posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 12:06 PM
Hmm, interesting. There should be a slowing down of these attacks, not an increase. It seems like what I've been doing must have had an effect. To
me, it seems like the U.S government is desperately trying to hold onto this illusion that they're #1, that there are no outside forces greater than
them, and honestly, it seems like some members of ATS are starting to believe that also. You cannot believe in equality, and yet still cling to this
notion that you're #1.
To me, if you're an ATS member, then you have been privileged to great knowledge, and I would say that it's your duty to
spread these messages around, as it's very difficult for me to do so. To not do so would be a sin. Blossom GoodChild led me to Hidden_Hand, I used
Hidden_Hand to tie everything together, now I explain everything so that people can continue to spread the word, that is how it's supposed to work,
not just basically waiting for them to show, and it's not like this is even that much work. I mean, imagine if that "Do you wish that we show up?"
video got as many views as that useless Gangnam Style video, we would change the world in an instant.
Anyway, over the past couple of months, I have been you could say praying for them to appear a lot more, I'm not sure if it's people's
consciousness getting stronger because of what I've posted, or they're actually answering my prayers, so I've decided to propose this solution for
world peace to them:
It occurs to me that if this is a game, and I fully believe it is, to start out evil and then see if we can evolve towards supreme equality or
enlightenment, then there must be some outside judges or "referees," that ensure that the game is played fairly. The U.S cannot be that judge or
referee, because it would like Lakers players being the referees. It appears that at any one point, only one country can have true sovereignty, and
that is the strongest one, and pretty much, the world is at the mercy of this particular country, and that doesn't seem right.
Inevitably, I've realized that the only way for small countries to fight back or to have true sovereignty is to rely on the Power of the Divine.
Therefore, if you're from a small country, then this is what you should say in private and in silence:
I exercise my right as a Sovereign Being that if any nuclear weapons are used against me, then the person who used them and his countrymen will suffer
100 years in hell or 10 lifetimes in the Mongolian era. Keep in mind that 10 lifetimes under the Mongolian era is about 500-600 years(and the reason
the Mongolians are significant is because I have reasons to believe that Genghis Khan WAS the devil reincarnated. If you do the math and extrapolate
to the population at the time, he literally had sex with 2 million women, which is physically impossible, unless his sons had sex with a lot of women
also, but he only had 4 sons, and it's not clear that they were womanizers. What's also remarkable is that all these women mated with him, lived to
have kids, yet no one could describe what he looked like. It's not outrageous to imagine that he was the devil sitting behind some dark curtains and
was doing some spooky actions at a distance invitro-fertilization voodoos. Hey, if Jesus existed and turned water into wine, then why not him?)
If you're from a small country, EVERYONE needs to do this. Do this once a week so they will be clear as to your intent. This will ensure that you'll
get protected. Not that they will allow nuclear weapons to go off, but this will ensure that you will never get attacked by nuclear weapons. If you
want to know why they won't allow nuclear weapons to be used, it's because nuclear weapons can "destroy souls"(not literally since that would be
destroying the Grand Creator himself, but what happens is that your knowledge will be erased, and you become a very young soul. Basically, all of the
wars and suffering that you went through, not just in this universe, but also other universes, which were used as an experience and to acquire
knowledge, will be for naught. Basically, it's considered very severe punishment, which is why they
will not allow nuclear weapons to be used. The Japanese that got nuked, well, let's just say they were very brave, to sign up to be in that
What about conventional weapons? Unfortunately, unless you were to do what that video I've posted so many times before, they will NOT interfere in a
conventional war. There's a Universal Law of Free Willthat they are not allowed to break, or what Hidden_Hand termed "Right Not To Know," unless
you gave them permission to do so. To end all wars, you have to invite them to land.
However, you can also try to protect yourself from conventional war by using these words: I exercise my right as a Sovereign Being that if my country
was ever attacked, that if my country or I have done nothing to the country that attacked me, then the country and citizens who attacked me shall
suffer 10 years in hell or 5 lifetimes under the Mongolian era, if the death toll in my country exceeds 100,000.
Again, everyone in your country needs to do this. Please note that this will work only if your country has "sufficient moral character," for
example, if you're a Muslim country and treat women like dirt, then you will not be protected, or should I say, they will not punish the country who
attacked you, since you're evil first. However, I would say that most Muslim countries will be protected, as long as you don't carry out terrorist
attacks in other countries, in the name of your religion. And you definitely will not get protected, if you're a member of ISIS. These "judges" are
very fair, so just do what is right, and you don't have to worry.
Of course, we could just try to de-nationalize and unite under a One World Government, as I've posted on another news article, and I think that is
best. Nationalism IS a disease. It should be noted that outlawing space weapons and nuclear weapons were also mentioned by these channelers(it is said
that some of them are reincarnating as "Lightworkers" for the U.N, and to me, it is remarkable that the U.N seems to have all of these enlightened
ideas after WW2. I think a lot of Japanese video game makers are also UFO-reincarnated, because it's incredible the knowledge that they possess, if
you played these games, but that's another story).