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The lie of multiculturalism

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posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat
a reply to: rowanflame

Sure dude. Don't believe the telly my good man. Florida is not the Paradise you seem to believe. Also, I'm willing to bet big money your current locale is nothing like Detroit. But I guess I don't know what I'm talking about so its your word against mine, comrade.

no its not as bad as Detroit but only because Detroit is more multicultural lol

But still Florida is heaven in comparison from what Ive seen

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: rowanflame

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: amazing
So what you're really saying is that some ethnicities, or people from certain countries will always act in the same way.

This will lead to false statements like the following, which will cause you to become fearful of these people or judge them and then act accordingly without regard for truth or what people are really like. You stereotype people. We know these following statements are false.

Meaning that Russians and Italians will always form mafias. People from African countries will always listen to rap and become thugs. Germans will always commit holocausts. People from south Africa will always want apartheid. People from Mexico will always make drugs, do landscaping and cross borders illegally.

You see the problem with this thinking, right?

It isn't true.

This is one of the most ignorant statements on here. Nobody has said that. Also you should read my post where I explained that you can't stereotype people, but that it is definitively true that it is not usually those who have a job or are law abiding leave their countries. Most often it is those with no jobs, criminal history etc because they get a fresh start.
Yes, that includes criminals and lowlife just as much as lovely working people.
So where is the stereotyping?

I also said that certain countries have different tastes when it comes to front gardens and house keeping, that doesn't mean they can not change a little and keep up OUR ways, learn new things; who knows, it might catch on.
Our ways aren't always the worst you know.

Your post is not adding anything sensible to the debate because you have not read any of the comments here properly. It's just the old: lets call everyone a racist/bigot/foreigner hater, without actually LISTENING to the points they are making.
I am so sick of this attitude.

The most closed minded people are those that are bathing in their own perceived self-glory without having a clue.

Dead wrong. When you say that multiculturalism is to blame. This is what you are saying. You're saying that other cultures are to blame for the worsening conditions in your neighborhood. that's what was said. Yes?

Taken a step further, these posts are saying that the problem lies in cultures other than yours. Yes?

That's what was said right?

Well there is a reason why they left their country's and I only have to turn on the TV to see what they came from to understand why they think they are coming to the land of milk and honey

So yes there is serious problems back home!

But you can't lump everyone from one culture in one sweeping generalization. That's like me saying all Christians are bad. They aren't all bad. Multiculturalism is a good thing but that's not the same as letting people bring sharia law or letting Christians read bible verses in school.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

It doesn't level out after 2 generations- that's a major part of the problem!

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: amazing

What is it actually good for?

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: rowanflame

But still Florida is heaven in comparison from what Ive seen

See, this statement alone is indicative of your naivety. Florida has a reputation in the US for being probably the most bats### crazy state in the union. Not to mention our rising yet already exponential crime rates. You know less than you seem to think, friend.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: rowanflame

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: amazing
So what you're really saying is that some ethnicities, or people from certain countries will always act in the same way.

This will lead to false statements like the following, which will cause you to become fearful of these people or judge them and then act accordingly without regard for truth or what people are really like. You stereotype people. We know these following statements are false.

Meaning that Russians and Italians will always form mafias. People from African countries will always listen to rap and become thugs. Germans will always commit holocausts. People from south Africa will always want apartheid. People from Mexico will always make drugs, do landscaping and cross borders illegally.

You see the problem with this thinking, right?

It isn't true.

This is one of the most ignorant statements on here. Nobody has said that. Also you should read my post where I explained that you can't stereotype people, but that it is definitively true that it is not usually those who have a job or are law abiding leave their countries. Most often it is those with no jobs, criminal history etc because they get a fresh start.
Yes, that includes criminals and lowlife just as much as lovely working people.
So where is the stereotyping?

I also said that certain countries have different tastes when it comes to front gardens and house keeping, that doesn't mean they can not change a little and keep up OUR ways, learn new things; who knows, it might catch on.
Our ways aren't always the worst you know.

Your post is not adding anything sensible to the debate because you have not read any of the comments here properly. It's just the old: lets call everyone a racist/bigot/foreigner hater, without actually LISTENING to the points they are making.
I am so sick of this attitude.

The most closed minded people are those that are bathing in their own perceived self-glory without having a clue.

Dead wrong. When you say that multiculturalism is to blame. This is what you are saying. You're saying that other cultures are to blame for the worsening conditions in your neighborhood. that's what was said. Yes?

Taken a step further, these posts are saying that the problem lies in cultures other than yours. Yes?

