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We Stopped Beleiving In Witches, When's The Bibles Turn?

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posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 06:58 AM
link that they take the Bible literally. But it is so obvious that it can not be taken literally! The Bible is not history.

What the Bible is, is a set of tales about the human nature, which is unchanged throught the centuries. What the Bible says about the human condition is true for this era as well as 2000 or 3000 years ago.

The real value of the Bible is its sociological analysis; especially in the new Testament and the appearance of Jesus. It is actually the teachings of Jesus that can elevate a society from jungle to civilized status.

I understand that it is very diffcult for people to accept the fact that their 'holy' writings are not holy at all. One has to use pure logic and science in order to find out how the Bible is not history.

Another thing that many people do not understand is that by saying the Bible is not true, one does not deny God. Indeed, the existence of God is something totally irrelevant to the Bible, or any religion! Those who think that God may favor one particular flavor of his creations are totally mistaken. God is not Christian, nor Muslim, nor Hindu. God is God. It is the supreme being, above all religions and all theories and texts.

Religions are man's creation. It is a set of beliefs and laws developed so as that there is law & order. In order to keep the masses from running wild, religions were born. The fear of the supernatural was the only force that could be used for keeping the masses quiet. It is still used wildly throughout the world.

So believing in the Bible has nothing to do with believing in God. I don't believe in the Bible, so what? I will be judged on my actions, not my beliefs...and that is a rule for all people of all around the globe.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 07:01 AM

Absence of god caused the hole in the ozone layer? Wow. I didn't know that

That's not what I'm talking about and you know it. I'm talking about children murdering children, homosexuals and other sexula deviants running rampant, abortions, rapes, lying, cheating, suicide bombings, planes being crashed into buildings. I can go on and on. Look at this country's history. The further along we have come, the more we have cast asside God the higher the crime rate went, percentage wise divorce is higher than ever in history, homosexuality, bestiality, rape, pedophiles, and molestations are higher than ever before. Think about it.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 07:04 AM

the existence of God is something totally irrelevant to the Bible, or any religion

Dude, Ive said this on here before, pick a side of the fence and stay there. To believe in God and yet say he has nothing to do with the Bible is just backstepping. You must be a lawyer.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by deesw
I'm talking about children murdering children, homosexuals and other sexula deviants running rampant, abortions, rapes, lying, cheating, suicide bombings, planes being crashed into buildings.

I see you managed to slip in some of your own homophobic views.. they are not deviants. As for everything else.. these things have ALWAYS existed [except for flying planes into buildings.. but thats just a weapon of choice.] ..belief in god has never prevented 'evil'.

I can go on and on.

We noticed.

Look at this country's history.

My country is not an american state.

The further along we have come, the more we have cast asside God the higher the crime rate went, percentage wise divorce is higher than ever in history, homosexuality, bestiality, rape, pedophiles, and molestations are higher than ever before. Think about it.

Yes I have.. [ommiting homosexuality] causes are poverty, cycles of abuse, commercialism, RELIGION, racism, ignorance [especially- just look at this thread] and power. etc.. And last I checked suicide bombers do it for Allah.. same god of the OT.

Obviously you did not read my 'judge not lest ye be judged' post. Do you ignore what words are inconvenient in the bible as well? You can't seriously expect me to believe you actually CARE about all the 'evil' in the world given the biggoted bile you have spewed on this thread.. never have I heared you promoting 'love thy neighbour'.. only hate.. and guess what evil is based on?

[edit on 27-1-2005 by riley]

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by deesw

the existence of God is something totally irrelevant to the Bible, or any religion

Dude, Ive said this on here before, pick a side of the fence and stay there. To believe in God and yet say he has nothing to do with the Bible is just backstepping. You must be a lawyer.

Why should I? think about it for a while...when we say 'God', we mean the suprime being, that has created all of the people of Earth!. Then that God is for all people.

