posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to:
Really? What's wrong, if I may ask. I hope she gets better. My own, of my mom's side has heart problems and is raising 2 brats...I would hope not.
See, I grow attached to people. For conversation. I know that's not normal. I know most don't grow so attached to random strangers, but I do. I'd miss
you. I trust you. I trust strangers on the internet and one friend. And he isn't around right now. He's far away in college, so contact is limited. I
have a question, is it normal to just, remove people once they're not around. The moment High School graduation ended I basically let go of everyone,
but for one friend even though I had more friends. I always do that. I don't know what my mom would think. She matters so much to me. And
brain wouldn't function correctly in a work space I don't think.
EDIT: If something happens to this thread I will send a message.
edit on 6-12-2015 by Tiamat384 because: (no reason given)