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The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

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(post by shamaniski removed for a manners violation)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:02 PM
I love women, but a lot of them seem to have boarded the crazy train.

The biggest difference i see is this: When i was 6 years old, i wanted to be a ninja. That's right a #in ninja. At some point I GREW UP and realized that this was not realistic. Most girls at 6 years old want to marry a prince and become a queen of a castle and rule over the peasants.

The end.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: shamaniski
im sorry for my comments. Having like a nervous mental breakdown kinda

edit on 9-12-2014 by projectbane because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:10 PM
This thread just symbolizes to me how sick society is now...

Neutered men make me sick by the way....

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: MRuss

Women have been subdued by men for many, many centuries. That truth is aptly reflected in society and the current state of things.

Tell that too Hilary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher or even Christine Lagarde!!

Always someone whining about the past. Never willing to let things go and grow.

It is similar to the slavery times. Black people have been free now for about 200 long do they need to sort stuff out. Same with women. You are NOT prisoners, or slaves...grow up and do something instead of moaning.
edit on 9-12-2014 by projectbane because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: Plugin
a reply to: Grumble

Woman are the boss at home 9 out of 10 cases (although that is a wild guess) but my observation when looking around.
Probably for ages though.
Woman are much better vocally/communication so there the males basically is loosing already which is becoming more and more important in todays society. We can't use brute force anymore (for putting them in their place) to win this situation (the communication ''fight'') so we are pretty or at least feel powerless. Making us look weak just by that.

And yea males are just less useful then woman.

Just look at lions, the females only need the male for off spring basicly and in some cases for large prey to be taken down.
Those other poor males (the vast majority) mostly live solitary and sometimes try to fight off (often with 2 (brothers often) the lion who lives with the females to take his place but the females with often help their current male off spring machine so not much success for them mostly.
This and for other reasons the lion population is getting close to extinction.

But it's a pretty hard discussion. I don't think it's bad per se that woman are getting more dominant, they do better on school, at home, relations, you name it generally. More men are and feel more like losers, more male ''losers'' then ever & increasing.

We where/are good hunters and good at being alone / doing things alone and such treats not needed anymore. Although males living more and more alone this does help them to cope with their increasing situation...
But maybe we will ''evolve'' to become more like woman or are already?

I read a study that the male chromosome is getting smaller and smaller, which I guess is just natural.

Also males can't cope very well with the current environment it seems damaging male fertility,
probably/likely the sexual drive is getting less because of that (&other reasons) so also a reason perhaps males don't find enough drive seeking out woman for sex, let alone relations. For many males they rather be alone then being in constant discussions and listening to the other sex which they always loose (exceptions always there though).
Like a calculation, in the end they just feel it's not worth it (at least less) for more & men (generally speaking) and as the opening article said; more males drop out of society/more male ''losers'' living alone & vastly increasing.

One of the few in this thread who use their brain rather than knee-jerk emotional reaction.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:27 PM
its all the estrogen we ingest in our water, food, and other sources. Im not kidding my Dr said tap water estrogen in it.

The again my girlfriend ain't complaining about now.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: pikestaff
Women only want equality until the car tyre needs changing, then, low and behold they are totally helpless, why is that?
I have had girlfriends, was married for twenty five years, I thought I had a good marriage, she thought differently.
My conclusion is shown in the first sentence.

If my tire needs changing, I take it to a garage where a mechanic, male or female will do it for me and I still want equality because some garages will try to charge me more, or find more wrong with it to gouge me, just because I am a woman.

A good marriage requires both people's needs to be met.

You have the choice to turn to pornography to meet the needs deemed the most important, I suppose; invented by men to serve men and degrade women.

...Have you considered the possibility that the mechanic ups the price because you know nothing about cars? As a male I have had the same problem, but I know enough to call them on their #. When women aren't allowed in libraries your argument will become valid
. The porn thing is pretty true though.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:32 PM
I sure as hell wish my dad would have followed this queue. That would have solved everyone of my problems. OHHHHHh such a bad beat. Dad!!! you should have pulled out! I wouldn't exist if you did!!

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:45 PM
omg some of these replies are hilarious.

This article hahahahhahha.

Does it really take that much brains to point out the obvious?

I thought this kind of stuff was common knowledge.
No not many of us like to deal with the female crap right now.

