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The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

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posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: brookster18

You are just rude...

Nothing wrong with her Avatar.

Maybe if that Avatar bugs you...Look in the mirror.

The problem will be starring you in the face.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

On the topic of Avatars, I have to say that I love yours. That expression perfectly captures how I feel the majority of the time!

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: corvuscorrax

Aw but I was just starting to have fun. Party poop.

But fine, I've poked him enough, I'm sure he'll shamble off to go be crazy somewhere else.

Well, I thought the accusations of - what was it? "pheodophileia" or something like that? - were a bit over the top. Perhaps especially so when coming from someone who "ran an international comics convention for 7 years", and who , in his own words:

Im a man, I have over 30 guns, I take drugs and have sex with teenage whores. I own houses across the world and have a room full of female manaquins and spend most days reading through police records and court trascripts for murders.

Whew! And I though I had had a full life! It's not any wonder the fine young man fits the thread title and just doesn't have time for girls!


BRB - I gotta go pop some popcorn.

edit on 2014/12/10 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: whyamIhere

On the topic of Avatars, I have to say that I love yours. That expression perfectly captures how I feel the majority of the time!

That is Sgt. Hulka from my favorite movie Stripes.

It just kind of stuck...

Hope people don't want to come in my house thinking I'm a pedophile.

Sheesh, I almost said something real tacky to her...

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: nenothtu

Over the top perhaps, but the rantings kind of captured the most radical elements of this "men checked out" thing. A lot of them are angry, and project that anger onto the other gender because they feel they're somehow being denied the things they feel are owed to them by simply existing in this world. The preponderance of television that had (in the past at least), rewarded the hero with the pretty girl also tended to make young men think they all deserved a princess. And many women to believe they ARE that princess. So, the media problem went both ways really. It taught boys that they'll all find beautiful women some day, and it taught girls that they should all be beautiful women if they want boys.

When the reality hits some of these people that not every story plays out that way, they may retreat into themselves.

Or at worst, lash out like our esteemed gun/mannequin owning, top authority of the UK.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: nenothtu

Over the top perhaps, but the rantings kind of captured the most radical elements of this "men checked out" thing. A lot of them are angry, and project that anger onto the other gender because they feel they're somehow being denied the things they feel are owed to them by simply existing in this world. The preponderance of television that had (in the past at least), rewarded the hero with the pretty girl also tended to make young men think they all deserved a princess. And many women to believe they ARE that princess. So, the media problem went both ways really. It taught boys that they'll all find beautiful women some day, and it taught girls that they should all be beautiful women if they want boys.

When the reality hits some of these people that not every story plays out that way, they may retreat into themselves.

Or at worst, lash out like our esteemed gun/mannequin owning, top authority of the UK.

This sums up the thread nicely. It all boils down to expectations. I had that issue in my teen years luckily I only quietly pouted about it instead of projecting it on others. Now after having some time to grow I at least have come to peace with my choices and will take joy where I can find it, but NEVER expect you're owed a thing in life and hope for a good death.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:24 PM
And to add to my previous post, it should be noted that there are multitudes of women out there who have also "Checked out" of society when it comes to finding a partner. They feel they don't live up to the standards placed by society. Some feel threatened, others have simply had multiple terrible experiences with dating and just don't want to go through the heartache anymore. So really, the problem isn't contained to just one gender, it's that men have started to do the same, and it's shocking.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

Can you imagine if even 1/4 of women judged men based on this assholery?

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

Can you imagine if even 1/4 of women judged men based on this assholery?

"Assholery". That cracked me up.

Are you a Texas Girl Kali ?

