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The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

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posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

Perhaps so, most horrific violence i have seen has been on the internet but that doesnt mean the real world surrounding me is just as violent.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: LewsTherinThelamon

I'm not a lesbian or bi, but I liked the shirt, honestly. Some really cool artwork! In regards to your conjecture that "sex is seen as bad". This is certainly true in the U.S., but where I live sex really isn't stigmatized the way it is over there. It's seen as natural, even if people here are outwardly prudish, they all know we share the same desires.

Also regarding sexualization of women, it's really a cultural thing. For instance, here in Japan, showing cleavage is rather taboo. It's seen like "Oh, you just want men to look at your breasts!" kinda thing, but wearing skirts that are little more than 3 inch strap of cloth over your panties is just fine. I never really understood that, but I did have to change my wardrobe a little when I moved here to conform.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: SearchLightsInc
Agreed. I live in the SW of England and I don't know any 'raging feminists' or any women in my wide social circle who feel oppressed, hell I know loads who are far more motivated and successful than many blokes I know.
I work in construction and even the old dinosaurs still on sites know that with 'considerate construction' rules they can't get away with cat calls/whistles/discrimination anymore so they behave themselves these days.
...gotta admit though, when working all day with just men, if a rare female surveyor or architect arrives on site then it is a welcome eye-candy break...discrete and respectful of course, wouldn't wanna be accused of 'eye rape' or whatever it is the extremist feminists call it lol'll never hear me complain when I'm doing a private house job and the female customer makes inappropriate comments about my body shape or whatever when I'm working hard though - Is that 'eye rape' as well? Don't care lol.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: SearchLightsInc
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I do not disagree that there are women out there that hate and despise men. I feel just as sorry for them as i do for men who hate and despise women. I just think its ignorant how people talk about feminism these days, i genuinely think its a dead movement and cant understand why there's such a fuss against it.

A strong, independent, intelligent woman is generally IMO attracted to the same in a man.

A strong, independent, intelligent woman would be bored out of her mind with a weak man.

As I've said before "bullying is bullying". That's not what Feminism is. Feminism is about women having the same equal opportunities as men. There were laws and social constraints that prevented equal opportunity.

It is not a dead movement. There are still inequalities.
edit on 10-12-2014 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: Annee

I agree with sentiment regarding choice of mate for the most part. Any long term partner I have I would like to be assertive, and know what they want.

But, while I'm single, I tend to pick out the shy guys, the insecure ones for my short term romances. I don't know why. Well, I kinda do. It's kinda selfish, but I love the idea that I can take a shy, insecure guy, put him between the sheets, and as Aladdin put it: "Show them a whole a new world". Maybe they'll gain some confidence as a result!
edit on 10-12-2014 by ScientificRailgun because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: Annee

I agree with sentiment regarding choice of mate for the most part. Any long term partner I have I would like to be assertive, and know what they want.

But, while I'm single, I tend to pick out the shy guys, the insecure ones for my short term romances. I don't know why. Well, I kinda do. It's kinda selfish, but I love the idea that I can take a shy, insecure guy, put him between the sheets, and as Aladdin put it: "Show them a whole a new world".

If I was young and single, I would expect equality under the sheets.
edit on 10-12-2014 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun

But, while I'm single, I tend to pick out the shy guys, the insecure ones for my short term romances. I don't know why. Well, I kinda do. It's kinda selfish, but I love the idea that I can take a shy, insecure guy, put him between the sheets, and as Aladdin put it: "Show them a whole a new world".

LOL, I did the same thing. Always looking for that "diamond in the rough" I think.

Outward Egos are such a turn off. Never let shyness fool you

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: SearchLightsInc

We both know that by calling someone a nazi you're referring to Nazism that was politically present in Germany between the 1930's till the end of WW2.

No. It is a term that can be used to refer to anyone that is behaving like an authoritarian. Tyrants tend to use the same logic. Whether they commit atrocities or not.

How ironic though that your calling a woman a nazi

Men can be Feminazis too.

when violent nazism was male dominated -

You're poisoning the well by subtlety associating men with violence.

There were an equal number of women that supported the Third Reich in Germany. Willingly.

Naizsm valued a woman's position in the home as a wife and mother.

What does that have to do with Feminazis acting like authoritarians?

