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We Stopped Beleiving In Witches, When's The Bibles Turn?

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posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:39 AM

Having established that he was alive and not dead, that makes all of your argument moot, the gospels a lie, and therefore the doctrine you believe in

How do you figure that that makes the gospels wrong? It was fortold for centuries that he would rise from the grave and live again. Get your facts straight and stop trying to twist and pervert the scriptures to try and win an arguement.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by deesw
I really wish you people would stop saying the whole judging thing. You judge me with every post I make.

Actually.. I have made observations.. you have made judgements [including telling people they are going to burn in hell habbitually.. are you God?
I merely pointed out that this is contrary to Christ's teachings.

When you don't agree with what I say or do, it's acceptable. When I don't agree with you, I'm a biggot? Whatever dude.

So you want the right to make biggoted statements without people reacting? We can disagree- that is fine but you can do it in a more respectful manner.. crying innocent 'persecuted christian' now after it was YOUR initial persecuting that got people's back up is ludicrous.

[edit on 30-1-2005 by riley]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:59 AM

Actually.. I have made observations.. you have made judgements [including telling people they are going to burn in hell habbitually.. are you God?]

No you have judged as well. It's like a courtroom drama,,,, Your honor I've done nothing wrong at all,,,,, He called me a name and tried to kill me for no reason at all. You are not innocent.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by deesw
No you have judged as well. It's like a courtroom drama,,,, Your honor I've done nothing wrong at all,,,,, He called me a name and tried to kill me for no reason at all. You are not innocent.

I have formed opinions of you based on your own words.. you however have formed opinions purely on what group a person belongs to.

I credit you though as your posts are beginning to become a little more diplomatic. Keep up the good work.

[edit on 30-1-2005 by riley]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:38 AM

I credit you though as your posts are beginning to become a little more diplomatic. Keep up the good work.

Well I thank you greatly for your approval.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 12:30 PM
""""That's not what I'm talking about and you know it. I'm talking about children murdering children, homosexuals and other sexula deviants running rampant, abortions, rapes, lying, cheating, suicide bombings, planes being crashed into buildings. I can go on and on. Look at this country's history. The further along we have come, the more we have cast asside God the higher the crime rate went, percentage wise divorce is higher than ever in history, homosexuality, bestiality, rape, pedophiles, and molestations are higher than ever before. Think about it""""""
Quoted from Dee.

I would strongly suggest you read the History of the United States far more carefully and without prejudice. 150 years ago women were raped without fear. Children worked in match factories and died before reaching puberty. if you wanted a Job you had to send your wife or sister to the township priest , who would then take liberties with her.
Entire families were ripped apart by the slave trade; i wont even begin to go into the lynchings and rapes and molestations that went on with the "God fearing church people" that owned slaves.
The Churches were corrupt, and deviant in a manner that would put people today to shame.

Some of the worst crimes commited in this worlds history are when Religious leaders recieve political power. They believe they have the power of God, and are doing Gods work. In this mindset murder, rape, Genocide, molestation, deviant sexuality, torture, embezzlement become Holy and ordained by God. We have had enough of the "God Fearing" whackos

This country has not Cast God aside. This country has Cast Aside the people that believe they alone have the authority to decide Gods will, and good riddance to them. They do not have insight to God, nor his will. They have extreme Pride, Ego, self righteousness, and Immoral Beliefs, and have no place in this Nation any longer.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:01 PM

Some of the worst crimes commited in this worlds history are when Religious leaders recieve political power. They believe they have the power of God, and are doing Gods work. In this mindset murder, rape, Genocide, molestation, deviant sexuality, torture, embezzlement become Holy and ordained by God. We have had enough of the "God Fearing" whackos

Oh cry me a river,,,,,, look at statistics, crime is at it's greatest numbers in the history of man. Crime is much higher now than ever, and they have no connection to religious leaders axcept people have stopped listening to pastors and other Christians and have become self ritcheous. Things that have been morally and ethicly wrong for thousands of years are now all of a sudden supposed to be right and ok? I don't think so. Divorce is an accepted custom now, as homosexuality is getting to be, and abortions. Where do you draw the line between right and wrong?

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by deesw
Divorce is an accepted custom now, as homosexuality is getting to be, and abortions. Where do you draw the line between right and wrong?

