a reply to: lovekills6
I hope she's better, and getting better. Life gets tough, but it gets better. It always does. True people do/ But then with some people I can't stand
the thought to lose them. Of course I know that's normal. I was just wondering, because it doesn't feel normal to just shed away people right the
moment they're not around physically.
You can meet your funure girl almost everywhere. Just keep looking. In order to have a good relationships you need to develop yourself in every
aspect. I may recommend you BathMate, girls are going mad after it.
a reply to: MadM11
Somehow I don't think that's necessary, but it's true they can be found anywhere, but all the girls around are just the girls from my college so I
don't really expect much. I will have a month off and be going home. What happens, happens I suppose.
a reply to: lovekills6
True, you do see who's true to you. Who to trust. Probably better that way. I much prefer having very few friends that I can trust, rather than many
who are so close knit.
a reply to: lovekills6
Hmm, I'm not worried about being back stabbed. I need to know who I can trust. Say what you will about me. So long as it is to my face.
a reply to: lovekills6
Well they should. Because at least i have some trust to you. If think poorly of me or speak negatively of me behind my back there is a lack of trust.
a reply to: lovekills6
No trust to them, but even those that do not, how much can they be trusted? I don't think anyone reveals much about themselves to anyone.
a reply to: lovekills6
The very improbable idea that you're my ex lingers in my head haha. Simply some things make you seem like her. Well, isn't it possible it might be
better together?