Maybe when im old and my seed is needing. But other then that. Why should i dedicate time sweat tears and the oppertunity for someone to scam me and walk away with 50% of my life? Nope.

never putting that kind of power into someones hands. Everyone else can chase tail.
I don't care. Yall are walking around a rock orbiting a star. Without the clutter of human egos, I can breath easily in the full beauty of existance. Which no person could ever fill. No matter who you are are what you have done.

For the universe will always be greater than any and each of you including myself. And to absolve my reality for someone of lesser complexity? No. I'm not changing my view of reality just because someone wants me to. I am not a danger to anyone, So i have no reason to change who i am unless i find something real worthwhile. These peanuts and bread crumbs don't cut it.

That's what society we live in, We slave for peanuts and bread crumbs. And we don't leave flowers where we congrigate with these peanuts and crumbs. We leave crap, Poop everywhere. Scraps go in to us and out comes garbage.

I could point out all the south park like satyrical hiliarity of humanities realities but i would be here all day. Writing my own Thesis on why dealing with woman in this day and age is risky and somewhat degrading.

To think that all men want to do is have sex all day. Hahahhahahhahahhaha.

I'm gunna work in taking over the world, good luck chaps chasing tail.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: AnuTyr
omg some of these replies are hilarious.

This article hahahahhahha.

Does it really take that much brains to point out the obvious?

I thought this kind of stuff was common knowledge.
No not many of us like to deal with the female crap right now.

Maybe when im old and my seed is needing. But other then that. Why should i dedicate time sweat tears and the oppertunity for someone to scam me and walk away with 50% of my life? Nope.

never putting that kind of power into someones hands. Everyone else can chase tail.
I don't care. Yall are walking around a rock orbiting a star. Without the clutter of human egos, I can breath easily in the full beauty of existance. Which no person could ever fill. No matter who you are are what you have done.

For the universe will always be greater than any and each of you including myself. And to absolve my reality for someone of lesser complexity? No. I'm not changing my view of reality just because someone wants me to. I am not a danger to anyone, So i have no reason to change who i am unless i find something real worthwhile. These peanuts and bread crumbs don't cut it.

That's what society we live in, We slave for peanuts and bread crumbs. And we don't leave flowers where we congrigate with these peanuts and crumbs. We leave crap, Poop everywhere. Scraps go in to us and out comes garbage.

I could point out all the south park like satyrical hiliarity of humanities realities but i would be here all day. Writing my own Thesis on why dealing with woman in this day and age is risky and somewhat degrading.

To think that all men want to do is have sex all day. Hahahhahahhahahhaha.

I'm gunna work in taking over the world, good luck chaps chasing tail.

True! it goes both ways. Why the hell do woman wear makeup? I love taking anti depressants!! takes away a lot of sex drive! more time to be a crazy loon and play video games and sit in the basement all day. People are scary.
edit on 9-12-2014 by shamaniski because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: shamaniski

Well some people are scary.

Most people nowadays are to analytical about the most OCD impulses implanted into society.

I would say for the most part, In cities many people cannot be trusted.

There are sharks out there looking to draw money from any source possible.
I don't like feeding into their Ego so i try to avoid such scenarios as much as possible.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:56 PM

originally posted by: AnuTyr
a reply to: shamaniski

Well some people are scary.

Most people nowadays are to analytical about the most OCD impulses implanted into society.

I would say for the most part, In cities many people cannot be trusted.

There are sharks out there looking to draw money from any source possible.
I don't like feeding into their Ego so i try to avoid such scenarios as much as possible.

I'm suicidal so I wish to not have an ego? I do of course and I don't know what happens when we die but I'm chasing no ego? No its just a result of wishes not got.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: Grumble
Seriously, you guys are the biggest losers on the face of the earth. You have to run away crying because women, who are physically weaker,

Who's running away? Yes they are physically weaker, so what?
Aren't feminists against, us seeing them as weak?
Also a lot of men are physically weaker than other men, but we live in a society with laws that protect everyone the same.

(they) make less money

they are not making less money now days, some of them are even paid more, and have better opportunities...

are discriminated against in many ways, and live in constant fear of you

What century do you think we live in?

originally posted by: Grumble
Here is the reality: in general women are much better human beings than you by almost any measure.

no comment... pure sexism

originally posted by: Grumble
You should be spending your days loving them with all your heart while learning from them and treasuring the roles they play in your lives.

