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Foreigners dictating what it means to be British

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posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

Now I understand your POV Luxus! SNF!

The British feel the same way and would be glad for any of our brothers and sisters to return home after their journeying in other lands however the dirt bags who are behind promoting this using control of media are also now in control of our immigration policy, they have recently passed new laws to make it even harder for Aussise, Kiwis and Saffas to get visas....yet strangely enough they open the floodgates to Somalians and others who they assure us will be good for our exactly we dont know but its all part of the big plan!

Well good sir, I know the feeling your having all to well. Best regards, and as much as it sucks, keep taking it because they won't stop giving it.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:18 PM

What would happen if a bunch of white native British went on Indian national TV and started talking about what it means to be Indian?
reply to post by LUXUS

I find this so thick with irony it's ridiculous. The British roamed the world for centuries subjugating others...dictating how they should live. Enslaving entire nations.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot you whine. How rich is that?

Karma can indeed be a difficult thing to take...can it not?

You reap what you have sown.

edit on 07America/Chicagopm072014-04-07T16:19:27-05:00pmMonday04 by deadcalm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

It would seem you might have something to learn from the U.S. if it is just now bothering you in the UK. This has been going on for awhile in the U.S. and is the base's for illegal immigration, people that don't come here for what America is but what they can make it after leaving a country they have destroyed.
edit on 7-4-2014 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

Intersting that you metion Somalians.
Many British black people of Afro-Carribean descent who have integrated and enhanced our culture and dare I say 'National Identity' have a serious dislike of the current wave of Somalian etc immigrants.
edit on 7/4/14 by Freeborn because: grammar

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:22 PM

reply to post by LUXUS

Why do we tolerate this stupidity, we tolerate this because the same people who are promoting this rubbish through their ownership of the media have also opened the borders to a influx of foreigners from other lands. These foreigners are then strangely consulted on what it means to be British....what a joke.
- See more at:

the joke is as you just stated in your post accidentally...
far from ending slavery the aryan master race that spawned the gotha family that is the British crown and the banks that own them just brought it home and put YOU and yours under it


Amusing for someone who has a Celtic cross as his avatar!

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:28 PM


What would happen if a bunch of white native British went on Indian national TV and started talking about what it means to be Indian?
reply to post by LUXUS

I find this so thick with irony it's ridiculous. The British roamed the world for centuries subjugating others...dictating how they should live. Enslaving entire nations.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot you whine. How rich is that?

edit on 07America/Chicagopm072014-04-07T16:19:27-05:00pmMonday04 by deadcalm because: (no reason given)

It's funny how people always harp on about how Britain enslaved the world, and how we went "subjugating" others...lets turn back the clock 300 years and stop the British Empire before it starts.

I'd just love to see how the world would be if Britain HADN'T had an empire..

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:29 PM

What a load of racist BS. The op insinuates the media is run by the (Js) and then to assume black and Asian people can't be British.

Yes that right pull that card if you like, native peoples should be consulted first when it comes to matters of talking about what it means to be British, they can ask the foreigners what it means to be an immigrant or a second generation immigrant.

How would an immigrant know anyway about British culture since they isolate themselves in their own cultures and many struggle to even speak good English

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

Just callin it how I see it. If it walks like a duck etc.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:39 PM

reply to post by JonButtonIII

So how many generations does one have to live in the UK before he can call himself British?
If I come and live in the UK, will my grandchildren still be called foreigners, Belgian migrants?
Or do they become sooner British then the people in your video, because I'm white?

My stephfather came from England. If he were my actual father, would I be a Brit in Belgium? A foreigner?

edit on 7/4/14 by Movhisattva because: (no reason given)

Technically a pregnant woman who straps her belly, boards a aircraft for the UK and gives birth on the tarmac will joyously declare "my baby British".

