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Holy trinity dogma is polytheistic.

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posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Rasalghul

Again. All true. Christianity was made to undermine paganism. There are so many pagan practices in Christianity that it's practically pagan itself. Even Mary herself has been compared to Isis. I love this stuff. Easter is a pagan holiday. Specifically for fertility and abundance. The symbols were a rabbit and eggs. Easter baskets were a sacrifice to the goddess. Coincidence? Absolutely not. Christmas is nothing more than the celebration of the winter solstice...paganism.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:27 AM
edit on 16-2-2016 by jazzy4 because: dp

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: Akragon

How Do you know the trinity it's the biggest falsehood? You have no idea how much they withhold from their flocks...and that's the absolute truth.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: jazzy4

True enough...

that would be my personal opinion... Mainly because it actually changes the very concept of God into something that is unknown to those that wrote about such things in that time

Keep in mind Christianity has had 2000 plus years to dig up all the proof texts for the idea...

And Christians are well versed in showing their proofs, even if they don't even read the bible...

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: Akragon

That is also true my friend. Nice discussion. I'm sure you'll see me around

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: jazzy4
Oh. I'm glad you know then, most people are oblivious.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Rasalghul

Oh yes I know! I'm an awakened one.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: jazzy4

That's always good a good thing. I brought up Paul because isn't he the only one who says godhead, the go to word trinitarians use to prove the legitimacy of the doctrine.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: Rasalghul

Yes as far as i know. Others like John mentioned the father and the spirit as one along with the second person. So Jesus isn't exactly mentioned by name in some cases.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: Rasalghul

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Isurrender73
a reply to: chr0naut

Moses taught forgiveness of sin.
Mohammed taught forgiveness of sin.
The Avesta teaches forgiveness of sin.

God forgiving the sins of the repentant is not unique to Jesus Christ. The resurrection solidifies his right to make his claim, but all the other prophets taught the same message of a God who punishes sin but forgives those who repent.

Even Plato was wise enough to understand that the Devine can forgive even if the concept was to great to fully grasp.

Moses taught that adherence to the Law prevents us from sinning and that sin could only be absolved with multiple and repeated absolution ceremonies (animal sacrifices).

Mohamed taught adherence to the Law prevents us from sinning and that sin could only be absolved with multiple and repeated absolution ceremonies (Haj).

Zoroaster taught adherence to the Law prevents us from sinning and that sin could only be absolved with multiple and repeated absolution ceremonies (prayers for forgiveness).

Jesus taught that our love of God and then our love of our fellow humans Is the intention behind the Law, being so motivated will prevent us from sinning and also that His one sacrifice provides absolution from sin, once and for all time.

I happen to have the Zend Avesta right here, could you tell me in what fargard that teaching is in? Is it in the Sirozahs, yasts, nyayis, tell me. I'm calling shenanigans. BS.

Fargard VIII.

29 (88) "The law of Mazda indeed, O Spitama Zarathustra! takes away from him who confesses it the bonds of his sin; it takes away the sin of breach of trust; it takes away the sin of murdering one of the faithful; it takes away the sin of burying a corpse; it takes away the sin of deeds for which there is no atonement; it takes away the heaviest penalties of sin; it takes away any sin that may be sinned."

Patet Erani (prayer for repentance from "The Teachings of Zoroaster")

"All that I ought to have thought and have not thought, all that I ought 'to have said and have not said, all that I ought to have done and have not done, all that I ought to have ordered and have not ordered, all that I ought not to have thought and yet have thought, all that I ought not to have spoken and yet have spoken, all that I ought not to have done and yet have done, all that I ought not to have ordered and yet have ordered; for thoughts, words, and works, bodily and spiritual, earthy and heavenly, pray I for forgiveness, and repent of it with Patet".

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Sounds good to me!

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

You got that. But if you you know about Zoroaster I made a thread today, you should put that on it for me.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Rasalghul

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Rasalghul

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: wisvol
a reply to: chr0naut

Well with the nuance it's easier. Thanks.

