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A GOP Congressman Just Made An Argument For White Supremacy On Live TV

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posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: liveandlearn

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: liveandlearn

I'm assuming your post is sarcastic

You can pretend that we do not operate on a cultural/ tribal level and that there are clear differences in not only looks but in how we think and act (none better than any other other) as a general rule

Obviously there are Asian Indians who are better engineers than even most Germans and obviously there are German musicians who can rap as good as Tupac or Nas and so on and so forth
But when you examine collectively their contributions and cultures one can easily draw the same conclusion s

I don't even know where you are coming from here. That comment was a confirmation of what you said...unless I read it wrong.

Ahhh ok my apologies.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: TheTengriist
a reply to: Christosterone

I'm not labeling anything, friend. I'm asking you about your outlook and positions. Your initial argument (and yes, you're making an argument) did indeed seem to imply that there was some intrinsic, indelible difference holding back Papuans and Liberians among others, from achieving what "Western Civilization" has.

As I noted earlier in this thread, technology is exponential. When it is accumulated in one place, it will grow faster than when it is dispersed. Empires are well-suited to this sort of accumulation. Thus powerful states will always be seats of technological progress (Which will contribute further to their power, obviously.)

And there's another question - is technology the sole criteria for which advancement of a society is to be judged?

No which is exactly my point.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Armed conflict is not the same as war. Also, there are other countries in the West besides the US.

Anyways, Look at this mapand tell me the west isn't the best?

This quote in particular should be of grave concern for all liberals:

Over the last decade, the most significant global reversals have been in freedom of expression and the rule of law.

edit on 19-7-2016 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: Talorc

I like your post save for the Neolithic portion of it. The Neolithic lasted 6000 years, and it's doubtful all advancements were made in a 100 year period. Plus, I'm not so sure the advancements were a good thing. Our lives got harder, our bodies got smaller, our quality of life was terrible, organized warfare as we know it began, and so on. I think we went out of our evolutionary niche, and it's been all downhill since then.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Armed conflict is not the same as war. Also, there are other countries in the West besides the US.

Anyways, Look at this mapand tell me the west isn't the best?

You guys had to have learned something from those Mongols.

Also, odd map in general; Since when is Somaliland an independent state? Why is Northern Cyprus - ruled by a Turkish military proxy, recognized only by Turkey - labeled as "Free"?

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 12:56 AM

originally posted by: TheTengriist

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Armed conflict is not the same as war. Also, there are other countries in the West besides the US.

Anyways, Look at this mapand tell me the west isn't the best?

You guys had to have learned something from those Mongols.

Also, odd map in general; Since when is Somaliland an independent state? Why is Northern Cyprus - ruled by a Turkish military proxy, recognized only by Turkey - labeled as "Free"?

I'm not sure, but you can read the report.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 12:57 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: aethertek

Oh wait...

Allow me to apologize.

I'm sorry for being white.

I am of Norweigan and Irish descent so allow me to especially apologize for the Noweigan side of my family.

I'm so sorry I am white.

I am sorry that Christianity made some bad choices and did a lot of bad things.

Feel better?

A man walks into a theater after eating 12 Taco Bell burritos. He begins farting. Loudly. The smell reaches even the far back rows and people start asking the man to hold in his farts. He gets up with a look of righteous indignation and states loudly "I guess I should apologize for having to eat then!" and storms out of the theater.

You are that man. The theater is society. The tacos are your skin color. Your farts are your racism.

Hold in your farts please.
edit on 19-7-2016 by Abysha because: spellinz

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: aethertek

Oh wait...

Allow me to apologize.

I'm sorry for being white.

I am of Norweigan and Irish descent so allow me to especially apologize for the Noweigan side of my family.

I'm so sorry I am white.

I am sorry that Christianity made some bad choices and did a lot of bad things.

Feel better?

A man walks into a theater after eating 12 Taco Bell burritos. He begins farting. Loudly. The smell reaches even the far back rows and people start asking the man to hold in his farts. He gets up with a look of righteous indignation and states loudly "I guess I should apologize for having to eat then!" and storms out of the theater.

You are that man. The theater is society. The tacos are your skin color. Your farts are your racism.

Hold in your farts please.

His skin-colour is tacos and his farts are racism? I've heard some strange analogies before, but this one might be the strangest yet.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Armed conflict is not the same as war.

1. a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.
"Japan declared war on Germany"
synonyms: conflict, warfare, combat, fighting, (military) action, bloodshed, struggle; More

You're trying to fall back on semantics again, as always. Armed conflict is war by its very definition.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: aethertek

Oh wait...

Allow me to apologize.

I'm sorry for being white.

I am of Norweigan and Irish descent so allow me to especially apologize for the Noweigan side of my family.

I'm so sorry I am white.

I am sorry that Christianity made some bad choices and did a lot of bad things.

Feel better?

