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Join Squirrel Patrol- To Protect and Deny

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posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 09:49 PM
I didn't bad mout hyou I was kidding about your avatar... It was all a joke.

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 09:50 PM
The A-SCIA has its eye on you. Either break all ties with the furred-menace or face "The Facility". Remenber, you are either with us or with them.

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 09:58 PM
No sir, I implore you and your "friends" to change your minds...You are so out numbered it is laughable...
You shall fall and fall hard...

All because your "Leader" bad mouthed Trent Reznor...shame on you sir, shame on you...

You won't even see use coming...

[edit on 1/5/2005 by bobafett1972]

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 10:11 PM
We won't see you coming? Dude, two words: satellite imaging. Since we don't have an anti-squirrel space agency, can I be in charge of that? Please cpr12r? Pretty please?

[edit on 1/5/05 by diehard_democrat]

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by diehard_democrat
We won't see you coming? Dude, two words: satellite imaging. Since we don't have an anti-squirrel space agency, can I be in charge of that? Please cpr12r? Pretty please?

[edit on 1/5/05 by diehard_democrat]

Like I said this could have all been avoided...
We shall come for you first me thinks?

We will be on your so fast you shall no time to react...use your fancy technology if you must. But it shall be for nothing...

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 10:55 PM
So if your squirrels are currently in North Korea, how the heck are they gonna get here without us knowing? We do have radar, you know. And if they fly, I'm in charge of the anti-flying squirrel guns (A-FSG) and I can say that they're done for if they even think about trying that.

And them Texan squirrels are done for. We recently launched a satellite with help from NASA (which wouldn't have been necessary if I was in charge of the anti-squirrel aeronautics and space adminidstration, because I could've launched it myself) with a very large solar powered laser on it. Any squirrel-like movements will be targeted and fried in under 2 seconds.

Good luck attacking without being noticed!

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 11:16 PM
I am not supposed to devulge this information, but it is to late for you now anyway.

We have an entire batallion of the little known Titor Squirrel..specially designed by John himself...They will come back in time in our greatest hour of need...

You have been warned...

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 07:37 AM
Ha! You have some kind of hoax spewing squirrel. Sounds more like some kind of propaganda squirrel. Bring it on. There are more of us then you think!

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 07:42 AM
We're outnumbered. Yeah right we have more people on our team than you have on your team. and our team doesn't consist of barbaric squirrels. Titor Squirrel.... HAHAHA do you want us to go in with all the reasons why time travel can't be possible with all the problems that would happen making it impossible.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by diehard_democrat
your squirrels are currently in North Korea


DD, i vaporised North Korea, based on your Intel. so you needn't worry about these lies

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 08:35 AM
bobafett1972 and theshadowknows... your time is near


as i speak, every Citizen, A-SP Soldier, and Bounty Hunter in the Free World is closing in on you..

a recent broadcast on A-SPNIN has told everyone that you are to be placed under arrest and placed in The Facility for Deprogramming!

we will 'Correct' you, or you shall spend Eternity in the Salt Mines!

feel the Power of Propaganda! now I know the thrill Rupert Murdoch gets when his Media outlets spew their filth!

Muahahah..*cough*..haha..*cough... COUGH*

Sorry... Pretzel

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 08:46 AM
A squirrel sympathizer recently made the mistake of telling me there plans. They are breeding to try to get more squirrels and one of there main bases are in Squirrel Mountain in Russia. We must stop the squirrel menace. It has taken away so much from us. Rise up in arms and take them down.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:14 AM
-ON AIR- My friends, I have realized something. When I was chopping firewood in my backyard and clearing some of the woods so we could put the electric fence in (heheheh -shocks doggies- O.o...Lucky?...Pretzel?....common guys stop playing dead... ummm....mutts? O.o...uh oh....
That there was a squirrel base in my very own back yard, I am currently arming myself with my Black Oak Ninja Bokken (wooden sword commonly used by ninja for training) and my Red Oak Bokuto (same thing just heavier, and longer, harder to use due to the bigger weight) and my many other weapons hidden in the loose floorboard on my floor (probably shouldnt have said that....) and I am heading out to get them now (me and cpr had a snow day today ^_^) So, IM OFF! -OFF AIR-

-turns to dogs- Lets go mutts, we must destroy the enemy force

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:23 AM
I may have told you the name of our top super secret underground base, but I in no way divulged its location. And even if I did, do you honestly think we only have 1 top super secret underground base?

Ignorant humans fools...your time ruling this planet is over!! Over I tell you....

*I have been given information regarding your unconditional surrender...This one time and one time only: If you surrender now, you will not be harmed. You and the rest of your human scum friends can finish out your days in our walnut harvesting are all DOOMED...*

[edit on 1/6/2005 by bobafett1972]

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by bobafett1972
*I have been given information regarding your unconditional surrender...This one time and one time only: If you surrender now, you will not be harmed. You and the rest of your human scum friends can finish out your days in our walnut harvesting are all DOOMED...*


We Spit upon you demands!!!!

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:42 AM
Maybe you should speak with your leader(ha) before answering so quickly...

or not...

Is that your final answer Daystar?

[edit on 1/6/2005 by bobafett1972]

[edit on 1/6/2005 by bobafett1972]

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:42 AM
As the war grinds on, there is a sadness that takes hold of the anti-squirrell forces. I have seen this myself in the battlehardened men in your brigades.
Wading through the piles of eviscerated and bloated squirrell bodies has weakened the will of some, especially those who are appaled at the tiny bodies of their young.
I see the need to strengthen the will of the men through moral support and a good dispensation of martini mixer.
I would like to pledge myself as spiritual counsel to your forces in the field.

Give me a credit card to purchase lots of gin, vodka and vermouth and I will raise spirits for the hard battles to come.

Death to the Squirrels...long live cpr12

pssst...there is a town in Southern Ontario called Exeter...I believe it is the main supply depot for the White Squirrel Battalions.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by the treacherous masqua

Death to the Squirrels...long live cpr12

pssst...there is a town in Southern Ontario called Exeter...I believe it is the main supply depot for the White Squirrel Battalions.

Damn dare you reveal that to these squirrel have only minutes left, what ever will you do when we arrive at you door?

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:53 AM
I fear death the fight against these evil little buggers I will abide no threats...

the truth shall set you free

go great cpr12...where you lead, I will follow

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by masqua
As the war grinds on, there is a sadness that takes hold of the anti-squirrell forces. I have seen this myself in the battlehardened men in your brigades.
Wading through the piles of eviscerated and bloated squirrell bodies has weakened the will of some, especially those who are appaled at the tiny bodies of their young.
I see the need to strengthen the will of the men through moral support and a good dispensation of martini mixer.
I would like to pledge myself as spiritual counsel to your forces in the field.

Give me a credit card to purchase lots of gin, vodka and vermouth and I will raise spirits for the hard battles to come.

Death to the Squirrels...long live cpr12

pssst...there is a town in Southern Ontario called Exeter...I believe it is the main supply depot for the White Squirrel Battalions.

Excellent!!! my AquaMarine Commandos are looking a bit war weary. maybe you could help them out...

as a spiritual guide, would you be interested in a prime time slot on A-SPNIN? it was created to raise moral, but we have nobody doing the spiritual side of the The Struggle

As for you Infidel-bobafett1972, that is my Final Answer! it will always be as such!!!

you Squirrel Loving Infidel shall fall! cpr12r COMMANDS IT!!!!


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