My recollection of reading the texts attributed to שאול התרסי do not present or imply that anything other than G is equal to G but I mean cool sure. Still interested in the actual quote, with chapter and verse if that's not too much trouble.

The first chapter of the Gospel of John, identifies Jesus as God.

Philippians 2:6 says that although Jesus was God, He still 'emptied' Himself to become a subservient and 'base' human.

I'm repeating myself but the concept of Gods word becoming manifest in a prophet comes from ZOROASTRIANISMs Zend Avesta. Zoroastrianism is WAY older than christianity so all that passage proves is they borrowed a Persian concept. Jesus is not God.

Yeah, exactly, just totally different??!!

Jesus wasn't just a prophet. If He was so, then his death was just another meaningless, insult to our human state. If Jesus wasn't God, He couldn't forgive sin.

"It may be that the Deity can forgive sins, but I do not see how." - Socrates comment to Plato @ 500 BC.

I love how you couldn't find the word trinity in the bible and quoted a Greek philosopher instead.

Correct, Jesus wasn't just a prophet, he was the Messiah. Now look up prophet and then Messiah in a Hebrew online dictionary. Then look up God. Wouldn't you know, they don't mean the same thing.

Now learn about the pagan concept of a trinity. Then the paganism existent in Catholicism with the sun imagery and veneration of Mary as Isis/Semiramis.

Add that to the fact that Jesus calls God his God as well as Father.

If Jesus, by his own words has a God, and is not equal to his Father, the trinity falls under the definition of polytheism. If they aren't equal, as Jesus makes perfectly clear, then the trinity falls apart because they need to be equal to meet even the most liberal definition of monotheism.

John 10:22-30 - At that time the Feast of Dedication took place at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple [area] in Solomon’s portico. So the Jews surrounded Him and began saying to Him, “How long are You going to keep us in suspense? If You are [really] the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), tell us so plainly and openly.” Jesus answered them, “I have told you so, yet you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father’s name testify concerning Me [they are My credentials and the evidence declaring who I am]. But you do not believe Me [so you do not trust and follow Me] because you are not My sheep. The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they will never, ever [by any means] perish; and no one will ever snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater and mightier than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are One [in essence and nature]. (Amplified Bible).

Jesus "by his own words" says that He is the Christ, that He is the Messiah, that He grants eternal life and that He IS equal with The Father, (who is, just to make things clear, supreme in greatness and power).

edit on 16/2/2016 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: Rasalghul
a reply to: chr0naut

You got that. But if you you know about Zoroaster I made a thread today, you should put that on it for me.

What is it with you and monotheistic faiths?

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Jesus "by his own words" says that He is the Christ, that He is the Messiah, that He grants eternal life and that He IS equal with The Father, (who is, just to make things clear, supreme in greatness and power).

That would be reading into something that isn't there

And would contradict his own words when he points out 3 times in John, he is not equal to the Father

Being one with the Father does not make him equal...

One mind... Not one and the same

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Akragon

Did And do you believe Jesus raise a child from the dead, I do

You should run around shouting blasphemy and throwing stones Ak

You have no common sense understanding

edit on 16-2-2016 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Did Jesus raise a child from the dead, I do


Please explain?

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: Raggedyman

Did Jesus raise a child from the dead, I do


Please explain?

Ill explain for him. Hes ignorant and has nothing to do other than show it off.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Rasalghul
a reply to: chr0naut

You got that. But if you you know about Zoroaster I made a thread today, you should put that on it for me.

What is it with you and monotheistic faiths?

I believe in one God.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Im actually getting to the point where i find it pointless to reply to you

You posts make little to no sense, and your only motivation is to knock down people who obviously know more about your own religion then you do

They lack any logic, and half the time you can't even form a decent sentence...

Throwing stones and yelling blasphemy??


Seriously... Grow up and bit

Or at the very least, try to make sense when you post


edit on 16-2-2016 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

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