You must be pretty ignorant of the facts to not know that.

Your use of red herrings and ad hominems are adorable; but your argument doesn't invalidate my position--that the feminist movement has been high-jacked by authoritarians. It's not hard to see when you analyze their arguments.

Equality between human beings is a positive thing. Empowering victims to the point that they become the ones doing the victimizing is not a positive thing.

Im not redefining anything, i'm explaining the lack of logic in calling a feminist a "Nazi" - Its a paradox intended as an insult.

You are not God Emperor of the Feminazis. You are one person. There are plenty of Feminazis in the US that are trying to redifne issues like rape and sexual harassment to include any interaction between men and women that they personally don't like. Not because those behaviors are actually rape or harassment--90% of which are not.

Someone happening to glance at you from across the room is not rape.

When a woman recently suggested that british bank notes should feature a woman she got death and rape threats from men on twitter.

Because men can be nazis too??

I guess both sexes are capable of being irrational eh?

You seem to be under the false impression that men cannot also be Feminazis.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: john452

I am a bit mixed on the video games. Some men might be training for drone careers out of such skills. But others get some of their spatial and battle things out in simulation and are able to withdraw from violence and dominance in relationships to others, so it may be an outlet that benefits to some degree. I think that depends on the individual. But having choices, other things to do, which takes income to some extent, either judo lessons, art supplies, good camera, woodworking tools, other things aren't just free and cheap. And many people just barely make bills, pay their lodgings often with borders, and barely scrape semi nutritious food out of the deal. And they're often better off than the rest.

Just explaining there is a difference in brain wiring and hormones and you're not equal only if you're all soldiers. I won't even allow my sons to be drafted, and will never obey bad orders from anyone. Have to say that's not just women who can do this, but I have noticed more women speaking up than men in my life, more verbal and emotionally upset by the world. Maybe men just quickly weigh out the consequence and do it without saying much or resisting the system because they don't want to be penalized.

Black and white like I'm describing (metaphorically) when its usually more complex and cross sexes.

It was a great great uncle in the US, who choose to go to prison because he was drafted and a school teacher and a high idealist who would never harm anyone. And he's a hero in my family, Norwegian who immigrated to the states and then Canada, though don't know if he stayed there or moved here. Fine idealist.

So its not just women.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Outward Egos are such a turn off. Never let shyness fool you

Yep, I've presented myself as a shy insecure guy before now when some dominant cougar has made her play and clearly indicated that was the type of bloke she's all games from all genders, that will never change in my opinion, humans are, and remain, imperfect.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: Annee
Outward Egos are such a turn off. Never let shyness fool you

Yep, I've presented myself as a shy insecure guy before now when some dominant cougar has made her play and clearly indicated that was the type of bloke she's all games from all genders, that will never change in my opinion, humans are, and remain, imperfect.

Hey! Probably need to clarify Ego vs Confidence.

I really look for some type quality --- like integrity, intelligence, quiet confidence, etc.

Also, I'm personally attracted to "solid on the floor" men with beards. They tend to be a little shyer, thinking women prefer tall, well dressed model types. So, generally I have to seek them out.

edit on 10-12-2014 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: Unity_99

Unfortunately, I read a recent study that states that violent gaming leads to more violence, not less.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: Annee
Lol it's a can of worm isn't it?! I can say is that I'm respectful and honest to anyone who is being respectful and honest to me, but I will adapt to any situation as required when a woman is treating me as a sexual object, and will play whatever part she appears to want as long as it doesn't involve pain or humiliation lol

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: LewsTherinThelamon

No. It is a term that can be used to refer to anyone that is behaving like an authoritarian. Tyrants tend to use the same logic. Whether they commit atrocities or not.

If what you say is true, why not call them fem-tyrants? Because you know its not true and your pathetically back-peddling while heading towards the waterfall. The term Nazi did not exist until the rise of hitler and his National Socialist German Workers' Party. He was not a tyrant, he was elected into office and then appointed chancellor - Hardly a tyrant when democratically elected into office.

Men can be Feminazis too.

When your just randomly combing words without any logical connection, men can also be socio-male, capital-male, elephant-male (because he never forgets)

You're poisoning the well by subtlety associating men with violence.

