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originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
Apparently men are going through this even when their women are doing EVERYTHING for them, including taking out the trash, paying all the bills, the grocery shopping the cooking the home repairs cleaning toilets and a job too.
Or maybe that is just mine?
This thread is funny. Lot's of guys keep posting that women have taken everything away from them.
I don't see it. It's petty complaining and poor me from these guys. It's okay. step away from the video games and walk outside and you'll see that women haven't ruined the world, most of them are still pretty nice. They'll date you and marry you and life is good.
I think these feelings come from low self esteem. I'll give you a cure for that. Try Martial arts. Try a traditional one with a belt system where it takes you around 4 years or more to get to black belt. That will help.
originally posted by: ConMi27
I'm 22. Single, and kind of semi-good looking (hopefully, cross your fingers). And the reason why I'm disgusted with most men is because they are scared of everything. Like I literally don't want to date someone that won't stick up for me in any given situation, especially if it is considering another guy hitting on me. So whereas I understand where this article is coming from given the whole feminism leading the world BS, I think a lot of men are using it as an excuse to be giant scardey cats. Or that's how my ex-fiance was.
Good article though, nevertheless. Thanks
originally posted by: ConMi27
I'm 22. Single, and kind of semi-good looking (hopefully, cross your fingers). And the reason why I'm disgusted with most men is because they are scared of everything. Like I literally don't want to date someone that won't stick up for me in any given situation, especially if it is considering another guy hitting on me. So whereas I understand where this article is coming from given the whole feminism leading the world BS, I think a lot of men are using it as an excuse to be giant scardey cats. Or that's how my ex-fiance was.
Good article though, nevertheless. Thanks
I would say that compassion and perception are heralded signs of an evolved person.
These traits are biologically inherent in females, which means in some areas, we are more evolved---as a vast generalization.
Women have been subdued by men for many, many centuries. That truth is aptly reflected in society and the current state of things.
It might be behoove the world to have more estrogen floating around this corrupt and violent world and less testosterone. All water seeks its level. Perhaps the Universe is the same way.
originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: MRuss
I would say that compassion and perception are heralded signs of an evolved person.
These traits are biologically inherent in females, which means in some areas, we are more evolved---as a vast generalization.
Women have been subdued by men for many, many centuries. That truth is aptly reflected in society and the current state of things.
It might be behoove the world to have more estrogen floating around this corrupt and violent world and less testosterone. All water seeks its level. Perhaps the Universe is the same way.
I might have to agree.
But then again, women have been protected by men for many many centuries. The protective instinct is biologically inherent in males of almost every species of animal. Society itself is a reflection of this instinct. The problem now is with the comforts of this society male protectiveness is no longer needed.
Truth be told, however, every person is born of a women, and in most cases, spends the most important years of his childhood development under her guidance. If this is the case, it already is a woman's world.
Not true, my son wanted to cut the apron strings during the pubescent years, so that was when his father was called into action. I can imagine that not all single mothers are doing it alone, they may have help from their brothers, get it.
originally posted by: ConMi27
originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
originally posted by: SearchLightsInc
originally posted by: Indigent
Society is heading towards its own destruction, we will become uninterested of our reproduction needs and start behaving as fat mouses, withdrew from the company of others entirely, eating, sleeping, feeding and grooming themselves but doing little else.
This seems to be happening to males due to the consequences of feminism, according to this long but interesting report.
The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Please read the source before drawing conclusions on the short part I sniped out of it.
I wont go to deep into this but i think is a matter that could draw some important discussion here on ATS, being a male around the age described in the article i feel represented by some of the points it made. Men are becoming second class, men actions are more scrutinized than equal actions by women, and in many instance the word of a woman condemn us.
Almost all young men have attended mandatory sexual harassment and anti-rape seminars, and they know that they can be fired, expelled or arrested based more or less on the word of any woman. They know they are basically guilty until proven innocent in most situations.
All this is due to extreme feminism that preach equality having in mind woman superiority
Women today are schooled in victimhood, taught to be aggressively vulnerable and convinced that the slightest of perceived infractions, approaches or clumsy misunderstandings represents "assault," "abuse" or "harassment." That may work in the safe confines of campus, where men can have their academic careers destroyed on the mere say-so of a female student.
what would happen is a men goes around with a t shirt saying i bath in the tears of women? I dont know but it seems its totally ok for the other way around.
Is this the end of society? doubtful, in my opinion some generations will be spoiled before a paradigm shift occur and endless cycles will happen again, perhaps some of us are withdrew from the company of others entirely, eating, sleeping, feeding and grooming ourselves playing video games all day just because its addictive and we like to be slobs but prefer to blame feminism of our choices, in any case the article makes a representation of current society that may worth to analyze.
Should we really be worried, in a world that is populated by 7 billion people that a few men in the Western Hemisphere are giving up on sex and relationships because they feel women cannot meet their needs?
No we shouldn't. Your rant against feminism is pure ignorance.
You should worry, radical feminism is like a physical and mental disease, it mutates, causes chemical changes in the brain and produces vitriolic fluid from every pore making the host feminist completely toxic. Feminism is not equality and it's certainly not egalitarianism.
It only takes one generation to destroy a species. Personally, I think feminists should receive equal amounts of abuse in the courts as do men. I helped a married male friend with that once, but it was almost 30 years ago in a more normal time. She went to jail for embezzlement and grand larceny, and he kept the kids, the house, the little bit that was left in the accounts and his dignity. This was after she blew his $90k inheritance and 8 months of mortgage payments on her boyfriend ;-)
I think we need more justice like that ;-)
Cheers - Dave
And yet he sat there and watched her commit the crimes and didn't do anything about it? He didn't try to stop her? Sounds like to me he was a big pushover and didn't know how to man up and prevent his wife from ruining their household. She might have done those things against his judgement, but if they were married, he could have stopped it or at least gotten he the care she needed so she didn't feel obligated to commit those crimes. There is always a way around things if people would just bawls up and try.
originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: InTheLight
Not true, my son wanted to cut the apron strings during the pubescent years, so that was when his father was called into action. I can imagine that not all single mothers are doing it alone, they may have help from their brothers, get it.
Of course. But, a child learn mosts of what it needs to know to operate in the world before the age of 5. Let's just say this time is very influential, and if history is any indication, this time was spent, for the most part, in the care of the mother.
originally posted by: NthOther
I think it has less to do with "feminism" (as such), and speaks more to the unrealistic expectations of women today. They want their suburban mansion, picket fence, 2.5 kids, and (most importantly) the envy of their peers. And if they don't get it, they'll simply move on to the next mark.
Men have noticed this trend, and many will simply not have anything to do with it. Many (and this is where a lot of women tune out and refuse to understand) can't have anything to do with it because we live in an economic climate that no longer allows for the fairy tale lifestyle most women were brainwashed into demanding from a very early age.
Simply put, we can't keep up with all the BS. We checked out of the relationship scene because we see it for what it is:
Exploitation. Stick that in your feminist pipe and smoke it.
originally posted by: Grumble
Seriously, you guys are the biggest losers on the face of the earth. You have to run away crying because women, who are physically weaker, make less money, are discriminated against in many ways, and live in constant fear of you, are being bullies? GROW THE # UP.
Here is the reality: in general women are much better human beings than you by almost any measure. You should be spending your days loving them with all your heart while learning from them and treasuring the roles they play in your lives.
A Man.