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Need your help. Might be homeless in under a month.

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posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: Ghost147
Thanks for the tip, Digital art is certainly gaining in demand, so if I were to go to school for it, I bet it would be rather simple considering my background on the subject.

If you go that route, go to a school that teaches traditional art classes. Several drawing classes, painting, color theory, sculpting, and all the rest. One of the trends some schools have done in the past few years is they teach digital art specifically which means teaching you photoshop, zbrush, illustrator, and so on. The problem is that these schools are just teaching you how to hit buttons in the software and while you end up with a degree you usually don't end up with the requisite talent to go far with it. The schools that give you a proper artistic background will teach you how to be an artist no matter the medium and from there it's just a matter of remembering where the buttons are in each program.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 08:11 PM
Others have offered more advice than I ever ever could. I don't feel equipped to offer any, sadly. So instead I'll just say I'm very sorry to hear you're facing this crisis, and I sincerely wish you the best of luck, a safe, clear passage out of this storm and into calmer seas. I'm certain everyone here is pulling for you.


posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Ghost147

From personal experience, just when you think you're up against the void and nothing is going to be there to keep you from falling in, something will happen.

Even if it doesn't come riding to the rescue in the nick of time, be patient, it will come. Some doors close and others open.

All you have to do is take the next step as it presents itself.

DON'T listen to this guy.
Research social services, and be inventive.
Any type of skill you have is needed SOMEWHERE.
I know your load is heavy with family, but there are options out there to make a start.
Ever think of emigrating?
You're in the commonwealth.
New Zealand and Australia are legit options people outside the Commonwealth would love to have.
Minimize and streamline.
You can do it!
Good luck!

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 07:14 AM

DON'T listen to this guy.

You obviously didn't listen to him.

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 10:20 AM
I wanted to help you with a job but I see that you are in Canada. That's not an area we cover. Sorry

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Ghost147

Come in UBER..for starters...guaranteed job...

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: Ghost147

My wife and I are in a strikingly similar situation here in the states. I would recommend two things, revamp your resume ( I have and the amount of calls for interviews has tripled, still no progress but its a start) and check your references and previous employers to see if any of them are black balling you. The best way to do this is to use a number they don't have in their system, pretend you are a prospective employer (preferably have your wife or a friend make the call) and ask the general questions that they would ask (work performance, attendance, any outstanding issues) and see what they say. If it is overly negative or seems harmful, remove them from your resume and put a general placeholder in for that time such as "contract work".

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Ghost147

first very sorry to hear you or anyone in that predicament. I would be glad to talk with you here by message or what not so that we could brainstorm some ideas. Just a couple of quick ideas. If you still have the vehicle you recently purchased have you thought about becoming a driver for Uber or lyft? You can work as much or as little as you want and depending on your location some decent money can be made. Just a suggestion. How about setting up a gofund me account? I realize most people don't like handouts or want to ask for help but sometimes strength can come from asking for help. Message me if you want to chat. I wish you the best of luck.

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Ghost147

Sending you a U@U I have some new info for you.

posted on Mar, 1 2016 @ 04:18 PM
I am curious. What did you do for a whole year while applying for a job?

posted on Mar, 1 2016 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: reddragon2015
I am curious. What did you do for a whole year while applying for a job?

I did small time jobs like building a few decks, helping out with some construction work, assisting a friend's eaves-trough company and some minor yard work. All separate things, all not officially working there. I wasn't just sitting around, if that's what you mean.

Again, I was under a particular circumstance. My employment insurance paid well when I wasn't doing small time jobs on the side, and in order for me to make as much or more than employment insurance $18/h or more was needed. However, everyone in my previous industry had lost their jobs at the same time, and all of which had as much or more experience than I have in the lines of work that could be easily snatched up that paid over $18/h. My rig was also one of the last ones to shut down, so by the time I was out of work there as no work.

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: SpecialSauce

a reply to: Ghost147

You have medical bills of $1000-6000 and you live in a province in Canada? Canada has universal healthcare. I'm not buying your story sorry.

I'm not buying it either.

On the other hand...being completely broke and living very low-level is what someone will get who is into "spiritual warfare" anyway. Better getting used to it as soon as possible. I had times where I had to collect bottles to survive the day. And being experienced in fasting also helps a lot when one is broke.

"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose."

And not that I would not have compassion or tips for Ghost on how to survive, but first I have to ask: Why spending that much time arguing on ATS instead of first trying to support yourself by finding a job? What about becomming a taxi-driver? That's a job one can always find when living near a big city, at least in Germany.

Focus on getting a job first, and then post your stuff on ATS on a daily basis. Maybe that helps. No offense, of course.

As long as you still have a house and a car, family and friends who would let you live in their home, you're rich, compared to me. So...what was it you're complaining about?

