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The lie of multiculturalism

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posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 11:51 AM
There is a new type of burglary in my area that was never here before that terrifies my mum and dad now they are getting older. In the old days a burglar would tiptoe around your house at 4am stealing your goods. Now 6 or 7 burst into your house through the front window, beat the crap out of you and loot your house. My neighbors house got looted last month and she is an old Indian woman in her 80s, she is selling her house now and moving into a care house.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
So I guess the question is who should be allowed to live in London?
Seems you think all the immigrants are the problem, so are you saying you need to kick them out and let certain people stay?

A century ago the Daily Mail was complaining about all the Jews coming to London. Fifty years ago it was complaining about all the people from the West Indies coming to London. Twenty years ago they were complaining about all the Muslims coming to London. And now they're complaining about the Poles and Romanians coming to... do all the menial jobs that British people think that they're too posh to do these days. Fortunately for my blood pressure the scum in the BNP have exploded in all direction these days.

+9 more 
posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 11:53 AM
I have to say that those that find multiculturalism beautiful just do not live anywhere near it.
Making it into a racist thing is also not the way to go as it stops true discussions. You immediately shut everyone up by pulling the racism card, when in fact most people are actually NOT racist, only fed up about the decline in their area.

It is also naive to think that only nice foreigners who want to work come into the country, in fact it is those who do not have jobs or those who see new criminal playground that are more likely to come over.
Before I give more details, let me say that not only am I a foreigner in the UK but we have a lot of very decent Czeck, Polish and Lithuanian friends who are studying hard or have decent jobs and are just like everyone else, that doesn't mean that there has also been an influx of downright violent thugs, criminals and layabouts from those countries.

Everytime there is a murder in our area [cambridgeshire] or a massive accident through DUI, I cringe and say "please don't be eastern-european" but they are 9/10 times. This wasn't the case 10 years ago. Murders were rare here.

We also owned a house in Forrest Gate [no also known as the new middle-east or pakistan], because there are just no Brits around anywhere. The only white faces are those from Eastern Europeans.
Now let me tell you that we had good relations with our Pakistani and Indian neighbours but even THEY complain when the new lot of immigrants rolled in. That place is virtually uninhabitable, due to dirt and crime.

It is no good to shut our eyes and say that everyone is a beautiful foreigner.
They are not and neither are all Brits beautiful and peace loving but at least we could deal with our own, there is no need to up the ante by bringing even more dodgy people in.

There is absolutely no doubt that criminal lowlife have moved here by the droves, there is also no doubt that when people from poor countries move here that they just do not care about nice front gardens or rubbish because lets face it, it is still better than the place they just left.

All this however is eroding what we [I count myself British] consider basic civil behaviour. Why is everyone else's culture so important to the point that I am not even allowed to mention it [racist] yet it is OK [almost mandate] to pi55 all over western cultures? It's almost as if people want Britain to turn into a shlthole, because...multiculturalism is so beautiful we just have to accept everything.

And just to finish off, no I am not racist in the least [and I dare you even mention try and call me that], but I have eyes and a brain and my heart aches when a once beautiful area is completely destroyed just because we are not allowed to give newcomers guidance as to how WE LIKE OUR CULTURE AND LIKE TO KEEP IT TOO!

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 11:54 AM
I agree with OP. It's also very pointless imo to frame those who oppose multiculturalism as xenophobes, racists, people who know nothing of the world besides their inbred village and so on and so forth. I for example love to read about other countries, cultures, philosophies and peoples but I feel little need to support mass immigration of people whose cultural and religious values differ to ours like black and white, have horrible crime and welfare statistics, have no respect for European women or synagogues/churches and downright cause societal tensions.

With mass immigration Europe got new problems of kinds we never really had before. Now we need to worry about female genital mutilation in home countries, girls getting wedded at age 16 in North Africa, specific kinds of spousal abuse and honour killings, just to name a few.

