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The Mandela Effect Can No Longer Be Denied: Berenstein Was The Tip of The Iceberg

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posted on May, 7 2016 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

We're in the same boat then. I can't say what is happening for anyone but myself.

And some days (damn "this Neighborhood" BS) I can't even do that.

I look forward to better convos here.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 05:34 AM

Animal anatomy has changed for me, including humans. We now have a fully enclosed (but smaller) rib-cage (that is more like two rib-cages joined together, one growing from the chest out and the other from the spine out and both meeting at the middle). This wasn't always the case, I distinctly remember the rib cage just cupping rather than fully encasing the chest organs and I think the breast bone was more a floating plate.

In addition the tip of the chest cavity appears to have moved up above the clavicle, our lungs are now almost in our necks which looks very strange to me. There are more organs bunched up under the ribs too, I never remember the stomach being so tucked under the ribs, nor do I remember the liver being practically the size of a lung.

Reproductive changes too, more circular vaginal opening instead of a more oval shape (that I remember). Penis seems different too, has a mid-shaft bend now which was never the 'norm'.

Small intestines have gotten even messier (in arrangement) than what I remember and the intestines take up the whole abdomen, I distinctly recall it being squashed down more (to pelvis). Stomach seems to have moved to the side and further up (all the organs seem to have been shifted up or down in relation to abdomen - implying a stretched abdomen).

Skull different, has ridges where there were none (or more subtle) before. Brain seems different too, less wrinkled white matter, seems more disorganised now and the right and left parietal lobes seem to be more prominent.

Musculature has also changed in patterning, it now looks neater, more up-and-down (presumably due to stretched abdomen), looks more like clothing actually.

Then there's the hips, my god they're round! And they seem to conform better to the abdomen and legs.

I've noticed many of these anatomical changes in other animals, all mammals, even dinosaurs! Dino skeletons look very alien now compared to my memory of them. They too have the compacted and fully enclosed ribs as we do!

edit on 7-5-2016 by Orborus because: minor wordage

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 05:44 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
It's a matter of perspective from the way that photographs are generally taken of the Pyramids.

The "center" one (Khafre) looks taller, and has the notable light colored area at the top.

The largest one (considerably wider/more massive but only a few feet taller) is Khufu, or The Great Pyramid.

I have made the same mistake because in most pictures Khafre looks taller and wider (again, perspective).

Khufu was always centered and slightly behind the other two, at least in my reality. The positioning and size created an optical illusion from a distance that all three were the same size. And I saw hundreds of different photos taken from numerous different angles by a person whom I actually knew, spanning almost twenty consecutive years.

This woman ate, breathed and slept ancient Egypt. Her father was an archaeologist, and she started going on digs with him when she was very small. This is a big one for me because I've got very specific, complex memories tied to those pyramids.

There are other geographical changes too, but this one is the hardest one for me.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 06:04 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: tigertatzen

We're in the same boat then. I can't say what is happening for anyone but myself.

And some days (damn "this Neighborhood" BS) I can't even do that.

I look forward to better convos here.

That one bothers me too. I'm not happy that you're being affected, because I don't wish that on anyone, but it does help in the communication department because I think this is truly one of those things that it's hard to fathom if you don't experience it personally...the very bizarre nature of it.

If someone told me that in the year 2016 I would be in a situation where I'd have to try and convince other people that my reality was not the same one I thought I was walking around in, I'd have laughed right in their face. Probably would have asked them what they're smoking, too lol.

I look forward to better convos too...and hopefully an answer to what in the hell is happening here.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 06:17 AM
Maybe the point of this phenomenon,whatever it is,is to show us that we and all around us are,and is far more dynamic,malleable,and mysterious than we have allowed ourselves and each other to realize as our "reality".
I mean,when you think about it,we are all of us so rigid in one way or another in our relationship with life in general.
Maybe we are causing it..a cry from within.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

So you're younger than me, and you're relying on your memory as an 8 year old...

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Very well said and thanks so much for your contribution to this topic

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: TombEscaper

maybe you are the only one that sees anything in this images.
you compare paintings with photos to show something one can only see (or feel...) in the first nano-second.

you claim something but refuse to say what it is so what now ?

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: tigertatzen

So you're younger than me, and you're relying on your memory as an 8 year old...

Yes and yes. I have an eidetic memory. I've already said all of this earlier in the thread, and more than once. I have clear, accurate memories from before the age of two.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 07:22 AM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: TombEscaper

The V and the W were always one connected unit.

I think you may have it confused with the bajaj logo...

I've had my run-ins with this phenomenon recently...This is not it.
What you experienced was faulty memory and from afar the Volkswagen symbol does look like the V and the W are connected.
So on top of the faulty memory,you probably didn't see the logo correctly and are mixing it up with other logs of similar design.

