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The Conspiracy Theory Is True: Agents Infiltrate Websites Intending To "Manipulate, Deceive, And De

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posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:03 PM

There's a war on for our internet, what do you say ATS?

What the hell is their 'our' crap ?

The US government pumped billions of dollars into creating what would become the 'internets'.

Private companies (Like evil Comcast) pumped billions of dollars in to creating the technology to make the 'internet's' possible.

Then other companies joined the bandwagon creating online markets, online banking. online EVERYTHING.

There is no OUR in that.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Argyll

ah well no worries , water under the bridge, and im a forgiving soul*Sometimes*, as long as you admit that your cropping skill is way inferior to mine

*funbox unchains the 85 basalisks from the retaining ring , they begin to pull*


posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:24 PM

...I do want to add that these tactics remind me a little TOO much of what I know about Scientology...

I don't think that it's a bad idea to be AWARE of these aspects of debate and social psychology, but i do find it disturbing when people manipulate others with it (i.e. Marketing..)

the understanding of these aspects of psychology and the tactics are nothing new, but a mainstream awareness of them very much is..

i think it is very interesting, and might do a thread linking Scientology to a LOT of modern disinformation tactics, but unless you have an extremely inquisitive and humorous mind, these might also make you a tad enraged haha.. don't say i didn't warn you..)

I don't want to take the thread too off course, but I recognized the techniques immediately as evocative of certain Scientology practices. Especially as relates to "Fair Game" and "Suppressive Persons."

I address some of the connections between Scientology and certain factions within our government in the threads in my signature. These include connections to our intelligence agencies, psychological warfare, social engineering, and even UFOs…all subjects we've seen addressed in the slideshow from Hell.

Suppressive Person, often abbreviated SP...The term is often applied to those whom the Church of Scientology perceives as its enemies, i.e., those whose "disastrous" and "suppressive" acts are said to impede the progress of individual Scientologists or the Scientology movement.

One of the reasons Scientology doctrines portray Suppressive Persons as such a danger is that they are supposed to make people around them become Potential Trouble Sources (abbreviated PTS).

Scientology defines a PTS as "a person who is in some way connected to and being adversely affected by a suppressive person. Such a person is called a potential trouble source because he can be a lot of trouble to himself and to others."[3] PTSs are said to make up 17.5% of the population.[4]

"Suppressive Persons," or, "SPs" are considered "Fair Game" and it will probably be obvious that the techniques described below have a lot in common with the program described in these leaked documents. Emphasis mine.

Individuals or groups who are "Fair Game" are judged to be a threat to the Church and, according to the policy, can be punished and harassed using any and all means possible…

Applying the principles of Fair Game, Hubbard and his followers targeted many individuals as well as government officials and agencies, including a program of covert and illegal infiltration of the IRS and other U.S. government agencies during the 1970s.

They also conducted private investigations, character assassination and legal action against the Church's critics in the media.[1] The policy remains in effect and has been defended by the Church of Scientology as a core religious practice…

…In a 1967 policy titled Penalties for Lower Conditions, Hubbard wrote that opponents who are "fair game" may be "deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed."

The slideshow presented here also mentions "magic" a number of times, and a "black magician" is nothing if not a superb user of people and psychological manipulation techniques as well as various forms of subterfuge.

L. Ron Hubbard can be demonstrated to have learned many techniques from some darker aspects of occult work.

Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard was no stranger to "manipulation" and many of you are familiar with his connections to Aleister Crowley and the mega-ritual L. Ron Hubbard performed with Crowley's Master of Agape Lodge OTO, pioneer Rocket Scientist, and co-founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab, Jack Parsons, known as the Babylon Working----said by some to have ushered in the modern UFO-era circa 1947.

For those unfamiliar with the story here's a start:

The strangely true connection between Scientology, the Jet Propulsion Lab, and Occult Sorcery

Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard

Hubbard was also a Navy Intelligence Officer with ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence).

From Mirage Men author Mark Pilkington's Blog:

A Powerpoint presentation made available on journalist Glenn Greenwald’s web site,, may just have revealed the Mirage Men – or at least one branch of their operations.

The presentation is called The Art of Deception, Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations and was given by GCHQ’s Human Science Operation Cell (HSOC), linked to the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG),

...we can infer from the slides that the powerpoint outlines applied techniques for deploying psychology, deception, illusion, dissimulation, magic, religion and belief in their intelligence and counter-intelligence operations.