No, again i am refering to facts. Nazi value systems - men went out to war (Violence) women stayed at home (nurture) Im not subtly hinting at anything, that is the nazi core value system, women were not even allowed to work in the factories to make ammunition's.

There were an equal number of women that supported the Third Reich in Germany. Willingly.

Yes there was, your point being?

Naizsm valued a woman's position in the home as a wife and mother.

What does that have to do with Feminazis acting like authoritarians?

Because when you say nazi, your claiming your referring to to tyrants and yet nazi values proposed that women stay at home and nuture the family - Which is far from tyanny. How you can associate a "nazi woman" with authoritarianism is absolutely laughable, it makes no sense!

Your use of red herrings and ad hominems are adorable; but your argument doesn't invalidate my position--that the feminist movement has been high-jacked by authoritarians. It's not hard to see when you analyze their arguments.

Sweetheart, you've proven to me that your a follower who throws around meaningless words they neither can understand or explain. Your defense of such words is no better.

Equality between human beings is a positive thing. Empowering victims to the point that they become the ones doing the victimizing is not a positive thing.

Im all for equality but i still dont understand what guy like yourself feel you have lost in the past 20 years and how that relates directly yo feminism.

You are not God Emperor of the Feminazis. You are one person. There are plenty of Feminazis in the US that are trying to redifne issues like rape and sexual harassment to include any interaction between men and women that they personally don't like. Not because those behaviors are actually rape or harassment--90% of which are not.

Im not God or Emperor to anyone - That doesnt stop me from calling your bull# out. And that 90% figure sounds very subjective, is that 90% your actual option of what does/doesnt count as sexual harrasment?

When a woman recently suggested that british bank notes should feature a woman she got death and rape threats from men on twitter.

Because men can be nazis too??

No, because some men can be total asshole misogynists.

You seem to be under the false impression that men cannot also be Feminazis.

Well, considering fem is short for Feminine and nazi is a political party, he would have a hard time qualifying for the term if used correctly.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:31 PM

as a single man that has pretty much never had sex with non prostitutes this article is interesting, although misleading.

what we are actually seeing is the growth of the POLICE STATE - DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

They have divided the sexs by making it really easy for women at the expense of men.

A defining observation for me is watching women in films. They always seem these days to teach men about guns (lol) help men that are scared of mice (lol) and generally act as superior beings. In particular I find it interesting to watch films where the 'woman' who is in charge speaks 'abruptly'. Its hard to describe, but they are clearly in charge. HOWEVER, if you were to trasnfer their high pitched sharp squarkings into a MAN the man would immediatly be called out as being out of control and unable to do their job. Most men, as bosses will speak little, and they will speak quietly but with the power of authority. The women will tend to demonstrate behaviour that just wouldn't work in a man, for example, declaring their authority by threatening to fire them, etc etc. But thats all films.

Im responding mainly because I have completly switched off. You can see my site under who wants to marry me (banned as a link from ATS)

People cant stand the truth.

But i have essentially given up. Its clear that women are being given easy jobs. They have the choice to take on simple roles in work where they are controlled. But men are stuck in wharehouses etc etc.

The thing is, I KNOW my worth. And as far as im concerned women can make an effort to meet me, not the other way around. instead of spending my money on going to pubs, I spent it on 2 houses and am on my way to a third. I can now travel from one country to another. Its called freedom. If a woman thinks she can marry me and then walk away with half of that then she has another thing coming.

So yes, im a man that has NO FRIENDS, and no girlfriends inparticular.

BUT its not anything to do with feminism. Its a police state. Its the people in charge deliberalt ymaking it easy for women so they can divide people like me from breddable girls and mix them in a multi-cultural nigtmare. Its all about control.

I was thinking today. Women can always get pregnant and have a child and get paid by the state. But having a child is a thing that provide social interaction by default. Men cant do that. And its the government that is paying for that.

If you look at most women, they are NOT socially competent. In many cases they cannot do their job well. As I like to say I CAN DO MY JOB JUST AS BADLY AS YOU.

this article states that reproduction will fall. Its wont. The ruling class will continue to breed and the peasants. They breed like rats. But people like me wont breed. London is OVER 50% non white. Its a fact. When you start to do the numbers THERE ARE NO GIRLS for the men.

As sad as it is, that spree killer with the BMW was right. Its a sad thing to say EXCEPT I believe that that was a false flag event to high light it all.

