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The Mandela Effect Can No Longer Be Denied: Berenstein Was The Tip of The Iceberg

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posted on May, 6 2016 @ 06:15 PM
I remember Hong Kong was a country which got it's sovereignty from Japan not UK

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: glowdog

I'm the one who first said that and the OP agreed but I want it to be clear that I wrote "made to look demonic, evil" which means I think some of his pics were altered to make him look that way. That was my first impression as a non-Prince fan who looked at the OP's posted pictures of Prince.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: AcerM
I remember Hong Kong was a country which got it's sovereignty from Japan not UK
yes, hong Kong has nothing to do with the UK.... IT is in Japan....

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: AcerM

I think at this point it is safe to assume that people are just making up nonsense to tease the OP.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Wow, that's pretty neat. Having time slowed down to that extent would indeed be a hellish experience (sounds like elementary school all over again lol) Your idea that triggers allow us to perceive reality differently makes a lot of sense actually. That is basically how senses and perceptions work: we receive a certain stimuli which causes us to perceive a certain thing a certain way. Deep in the unconscious we know many things, have profound understandings (insights) and knowledge which the conscious mind can barely understand. Some people have more access to this than others, or at certain times in their lives.

As I believe you suggest, it is possible that there are different alternative takes on what has what has happened that can be triggered. As those of us who have experienced the Mandela Effect know, reality isn't as stable as we like to think it is. It is possible, but this is really thinking outside the box, that we perceive what is happening in the present differently due to the stimulus we perceive. We've all experienced situations where two people recall the events of one day quite differently. Perhaps, both people are remembering that day equally as well, but they may have just experienced it differently.

Ever see the film "Rashomon?"

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: glowdog

What is driving the perception of these changes? The question itself is the answer - something so far out of leftfield has arisen, that we'd all better wake up & pay attention - something got strange, and who knows, it may get stranger still. I think that the purpose of the events, if we can read into it that there is a purpose (and that's a personal choice, unlike the actual experience of ME in itself), then it is simply to make us pay attention to the apparently evidenced fluidity of Reality. Because Reality is reeeeally strange - quantum effects confirm it - but now macro effects appear to be mirroring that strangeness..! What's going on? We should definitely be paying attention...

This is basically where my mind has been on this. It's as if random signs are signalling to us that something has happened, is happening or is soon to happen that is beyond our normal realm of perception.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

This is my sense of it as well.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: TombEscaper

this one is particularly odd to me. when I was a teenager, I worked as a waitress, I saved up and with the help of my wonderful grandmother was able to purchase a used blue, manual new beetle. it was my absolute favorite thing and I was so proud!

it's been some years since I sold that car, but I did have to pop open the hood rather often due to having a ton of issues with belts, and I do not remember that line in the logo ever being there.

I used to have a subalbum in photobucket with pictures of the car, I think from when I sold it. So I went to check it and the album is now empty. it's really bizarre, because the album is still there, but all the pictures are gone. I'm sure it's possible I could have deleted the pictures, but why not just delete the album, instead of the individual pictures.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 08:19 PM
Not to mention, that one can have a rational, scientifically-based sense of reality, and still be in tune with the universe. Accepting not only the limitations but the amazing strengths of the human brain, looking at the absolute marvels we have cooperatively created particularly in the last two or three centuries, the expanded view we have across a myriad of galaxies all the way down to the smallest quanta ... real world, observable, measurable wonders.

Utterly amazing. What's even more amazing is that there is no pretense that one needs to have special powers or advanced evolution to be able to participate in the amazing human adventure ... all that is needed is a standard human brain and a desire to find the facts and our best efforts to resist error.

Whatever these different (and disparate) events turn out to be ... whether they are as they seem to be ... natural human mistakes and lapses ... or whether there are some kind of inimical forces at work ... or changes in the very fabric of the universe ... it is indeed always beneficial to have our standard models challenged ... even when they prove to be the most useful, after all.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: thewindwaker

My photobucket got hijacked. Only 2 pictures left, and i cant sign in to my own account anymore.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: hidingthistime

edit on 6-5-2016 by raymundoko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: tweetie

Apparently you wouldn't...

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: tigertatzen

You watched Moonraker when it came out? So the person in the Image isn't you? I am pretty old and I wasn't even old enough to see it in 1979 (or if my parents took me I sure don't remember)...Did it not come out in 1979 in your reality?

Someone who would have seen it (unless mommy and daddy took them) in 1979 would be 51 or 52 now, right?

I'm 50 and I don't think I saw my first R-rated movie until ... 81 maybe?

Wierd, huh?

Replying to you because I can't find his post at all on the thread.

Yes, mommy and daddy took me in 1979. I am 44, nowhere near 51. I was eight years old and it was our first re-pat vacation to the States. It was acceptable to attend R rated films if you were with a parent. Still is. When you live in a country where everything is censored, you soak up as much as you can in the three months or less you get Stateside. It sucks but that was our way of life for years. I'm sure it's even worse over there now.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: SheeplFlavoredAgain

originally posted by: tigertatzen

originally posted by: glowdog
i guess it´s my memory again but i was just seriously shocked when i found out that it seems to be "Looney Tunes" and not "Looney Toons".
Looney Tunes ? seriously ... gave me the mandela-effect so to say.
haha the more one looks at this the wackier it gets...