As long as they hurt no one else, people can do as they please.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:22 PM
""crime is at it's greatest numbers in the history of man. Crime is much higher now than ever, and they have no connection to religious leaders axcept people have stopped listening to pastors and other Christians and have become self ritcheous. Things that have been morally and ethicly wrong for thousands of years are now all of a sudden supposed to be right and ok? I don't think so. Divorce is an accepted custom now, as homosexuality is getting to be, and abortions. Where do you draw the line between right and wrong"""

Well, ya there is more crime now than in the past. Do you think that might have something to do with there are more people now than any time in the past? in 100 years there will be more crime, simply because there will be more people.
pedophile priests, abusive and deviant church leaders, they are all sick and the churches themselves protect and cover up the abuse. The church will need to be upended one day.

right and wrong..? youdont know where to draw the line between right and wrong....? exactly what have you been reading in the Bible? its all in there;
1) treat others as you yourself would be treated
2) there is no greater love than to lay down your life for another
3) judge not, lest ye be judged
4) clothe, feed, and look after those that cannot
5) do not wrap yourself in the law.
6) do not condemn
7) live your life as a child of God

The Old testament is Laws and doctrines to justify puritanical viewpoints. That will entrap you into the maze of right and wrong, as it has already done so. What do Christians believe Jesus came to earth for? to lay down more laws that cannot be followed?
You cannot pick and choose what Jesus taught and did, and then run back to the old testament because another person lives as you dont approve. PIck one or the other or you will lose perspective. Men have corrupted the Bible, and these conflicts are a result.

That homeless man may be closer to God than the Pope, THAT is what Jesus taught. The person you call witch may be living to a higher divine purpose than your priest. The pagan may be following Jesus intention in looking after their neighbor, feeding and caring for someone that cannot. That is what was taught and practiced.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:29 PM
For thousands of years, deesw, crimes have been commited which have never gone to court. For the most part, for example, any crimes against women have been ignored, unless she happened to be a woman of stature, who had men to defend her. Otherwise it went unpunished.

Also, crimes went unreported, and there are few statistics for crimes in, say, the 11th century, unless it was a crime against the church. In that case, the criminal was dispatched in the most extreme and colourful manner, such as a burning at the stake or being drawn and quartered.

Lastly, there was not the police presence we have today. The formal procedure to bring an injustice to the Caliph, for instance, would be difficult and tedious.

The upshot is, IMO, there was as much crime then as now...we're just better at listening to victims and catching criminals.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:38 PM
Whatever masqua,,,,,, whatever you say,,,, but back to the original topic,,,, Witches.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by deeswHow do you figure that that makes the gospels wrong? It was fortold for centuries that he would rise from the grave and live again. Get your facts straight and stop trying to twist and pervert the scriptures to try and win an arguement.
I see I foretold correctly you would change that to having risen. First to your last point, kindly provide the OT predictions of the saviour dying and coming alive again in the flesh.

Now then, your shortsightedness is quite a hindrance to you, for you have not taken the time to understand first and foremost why his resurrection as told by the gospels is nothing more than myth told by men of limited imagination and by a sect of Judaism who wholeheartedly believed in resurrection.

There are many instances within the gospels themselves that I can cite for you which shows yes, he was in fact alive and not dead, which also gives credence to his never having died to begin with, but instead I gave you one from an early church father of 1900 years ago, and you conveniently ignored that. So instead, I want you to put your mind to work and try to get past that shortsightedness of yours:

Jesus was a man of miracles, a man we are told is God. He has the power of God then, he needs first of all no one, not even angels to assist him:

The moving away of the stone, is the first giveaway. With Godly powers he can walk right through that substance. It was not at all necessary for Mary or any of his followers to understand he had risen because the tomb was empty.

The angel or angels greeting Mary or the women, is giveaway number two. Jesus is supposed to be God, he can deliver that message himself, as he seemingly had no problem visiting several of them before hand.

Clue number three, conflicting accounts at the tomb and his visits.I have already in another thread shown all of the conflicting reports of who went to the tomb, who saw what etc. So I won't bother here.

Jesus is supposed to be God, he needs no corporeal form to prove he has risen, he needs no assistance of any kind. He need not instruct Mary to tell his desciples to meet him in Galilee, he can cause them to just be there, or materialize in front of their faces. All he needed do was rise, stone in tact and appear in front of his followers, isn't that so? Is that not absolute proof of his divinity?

He had no need to prove he had risen by having them touch his wounds, the very fact that he magically appears before them should be proof enough.

And the ultimate proof of his divinity should not have been to appear just before his followers, is it? He wanted people to believe he was the Christ, he could have appeared right in the midst of a sanhedrin council as they were bribing the soldiers; right in front of pilate as he held court; in the middle of town; during temple services, or all over the place. Is that not so? Instead, we are supposed to believe that he left his proof of divinity only to his desciples for them to go out and spread the word.

Did you ever ask yourself why he was never recognized when he came to them? They offer no explanation, but the answer is simple; his body was bruised and battered from his wounds and unrecognizable.

