Well here are a couple of links and book references....really all you have to do is a search and you'll hit many reputable historical sites to
validate this...it's just plain history
1) The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine, pg. 8, 9 (republished 1984, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY)
2) George Washington and Religion by Paul F. Boller Jr., pg. 16, 87, 88, 108, 113, 121, 127 (1963, Southern Methodist University Press, Dallas TX)
3) The Character of John Adams by Peter Shaw, Pg. 17 (1976, North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill NC)
4) John Adams, a Biography in His Own Words, edited by James Peabody, pg. 403 (1973, Newsweek, New York, NY) quoting letter by JA to Jefferson April
19, 1817
5) Thomas Jefferson, Passionate Pilgrim by Alf Mapp Jr., pg. 311 (1991, Madison Books, Lanham MD) quoting letter by TJ to Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse June
26, 1811
6) Thomas Jefferson, An Intimate History by Fawn M. Brodie pg. 453 (1974, W. W. Norton & Co. Inc., New York, NY) quoting letter by TJ to Alexander
Smyth Jan. 17, 1825
7) Thomas Jefferson, Passionate Pilgrim by Alf Mapp Jr., pg. 246 (1991, Madison Books, Lanham MD_ quoting letter by TJ to John Adams July 5, 1814
8) The Madisons by Virginia Moore, pg. 43 (1979, McGraw-Hill CO., New York NY) quoting letter by JM to William Bradford April 1, 1774
9) James Madison, a Biography in His Own Words, edited by Joseph Gardner, pg. 93 (1974, Newsweek, New York NY) quoting Memorial and Remonstrance
against Religious Assessments by JM June 1785
10) Religion of the American Enlightenment by G. Adolf Koch, pg. 40 (1968, Thomas Crowell Co., New York NY) quoting preface and pg. 352 of Reason, the
Only Oracle of Man by EA 1784
11) A Sense of History compiled by American Heritage Press Inc., pg. 103 (1985, American Heritage Press Inc., New York, NY
12) Benjamin Franklin, A Biography in His Own Words edited by Thomas Fleming, pg. 404 (1972, Newsweek, New York NY) quoting letter by BF to Ezra
Stiles March 9, 1790
This is just a good interesting site to me