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: Willingly
a reply to: SpecialSauce

"You have medical bills of $1000-6000 and you live in a province in Canada? Canada has universal healthcare. I'm not buying your story sorry."

I'm not buying it either.

Here's a helpful topic I made a while back. Hopefully it will provide you with some education. Universal Healthcare does not equal free health care.
Understanding Canada's health care system and why it's not FREE

originally posted by: Willingly
a reply to: SpecialSauce
being completely broke and living very low-level is what someone will get who is into "spiritual warfare" anyway. Better getting used to it as soon as possible.

Yeah, I'm sure Richard Dawkins would agree...

Your logic is beyond flawed, and immensely biased.

originally posted by: Willingly
a reply to: SpecialSauce
As long as you still have a house and a car, family and friends who would let you live in their home, you're rich, compared to me. So...what was it you're complaining about?

Perhaps if you read the topic you would understand that I'm selling my house and my car. I'm not here to complain like some spoiled brat, I'm here to ask questions and to relieve stress. If you have nothing to contribute to the topic, you're more than welcome to refuse to respond.

All the points you made have been answered numerous times, many (if not all) within the first page, and even within the OP.

edit on 2/3/16 by Ghost147 because: quote code was messed up

(post by IridescentPhoenix removed for a manners violation)

posted on Mar, 10 2016 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: Ghost147 Hi Ghost, just popped in to see if things are looking up.
If you drive, have you looked into driving/truck driving jobs. They are usually union and pay well, like postal service or whatnot.
I once went out of my comfort level in working for a lighting and electrical store on salary with commission. If Canada has home care services, that might be okay pay at 40 hours a week or something like driving the disabled and elderly to and fro places.
Just throwing out idea's because I want nothing more than to read good news from you!

posted on Mar, 10 2016 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: peppycat

Well we've just switched our realestate agent, so hopefully we'll be getting more viewings from more serious buyers. The last one seemed a little 'not so into' his job.

As for jobs, I have applied to many more since I originally posted the thread, still no word from them as of yet.

I have had a lot of interesting tips that I've taken up to make a little bit of money on the side (legally
) so that's good news so far.

I will keep the thread updated as new info comes in

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 01:57 AM
Here's my suggestions:

1) keep the house, and refinance at a lower interest rate to lower your mortgage payments.
2) get a lower home insurance rate
3) check to see if your utilities are as low as they can be.
4) lower your utiliy bills by using energy efficient light bulbs etc etc
5 Get ride of any expense that it's absolutely a necessity. ie: life insurance gets cancelled , because you can't afford it.


Rent out every extra room in your house to people that need a place to live. Rent out your basement into multiple rooms for people that need places to life. (I'm serious). Rent out your garage to someone who needs it. Rent out your shed to someone who needs a storage unit. So you rent out say 4 rooms at 500 each that's 2000 right there per month. Your garage another 500. Your shed maybe another 100. Plus you put an ad on Airbnb renting out a couch or whatever for another say couple hundred a month.

Now start buying and selling cars. Go to car auctions. Buy any car that's going for cheap. Park it in your drive way and resell it at market value. Have like 4 cars on the go at any one time. Maybe you sell 1 a month and make a couple thousand on it.

So you cut your expenses dramatically. You reduced your bills. You rented out all your wasted space. You turned your house into the headquarters of your used car lot. That should at least balance the equation.

now start working on setting up an internet business. Or if that doesn't appeal to you then some physical business. ie: buy a carpet cleaning unit or used van. Start cleaning carpets in your town or city. That might make you at least another 500 per month in your spare time. Possible a whole lot more if you can grow the business. But any business will do. Just find something and get it going.

I hope that helps. good luck. But again, don't sell the house. That would be a huge mistake. refinance, and rent out everything, and turn the house into your new car lot. I know that sounds nuts but you need to think radically here or you'll be sunk. You'll be on the street soon.

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 02:01 AM
your thinking in the wrong direction totally. Forget the job search. That's a waste. And forget selling the house. All your problems are solved because you have a house. Just rent out all the extra bedrooms, basement and garage and shed. That alone will solve your problems.

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: lavatrance

Thanks for the suggestions, but we've already done 2-5. We can't rent rooms due to medical issues (and a lack of rooms for that matter), don't have the money to buy and sell cars, nor the money for a carpet cleaning unit or van.

You need money to make money in all of these instances, and unfortunately there is no money.

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 05:16 AM
Lavatrance's post jogged my memory.

An article I read in the news recently featured a woman who sold some of her clothes on eBay.

She made enough money to go to charity or second hand shops to buy more clothes and sell those on eBay for a massive profit.

I expect she's quite clever in her decisions and knows how to recognise quality, vintage etc but it might be worth a shot if you or your wife are in any way inclined towards fashion.

And there'd be no costs to start up except for some p&p which you would recover.

edit on 11-3-2016 by berenike because: (no reason given)

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