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: Kali74

Luckily, people in general tend to be able to look beyond the slavering, thoughtless fools that up the radical elements of any group. Men and Women both have the intelligence to see a person claiming to represent a group, say "Mmm, they probably don't get what that group is really about." and discard their rantings.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

Nope. Boston.

or Bahhhstahhhn if you prefer.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: brookster18

Thats what makes me laugh in films where the girls are cute and fit, and yet pack a punch. Anyone that has done any fighting will know that its mainly about power, and Mass, F=MA. A strong punch will virtually knock almost anyone unconscious instantly, especially a cute little head

Hmmm, I had a Shifu said it was speed and not size that counts. But honestly, why punch someone in the face when you can do a crane strike to the back of the neck, or grab their shirt and take em down that way, or well a grab of a lower extremity apparently works well, though I've never tried it....

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

You know... the best thing about this as well as those women that jump the shark while trying to wear a cloak of feminism? They won't breed.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:38 PM
Thank you everyone for a thought provoking and (mostly) intelligent discussion today! I have to get to sleep. It's almost 10 AM here in the Nihon and the night shift comes faster than I would like it to.

I hope to continue this discussion when I get to work tonight!

a reply to: Kali74

ETA: I know, isn't it a delicious irony?
edit on 10-12-2014 by ScientificRailgun because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: SearchLightsInc

Feminism is awful. Humanism is where it's at.


Isms are just like sports teams, there to recruit rabbid fans. Throw the damn idiot boxes in the trash and start thinking for yourselves and about yourselves. Once you're capable of that then you can start worrying about changing the world.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:57 PM
"i can't stop playing video games and wanking!"

"uh... why?"

"cuz feminism!"


as a dude who married a girl both more attractive and higher paid than i am, i think this hypergamy thing is a steamy crock o' #. a cop out. if you can't find a girl willing to touch your pee pee, it's probably because you say # like this:

If an average girl works hard enough, she will be able to have a one-night stand with a 'hot' guy every now and then because he happened to be horny and wanted an easy lay. The girl then thinks that she actually can get such a man to commit to her for the long term, and so doesn't give the average guys a chance, holding out for the type of stud that she had a brief sexual encounter with in the past.

here's a pro-tip, bro. you can't get a woman because of your terrible personality, not your earning power or your /fit status or whatever other fairy tale you tell yourself to get through the day without punching the mirror. seriously, these guys come across like they never developed emotionally past the age of five.

but sure, if they wanna self-select themselves out of the gene pool, nobody's gonna miss em much.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
"I think it has less to do with "feminism" (as such), and speaks more to the unrealistic expectations of women today. They want their suburban mansion, picket fence, 2.5 kids, and (most importantly) the envy of their peers. And if they don't get it, they'll simply move on to the next mark."

I'm giving you a big ol' star because you hit the nail on the head with that statement!, I wish I wasn't in such a position to say every woman I've come across in relationships is looking for $$$.

I know, right. If I'm honest with a woman about my "average" salary, or sees me drive a pos car, she will never give me a chance to say Hi.

But... If I do what emotional women do and lie and say I make over a $100,000 a year an sees the 24" rims on my truck (which is why I can't afford a woman, cough). You can have all the sex and fun with them.... Until they see you lied.... And no joke, if she's smart, you go to jail. For what ever the hell she says to the cops.

I haven't went out of my way for cats, girls, women, whatever the hell they liked to be called these days for a few years. The last one pulled some bs on me that ended up me throwing her out in the street with her son at 5am in -25 degrees, with no job, no food, broken car, and needles in her arm. She had no right to have a kid. I gave her a roof, food, new car(I took back). I almost went to jail because I was doing the right thing. I don't think I hit her hard enough. Btw, it was all self defense.

Rant over
I'm going to stop now before I need to find one and slap her with some love. Man style.

Let it begin.......again

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Indigent

For the most part, physically and mentally men and women couldn't be more different. I think feminism is taken to the extreme in some cases. I hear the word "equality" being bandied about. So, if a female hits a man, by your definition of "equality" a male would be well within his rights to hit you right back (after all, a male would hit a male back, why, if you want "equality" should this be any different?).

In any event, women are entitled to feel safe, sexy, secure smart and everything that they want to be. I hear a lot of females want mixed sports. I for one would start watching the NFL and such with baited breath if that happens.

