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Ok, a little status report.
I'm still shaking like a leaf in a hurricane, but since I'm properly liminal this time around, it's not really a bother.. other than I'm rather weak..
all my bodies extra resources are being consumed to maintain the required conditions.
No glowing or massive visions or "siddhis" this time around.. and I didn't expect this to be happening again.. the ancient stories and more recent
stories from somewhat educated "yogi" state that it can resurge.
It was after the first time around that I realized that we live in a "pot hole Universe", and that in a sense this entire Universe has
aware/sentient/living aspects to it.. on some level at least, and is "pining" to be re-united with the "Main Reality".
Strangely enough, our "Pot Hole Universe" chooses to do this through strange means.. in part at least "through us".
So just like last time, at the end at least, I come face to face with a massive *something*, which views ever last iota of our "Universe" as "It's"
body.. it barely recognizes boundaries of individual life forms as having any significance.. "It's" aware that I'm a body here.. and honors most of
the restrictions this body places on it.. my "free will" so to speak... though "free will" is dicey of course.. as it includes ALL of my body, and all
thing things which make it up, not just those small number of neutrons which form our "social conscious self". That's the thing people miss.
For example, there is ONE muscle in the body, without which Kundalini will not "arise". If that one muscle is tense, it won't happen.. as that muscle
being "tense" counts as "free will" not "inviting the process" to occur.
So as some have said.. it's "prime directive" on the most ridiculous scale.
Yesterday during the peak of it (it's slightly subsided today), I had thought about playing a trick on BD, as he'd like that sort of thing.. I was
looking that direction, and thinking about what to do, when I got this very slightly "disapproving" sense, that---that was not to be allowed. I had
the definite knowledge, that though the awareness filling me indwelt every living thing and could "in theory" do whatever "It wanted".. that's rather
the point.. "It" IS CURRENTLY doing exactly what it wanted.. and doesn't need any help in the Kitchen.
Well anyway.. in a sense I couldn't be more metaphysical if I wanted to be.. I'm in a state of continuous connection.. some might call it a "mana
state" or "mana personality".
I would suppose that most people would want me to do stupid pet tricks, and as I stated, I had thought about it.
But to summarize.. in a certain sense, all that our Lady wants, is to not feel lonely.. She's happy to be feeling a bit more restored to Her previous
state before this "Pot Hole Universe" was formed.. and she's doing it through my body, nervous system, brain, and all attendant "micro
I suspect when the alignment slips, or if the nutrient feed of multiple levels gives out, that the effect shaking my body will cease again for maybe a
number of years again.
Supposedly, there were Sages at one time, who walked around this for a lifetime once it began.. but I find that doubtful.. as if there had been these
truly great ones (like the generation of 100 Rishis) then one would think that they would have left a strong and enduring mark upon the world--- and
maybe they did for a while-- but it doesn't seem that way these days..
Well I need to go and rest. The strain is considerable.