posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 05:23 PM
Hello ATS, everyone is on a journey in life. Whether that journey is in search of the dollar bill, truth, or love. I am on a quest for that very last
one and in fact, from my own peers there is no one. People seem to find love everywhere, online, bars, parties. Which is the way to true love? To the
perfect man or woman. Now, perfection is subjective. For me personally innocence, kindness, beauty and similar tastes in music are important. Yet, I
say that and that is not the definition of the perfect woman. It's impossible to describe just what you would love, just as it is impossible to say
why you love someone. Sure you can list out plenty of reasons, but the truth is, those reasons are just the tip of the iceberg. At a future date I'll
create thread for love stories for everyone to share, whether those relationships worked out doesn't matter. The moments, the intent. That matters.
But ultimately where can one find love? Sorry for my rambling. I haven't slept in a while and I really have no clue where to look for someone.