I stay away from religious conflicts, because they are stupid. We never gonna know why and how the universe was created, so it is silly to discuss about this God and that God.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 11:26 AM
Why do people need to believe in anything? Are we so modern that we don't need anything to have faith in anymore?

No. The earth is huge, the universe is just astonishing. Look at the size of a person compared to the vast universe. We are merely a speck. Can we really define everything out there or even everything on the planet? We are still discovering what is on the next planet over, much less what's out in the next galaxy. Heck, we barely know what is under the seas on our own planet. We can't even figure out how to cure renegade cells gone mad in our own bodies. What is behind all of this? Is there a god? What makes up god and where does he come from?

Noone really knows the answers and I don't know if any live person will know the answers. But while people are alive, sometimes people need a little faith, something to rest easily upon, knowing that the universe is kept in check by something, whether it be science or religion. Is there anything wrong with either one? No.

Not everyone is meant to be a scientist. I have seen people who's lives have become as meaningless as sniffing glue on a daily basis. I've seen these people "find Jesus" and become more productive in society. You see, religion is not as evil as some of you make it out to be. People have used religion in vain and have caused many evils in the name of god. But you cannot blame religion on that. That's like blaming the car for the person who was run over by the drunken driver.

I am speaking as an outsider, I have never "found Jesus", yet I tried often, because I grew up in a Christian household. I can say, however, that I have seen Christianity do many good things. As for other religions, I'm sure there is much good in them too. I know one Muslim, and he does not believe in killing all the infidels or whatever the religion is being hijacked for now. So, in turn, I believe that there must be other many good Muslims in this world.

For all of you scientists, that's fine, you do not need religion in your life, but is there any reason you should keep it out of the lives of others? Believe me, we are not as advanced as a people as you would like to think. If you think we are so advanced, I suggest you walk through some run down inner cities, or maybe some thirld world countries.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 05:06 PM
You can beleive in a supreme being, but not the bible. The bible is just a corrupted story. MasterP said it best. Look up there.

Deesw, you think that in ancient times when religion ruled the world there wasn't rape, murder, suicide, cheating, lieing, homosexuality? You are horribly wrong my friend. And how have we casted God asside? Religions are growing day by day, you cannot say social F___ ups do these things because they have lost there faith or never had it. That is ridiculous.

Haha, How does that make sense, the reason why Planes crashing into buildings and suicide car bombers are from a lack of religion? Are you stupid? They are doing it because of there religion, and aslo, its sad but that is the only way to get your point across anymore.

Hmmm divorce has a much higher rate now adays? Maybe because back then, divorce was against the law.

Deesw, you have a hard time understanding mildly difficult concepts dont you? You can beleive in God without the bible, because the bible is just a book of morals, written by MAN, for MAN. You dont have to be christian and read the christian bible to beleive in the exact same God you do.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 05:22 PM

CARE about all the 'evil' in the world given the biggoted bile you have spewed on this thread.. never have I heared you promoting 'love thy neighbour'.. only hate.. and guess what evil is based on?

Never have I said I hate anyone. I can love you but hate the things you do. So what country is yours then, and how do you figure homosexuals are not deviants? Men's parts are not meant to go together, neither were womem's parts. Men and women were made for one another. Stop calling me names,,, I got warned for calling someone like you a fruit earlier, but you can call me a biggot? I don't think so.
By the way I am not a homophobe! I fear no homosexual, I pity them.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 05:31 PM
You need to be knocked off your high horse deesw. I garauntee there are numerous people on this thread that Pity you. You are so set in your ways and are not willing to look outside your book.