In my reality it was always Toons.
What the hell? Yes it's Toons. Not Tunes. Otherwise Toontown would be Tunetown. Tunes makes no sense. At all. Toons is short for cartoons. But crap, I just searched and though Wikipedia references both, they have a screen cap of a 1940's era version saying Looney Tunes. Shaking my head. I'll be willing to concede faulty memory on this, though, because I haven't watched or paid any attention to the characters/franchise since I no longer have nor babysit children young enough to be interested in them. At least the more recent characters are still called Tiny Toons and they show is still Tiny Toons Adventures. Weird. Why would it be Tiny Toons and not Tiny Tunes for the sake of consistency?

You're right, it wouldn't make sense that way. It doesn't, I should say. Lots of these are like that though. Some of them I'd think were really mismatched even if I didn't remember the original ones...they just sound awkward. Considering how much money goes into slogans and marketing, it's odd...never mind the ME factor. It's like a double whammy when you add everything together, though. least change it to something that makes sense, you know?

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: tigertatzen

You watched Moonraker when it came out? So the person in the Image isn't you? I am pretty old and I wasn't even old enough to see it in 1979 (or if my parents took me I sure don't remember)...Did it not come out in 1979 in your reality?

I replied to Gryphon when I couldn't find your post. Yes, it came out in '79. Yes, that's my photo. I just look a whole lot younger than my actual age. Everyone assumes my daughter and I are sisters...she's 23. I'll turn 45 this year. I'm even a grandmother. I was eight when I saw Moonraker. My brother was six.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: tigertatzen

That's actually pretty funny

Google knows what's up I guess.

I said it in other posts as well as this one. Intentional memory manipulation is far more believable than alternate realities. The problem with that is, the physical evidence is what is real, and the memories that are wrong are what would have been manipulated.

That means that the people who think they are the special ones here, are actually the ones being experimented on.

I really wish that the comments about being "special" would stop. It's not true, and it's very degrading. No one here has said they think they're "special". There is nothing special about this. It's frightening, unsettling...lots of things, but special? No. Please, please stop. Ok?

I have said from the start that I do not think it's alternate realities we're experiencing. If this is being done, it's being done deliberately.

But it could be all of us being made an experiment of. Or just the ones with the memories. Or just the ones without them. Or, it could be that was done to all and for whatever reason...some unknown variable...only some people noticed the "glitch". People have natural immunities to disease, other people have a higher risk of contracting them. And no one knows precisely why. There are many possibilities.

But I agree...I don't think it's time shifts or alternate realities. However, I'm still reading about it anyway. The concept is fascinating, even if it doesn't add up for me personally.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
a reply to: Gryphon66
Moonraker is rated PG. I saw it shortly after my 13th birthday with my dad. What's weird?

I honestly thought it was PG too, but it wouldn't have mattered either way. I didn't even bother checking my memory on that one. My parents didn't care about things like that.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: Cheddarhead

originally posted by: schmae
I think the TPTB/ psy ops is more likely than a parallel universe. That may be because I do not understand parallel things and movies like the Matrix bore me because they are beyond what I can think of as ' real'. But if this is TPTB and all they want to do is alter a few extremely unimportant names on books and cd's , I guess that's not too bad, right?

unless the TPTB are just making doing some trials to see how well it works before committing to the main event...

If it means anything, I am only experiencing ME in relation to things like books, music, news stories, etc., but so far nothing from my personal life. Memory is fallible, it's been proven, and is that what the whole basis of ME is built on? Could there be some kind of gaslighting by unknown person or persons to destabilize us? People would be quite easy to influence if they doubted their every recollection was wrong.

You just echoed precisely what I was talking about with my husband and his brother this morning. Down to the letter.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Why Gryphon, that was beautifully said. Poetic even. (And no sarcasm here, I'm being serious.) That is very similar to what I was trying to convey.


posted on May, 6 2016 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: AboveBoard
a reply to: TombEscaper

Hey Tomb. I wish you would say what you are thinking. Then we could discuss what you are seeing.

I don't think Prince is demonic personally. Intense? Yep. Not scary evil though. Possessed by performance energy? By music? Yep. But then again what do I know. I'm no expert on Prince.

So I will ask pretty pretty please will you spill??? Please?


Well, I can't spill, but I can give some advice. A lot of what this "Mandela Effect" has to deal with is what I refer to as "instantaneous cognition." That is, a subtle but immediate intuitive realization that something is "off" when first observed. It lasts for probably mere nanoseconds, but it's there. After this initial realization, the "rational mind" begins to play tricks and try to make sense of the initial realization that conflicts with inner-knowingness.

One of the interesting aspects of the Mandela Effect are the "residues" or "bleedthroughs" that seem to make their way "here" from whatever reality we previously remember. I have found some artistic renderings of Prince, done by obviously talented artists with a keen eye for detail, and they trigger a recognition of the "familiar Prince" for me more so than what I now see when looking at pictures and videos of the so-called "real" Prince, who I have now come to see as an invader of perception.

Try to use your "instantaneous cognition" when looking at these, and see which ones trigger your truest memories of what you remember of Prince.

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