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A GOP Congressman Just Made An Argument For White Supremacy On Live TV

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(post by NorvinHobbs14 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
(post by NorvinHobbs14 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 08:53 PM
I have read through most of this thread, it has done a good job of identifying the racist and bigoted members of ATS, including a couple of mods. I hope management is paying attention. I think I will remove myself from here for a bit, the hatred and lack of education by some is somewhat overwhelming.

I have been here for 6 years, never honestly thought I would see it like this.
edit on 10/2/2016 by BubbaJoe because: I can't type

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 08:56 PM


posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

It's not a problem of people being proud of being white, it's a problem of people - liberals specifically - being actively ashamed of being white. Because their view and their ideology takes a very limited view of history, one where the slavery of American whites is specifically reiterated endlessly while the slavery of other peoples around the World is barely mentioned at all. Whites ended slavery, let's talk about that. Africans didn't end slavery, if we're gonna endlessly denigrate white people for the slavery of rich American whites then we better endlessly celebrate white people for ending slavery, first in their own countries and then in others. It's a very biased and dishonest view of history

This liberal white self-flagellation has reached a crescendo, the reaction may be less than savoury but a reaction is sorely needed because there's so many holes in the popular liberal narrative that it's getting to be quite ridiculous at this point.

Whites are fed up and calling us racist for speaking up about these blatant double standards isn't working anymore, this insult is beginning to lose all its power and the people using it in lieu of actual arguments will have to find something else to lean on.

You apparently have no idea what you are talking about. My "WHITE" family has been in North American since 1621, I have the paperwork, we have owned slaves. I have lost family members on both sides of every war we have fought up until the Korean war. I am not ashamed that I am white, I have English Culture, Scottish Culture, Irish Culture, and German culture, no where do I have any white culture, that is something that doesn't exist, except in the mind of a racist.

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: ATSmediaPRO

This is weird. The people of IOWA voted overwhelmingly for Obama and Steven King. Talk about day and night.

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: ATSmediaPRO

This is weird. The people of IOWA voted overwhelmingly for Obama and Steven King. Talk about day and night.

That really is an interesting thought, has made me to decide to focus a whole lot more on the down ballot decisions, as I really don't care who the douche weasels are at the top.

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: ATSmediaPRO

He should of just said The Chinese , and left it at that . Dumbass .

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

It's not a problem of people being proud of being white, it's a problem of people - liberals specifically - being actively ashamed of being white.

Liberals are not ashamed of being white...they are ashamed of Americans who act like bigoted and racist idiots and who happen to be white.

That is the most idiotic piece of white-supremacist propaganda out there..."Why r ya ashamed of your whiteness!!"

Maybe we're tired of the blatant double standard? Sure I would ordinarily agree with you that your skin color is nothing to celebrate or take pride in, neither is your sexual orientation, nor your gender.

However, there is an entire month set aside when we study specific individuals and their contributions to society. Why do we study those particular individuals then? Specifically because they are black. We study them then because of their skin color and we celebrate that aspect as much as anything they did for society.

We have months set aside for women and Latinos too, and when we study those special individuals at those times ... Guess what? We celebrate them for being either women or Latinos or both at those special times as much or more than we celebrate the things they did for the country.

So it seems to me that those attributes like skin color don't matter ... unless they do. And if you don't happen to have one of those skin colors that matter, then you better not complain or else you are an embarrassing bigoted racist idiot.

How neat is that?

Now understand that skin color and gender and all that takes nothing at all away from anything that these individuals did, but if what you say is true, then why is it necessary to celebrate them specially because of those things rather than primarily and only because of what they did? George Washington Carver was an important botanist. Did his skin color help him become that?

Alan Turing was a damn fine mathematician and code breaker ... did his sexual orientation make him any better at that?

Marie Curie was an important physicist and chemist who discovered a new element! It wasn't her feminine nature that made it happen.
edit on 2-10-2016 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

So True , Genius is Color Blind .

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

It's not a problem of people being proud of being white, it's a problem of people - liberals specifically - being actively ashamed of being white.

Liberals are not ashamed of being white...they are ashamed of Americans who act like bigoted and racist idiots and who happen to be white.

That is the most idiotic piece of white-supremacist propaganda out there..."Why r ya ashamed of your whiteness!!"

Maybe we're tired of the blatant double standard? Sure I would ordinarily agree with you that your skin color is nothing to celebrate or take pride in, neither is your sexual orientation, nor your gender.

However, there is an entire month set aside when we study specific individuals and their contributions to society.

Correct and in Western Society, for about a thousand years, history was written with a Caucasian bias. It would be acceptable if African Americans were not present in that Western Society, it would be expected, but for the past 300 years in the United States, African Americans were part of the fabric of this country, first as slaves and then as a minority group emerging from slavery, but still treated as half-citizens and half-people. We celebrate all ethnicities here in the melting pot...African Americans deserve a little catch-up.

Polish American Heritage Month
Saint Patrick's Day
Presidential Proclamation--Italian American Heritage and Culture Month

I could do this all-day...

So it seems to me that those attributes like skin color don't matter ... unless they do. And if you don't happen to have one of those skin colors that matter, then you better not complain or else you are an embarrassing bigoted racist idiot.