Let's say people like me, who feel a growing discomfort with this multiculturalism (even though it's usually more like parallel monoculturalism) are smelly inbreds with the IQ of a boiled egg. Still, there're many people like that, and even though they may be horrible racists and whatnot: they don't want it. Why does this weird ideology need to be forced on society when there's a growing concern that this isn't heading in the right way? Besides, I find it even arrogant to bluntly call people racists or morons or whatever, or present them like that. Most people are still strongly opposed to racism and actually at first welcomed the newcomers, until somewhat recently when the failure of multiculturalism started to become obvious or at least more apparent.

There're undeniable issues that need addressing. Without proper debate and addressing of these issues concerns will remain lingering. But we know that they're there.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: rowanflame

So often when a discussion on tv comes up about multiculturalism its usually an immigrant or generational immigrant that is telling us all how wonerful multiculturalism is. Anything guaranteed to get up my nose is that!

Yes its fine provided the numbers are kept in check and people have a chance to integrate into our society but when I look at the abuse crimes in my country that seem to be coming up more and more, and see all the immigrants who are going to jail for abusing kids, I actually don't think that you can mix and match vastly differing cultures because clearly there are very different values between different cultures and what disgusts some is fine for others.

No one ever addresses the facts that we seem to have a lot of immigrants in jail in comparison to the rest of the community and people are very careful about what they say on this and other matters. Sure many immigrants settle and integrate well here and mix in and do great things, but there is a saturation point and in the UK we are well on that point - hence the politicians suddenly waking up to the fact that the people they know the least about - the normal brit - has a problem and its down to their open door policy and granting passports to all and sundry.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
a reply to: rowanflame

Damn Homo Sapiens, coming in and taking all the jobs from the Neanderthals...

From what I see they have more interest in claiming benefits, work is least of their interests

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
So I guess the question is who should be allowed to live in London?
Seems you think all the immigrants are the problem, so are you saying you need to kick them out and let certain people stay?

Yeah I think immigration should be controlled so an area doesn't get swamped to the point that infrastructure/services collapses, you don't?

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:02 PM
So what you're really saying is that some ethnicities, or people from certain countries will always act in the same way.

This will lead to false statements like the following, which will cause you to become fearful of these people or judge them and then act accordingly without regard for truth or what people are really like. You stereotype people. We know these following statements are false.

Meaning that Russians and Italians will always form mafias. People from African countries will always listen to rap and become thugs. Germans will always commit holocausts. People from south Africa will always want apartheid. People from Mexico will always make drugs, do landscaping and cross borders illegally.

You see the problem with this thinking, right?

It isn't true.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666
It's almost as if people want Britain to turn into a shlthole, because...multiculturalism is so beautiful we just have to accept everything.

I think that when I look around, I think who doing this, whose behind this!

Local KFC will now serve your burger from underneath a perspex security screen, soo shameful, never seen anything like it in my life

+2 more 
posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: Sremmos80
So I guess the question is who should be allowed to live in London?
Seems you think all the immigrants are the problem, so are you saying you need to kick them out and let certain people stay?

A century ago the Daily Mail was complaining about all the Jews coming to London. Fifty years ago it was complaining about all the people from the West Indies coming to London. Twenty years ago they were complaining about all the Muslims coming to London. And now they're complaining about the Poles and Romanians coming to... do all the menial jobs that British people think that they're too posh to do these days. Fortunately for my blood pressure the scum in the BNP have exploded in all direction these days.

What an utterly pathetic comment.

Come to Birmingham it resembles down town Kabul.They the muslims move into a area and turn it into a crap hole ,They don't come here to better themselves, they turn where ever they live into what ever 3rd world country they come from.

I never used to be like this hatred for people, but 17yrs of uncontrolled immigration has turned me,I have watched my city turn into a hell hole.

Only 1 in 3 children are white in Birmingham or a bigger picture is 42% of the population are non white.1.1million people live in birmingham.

Now we are being inundated with somalians how the feck are they allowed here.