I like you how you only defend yourself when you can think of something to say, other then that you ignore it.
So many falacies in your attempts to defend your point of veiw.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 05:33 PM

Deesw, you have a hard time understanding mildly difficult concepts dont you? You can beleive in God without the bible, because the bible is just a book of morals, written by MAN, for MAN. You dont have to be christian and read the christian bible to beleive in the exact same God you do

You cannot believe in God without believing in the Bible. The Bible is God's word. It was given to man to write. Your thought processes are so scary. I can't comprehend how someone can be as arrogant as you and most of the people on here, to think you are sinless, and to not see that the breakdown in society is the direct result of people like you who dismiss God to do whatever you want to do and that noone should have anything to say about it.

I'm curious, do you believe that we should have laws at all?

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 05:37 PM

You need to be knocked off your high horse deesw

My quoting laws and regulations getting to you blind whoever?
Why do you only seem to defend that which the majority of society considers wrong? Do you have the little man syndrome? Do you feel that you have to take up for the underdog just so you can be different and defiant? You seem to be quite a violent person.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by deesw
You seem to be quite a violent person.

well you do seem to have a way of bringing out the best in people.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by deesw

the existence of God is something totally irrelevant to the Bible, or any religion

Dude, Ive said this on here before, pick a side of the fence and stay there. To believe in God and yet say he has nothing to do with the Bible is just backstepping. You must be a lawyer.
Have you found the answers yet to the very simple question I asked; was Jesus dead or alive when he was seen at his tomb and thereafter?

Why haven't you?

Was it that difficult a question for a man of the robe? It seems so. So turn your attention away from a woman who declares herself a witch but has does you no harm, and pay attention to the wizard you revere called Jesus, and the necromantics whose words you believe, and defend this ghost and zombie raiser of yours.

Was Jesus dead or alive?

[edit on 1/27/05 by SomewhereinBetween]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 04:11 AM
Deesw, I think I am sinless? I honestly dont care if I am or not. God Doesn't Exist. Haha, all I have to do is repent before I die anyways. Please, that alone is just to get more people into your mainstream global cult. Just repent and all is forgiven. Read the STORIES in your little book, and tell me all God would want is an apology. He has killed millions of people, your apology would be uselss. He kills millions of people, yet is the God of love and kindness? Too many contradictions.

My thought processes are scary?
I would make the same comment back to you, except you do not really have any thought processes, besides the ones imprinted on you from a man in a ridiculous robe and the words from a book.

I may dismiss God, but I dont go around raping people, lieing, stealing, murdering. I have my own morals, I didn't have to be programmed like you.

Haha quoting laws and regulations? What have you quoted? I have seen you spew morals from the big book of toilet paper, but no actual quotes.

Deesw, How do I seem to be violent? I have never said anything related to violence in this thread. Except for saying that you need to be knocked off your high horse, which actually has nothing to do with violence because it is just a phrase. I could have said that you need to step back into reality. And I am actually a very mellow person, but when someone so blinded by a book of fables thinks he is rightious and above all others, it is rather annoying.

Do I feel like I have to stick up for the underdog? Yes, the underdog is the only person worth sticking up for. I do not stick up for the underdog just to be defient, I stick up for them because I share the same opinion (in this case). If you actually take a look around, YOU are the underdog here deews, but since I think you are absolutly mental, I do not stick up for you.

You CAN beleive in the bible without beleiving in God. How can you even say the bible is Gods word? It is written by MAN translated and re-written countless times, and you also cannot say that God told him what to write, because that is a form of sorcery, (talking to a higher source) and in your religion that is forbidden.

Look up the definition of sorcery and then tell me the bible was not written by man, in mans words, for man.

Deesw how can you have un wavering faith, when some of the most revered men in your faith like little boys? Religion is lunacy, you would no doubt be one of the men screaming and maming people for thinking the world was round. (along time ago)

If society changed tomorrow and MENs laws were changed. Guess what?! The "Neo-Testiment" would come out, But I guess you would consider those being the word of God also. The bible has changed with society just keep more mindless people as yourself under control.

Religion is just because people are scared of dieing, scared that they maybe are insignifficant, scared that there life was in vain, scared they are not the special little creation being watched over, scared that death is the end. They need something to beleive to stop from killing themselves.