No..It is African-American month...Not "Black" month.


There are people with "brown" or even "black" skin that originate from places other than Africa. Cuban, Puerto Rican, Middle Eastern etc. etc.

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

Alan Turing was a damn fine mathematician and code breaker ... did his sexual orientation make him any better at that?

Marie Curie was an important physicist and chemist who discovered a new element! It wasn't her feminine nature that made it happen.

Of course Alan Truing's sexual orientation and Marie Curie's gender did not bake then "better"...

But Alan Turing was arrested for being gay and chemically neutered. Marie Curie's contribution to science went largely unrecognized because of her gender for a very long time.

I see nothing wrong with correcting history to reveal the true diversity of those who have advanced science and technology?
edit on 3-10-2016 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: BubbaJoe

Only someone that doesn't have understanding of the genetic factors never mind the occult dynamics and aspects that underpin race and collective consciousness would say that. You are ignorant. That's it.

Don't mistake your bourgeois reality for everyone else's reality. I outline the facts of the situation every time I write on liberal politics and race relations. I haven't yet found anyone that challenged that underlying premise in a meaningful way, some good points here and there, some valid criticism perhaps.. but everything else is oriented around political expediency instead of the reality of the situation. A number of people have dismantled this narrative any number of times.

Furthermore I don't really know what you are saying. You are saying you are an American mutt with a bland culture and without heritage so therefore we must all be? You're literally just mentioning how you're white and your specific ethnic make up. It's so ironic that I would get such an aura of elite privilege from you, did you go to some ivy league school? Princeton maybe? I don't need to be hearing tired mantras and cliches from another elite schooled white snob with his very own ankles deep in privilege. It's pathological..

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Nukes have stifled war. When both states have nukes, the odds of war are almost non-existent.

Didn't the Americans during the cold war threaten to use nukes when the Soviets attempted to move their nuclear arms to Cuba...? I mean in away you're not wrong it has stopped the further use of NUCLEAR arms since Hiroshima and Nagasaki,however the use of conventional arms has not been suppressed in the current sandbox arena known as the middle east or elsewhere for that matter...
I guess 3NL1GHT3N3D1's concern is even if you were remotely correct that conventional warfare among the so called "superpowers" has been prevented with the stock piling of nuclear arms,How long do you really suspect that trend to continue before another nation-state decides it's time to authorize the nuclear option?

edit on 10pm31America/Chicago3103America/Chicagopm1035 by NateTheAnimator because: Grammatical error

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

It's not really that irrational actually, it's akin to being proud of one's family or friends, these are just larger extensions of the same type of belonging. Like it or not we have concentric circles of affiliations starting with our immediate family and then branching out. It's a matter of empathising and sharing the outlook of a certain group of people and if that's stupid then all culture is. I don't hear liberals complaining about the very tribal nature of black and Middle Eastern people.

They can run around in mobs attacking whites and scream about burning down western civilisation yet even mentioning that is considered racist. They're the most tribal people around, the double standard and the cognitive dissonance is astounding. You don't call them stupid do you?

People take pride in other arbitrary characteristics like looks. Is that wrong too? Yeah, tell that to some South American or Chinese guy. Someone might like their tanned skin, or their pale skin, their freckles or their dark hair. Oh no, god forbid.. we need to stop those people. Liberals are insane, let's pretend that everyone is exactly the same.. it's frighteningly Orwellian and I'm rather astonished that liberals can't see this brainwashing for what it is, which is even more frightening.

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Liberals are insane, let's pretend that everyone is exactly the same.. it's frighteningly Orwellian and I'm rather astonished that liberals can't see this brainwashing for what it is
ahem, treat everyone the same.

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: liveandlearn

Well to this I say, perhaps the reasons blacks did not make a big impact on progress (tho it can not be denied that they made some impacts) way back is that they were kept down by us whites, not allowed education or ability to progress until...what...50 years ago. Much progress has been made in part of the black community since then, once we whites allowed it.

Blacks have not been oppressed by whites since the very beginning of our species. The period of history you are referring to was a tiny fraction of the history of human beings overall.

We conquered them because we had better tech, better organization, and a better grasp of military strategy and tactics. The only reason blacks have anything, is because we allow them to. They are only in a position to beg from their masters.
edit on 13-4-2017 by FrogGod because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2017 by FrogGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: aethertek
Now back to your vaulted Western Culture, most of Europe was a disease ridden cesspool during the dark & middle ages under the supremacy of your glorious christianity, while the middle east & west Mediterranean where heights of civilization so spare us the AB blather.

You're just gonna gloss over the fact that the middle east is now a modern day disease ridden cesspool?
Could you possibly virtue signal and moral posture any harder?

How in the hell are you people getting "white supremacy" from him saying western culture is superior to others?
Keep in mind liberals you can't be racist towards a culture.
Culture is not an immutable trait.

Do please remind me again what culture finally stood up and ended slavery?
What culture fostered and built a nation that had/has the largest distribution of wealth and freedoms this planet has ever seen?

Oh it was western culture?
Mainly white Christians?
Imagine that!
Thousands of years of this appalling practice ended by a bunch if mini Hitlers...
You all disgust me...

edit on 13-4-2017 by JAY1980 because: (no reason given)

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