And, sure enough, scroll down to pages 35 to 37  in Strand 2: Influence and Information Operations and you will find three slides
of UFO photographs…

If you’ve made it to this blog in the first place, then you don’t need me to explain why, but it’s clear that they consider the UFO subject, its attendant beliefs, and the vocal  community surrounding it, to be a useful field of operations for their activities.

This might have implications relating to the SERPO ”extraterrestrial exchange” documents that were circulated in 2005 and, indeed, for almost any other online dissemination point for UFO information …

Pilkinton mentions SERPO. Sounds vaguely familiar, heheh. Psyops, social engineering, ufological deception, etc...birds of a feather.

Conspiracy--and other forums--are like playgrounds, workplaces, and superb training territory for these folk I'd say.

edit on 25-2-2014 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:26 PM


There's a war on for our internet, what do you say ATS?

What the hell is their 'our' crap ?

The US government pumped billions of dollars into creating what would become the 'internets'.

Private companies (Like evil Comcast) pumped billions of dollars in to creating the technology to make the 'internet's' possible.

Then other companies joined the bandwagon creating online markets, online banking. online EVERYTHING.

There is no OUR in that.

Things changed a bit after that. The ruling class now despises the internet. Our intelligence agencies pretend to view it as a threat but in reality they view it as job security and a place to gather insane amounts of information on people. Just look at facebook.

But the ruling class? They generally don't like it:

People always associate the ruling class (Comcast shareholders included) with the government and intelligence agencies. They are separate. Although the ruling class keeps purchasing our officials, I think eventually that will change. I like to hope, anyways. Of course, there will always be tryhards like the guy in the video who personally get involved in the government.
edit on 25-2-2014 by FreeWillAnomaly because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by The GUT

I will have to read into that. I wasn't aware of that.

It is strange how all of those cults seem to be tied to people who were tied to organizations like Navy Intelligence or Army Intelligence or the CIA etc...

Past that, a lot of stuff that you don't learn in school is really strange. Stuff you would never think was connected is connected in major ways. Like Nazis, hippies, and NASA - all connected: who would have thought?

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:34 PM
cool post. nice slides. (who doesn't like a snappy color slide show!
) I really like the kitchy classification markings. never saw anything like that before. I understand that trolling is something that is done everywhere, but I think most government operatives, and I know some, think that most of the people who post here anyway are on the margin. Fellow ATS folks, I assure you, we are not marginal in any way shape or form. but on the margin of the demographics and issue driven websites that they would target, to get the most bang for the buck, if you will. I'm of the opinion that sites that do they're utmost to sway public opinion or political hot topics (you know the sites that talk about global warming, or the issue of Velveeta qualifying as cheese, you know serious life and death topics
) would probably be were these information warfare specialists would hang out. you know the same sinister crew that gave us the website? Anybody know what trolls make these days? sounds like it might be a good work from home gig!

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 09:52 PM

Aloysius the Gaul
Even Before its News thinks this stinks!!

that link doesn't work for me - it must be a conspiracy!!

Here's a tinyurl version....

Glenn Greenwald’s new “truth telling” site is up and running and it appears he’s looking to broaden his base by courting the conspiracy theory market.

Aaaaaand as it just so happens, he has a Snowden “leak” readily available to use for just such an occasion. What a coincidence. How convenient for Mr. Greenwald and his new business venture that all of a sudden a new “leak” surfaces which will garner him and his new partners much needed credibility in a growing market.


Let me explain something:
Mr. Greenwald is in the employ of a globalist billionaire and his task is to create a marketable “truth telling” website that will endure after the new CISPA shuts down many of the websites I just listed above (and this one) leaving a great deal of readers without access to a trustworthy alternative news site.
The new collaboration website is clearly targeting that potential market for a variety of reasons.
Mr. Sunstein headed up the 5 person committee of globalists who put together President Obama’s recommendations for how to “fix” the “crisis” caused by the Snowden leaks.

Let’s not forget… Mr. Greenwald has been a key advocate of the Wikileaks psyop from the very beginning and he’s been selling these Snowden “leaks” like they were his personal cash cow for nearly a year now. After having cashed in with the billionaire globalist on this website, Mr. Greenwald now produces a leak which promises to garner him attention and trust in the very market that will soon enough be looking for a new home.

