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The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

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posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: alienDNA
I think its due to depression is sky rocketing over the world.

depression will make you not be interested in sex and social life.
i dont think there is more to it than that.

what is causing the uprise in depression however; is indeed a very important subject.

I believe you are right, but also add in the poisons, hormones and a whole host of other problems with our air, water and food and we will see the disastrous sociological, physical and mental results in each subsequent generation.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: Dr1Akula

The sad thing about it, is that most women who want ''revenge'' against men, come from western ''civilized'' societies and have never experienced any of those things your taking about.

Some of these things are more current, like burning wives in the kitchen....that was actually a story from the Oprah show!

I agree with you, I am not personally interested in revenge. But it is in the collective unconscious mind of society, just like some other things. Why are women not allowed to drive in some countries? Why women have to eat with gloves and face veils?

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: brookster18
lol this thread is making me laugh. Its full of women sat at home on their computers writing condecending and santinonious crap.

Most of the men who post in Feminist threads are pretty laughable.

Sad part is, they don't see it.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: brookster18

So, rather than come up with a cogent, thoughtful response you attack of all things, my avatar.
One: I don't see how a cheerful girl offering a present to you in a christmas outfit is Paedophilic?

I mean, I'm certainly not aroused by it. It seems like a heartfelt gesture of kindness to me during a season of giving.

Were you? If so, that would seem indicate a problem with YOUR mental state, and not my choice of avatar.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:00 PM
lol again.

Im watching Bloodlust Zombies on You tube and its EXACTLY as I said. At 38 minutes in the 'girl' is swearing at the cop. She even says its time he manned up. Yet its clear that it was a male saying that the cop, who was much bigger would have PUNCHED HIM. Its a good example but not perfect.

Women want equality but they cant actually achieve it naturally without an artificial (governemtn sanctioned) control system to enforce it.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: brookster18
lol again.

Im watching Bloodlust Zombies on You tube and its EXACTLY as I said. At 38 minutes in the 'girl' is swearing at the cop. She even says its time he manned up. Yet its clear that it was a male saying that the cop, who was much bigger would have PUNCHED HIM. Its a good example but not perfect.

Women want equality but they cant actually achieve it naturally without an artificial (governemtn sanctioned) control system to enforce it.

Did a man write Bloodlust Zombies? I would imagine so, and that would be the male author's idea or portrayal of a fictionalized character - not real...unreal.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Feminism is an umbrella term of a whole host of disparate groups and movements and certainly some of them could be characterized as trying to bring about a "female dominated society" but is that really where the mainstream is at?


That is where it's at, precisely.

The very name "feminism" makes that abundantly clear.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: brookster18

Your first mistake was gaining insight about society from motion pictures.

Step away from the tube, and out into the real world.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:07 PM
So a bunch of idiots walked away from women because if one women is an extremist they all must be, if there's groups of radical feminists (which there are, there's also radical groups of men everywhere) all women must be radical feminists?

Good riddance and thanks for not adding to the gene pool.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:08 PM
its a nnnewww day!! And ITs a nnneeeew good dayyy!!! I liek backyard wrestling.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: shamaniski
its a nnnewww day!! And ITs a nnneeeew good dayyy!!! I liek backyard wrestling.

One could meet a lot of new friends through backyard mud wrestling.

(post by brookster18 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: brookster18

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: brookster18

So, rather than come up with a cogent, thoughtful response you attack of all things, my avatar.
One: I don't see how a cheerful girl offering a present to you in a christmas outfit is Paedophilic?

I mean, I'm certainly not aroused by it. It seems like a heartfelt gesture of kindness to me during a season of giving.

Were you? If so, that would seem indicate a problem with YOUR mental state, and not my choice of avatar.

Im sat here next to a G3 fully automatic assault rifle. I dont need a 'cogent' or 'thoughtful' responce.

Thats where idiots like you fall apart in your basic premise.

And yes, your avatar is clearly phedophilic. Its a clear indicator of a person with peadophilic tendnecies.

I can also see that you spend too much time on this site. I bet your really proud of all the numbers that reflect the pointless hours you spend writing posts that your sychophantic chums will give you props for.

You are clearly an imature moron that has such little real world expereince that you dont have the insight or humility to NOT antagonise people that might appear psychologically unbalnce. Good job popele like you never pay the cost of your ill chosen words on forums and message boards.

In fact, its probably idiots like you that are the prime cause for the great 'Sexodus'

Regarding the murderer.

hhmmmm, loose credibility? hhhmm, as the UK's greatest authority outside of the government I think I can speak with authority on the subject.

You need to learn when you shut up.