Perspective, I think is what is needed. I think the women that actually get on with being driven, successful and achieve what they want are a far better role model for feminism then any screaming pack of females essentially baying for men's blood could ever be.

Although the only one you would really here about out of those two examples would be the mob, due to that being a better story for the MSM then any "actual" successful, strong woman.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: nenothtu

Over the top perhaps, but the rantings kind of captured the most radical elements of this "men checked out" thing. A lot of them are angry, and project that anger onto the other gender because they feel they're somehow being denied the things they feel are owed to them by simply existing in this world. The preponderance of television that had (in the past at least), rewarded the hero with the pretty girl also tended to make young men think they all deserved a princess. And many women to believe they ARE that princess. So, the media problem went both ways really. It taught boys that they'll all find beautiful women some day, and it taught girls that they should all be beautiful women if they want boys.

When the reality hits some of these people that not every story plays out that way, they may retreat into themselves.

Or at worst, lash out like our esteemed gun/mannequin owning, top authority of the UK.

Well, I can't really speak much to the current state of affairs. 30 years ago, when I was a young man, the "feminism" of the day was pretty trendy, but it led to every interaction with women being either "rape" at worst or "sexual harassment" at best, so even back then I tried to check out of the battle of the sexes, because I just didn't see it as worth the effort.

I wasn't very successful at running away (I dunno, maybe had a bone in my leg or something hindering my run), and managed to catch (or, I guess get caught by) no less than 4 "princesses". By "caught" I mean matrimonially roped, tied, and certified. As it turned out, the "princessery" of 3 of them didn't go much deeper that the epidermis. So much for what TV tells us. Now the last one, she IS a princess... but I had to wade through a lot of swamp before we bumped into one another... or I bumped into her... or got bumped into... or however it is women arrange these things.

What I see between then and now (aside from the more concentrated media imagery) Is that men are no longer interested in trudging through that swamp. It WAS a pretty nasty swamp, but then I'd never be where I am had I elected to just hide somewhere and not hazard the trip. I could have stayed shiny and stunted my growth, or I could have gotten grubby and fertilized it. I made one choice, they are making another.

Now, in the matter of the reality of the way the story plays out, we seem to have been a bit less "pre-programmed", and a little more flexible as to the outcome. We had to be - society was changing on a daily basis, and we could either keep ahead of it or fall behind and get trampled... or we could just hide and try to wait it out. Some few DID elect to hide, but their ranks seem to be increasing. As an example, media presented an image of what "society" though beauty should be (as molded and guided by media), but not all of us bought into that. Some developed their own ideas of "beauty". It made life easier, and the field of potential just that much wider.

At one point, I determined that the only thing to do was hold out for the "perfect" woman. MY reasoning was that was a sure fire way to avoid them altogether. Even then, I knew there was no such thing as "perfect" - only what we are willing to adjust to in our perceptions of perfection. If I refused to adjust, I had it made.

Life adjusts us in spite of ourselves - if we're willing to get out in it and live it.

Of course, if I had had a G3, houses all over the world, and closets full of mannequins, life might have turned out differently... no, on second thought, it wouldn't have in my case. I hate G3's - they're clunky, bulky and useless for what you get. I know, I've carried them, too. Pitiful weapon, but superbly engineered for function. Just not for carrying or using. Mannequins, well, they just creep me out. They're always staring at you. Teenage girls, prostitutes or not, have never struck my fancy - not even when I was a teenager myself.

Hell, I'd have never made it! I don't know how our stalwart young friend survives at all!

ETA: on the "projecting anger onto the opposite sex" thing: I never got that, but back in my day, we didn't seem to expect as much merely because we graced the world with our presence. We just weren't entitled to what we didn't work towards, or occasionally luck into. Some few seemed to take that attitude - we called them "preppies". It seems like we are moving into an entirely preppie-fied society. I'm not entitled to blame my own lack of effort on someone else's "shortcomings".

Maybe that's another difference.

edit on 2014/12/10 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: nenothtu

LOL, love it.

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