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Foreigners dictating what it means to be British

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posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:26 AM
Isnt it true that to this day to some degree that the "Brits" really don't consider the Saxons and Angles to be truly British? The country still has two names, England and Britain.

What I am saying is these none-whites talking about this need to get in line as the issues remains unresolved between the white tribes that have been there for hundreds of years. It doesn't look like a big deal to most but there are some of them still talking about it.

This one man "sunshine" mentioned Welsh and some other is he pointing at the Saxons when he says this? Who is he talking to exactly? At any rate he errs in that his historical entrance into the country was not anything like the major confliction that took place between these tribes over 1000s of years. For him there is nothing at stake in defining what "British" is and means in those regards. He is talking to a culture that was pounded out irrespective of his tribal roots. He can only be "British" under the constitution but has no stake in the historical cultural tribal heritage. He could only be defined as British through some adoption processes of citizenship standing.

edit on 8-4-2014 by Logarock because: n

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by RAY1990


Ok so, British invasion and destruction of ancient documents and text belonging to that country is is a good thing?

Opening up civil war on their departure is a good thing? one of the primary reason for those people to leave their country and come to places like America and Europe?

Why do you mean modern invention belong to British...? all the invention goes to anyone who invented anything in the past. It goes long as the Arabic numerals 1, 2 ,3 ,4 , 5, 6 ,7 ,8, 9 , you know.. Math.... and even the Indian's "0".. heck even past that.

That's a pretty bold statement you have.

Get off that high horse.

Just because other empires done worse, does not make what British done any better. Many other empires were regional. British is one of the few to go international conquest(you probably feel proud about that i guess).

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:29 AM
sorry double post. Please delete.
edit on 8-4-2014 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:29 AM
sorry double post again.
edit on 8-4-2014 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:30 AM


@op.... Why don't you build a time machine, go back in time and convince British rulers that colonizing other countries isn't a good idea. Consider the current situation as PAYBACK. After all, what goes around..... You know what happens next.

Yeah lets just do that...

Stop Common Law being the most used form of governing law and conviction.

Stop the ideas and technology that formed modern day communication.

Stop the development of modern industrial structure... Which incidentally is the same structure, ideas and technology that has helped multiple nations become strong enough and able enough to be independent.

Stop trade routes that helped develop the modern world and spread technology, wealth and people.

Stop the British Empire from ever forming! it's the worst empire of all and has done nothing at all to help us as a human race get to where we are... Well it just hasn't has it?

BTW that was sarcasm and although I only picked four points out of an endless list I could have chose, I believe they are strong enough to prove that Britain has by it's own merit helped create the branches that hold the leaves of the modern world up.

If you don't like that or anything Britain has achieved, please be my guest to boycott your phones, PC's, electricity, clean sanitation etc etc etc. Because we have a strong part in the birth of such things, anything with British influence is after all inherently bad.

Apologies for the that... All over the place rant. Fact is Britain with all it's flaws was and is a good idea, you water down a spirit though and you get a piss poor substandard drink.
we dont care. We didn't colonize britian. So chill out....and enjoy the waves of black, brown, yellow people coming into britain. Karma is a ...female dog.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:34 AM
Just another point, the idea that Britain has no culture.

It's true, I just don't see pubs or taverns ever standing in commonwealth nations. Nor do I see British influence on the foods they cook and eat. The fact Britain is/was a Protestant nation I certainly have not seen that influence around the globe. I've never seen governments standing not too dissimilar to how Britain has been ruled nor have I seen financial systems been copied to British standard.

Speaking of British standard, I haven't seen measurements or quality assurance of goods being copied... not like Britain does it.

Cornish pasty anyone? how about a Lancashire hotpot? I know some lovely Indian Pale Ale to wash that down with and to finish how about some spotted dick with Devon custard... After we can all down some lovely peaty Whiskey from the isle of Skye.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:44 AM

reply to post by RAY1990


Ok so, British invasion and destruction of ancient documents and text belonging to that country is is a good thing?

Opening up civil war on their departure is a good thing? one of the primary reason for those people to leave their country and come to places like America and Europe?