You also need to learn when to shut up.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: shamaniski
its a nnnewww day!! And ITs a nnneeeew good dayyy!!! I liek backyard wrestling.

One could meet a lot of new friends through backyard mud wrestling.

ahhahahaha yaaaeees. I have the worst post to star ratio on this site prolly. I never do good at anything.
edit on 10-12-2014 by shamaniski because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:16 PM
Aa reply to: Indigent

I think it's interesting theory, and feminism is dubious at best, but to be honest I think human beings are lazy. The retreat into fantasy land (porn, video games, alcohol/drugs, etc.) is a manifestation of the our current system.

Anti-social behavior is learned NOT created by feminism. The increase of online activity, texting as a means to communicate rather than face-to-face, only exacerbates people (not just men) hiding from society rather than engaging in it.

A large number of people seek comfort from painful situations because they have never been taught to deal with them. Overcoming setbacks and failures is not something our current society is good at providing to the younger generations.

I could go on, because there are layers upon layers to this problem. I blame idiot social psychologists that have wormed their way into news, schools, business, etc. more than I blame feminists. Psychologists are the worst people at understanding human behavior because they are the most f@#ked up, and then they spread their f@#ked up view that they sought to understand and rationalize through the years of schooling in Psychology. I've met very few PhD Psychologist that weren't screwed up.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: brookster18
lol again.

Im watching Bloodlust Zombies on You tube and its EXACTLY as I said. At 38 minutes in the 'girl' is swearing at the cop. She even says its time he manned up. Yet its clear that it was a male saying that the cop, who was much bigger would have PUNCHED HIM. Its a good example but not perfect.

Women want equality but they cant actually achieve it naturally without an artificial (governemtn sanctioned) control system to enforce it.

Did a man write Bloodlust Zombies? I would imagine so, and that would be the male author's idea or portrayal of a fictionalized character - not real...unreal.

Good point. However, that man was part of the governemtn elite that control the media to divide and conquer. Its simple bernays propoganda. As I said above, there is no 'femenist' drive. Its a POLICE SATE conspiracy to divide and conquer, AND from there control peoples perceptions and conditioning with the media. As such my argument is valid.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: shamaniski

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: shamaniski
its a nnnewww day!! And ITs a nnneeeew good dayyy!!! I liek backyard wrestling.

One could meet a lot of new friends through backyard mud wrestling.

ahhahahaha yaaaeees. I have the worst post to star ratio on this site prolly. I never do good at anything.

Don't take so much stock on star and flag numbers, they are really meaningless.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: shamaniski

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: shamaniski
its a nnnewww day!! And ITs a nnneeeew good dayyy!!! I liek backyard wrestling.

One could meet a lot of new friends through backyard mud wrestling.

ahhahahaha yaaaeees. I have the worst post to star ratio on this site prolly. I never do good at anything.

Don't take so much stock on star and flag numbers, they are really meaningless.

I dont take it too seriously it just reminded me of my life and all the other things you know?
edit on 10-12-2014 by shamaniski because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: brookster18

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: brookster18
lol again.

Im watching Bloodlust Zombies on You tube and its EXACTLY as I said. At 38 minutes in the 'girl' is swearing at the cop. She even says its time he manned up. Yet its clear that it was a male saying that the cop, who was much bigger would have PUNCHED HIM. Its a good example but not perfect.

Women want equality but they cant actually achieve it naturally without an artificial (governemtn sanctioned) control system to enforce it.

Did a man write Bloodlust Zombies? I would imagine so, and that would be the male author's idea or portrayal of a fictionalized character - not real...unreal.

Good point. However, that man was part of the governemtn elite that control the media to divide and conquer. Its simple bernays propoganda. As I said above, there is no 'femenist' drive. Its a POLICE SATE conspiracy to divide and conquer, AND from there control peoples perceptions and conditioning with the media. As such my argument is valid.

Some will agree with you, and then some won't. I see signs of police states now and again, but then I also see petitions and protests working. So, it's a wacky wacky world with many things working against us all. By the way, the last guy who got p*ssed with me during a debate also told me he had a gun, my reply was that I had one too.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: shamaniski

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: shamaniski

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: shamaniski
its a nnnewww day!! And ITs a nnneeeew good dayyy!!! I liek backyard wrestling.

One could meet a lot of new friends through backyard mud wrestling.

ahhahahaha yaaaeees. I have the worst post to star ratio on this site prolly. I never do good at anything.

Don't take so much stock on star and flag numbers, they are really meaningless.

I dont take it too seriously it just reminded me of my life and all the other things you know?

Tomorrow is another day to make changes.

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