I agree but not all women deserve that, it's subjective and shouldn't apply in general.
Love and respect should go both ways, most modern women know how to take advantage of someone who loves them, or use them as placeholders, love blinds you and most of the times you end up been a sucker.
Not all women are like this, and some have also been the victims of that attitude by men
Again not every woman is bad, just like not every man is a pig. Nothing new here, some humans (no matter of gender) are scums that take advantage of the others.
Humanism and equality are the right words, feminism is just another form of sexism.
edit on TueTue, 09 Dec 2014 22:48:51 -06001PMkuTuesdaypm by Dr1Akula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:59 PM
But hey if you like wasting money to take a woman on a date and that's you're thing all power to you.

Just many woman usually go out to dinners and do one night stands just for a free meal or to borrow a couple bucks.

It happens so often to people and a couple times to me why even bother? And could you imagine if i made decent money? One of these leeches would try to syphon me for all they have reguardless if we have kids or not. People are like that.

It's a nightmare and we don't need a scientific paper to explain it to people. You would have to be stupid not to notice (Lack of knowledge, experience or denial).

Yeah there are good woman out there, But its not worth it walking through a sea of leeches to reach land when im already on land... And a sperm bank is only a short drive away. But that's just me. I hate being taken advantage of and expected of it like its some blessing or something to be degraded.
edit on 9-12-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: shamaniski

man don't think about killing yourself over humans. that's the lamest thing ever. Look how big the universe is. Our little world here does not = the entirety of existance.

Take the time to do some gardening and learn to appreciate how time moves, and with it so does growth.

You will find your purpose for living.

And if it makes you feel better aliens exist and are here, So if humans screw up ultimately there will be something to clean up the mess lol.

here this is for you

edit on 9-12-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: AnuTyr
a reply to: shamaniski

man don't think about killing yourself over humans. that's the lamest thing ever. Look how big the universe is. Our little world here does not = the entirety of existance.

Take the time to do some gardening and learn to appreciate how time moves, and with it so does growth.

You will find your purpose for living.

And if it makes you feel better aliens exist and are here, So if humans screw up ultimately there will be something to clean up the mess lol.

here this is for you

Thanks, by the way Canada is a wonderful country. Be proud to be Canadian.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: Bundy
I love women, but a lot of them seem to have boarded the crazy train.

The biggest difference i see is this: When i was 6 years old, i wanted to be a ninja. That's right a #in ninja. At some point I GREW UP and realized that this was not realistic. Most girls at 6 years old want to marry a prince and become a queen of a castle and rule over the peasants.

The end.

I love women too. I have to say that a lot of men I know, seem to have boarded the crazy train.

When I was six years old I wanted to be a ninja as well. That's right a ninja. Truth is.. I am a ninja. About as close as you can be...teaching martial arts full time and training in several disciplines at the same time. I grew up to become that ninja and I make a living at it. What girl doesn't want to marry a ninja? I found quite a few that didn't want to marry a prince or become a queen or rule over peasants and I picked one and married her.

The end.

edit on 9-12-2014 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Bundy
I love women, but a lot of them seem to have boarded the crazy train.

The biggest difference i see is this: When i was 6 years old, i wanted to be a ninja. That's right a #in ninja. At some point I GREW UP and realized that this was not realistic. Most girls at 6 years old want to marry a prince and become a queen of a castle and rule over the peasants.

The end.

I love women too. I have to say that a lot of men I know, seem to have boarded the crazy train.

When I was six years old I wanted to be a ninja as well. That's right a ninja. Truth is.. I am a ninja. About as close as you can be...teaching martial arts full time and training in several disciplines at the same time. I grew up to become that ninja and I make a living at it. What girl doesn't want to marry a ninja? I found quite a few that didn't want to marry a prince or become a queen or rule over peasants and I picked one and married her.

The end.

Wow u work full time and you have a wife!!! How do people do that? How do people work?

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: projectbane
a reply to: MRuss

Women have been subdued by men for many, many centuries. That truth is aptly reflected in society and the current state of things.

Tell that too Hilary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher or even Christine Lagarde!!

Always someone whining about the past. Never willing to let things go and grow.

It is similar to the slavery times. Black people have been free now for about 200 long do they need to sort stuff out. Same with women. You are NOT prisoners, or slaves...grow up and do something instead of moaning.

Clearly you have everything figured out.

200 years ago was 1814. The Fifteenth Amendment was ratified 144 years ago in 1870. It was nearly another century before the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (50 and 49 years ago, respectively) ended Jim Crow laws — and lets be perfectly honest here — hundreds of years old attitudes and behaviors don't change overnight, regardless of changes in law.

If I were you, I'd worry more about my own personal development before I offered uninformed opinions about the progress of others.

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