Tony Blair you chunt

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: KROandSOTV

Aha. The loud whooshing noise you just heard was the point I was trying to make sailing over your head. People have always complained about immigrants coming in. If I was to really take it to extremes as a Welshman I could complain bitterly about all the filthy Angles and Saxons coming in and turning Britannia into a hellhole.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: KROandSOTV

Maybe England would have been better off declaring for Hitler? At least that way everyone would be white and those that were not would be treated as second class citizens.

Look, I agree that when an immigrant comes to a new country he/she should certainly make concessions toward assimilating into their new culture. But diversity is the spice of life. I wouldn't want to live in a cookie cutter world where everyone is the same.

Some of you people seem to think that natural citizens don't commit crimes. Yet somehow I don't think this is just about the crime, is it?

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
a reply to: KROandSOTV

Aha. The loud whooshing noise you just heard was the point I was trying to make sailing over your head. People have always complained about immigrants coming in. If I was to really take it to extremes as a Welshman I could complain bitterly about all the filthy Angles and Saxons coming in and turning Britannia into a hellhole.

Well i hate the taffs aswell.

+1 more 
posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat
a reply to: rowanflame

Okay. So in other words you are just pissed that there are more brown people coming into your town, that's what I thought. If you can't understand that they are just people trying to make their lives better then I don't know what to tell you. There will be criminal elements within any sub-sect of society. Not just the immigrants, the fact that you can't rationalize this is indicative of your true feelings on the matter.

Can't the brown people work to make their OWN countries better instead of skipping the work required to do that and instead simply bailing out to a country that HAS done the work to get its sh!t together?

When my lawn needs mowed, I mow it. I do not wait for my neighbor to mow his and then move into his house with him.
edit on 1-12-2014 by Urantia1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Urantia1111

I could say the same thing about immigrants coming to my country, North America. I don't though. Often immigrants are trying to escape situations that are far beyond their reach to change individually.

If it were as easy to change an entire country as you seem to think it is, don't you think they would be doing it?

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:55 PM
Povvo does as povvo is.

All arguments against 'multiculturism' stem from money...


posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Urantia1111
So, you think countries where people immigrate from are now empty and the lawns are growing out of control?

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: akushla99
Povvo does as povvo is.

All arguments against 'multiculturism' stem from money...


Aust prides/loathes itself on its platform of multiculturism...luckily, the dirty immigrants got off thier behinds (trying to make a better life for themselves) and now whitebread 4th generational 'aussies' can drive thier utes all the way round the continent c/o the roads those dirty immigrants built...there are new 'immigrants' toilets, working 3 jobs...things the whitebreads wouldn't do...

The landed 'gentry' complain that the jobs the immigrants are doing, are the jobs that are being stolen from them...despite them not making the effort getting off thier wax high-horses to do those jobs...

Povvo is as povvo does


posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: Urantia1111

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat
a reply to: rowanflame

Okay. So in other words you are just pissed that there are more brown people coming into your town, that's what I thought. If you can't understand that they are just people trying to make their lives better then I don't know what to tell you. There will be criminal elements within any sub-sect of society. Not just the immigrants, the fact that you can't rationalize this is indicative of your true feelings on the matter.

Can't the brown people work to make their OWN countries better instead of skipping the work required to do that and instead simply bailing out to a country that HAS done the work to get its sh!t together?

When my lawn needs mowed, I mow it. I do not wait for my neighbor to mow his and then move into his house with him.

If 'your' country had its 'stuff' together, you would have no need to blame others for your predicament.


posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 01:37 PM
Multiculturalism as Society run-down. Happens all around Europe, while standard of living is reduced ten fold from the original inhabitants the standard of living is raised for immigrants and their offspring. This scenery creates tension between these two groups, it is not surpricing and most likely it was also expected to happen when they made these decisions inside EU. The situation will escalate in some point in future when both parties have had enough and that will lead to civil wars inside all European countries.. perhaps that is what NWO needs as a part of depopulation plan.

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