Its actually quite hard for men. I think its hard because it becomes such an issue and its so important that you cant walk in a room and nonchalently talk to people pretending that meeting a girl is not something you havn't done in 20 years and its really important.

The powers that be just dont realise that their multi cult society mixed with lowest common denominator policies means that most social areas are no go zones. To start off with I cant go into a social area with non-whites. I went to a nightclub about 10 years about, or 7 years, as sad as that sounds. Most girls were in groups and young. Its just too hard to approach them. The only thing that happened was a black man that approached me with a sympathetic look like he could see that I was on my own and he would be my pal. I cant explain how damaging that was. To put it another way. When I go out, virtually nothing happens, so your memories are of what happens, and if all you did was speak to a cab driver, a ticket seller, a barman and some immigrants, its actually a BAD NIGHT OUT. I know im a failure at that level.

However, Its worse than that


You would have thought that it would be easy to meet someone on the internet but the POLICE STATE have stopped all that. I remember MySpace and I used to have 3000 friends, all of them young girls that appealed to me and I used to have lots of conversations. But they have banned all that. They made Facebook and you cant send invites out to more than 5 people without being caught for spam. Plus they deleted my MySpace account about 10 times.

Essentially they want single people that they can control.

what you have to do is resist that control. Do things to confound their objectives.

I own a house in Florida an dAmsterdam. That makes me more than unemployable because they cant bring me into their slave pens, the offices and call centers and wharehouse where their slaves live and get a bus to work. It would make them feel stupid.

I could go on and on and on.

But i'll end with saying that this is NOT a feminist revolution, its a governemnt driven POLICE STATE dididing people from things that give them power and freedom. You need to resist it by taking power in other forms and using it to defend yourself.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: brookster18

Wow I hate to be the one to burst your bubble little fella, but not everything is caused by the police state.

Humans are odd creatures, and the main revolution in feminine equality isn't due to some conspiracy, it's because with the growing industrialization of nations, it has become possible for women to step outside of the typical "caregiver" role and carve out their own destiny.

Also, I kinda of lost you when you said that insane kid in the BMW who shot up a bunch of a girls had a point. The moment you sympathize with a clearly insane serial killer, you lose any validity to your arguments.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:50 PM
I think its due to depression is sky rocketing over the world.

depression will make you not be interested in sex and social life.
i dont think there is more to it than that.

what is causing the uprise in depression however; is indeed a very important subject.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:50 PM
lol this thread is making me laugh. Its full of women sat at home on their computers writing condecending and santinonious crap.

Women can feel very safe sat at home on their computers. But they fail to realise that that does not make them equal.

The day I see women pouring into the scrap metal industry, the decorator business and the wharehouse sector and can throw a punch is the day I might have respect.

I always use the lanolin argument. Im not sure exactly what lanolin is but I have seen the stuff women use and its full of chemicals like lanolin that not only make you skin soft, but your dones and muscles etc. Thats why shemales take estogen, to make them soft and pliable. If women want to take an equal standing they need to east testosteron and man up, but they cant, they cant have both worlds.

Thats wha tmakes me laugh in films where the girls are cute and fit, and yet pack a punch. Anyone that has done any fighting will know that its mainly about power, and Mass, F=MA. A strong punch will virtually knock almost anyone unconscious instantly, especially a cute little head.

Its one of the reasons you dont get women cab drivers. Because they have no power and without power they have no respect. Cab drivers get beaten up HELLO THE REAL WORLD!!! CALLING ALL WOMEN!!! Doesnt stop them going everywhere by cab though.

I rest my case.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: brookster18

Wow I hate to be the one to burst your bubble little fella, but not everything is caused by the police state.

Humans are odd creatures, and the main revolution in feminine equality isn't due to some conspiracy, it's because with the growing industrialization of nations, it has become possible for women to step outside of the typical "caregiver" role and carve out their own destiny.

Also, I kinda of lost you when you said that insane kid in the BMW who shot up a bunch of a girls had a point. The moment you sympathize with a clearly insane serial killer, you lose any validity to your arguments.

Yeah, and I hate to be the one to state that your avatar is a pile is peadophilic tripe.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: brookster18

Come to Japan, my friend.

I'll prove to you that dainty little girls can punch with the best of them.

There is no mercy in this dojo.

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