deesw..No, Witches do not sacrifice anything...we have an affinity with nature. Yes, there are bad witches, just as there are bad Christians, Jews, &
Muslims...there is good and bad in all things. Witches are not of evil, but some witches do evil things just like there are Christians, Jews, &
Muslims that do evil things. I wish you would research a bit and learn...Wicca is a very gentle, nature religion. As to animals...yes, I am an animal
fanatic, no doubt about it. I belong to many animals advocate groups, earn my living working with animals....I understand them....they need us, but
that's a whole other thread
The thing is, you have to learn that just because a person is not a Christian, doesn't make them bad, or evil.....
So...Lets start with what witches ARE NOT! We are not evil! We have NOTHING to with Satan, or any other negative energy force, an we DO NOT sacrifice
anything, the thought of killing something makes me physically ill!! One of the rules/laws of Wicca that we adhere to, that we live by, is the Three
fold law of the universe: What ever energy you send out, good or bad, WILL return to you, three fold! You've heard this before, phrased as, "what
goes around, comes around". A short version of, "The Wiccan Rede":
Bide the Wiccan Law ye must.
In perfect love, in perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill,
An it harm none, do what ye will.
And ever mind the Law of Three
What you send out comes back to thee.
Follow this in mind and heart,
Merry Meet and Merry Part.
We do not harm is against out faith to even harm ourselves.....for whatever we do, will come back to us three or nine fold
Below is a copy of something off my web page so while it is a copy and is a copy and paste of my own writing.....I have posted it
I had to add this page to my site because I keep coming across people who tell me they want to be a witch because they want to be able "cast spells"
or make someone "love" them or they want to be "special" or "impress" someone. This type of talk upsets me, really bothers my husband (also a
witch), and annoys other witches as well!
So what is it "to be a witch"? Well, for starters, it is a way of life, a state of being. It is who and what you are. It is not about making someone
love you, running around saying, "I'm A Witch", or trying to prove to people that your something "special". Being a witch is something within
you. You breath it, dream it, you live it! To be a witch means in part, that you have taken responsibility for your own life and many of the things
that surround that life.To be a witch, is to be a part of all that surrounds you, of the creatures that you share your world with. It is to be one
with all things of nature; the trees, the sky, the earth, the oceans. To feel with them and to understand that you are connected with all things, "as
above, so below" all things are tied together within our world. What you do to "it/them" you also do to "yourself/us". To understand and live to be a witch.
To be a witch, is to have respect for all of nature. It is to hear her cry in the storms or her laughter on a warm breeze. It is to understand and
feel the unseen world around you. The world that is always there, hidden to those that choose not to see it.
To be a witch is also to understand that we can change the energies around us through the use of our own energies to bring about the desired end
result. It is to understand the power of prayer...YES we pray, probably more than most religions. Who do we pry to? Well, that depends on the witch. I
personally pray to the "The Lord and Lady" , the mother earth and our father who is in the heavens, for there is both male and female.
In being a Witch, we acknowledge there or other beings, we do not worship any entity as superior, and though we may recognize the existence of other
entities , we believe in the equality of all beings in the Universe, seeing them as different, separate, but never superior or inferior. We may call
the Goddess and the God as representatives of the creative force of the Universe, but will usually call on other spirits as well, each being seen as a
separate and equal entity. We believe there is a Spirit World or Other World where these other entities reside. Most do not see this as actually
separate from this world, but rather a part of it that is usually unseen. Thus, the spirits who are contacted during ritual are already there but may
be conjured or evoked to facilitate communication.
Being a witch does not mean that we are special, on the contrary, we are like everyone else, We get married, have children, wreck the car, have
disagreements, get depressed, get fired, have insecurities, argue with the neighbors, love our families, and adore our pets. In other words we have
all the same ups and downs that anyone else does. The difference is, we understand the laws of the universe that throw these happenings upon us, we
understand the laws of cause and effect.We do not sacrifice anything, human or animal. We do not worship a devil or Satan. We do however, understand
that the universe is and has to be both negative and positive, male and female in order for it to flow at an even keel!
We do not get angry and cast spells or hexes on others due to the fact the we practice responsibility, and ethics, and while the "Rule of Three" is
a "Wiccan" rule, most Witches do believe in the old adage, "What goes Around, Comes Around". Being a witch is not like The Craft, The Witches Of
Eastwick, or Sabrina. It is nothing like Hollywood portrays it to be. Our Pentagram/pentacle IS NOT used upside down (inverted), but only right side
up The inverted pentagram is used to represent Christianities Satan. WE DO NOT USE AN INVERTED PENTAGRAM.
I hope this has helped you some..if not, I do not what else to do nor will I try..I've done all I can