That's what was said right?

Well there is a reason why they left their country's and I only have to turn on the TV to see what they came from to understand why they think they are coming to the land of milk and honey

So yes there is serious problems back home!

But you can't lump everyone from one culture in one sweeping generalization. That's like me saying all Christians are bad. They aren't all bad. Multiculturalism is a good thing but that's not the same as letting people bring sharia law or letting Christians read bible verses in school.

Stop going around in circles mate, you will make yourself dizzy!

You said that the assumption was that they come from problematic society's and I said yes they do, crime ridden, corrupt, uncivilized society s which they are fleeing like rats, drool dribbles out the side of their lip when they see pictures of civilized country's and they will do anything to get in
edit on 1-12-2014 by rowanflame because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat
a reply to: rowanflame

But still Florida is heaven in comparison from what Ive seen

See, this statement alone is indicative of your naivety. Florida has a reputation in the US for being probably the most bats### crazy state in the union. Not to mention our rising yet already exponential crime rates. You know less than you seem to think, friend.

Ok I will let others from the US judge if Florida is that "bat crazy" place where the people are like all mean and stuff, somehow I doubt it!

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: rowanflame

Also this gem:

because Detroit is more multicultural lol


composition of the city was: 82.7% Black or African American; 10.6% White (7.8% non-Hispanic whites, 2.8% Hispanic whites); 3% from other races; 1.1% Asian; 2.2% from two or more races; 0.4% American Indian; 0.02% Pacific Islander.

Detroit wiki

From census 2010

82.7% black does not suggest to me that Detroit is even more multicultural than Florida.

Check your facts. Unless of course you are just making stuff up.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: rowanflame

eh, I'd say it's more complex than that.

Immigration might have it's own issues, however when concerned with multiculturalism it seems that it's so much more about the lack of assimilation of these immigrants.

the lack of assimilation leads to issues of cultural misunderstandings, and enclaves etc. which just amplifies the issues immigration can bring.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: rowanflame

Now I'm just proving a point.

Just Google crazy Florida if you still don't believe me.

edit on Cpm6Monday3320140231Mon, 01 Dec 2014 18:33:02 -06002014 by CagliostroTheGreat because: url tag lol

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: rowanflame

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: rowanflame

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: amazing
So what you're really saying is that some ethnicities, or people from certain countries will always act in the same way.

This will lead to false statements like the following, which will cause you to become fearful of these people or judge them and then act accordingly without regard for truth or what people are really like. You stereotype people. We know these following statements are false.

Meaning that Russians and Italians will always form mafias. People from African countries will always listen to rap and become thugs. Germans will always commit holocausts. People from south Africa will always want apartheid. People from Mexico will always make drugs, do landscaping and cross borders illegally.

You see the problem with this thinking, right?

It isn't true.

This is one of the most ignorant statements on here. Nobody has said that. Also you should read my post where I explained that you can't stereotype people, but that it is definitively true that it is not usually those who have a job or are law abiding leave their countries. Most often it is those with no jobs, criminal history etc because they get a fresh start.
Yes, that includes criminals and lowlife just as much as lovely working people.
So where is the stereotyping?

I also said that certain countries have different tastes when it comes to front gardens and house keeping, that doesn't mean they can not change a little and keep up OUR ways, learn new things; who knows, it might catch on.
Our ways aren't always the worst you know.

Your post is not adding anything sensible to the debate because you have not read any of the comments here properly. It's just the old: lets call everyone a racist/bigot/foreigner hater, without actually LISTENING to the points they are making.
I am so sick of this attitude.

The most closed minded people are those that are bathing in their own perceived self-glory without having a clue.

Dead wrong. When you say that multiculturalism is to blame. This is what you are saying. You're saying that other cultures are to blame for the worsening conditions in your neighborhood. that's what was said. Yes?

Taken a step further, these posts are saying that the problem lies in cultures other than yours. Yes?

That's what was said right?

Well there is a reason why they left their country's and I only have to turn on the TV to see what they came from to understand why they think they are coming to the land of milk and honey

So yes there is serious problems back home!

But you can't lump everyone from one culture in one sweeping generalization. That's like me saying all Christians are bad. They aren't all bad. Multiculturalism is a good thing but that's not the same as letting people bring sharia law or letting Christians read bible verses in school.

Stop going around in circles mate, you will make yourself dizzy!

