a religious artifact?
How is my thinking flawed? You beleive in Christ, Therefore you have the flawed thoughts. You beleive in an ancient super hero..... Sorry to snap back, but you should not insult someone else for beleiving that there never was a Jesus. (even though it was a minor "zing")
If jesus existed, you would think there would be 1 unified religion. I mean your talking about jesus here, the son of the all-mighty. If he was the son of the all-mighty, then how come his predictions were wrong? Did he not say that the world was going to end in HIS generation...I dont know about predictions and how accurate they have to be...but going on 2000 yrs. He's a little off.
Guess what would happen If everyone stopped using condoms, no more illness, no murders, wars etc blahblahblah,
Originally posted by llpoolej
We are certainly not above the ten commandments(for anyone, they are a good set of life rules! No matter what you believe) OBVIOUSLY we do not know right from wrong. Ever watch the news?? Murders, war, cruelty and abuse are rampant.
Could you imagine if all followed the goldern rule?? Do unto others as you would have done to you? There is the solution to war and every other evil right there!
We are not that advanced. We have not grown above religion. I think most religions do have a set of codes very similar to the 10 commandments and the golden rule