OK, as a German, I have just had a jolt of fear. Not only have I seen thousands of VW's in my life, I owned one! And I am sure the line was never there. What is this bajaj thingy? I have never seen this or even heard of it, so I personally can't have mixed them two up.
It goes further. As someone said just before you posted this. The first impression is the right one. Then your mind wavers and then you think that you must have been stupid all your life and go on accepting [reluctantly] the 'new way. But as I said, when thoughts are linked with the memory, it becomes a different ballgame.
In this case, I have looked at the VW sign a lot of times and was always quite impressed by the way the lines can mean many things 'because' they are done in one and not separated.

My whole world has just reset...

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: donktheclown
a reply to: TombEscaper
I believe they are timeline shifts. The newspaper article that is my avatar, originally read "What was that bright light seen over Ashford, Abington?"

That was in 1981 and the pic now shown, when I took it at the newspapers archives in 2009, is different - and so is the story. I witnessed that bright light and I will never forget the title of the article when it came out the next day after I and others witnessed the event. Strange things are afoot.

Funny you should mention 1981. That's the year when I saw time go back 3 hours right before my eyes.
I saw my bedroom clock go from 2:30 AM back to 11:30 PM.
And no, it was not digital. It was one of those old models that had flip-down numbers. I later checked to see if there were any broken / missing number plates, but everything was normal.
I was not dreaming. My brother witnessed the same thing.
I truly believe something went down big time in the early 80's.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: glowdog
a reply to: TombEscaper

maybe you are the only one that sees anything in this images.
you compare paintings with photos to show something one can only see (or feel...) in the first nano-second.

you claim something but refuse to say what it is so what now ?

He's not the only person who sees it. But if he tells you, it may taint everyone else's memory. It's beyond obvious in the last photos he posted with the paintings and sketches. It stands out very starkly.

If you don't have the old memories of Prince, you won't notice right off. But anyone can see the very blatant contrast in the last set of photos. This is why I said earlier that I don't think handwritten things can be changed. Just video, photos and print. Apparently it is also true for artwork.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 07:32 AM
Hecate666 i had a similar little jolt when i saw looney tunes was not looney toons.

but it has indeed always been TUNES and not TOONS
and it makes a lot of sense because it was made in the same period as merry melodies
since i´m a cartoonist myself it shocked me but then i remembered that i had this doubt before - many years ago while drawing comics with friends - and a friend of mine insisted it was tunes and also explained the merry melodies connection.

the VW logo has for me always been like on the images i can see everywhere - sometimes the line is not so evident but it has always been there. i grew up around those cars .
no need for fear ... but i agree it is somewhat unpleasant.
just like AboveBoard explained it so very well.

edit on 7-5-2016 by glowdog because: added smthg

edit on 7-5-2016 by glowdog because: error

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

since the eighties i look at prince images. some of my friends had their walls plastered with posters... (not me!!!
i also saw prince life on stage... oh my ... memories ! lol

so about 30 year long prince experience. maybe not quite enough to spot it ?
edit on 7-5-2016 by glowdog because: not me!

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Krneki

I believe that what remains of documented evidence of the reality we remember remains because it was recorded by persons after a Mandela Effect occurred, going on the same memory of the past (the reality we remember) as we have. There has been some discussion on whether or not this alternate remembering is a normal state of memory or not, but the fact is, we do remember how it was (at least how it was for us.) Therefore, everything we write here of Mandela Effects which have occurred previous to now will remain here. This is my theory anyway. It would be interesting to see if another Mandela Effect occurs and some of what we've written here or elsewhere remains as it was or not

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: hidingthistime

Ok, to me, this guy sounds more than a little nuts..

Tell me i'm not the only one.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: AboveBoard
a reply to: Gryphon66

3) The "Mandela Effect" is not as much of a problem for me personally as the UFO event, because i can reasonably put it into the category of "known memory issues of the human brain" for myself for the most part, HOWEVER when someone has a complex neural net associated with a memory including multi-sensory, multi-experience, and emotional anchors, it is much more disturbing and much harder to dismiss as a simple memory-gap. For someone in that situation, the fabric of their reality has been much more significantly torn than mine is by these "ME's." That is the point where it gets intellectually interesting for me to explore.

Thank you for articulating this so well! It is indeed far more, at least in some cases, than a simple, singular visual memory!

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

Perhaps it is deliberate manipulation of data... something akin to the "Ministry of Truth(MiniTruth)" from 1984.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: AcerM

I think at this point it is safe to assume that people are just making up nonsense to tease the OP.

Definitely sounding nonsense. I remember Hong Kong was part of Japanese imperium before it was given back to China at 90's.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2

originally posted by: AboveBoard
a reply to: Gryphon66

3) The "Mandela Effect" is not as much of a problem for me personally as the UFO event, because i can reasonably put it into the category of "known memory issues of the human brain" for myself for the most part, HOWEVER when someone has a complex neural net associated with a memory including multi-sensory, multi-experience, and emotional anchors, it is much more disturbing and much harder to dismiss as a simple memory-gap. For someone in that situation, the fabric of their reality has been much more significantly torn than mine is by these "ME's." That is the point where it gets intellectually interesting for me to explore.

Thank you for articulating this so well! It is indeed far more, at least in some cases, than a simple, singular visual memory!

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