Personally I don't believe in this stupidity, I believe you are what your blood is and you will always be that, you are connected to the land of your ancestor and always will be. I don't believe in this modern concept of nationality and I'm sure our ancient ancestors would laugh at the idea.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:40 PM

I'd just love to see how the world would be if Britain HADN'T had an empire..
reply to post by andy1972

Well...all I can say for sure is that a very great number of dead people wouldn't have had to die so the British could have their empire.

In the 1943-1945 Bengal Famine 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death by the British in British-occupied India in a forgotten Bengali Holocaust that occurred at the same time as the Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead

The “avoidable deaths” (from violence, deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease) in British India totalled 1.5 billion (or 1.8 billion if you include the so-called Native States).

India Holocaust under British Rule.....HERE

: Barbarism in Tasmania
The first British colonists arrived there in 1803 - 24 prisoners, 8 soldiers and a dozen volunteers. The following year the killings began. The first massacre was by escaped prisoners - they randomly killed the natives and raped their women. The more sadistic killers chopped off the head and asked his wife to carry it round her neck...In 1829, prisoners were sent out to hunt down the natives and a £5 reward was offered for every native caught...In 1830, a chain of 5000 soldiers set out to corner all the natives into a small space. For several weeks the chain moved across the whole island. In the end just 300 natives remained.

Irish Potato Famine
The British caused the genocide of 2 million out of 8 million Irish subjects in four years. When it was "over," the British officials directly in charge of "Irish famine relief," particularly acting Treasury Minister Sir Charles Trevelyan, congratulated themselves and were decorated as Queen Victoria made her gala 1848 visit to Ireland.

Boer (Afrikaaner) Genocide
28,000 Afrikaaner women and children died in British concentration camps, 1899-1902.

British Genocides...HERE

This is but a very small sampling of the misery and death caused by the British Empire...

I'm quite sure these people wished you had stayed on your own island.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:44 PM


What would happen if a bunch of white native British went on Indian national TV and started talking about what it means to be Indian?
reply to post by LUXUS

I find this so thick with irony it's ridiculous. The British roamed the world for centuries subjugating others...dictating how they should live. Enslaving entire nations.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot you whine. How rich is that?

Karma can indeed be a difficult thing to take...can it not?

You reap what you have sown.

edit on 07America/Chicagopm072014-04-07T16:19:27-05:00pmMonday04 by deadcalm because: (no reason given)

So says someone who lives in a country that was a product of The British Empire.

You have given me the best laugh i have had for ages

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:46 PM


What would happen if a bunch of white native British went on Indian national TV and started talking about what it means to be Indian?
reply to post by LUXUS

I find this so thick with irony it's ridiculous. The British roamed the world for centuries subjugating others...dictating how they should live. Enslaving entire nations.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot you whine. How rich is that?

Karma can indeed be a difficult thing to take...can it not?

You reap what you have sown.

edit on 07America/Chicagopm072014-04-07T16:19:27-05:00pmMonday04 by deadcalm because: (no reason given)
we have not sewn anything,England is the greatest nation ever. Fact.
Which empire would you prefer to invade your country? The mongul hordes perhaps? The romans? The arabs?

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by andy1972

Quite - in fact much of the Empire was gained solely to stop the others from expanding, such as the French or Russians. Imagine what the world would be like now if they had managed to get the land that we did?

The fact of the matter is, those countries who form the Commonwealth now are amongst the most stable and prosperous, while those of other former colonial powers are usually much less so.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by stumason

Hey? What was with the insults earlier?
I thought we were friends

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by buster2010

How many nations has England invaded then forced theirs laws on the natives?

Is that why so many of those nations have retained British based judicial and electoral systems long after gaining their independence.
If those laws were so bad why haven't they changed them?

The real name of the royal family is Saxe-Coburg and Gotha they changed their name to Windsor in 1917.

Lots of people change their names for various reasons, you as an American should know this.

Elizabeth II can directly trace her family back to;
Harold Godwinson.
Alfred The Great.
Egbert of Wessex.

That's pretty much British in my book.

So what's it like being Irish in England?

All my Grandparents were Irish - I'm as English as you can get.