[Edit: Spelling]

[edit on 28-1-2005 by _BLiND_]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 05:47 AM

Have you found the answers yet to the very simple question I asked; was Jesus dead or alive when he was seen at his tomb and thereafter?

I didn't realize that you asked that question. He was alive, please don't try and turn this into something it is not. I can see clearly that you twist and pervert God's word to get what you want out of it.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 05:57 AM

I may dismiss God, but I dont go around raping people, lieing, stealing, murdering. I have my own morals, I didn't have to be programmed like you.

Soooo, you've made up your own widdle set of morals have you? Morals that you alone accept? Why do you feel that you can do whatever you want and have no price to pay for it?You sound like a rebelious teenager struggling for excuses to get you off the hook.
Try and remember that all the things that you read and believe were written by man as well.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by deesw

Soooo, you've made up your own widdle set of morals have you? Morals that you alone accept? Why do you feel that you can do whatever you want and have no price to pay for it?You sound like a rebelious teenager struggling for excuses to get you off the hook.
Try and remember that all the things that you read and believe were written by man as well.

Just like a lot of Christians do! They agree with this, this, this part of the bible, so I'll follow it, but I don't/can't do, this, this, and this, so I won't follow it.....your own bible tells you not to get drunk, no porn, your not to lust after woman....that means no hanging with the guys making remarks and looking, no looking at's done anyway....but boy those same ones will sure belittle gays though and do a lot of "judging"....and you are not god, therefore you have no idea what is in someone's heart

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by deesw
Never have I said I hate anyone.

You didn't need to.

I can love you but hate the things you do.

On more than one occasion I've seen you tell people they deserve to burn in a lake of fire [or something similar].. someone who wants another to be in agony for eternity definently does not hold any love for them.

So what country is yours then,

I'm an aussie.. I was just pointing out that not all members here are Americans.

Stop calling me names,,, I got warned for calling someone like you a fruit earlier, but you can call me a biggot? I don't think so.

I'm pretty sure I've remained in the guidlines.. I was just being honest and you have said MANY biggoted and offensive things.. if you want to pretend you are NOT a biggot because it would make you immoral and therefore unchristian:
Simple eh?

By the way I am not a homophobe! I fear no homosexual, I pity them.

Sure you're not.. but why are you so concerned with what they do? Judge not etc. [Well you could give tolerence a try at least].

[edit on 28-1-2005 by riley]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by deesw

Have you found the answers yet to the very simple question I asked; was Jesus dead or alive when he was seen at his tomb and thereafter?

I didn't realize that you asked that question. He was alive, please don't try and turn this into something it is not. I can see clearly that you twist and pervert God's word to get what you want out of it.
You did not realise I asked? Not once but twice before? Okay, I will forgive you. Well then if he was alive it stands to reason that he was not dead. Of course I take it that you realise I ask the question relative to his resurrection, or I would have to say that your interpretative skills place you at an extreme disadvantage, and I do not like to take advantage of disadvantage, it generally leads to having to explain everything. Having said that, Congratulations! You agree with a church father of 1900 years ago. And who better to know than one who professes to have been informed by those who roamed with his disciples?

Having established that he was alive and not dead, that makes all of your argument moot, the gospels a lie, and therefore the doctrine you believe in.

Perhaps you care to plead that you misunderstood now, and declare him dead at his resurrection? Or perhaps just to declare he came alive again?

[edit on 1/28/05 by SomewhereinBetween]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:36 AM

I'm pretty sure I've remained in the guidlines.. I was just being honest and you have said MANY biggoted and offensive things.. if you want to pretend you are NOT a biggot because it would make you immoral and therefore unchristian:

I really wish you people would stop saying the whole judging thing. You judge me with every post I make. When you don't agree with what I say or do, it's acceptable. When I don't agree with you, I'm a biggot? Whatever dude.

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