A man walks into a theater after eating 12 Taco Bell burritos. He begins farting. Loudly. The smell reaches even the far back rows and people start asking the man to hold in his farts. He gets up with a look of righteous indignation and states loudly "I guess I should apologize for having to eat then!" and storms out of the theater.

You are that man. The theater is society. The tacos are your skin color. Your farts are your racism.

Hold in your farts please.

His skin-colour is tacos and his farts are racism? I've heard some strange analogies before, but this one might be the strangest yet.

You're his friend who has a bad cold and can't smell anything. You're also farting but they are silent and nobody suspects you are contributing to the overall stench.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:17 AM
This movie stinks....I'm out!

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Not according to your list of armed conflicts.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

America has been in almost every major armed conflict/war since WW2. Where have our nukes stifled armed conflicts/war? It's just as prevalent now as it was before we dropped the nukes, so how does your argument hold any water? Semantics don't mean anything in this discusion.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:22 AM
Wow. What is going on? Everywhere I look someone is accusing someone of racism etc etc etc. This world was NOT like this just a decade ago, then BAM racist this racist that, RACIST RACIST RACIST! WE GET IT, WHITE PEOPLE SUUUUCK AND ARE RACIST! (All except for the liberal ones, they arent racist but still should grovel in guilt for eternity) Happy?

If people can't see how insane this has got, we are SO screwed. Even here on ATS? Race baiting off the charts! This is a rare place left for people to escape the mass craziness of the world, PLEASE let's not allow this place to turn into that.....

edit on 19-7-2016 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: aethertek

Oh wait...

Allow me to apologize.

I'm sorry for being white.

I am of Norweigan and Irish descent so allow me to especially apologize for the Noweigan side of my family.

I'm so sorry I am white.

I am sorry that Christianity made some bad choices and did a lot of bad things.

Feel better?

A man walks into a theater after eating 12 Taco Bell burritos. He begins farting. Loudly. The smell reaches even the far back rows and people start asking the man to hold in his farts. He gets up with a look of righteous indignation and states loudly "I guess I should apologize for having to eat then!" and storms out of the theater.

You are that man. The theater is society. The tacos are your skin color. Your farts are your racism.

Hold in your farts please.

His skin-colour is tacos and his farts are racism? I've heard some strange analogies before, but this one might be the strangest yet.

You're his friend who has a bad cold and can't smell anything. You're also farting but they are silent and nobody suspects you are contributing to the overall stench.

Bravo. This is the first time I've seen flatulence used as a metaphor for racism. But I wouldn't expect anything else from a smelly breath that cannot speak of anything but their own racist projection.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

America has been in almost every major armed conflict/war since WW2. Where have our nukes stifled armed conflicts/war? It's just as prevalent now as it was before we dropped the nukes, so how does your argument hold any water? Semantics don't mean anything in this discusion.

Is America the west? No. Your argument had no water to begin with.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: aethertek

Oh wait...

Allow me to apologize.

I'm sorry for being white.

I am of Norweigan and Irish descent so allow me to especially apologize for the Noweigan side of my family.

I'm so sorry I am white.

I am sorry that Christianity made some bad choices and did a lot of bad things.

Feel better?

A man walks into a theater after eating 12 Taco Bell burritos. He begins farting. Loudly. The smell reaches even the far back rows and people start asking the man to hold in his farts. He gets up with a look of righteous indignation and states loudly "I guess I should apologize for having to eat then!" and storms out of the theater.

You are that man. The theater is society. The tacos are your skin color. Your farts are your racism.

Hold in your farts please.

His skin-colour is tacos and his farts are racism? I've heard some strange analogies before, but this one might be the strangest yet.

You're his friend who has a bad cold and can't smell anything. You're also farting but they are silent and nobody suspects you are contributing to the overall stench.

Bravo. This is the first time I've seen flatulence used as a metaphor for racism. But I wouldn't expect anything else from a smelly breath that cannot speak of anything but their own racist projection.

I was soooo gonna call your "I know you are but what am I" response but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. You didn't let me down.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:27 AM
Congratulations, the level of animosity, hatred and racism just amped up several points. If people think racism was bad the last 50 years, they aint seen nothing yet. Keep it up folks!

edit on 19-7-2016 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

America is the poster child for the West, but I see you have changed your argument to America not being the West now. Keep moving the goalposts.

America is what almost everyone thinks of when someone says "the West", but I'm sure you will deny it and insert semantics into it somehow.

The point WAS that nukes have not stifled war and/or armed conflcts even a tiny bit. They're both just as prevalent today than they were before WW2, if not moreso.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: Wookiep
Congratulations, the level of animosity, hatred and racism just amped up several points. If people think racism was bad the last 50 years, they aint seen nothing yet. Keep it up folks!

All from the MSM who brings the most extensive stereotypes of each class in full view for maximum hatred! What will happen when people go to "war" with each other and realize that there is an actual human on the other side of their ironsights? What happens when they don't live up to their stereotype?

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