Why do you mean modern invention belong to British...? all the invention goes to anyone who invented anything in the past. It goes long as the Arabic numerals 1, 2 ,3 ,4 , 5, 6 ,7 ,8, 9 , you know.. Math.... and even the Indian's "0".. heck even past that.

That's a pretty bold statement you have.

Get off that high horse.

Just because other empires done worse, does not make what British done any better. Many other empires were regional. British is one of the few to go international conquest(you probably feel proud about that i guess).

I could never accept the destruction of history but that is just me, I don't accept it when Americans, Indians, Chinese or any other nation practice such things. We have been benign at such things in the past... Archaeology has a strong standing in British history, maybe not so much in English history but the two are not one in the same.

Modern invention does indeed usually be attributed to the inventor, unless it is vague on who exactly invented the true precursor to what the modern day standard is... We could run in circles on who invented what. What I was aiming at is what nation implemented such things and help make such inventions the modern day standard. Cable wiring for communication internationally for instance.

I am proud that the modern world we live in technological wise and law wise stems from British idealism.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:45 AM
The British have had their history and culture hidden from them from at least the 1940's.
To find the history of these islands going back furthur than the Roman invasion is very hard work but can be done. But to discover why it has been hidden one can only assume a malevolent agenda.

But on a lighter note, we have a brilliant corner shop close to us run by a lovely Indian couple. The other day the husband said, I don't know what's going on in this country........there are too many foreigners here now! They, though Indian, are very 'British' in their ways, adopting English ways as well as their own and loving this country.

There however seems to be something else going on now as children know NOTHING of real British and particularly ancient British culture and origins including the old, old stories, so essential to a sense of history and identity.

Have you ever heard of school trips to Stonehenge from areas that are not particularly local, or trips to stone circles that would make children question and wonder about the past?

History for Britain begins only with the landing of the Romans.........strange that!

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

we dont care. We didn't colonize britian. So chill out....and enjoy the waves of black, brown, yellow people coming into britain. Karma is a ...female dog.

They are welcome as long as they try to survive with the others who will be the neighbours and colleagues . One side of my family managed it 100+ years ago. No need to not assimilate, if you don't want too stay where your more welcome.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Elliot

Very strange indeed isn't it?

I know quite a few people who live and work here from other cultural decent, I can honestly say most do try to fit in and most come to love the British way of life... Heck I work with a lot of these chaps, I consider some of them more British than some white people I know.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:57 AM


reply to post by LUXUS do realize your growth rate of white British is zero ..if not negative ...!
Start multiplying so you don't have to import foreigners ..
You simply don't have people, projecting into the future, so your govt is importing so many muslims .. who obviously have an average of 8 kids per family ..Britain is projected to become an islamic country not too far in the future ..

That old chestnut.

So what is it?

Too many ASBO children from poor deprived neighborhoods or not enough white British being born... From my experience I have seen plenty of white children born in these Emerald Isles, I see no shortage of white children in Ireland, Wales or northern England.

LOL I don't know what ASBO is .. but if thats the case, then your government obviously needs to pull it's head out of it's a** and stop importing all the muslims ..

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by junglimogli

I work with a few Muslims, if they decided to start a family I'd wish them nothing but good fortune.

That being said, you do have a point. A lot of people are coming here to the UK thinking they can live like they did from wherever they came from and it's not on... It's not just Muslims.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:48 AM

@op.... Why don't you build a time machine, go back in time and convince British rulers that colonizing other countries isn't a good idea. Consider the current situation as PAYBACK. After all, what goes around..... You know what happens next.

May i ask you a question?
Why are you using the English language?

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:49 AM

What a load of racist BS. The op insinuates the media is run by the (Js) and then to assume black and Asian people can't be British.

So if a white person goes to China and starts dictating what Chinese identity is, starts challenging and arguing with actual Chinese people, displays distaste for everything about Chinese culture, yet claims to be Chinese, you think that would go over well? Serious question, I doubt you'll answer.

If whites introduce their culture to non-whites, it's considered negative and destroying native cultures. It's the common cliche' of the modern world, white people are the big bad guys, going around the world spreading their culture.