Yes Jesus was indeed alive when they saw him, he did not die on that cross, the gospels even tell you he was alive, the story of his having actually died and divinely risen comes to you tens of decades after these events, courtesy of the evolution of a myth and decreed so in the second century.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:49 PM

Now then, your shortsightedness is quite a hindrance to you, for you have not taken the time to understand first and foremost why his resurrection as told by the gospels is nothing more than myth told by men of limited imagination and by a sect of Judaism who wholeheartedly believed in resurrection.

Dude, if you've got issues with God, take them up with him. As for now, try and stick to the subject,,,,, Witches.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:52 PM

Yes Jesus was indeed alive when they saw him, he did not die on that cross, the gospels even tell you he was alive, the story of his having actually died and divinely risen comes to you tens of decades after these events, courtesy of the evolution of a myth and decreed so in the second century.

Dude, whatever,,, rag on the Bible and twist it and pervert it all you want. In the end it all boils down to the condition of your soul and the condition of mine. My soul is prepared fo eternity,,,, how's yours? Or do you even care? Do you believe in anything at all besides yourself?

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 12:46 AM

Where do you draw the line between right and wrong?

I believe it is morally and ethically wrong for some people not to use a spell checker.

and they have no connection to religious leaders axcept people have stopped listening to pastors and other Christians and have become self ritcheous. Things that have been morally and ethicly wrong for thousands of years are now all of a sudden supposed to be right and ok? I don't think so

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by deesw

Now then, your shortsightedness is quite a hindrance to you, for you have not taken the time to understand first and foremost why his resurrection as told by the gospels is nothing more than myth told by men of limited imagination and by a sect of Judaism who wholeheartedly believed in resurrection.

Dude, if you've got issues with God, take them up with him. As for now, try and stick to the subject,,,,, Witches.

Again, it's deesw changing the subject because he has no answer.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 04:46 AM
I used to be a Christian untill someone demanded I look at both sides of evidence, after I did, I became a non-believer. I'll tell you why.

People are just too brainwashed and want to believe they will go to heaven when they die, Jesus and the Bible is just a web of control, the creation of the next form of Government, Government use it to get control by saying the King was appointed by God so do as he says, religion says I AM GOD! DO AS I SAY OR MEET HELL! now give me your money and confess all your sins.

I wouldn't mind people believing in it but the Bible done more bad then good. Did you know Christians help Americans kill thousands of Indians so they could have land to build their Churches on? not to mention the dozens of contradictions and mistakes in the Bible, the smartest philosopher of our times read the Bible and laughed. Most of you people who argue haven't even read the whole Bible. Adam and Eve first man and women? see now we have DNA technology that proves they werent! I could go on and on about the mistakes and so on and you brainwashed people will still believe in the Bible because you like the sound of going to heaven when you die.

My point, the Bible is a weapon, it gives people power, the power to take away peoples money, the power to control a large population of people, the power to molest innocent little children, the power for going to war, the power bascially to do anything. The Bible tells me I can go outside and commit murder then God will forgive me, I rest my case.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 11:44 AM

I used to be a Christian untill someone demanded I look at both sides of evidence, after I did, I became a non-believer. I'll tell you why.

I have read the Bible cover to cover,,,,, the problem with the majority of people on this board will never read anything good in the Bible because they read what they want to read and take from it what they wish. I am truly sorry that you went astray from God. God says that you are his child and noone can take you from him, but you are free to walk away.
Just remember that you can still go back. Don't let people like " Blind whoever " on this sight fuel any undo hatred or dislike toward God. Whoever " Blind " is is truly blind. He has got to be a very unhappy person. You have the right to choose whatever you wish to believe, but try and not let those of us on here sway you. You said you were a Christian once. Don't stray too far. Remember, if you believe and are wrong, you've lost nothing. If you believe and are right, then you've gained eternity.

There are certain ones on here that do not believe in rules or regulations. They believe that they can do whatever they wish in this world and there should be no consequence. They are sadly mistaken.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by deesw

Remember, if you believe and are wrong, you've lost nothing. If you believe and are right, then you've gained eternity.

So basically you believe "just in case"?

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 02:01 PM
Hmmm, back to the subject...witches? They AREN'T the subject, the subject is people stopped blaming everything on witches cause they wised up, how long till they wise up and stop following/believe in th bs in the bible? Also, how sad is it you need the bible to tell you how to act? The other 4.5bil know how to act without the bible telling them cause it is common sense, something that is a sin in the bible. We know not to kill, rape, steal, burn houses down for fun, because it is common sense. We don't need a fairy tale book to tell us that those are bad.

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