You do see the irony of an American preaching about genealogy and ancestry don't you?
Not that its relevant really.
Just another piece of anti-English bigotry as far as I can see.

reply to post by deadcalm

The British roamed the world for centuries subjugating others...dictating how they should live.

Yes, as did most of European nations....and as have countless other nations around the world throughout history.
The difference was that the British were just very good at it.
And when taken in context of the times they were relatively benevolent - if you doubt that then please look at the excesses of the French, Spanish and Belgians etc in their attempts to gain and govern an empire.
And perhaps you should consider the excesses of the Mayans, Incas, Alexander The Great, The Mongols etc - the list is very long.

But the pro's and con's of The British Empire is not the topic under debate - the rebranding of the UK's, (not just England), 'national identity' is the subject.

By the sounds of it you and some others adhere to the notion that the sins of the father should be visited upon his sons - in which case I dread to think what the future has in store for the USA.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:54 PM

reply to post by LUXUS

I am guessing that those behind this are busy doing this in all western "targeted" country's, let foreigners dictate your law's, identity, customs. A form of warfare, a means of destroying a country from within and we continue to tolerate it.

Karma can be a B**** can't it? How many nations has England invaded then forced theirs laws on the natives? Maybe your time would be better spent calling for the family of Germans to vacate the throne seeing how you are so against "foreigners" being in your nation.

The British at least have improved living conditions wherever they went, the citys of south Africa were built by who, would they have been built otherwise? Would the aborigines have built the things our pom ancestors did? what about the native Americans.

Will the immigrants flooding into the uk also improve our land or will they bring their "habits" with them?

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by deadcalm

Oh please - not this "Indian Genocide" crap again. That's been debunked to death on here and is total bollocks.

1.5 Billion killed? There were no where near that number in India in the first place.

Revisionist history at it's finest.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by alldaylong

Sorry dude, I did say I thought you knew better and this constant crap about the Monarchy, Crown land, "Germans" etc gets right under my skin, because it is peddled as fact when it is anything but.

Sorry for calling you stupid though, that was bad of me... I can be an arrogant twonk sometimes

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:58 PM

reply to post by alldaylong

Sorry dude, I did say I thought you knew better and this constant crap about the Monarchy, Crown land, "Germans" etc gets right under my skin, because it is peddled as fact when it is anything but.

Sorry for calling you stupid though, that was bad of me... I can be an arrogant twonk sometimes

All is forgiven

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 04:59 PM

reply to post by Kukri

Yes sir! I didn't realise you had elevated yourself to a self-appointed moderator.

But the issue was brought up by someone else and I wasn't happy to have bollocks left out like that for all to see withouthen proving it wrong. I would argue, actually a conversation about the Monarchy is very much in the spirit of a "British Identity"

Now, get back in your box - you haven't contributed anything to the thread yet!
edit on 7/4/14 by stumason because: (no reason given)

It's got nothing to do with being a self-appointed anything. Why should I be subjected to a circular argument that has nothing to do with the op. Thanks for the pointless bickering though it really added depth to the convo. Not to single you out Stu but your's was the last comment I read and right or wrong you became the target of my frustration.

I was going to add to the discussion after I read the comments but someone decided to derail it and ruined the flow so I left. By the way what exactly was your contribution to the op

What is British identity? I would say anything that represents the values of Britons as a nation and those of it's citizens as historically recognised. If as an immigrant you don't wish to adhere to the laws, ethics, morality and culture of the nation then don't participate. Dissatisfaction as natural born citizens or permanent residents you can effect change through your democratic rights.

I find the presentation and the intent behind the video offensive as do I find some of the opinions of the panel. That said there is a definite attempt in the UK to foment racism and bigotry amongst all of it's citizens and also a blatant attempt by certain parties to force un-British values upon it's citizens. To sum up there is no pc view here it is biased on allsides and only causes conflict which I assume was whole intent in the original show and edited clip.

ETA: I totally screwed my train of thought and lostmy apology to you(stumason) in the quagmire. Cheers mate

edit on 4/7/2014 by Kukri because: added postscript

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