You said that the assumption was that they come from problematic society's and I said yes they do, crime ridden, corrupt, uncivilized society s which they are fleeing like rats, drool dribbles out the side of their lip when they see pictures of civilized country's and they will do anything to get in

There are no problems re: multiculturism, in affluent neighbourhoods...whiners can continue to put thier rednecks into the sand...or use the superior intelligence to buy up the neighbourhoods and change bet is, the same whiners who are against multiculturism are poor, rednecks that are caught in a financial trap despite superior intelligence and 'culture'...


posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

Yes, but Florida is a vast state with many different cultures - The central and northern parts of the state are vastly different then the more southern counties. The west coast differs greatly from the east coast in community and culture. TIP- most of the bat# crazy stuff you hear about Florida is often the result of our more northernly residents, no insult to any north floridian, I know many great people from Tallahassee and the surrounding areas - It just seems like many of the more crazy residents of alabama/georgia were kicked out of their home states and settled in north Florida.

Not to say Miami doesn't have it's fair share of craziness now that I think of it (face eating zombies, drag racing pop stars getting arrested, you know, Tuesday)

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: Syyth007

Yes, but Florida is a vast state with many different cultures

Which was my original point in the first place. The OP was seemingly trying to insinuate that my state of residence was somehow not as multicultural as his home, which, as you know, is ludicrous. Florida is very multicultural indeed.

edit on Cpm7Monday4420140031Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:44:00 -06002014 by CagliostroTheGreat because: tags

edit on Cpm7Monday4420144031Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:44:40 -06002014 by CagliostroTheGreat because: eris deliver me from autocorrect

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat
a reply to: Urantia1111

I could say the same thing about immigrants coming to my country, North America. I don't though. Often immigrants are trying to escape situations that are far beyond their reach to change individually.

If it were as easy to change an entire country as you seem to think it is, don't you think they would be doing it?

Yes, let's only do the things that are "easy" to do. I think that's a fine idea and will result in everything turning out splendidly for everyone.

Incidentally, North America isn't a country.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 07:51 PM
And for an on-topic post - how is multiculturalism a lie? Culture is ever evolving, ever changing - Hell, you will find many different unique subcultures among those who would consider themselves of the same "cultural" decent. Dominant cultures come and go, they absorb other cultures, adopt unique practices, etc. The more people there are, the more cultural diversity there will be. The culture in rich neighborhoods are also ever changing - The influx of of other cultures directly into their lives, as in neighbors (I have met plenty of affluent rich Spanish/West and East Asians/Europeans that live in affluent neighborhoods in the US who all still have unique cultural practices) workers, etc.

I grew up in a poor working class multicultural neighborhood - I don't believe I was any worse for wear for it. Just like all of the older cultures built off of the ones that preceded them, our own cultures will one day very soon be unrecognizable to us.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: Urantia1111

Oh drat. I mean USA. Sorry you are so much smarter than me. At any rate, based on your original premise, if you or the OP don't like the influx of immigrants into your respective communities, do something about it instead of taking the easy way and just complaining. Besides, you completely distorted (or simply failed to comprehend) my point. Good on ya.

edit on Cpm8Monday0320141531Mon, 01 Dec 2014 20:03:15 -06002014 by CagliostroTheGreat because: cannot abide a typo

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

Sorry friend, we are in agreement, I was just skimming the thread and saw the comment on Florida and couldn't resist replying.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Syyth007

Please, no apologies necessary. If anything your reply only served to further solidify my original point, which was, as I said, the multicultural nature of the state of Florida.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 08:07 PM
I don't mind Multiple races/etchnicities, I don't think there's anything wrong with that...but after 40 years of living in Los Angeles I'm convinced that Multi-Culturalism is a big fat failure. It's just NOT working. And things are getting worse the more the squeeze is on.
edit on 1-12-2014 by BatheInTheFountain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: DJW001
Do you have specific statistics to support your opinions or is this simply going to be a subjective rant.

Personally, I enjoy living in a large city that provides me with many options in terms of dining and entertainment. I, too, have seen the old neighborhoods change with the changing demographics. Some have become poorer and sown, while others that had become unfashionable have been revived and become extremely desirable.

Multiculturalism is not a lie, it has been responsible for the growth of human civilization since the earliest times.

You might want to research some actual history. Every civilization that integrated multiculturaly, destroyed itself within about 100 years. The Roman Empire is a good example, as well as the Babylonians if you want to do a bit of reading. Two huge powerful civilizations, pffft, done.

You might want to give your head a shake, check reality and tell us which present multicultural societies are doing well and are not on the fast track towards national implosion. I can tell you Canada is doomed, England's pooched, the US is almost totaled. Yeah, the multi-culti and PC crap is doing a world of good. /sarcasm off

Cheers - Dave

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