If non-whites introduce their culture to whites, then it's considered positive, it's the best thing in the world, everyone just starts holding hands and picking flowers because it's so awesome.

You are honestly telling me you can't see the difference?

Spreading white culture = bad, racist, imperial

Spreading any and all non-white culture = good, helpful, right, smart

Wake the eff up, seriously, how can you be this blind?

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by James1982

What you banging on about. How did you manage to assertain that from a single sentence I posted. The OP has made the insinuation in his thread that black people can not be British. I thought that was racist and said so. I also thought it had an anti Semitic tone, but maybe you chose not to pick up on that.

So just calm down and read what I actually wrote before getting yourself all worked up.
edit on 8-4-2014 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by James1982

Now it's funny that you say that!!

We were watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics and noticed how a lot of other countries are NOT ethnically diverse!

edit on 8-4-2014 by Elliot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Elliot

What happens if being culturally and ethnically diverse makes you proud to be British?

I would much rather this be the case, than China's approach to diversity of ethnic and cultural groups.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:36 AM

Foreigners dictating what it means to be British

I`m surrounded by foreigners. Upstairs there is a Norwegian couple. Across from me is an Irish guy and downstairs there is a German and a Dane. The cultural diversity has been quite enriching and not at all a problem.

edit on 2014 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:51 AM


reply to post by andy1972

Quite - in fact much of the Empire was gained solely to stop the others from expanding, such as the French or Russians. Imagine what the world would be like now if they had managed to get the land that we did?

The fact of the matter is, those countries who form the Commonwealth now are amongst the most stable and prosperous, while those of other former colonial powers are usually much less so.

The commonwealth of nations. The majority of the nations were at one point part of the our empire.
Look at some of the nations on the list, how succesful and proud they are and then tell me the British left the world WORSE than they found it.

Leave this world a little better than you found it. - Robert Baden Powell (1945)

Cyprus 1961 Republic

They fought the British to drive them out of Cyprus. As for succesful and proud because of Britain's involvement,go there and ask a random Cypriot about it.

On topic now,I agree with dollukka.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 12:33 PM

What a load of dog tripe.

Y'know, it's coincidental that you should think that, as I was thinking the very same thing about your 20+ postings to this thread. I believe you have the 'tripe' market well and truly cornered. Well done there.

I know I said you cannot discuss British identity without the Royals, but at the same time it is not the defining aspect of it either, so all your waffling about them is meaningless.

You really do like your culinary euphemisms don't you? You've gone from tripe to waffles. Are you are a chef or do you just have food on the brain all the time?

Yes indeed, you cannot discuss British identity without referencing the so-called royalty of Britain, which funnily enough, but overtly opaque to you, was something of a point in my seem incapable of proper discernment and comprehension to the meaning contained within my post, but I expect it, because to read my postings and to fully understand their gist, the reader requires the one thing you ain't got...maturity.

If you genuinely think that "bowing to the monarch" is the be all and end all of being British, then you truly do not understand what you're chatting about.

I've checked what I wrote and I cannot see where I wrote or pertained to 'bowing to monarchy'. I did write about 'fawning over the concept of monarchy', which pertains to an entirely different issue. No where in my post did I touch upon royal etiquette. So, quite obviously, it is you who does not know what I am chatting about, but no doubt, you will remain thinking that you do, and who am I to burst your 'wasp' delusion?


I see you have no regard for your ancestors who have died in battle...

I'm sorry, what? No regard for my compatriot ancestors whom died in battle. Well okay, let me ask which battle, and why should I have regard for them...because you deem so? Who are you to determine whom I should regard? I have a mind of my own, and I use it to my benefit, no else's. I respect out of merit that I judge, I never accept others to determine for me.

I could equally say, that you too, have no regard for our compatriot ancestors whom died in certain wars believing that their sacrifice would make a difference. If you believe that the Britain of today is worthy of that difference, then I suggest you learn to raise the bar of your respect, because the things they believed they were fighting for are taken way too much for granted, and very few modern-day Britons would fight for the same causes or principals that their forefathers and mothers fought for. I know exactly whom to respect, I don't need your curmudgeoning advice.
edit on 8/4/14 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

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