I don’t buy it and neither should you.

edit on 25-2-2014 by Aloysius the Gaul because: try to fix link

edit on 25-2-2014 by Aloysius the Gaul because: add tiny url link

Here's something that sticks in my craw:

The guy who started up the website Glenn Greenwald is on now (Intercept? ...and he just added Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone too), Pierre Omidyar (who founded E-Bay)...he's American (and Iranian!), right? And he is paying the guy who brought the Snowden stuff to the world, the same stuff that keeps Greenwald (and his partner!) locked down in Brazil, the same info that has government officials literally talking of hanging Snowden if they can get their hands on him...


...why hasn't there been a backlash against this Omidyar guy for employing the dude who writes Snowden's stuff, and who still has so much more yet to publish (supposedly)? Why aren't politicians talking of stringing *this* guy up?

Something just doesn't smell right here. I'm thinking that either the whole point of all of this is for the government to not-so-subtly let us know that 'we know EVERYTHING' and we don't care that you know about it...or, Omidyar/Greenwald sold out and the government *now* controls the shots and from now on will control what gets released. Either that, or this Omidyar dude has serious cache and is 'too big to fail'.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:52 PM
Its a modern day "report from the iron mountain"
One of the real reasons for internet access

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 12:14 AM

reply to post by WhiteAlice

If such a person could be identified for sure, it would be interesting to see what they were trying manipulate, shoot down and what they were trying to propagate. It could lead to learning some truths.

This would be an example of an apparatus for working within Layers III & VI of the 6 layer model as laid out here:

The 6 Levels of UAP Analysis

Let us consider the characteristics of the sightings that are not explained by trivial natural causes. We can recognize 6 major “layers” in terms of our perceptions of these characteristics, as they can be extracted from earlier works about UAP phenomenology (Vallee, 1975a, 1975b) or from the current NIDS database.

Layer I: First of all is the physical layer, evident in most witness accounts describing an object that:

▪ occupies a position in space, consistent with geometry
▪ moves as time passes
▪ interacts with the environment through thermal effects
▪ exhibits light absorption and emission from which power output estimates can be derived
▪ produces turbulence
▪ when landed, leaves indentations and burns from which mass and energy figures can be derived
▪ gives rise to photographic images
▪ leaves material residue consistent with Earth chemistry
▪ gives rise to electric, magnetic and gravitational disturbances

Thus UAP -- in a basic physical sense -- are consistent with a technology centered on a craft that appears to be using a revolutionary propulsion system. It is the existence of this layer that has led mainstream ufologists to claim that UFOs and elated phenomena were due to extraterrestrial machines.

Layer II: For lack of an adequate term, we will call the second layer anti-physical. The variables are the same as those in the previous category, but they form patterns that conflict with those predicted by modern physics. Objects are described as physical and material but they are also described as:

▪ sinking into the ground
▪ shrinking in size, growing larger, or changing shape on the spot
▪ becoming fuzzy and transparent on the spot dividing into 2-or-more objects, several of them merging into one object at slow speed
▪ disappearing at one point and appearing elsewhere instantaneously
▪ remaining observable visually while not detected by radar
▪ producing missing time or time dilatation
▪ producing topological inversion or space dilatation (object was estimated to be of small exterior size/volume, but witness(s) saw a huge interior many times the exterior size)
▪ appearing as balls of colored, intensely bright light under intelligent control

It is the presence of such descriptions that leads most academic scientists to reject the phenomenon as the product of hallucinations or hoaxes.

Layer III: The third layer has to do with the psychology of the witnesses and the social conditions that surround them. Human observers tend to see UAP while in their normal environment and in normal social groupings. They perceive the objects as non-conventional, but they try to explain them away as common occurrences until faced with the inescapable conclusion that the object is truly unknown.

Layer IV: Physiological reactions are another significant level of information. The phenomenon is reported to cause effects perceived by humans as:

▪ sounds (beeping, buzzing, humming, sharp/piercing whistling, swooshing/air rushing, loud/deafening roaring, sound of a storm, etc.)
▪ vibrations
▪ burns
▪ partial paralysis (inability to move muscles)
▪ extreme heat or cold sensation
▪ odors (powerful, sweet or strange fragrance, rotten eggs, sulphurous, pungent, musky, etc.)
▪ metallic taste
▪ pricklings
▪ temporary blindness when directly exposed to the objects’ light
▪ nausea
▪ bloody nose and/or ears; severe headache
▪ difficulty in breathing
▪ loss of volition
▪ severe drowsiness in the days following a close encounter

Layer V: The fifth category of effects can only be labeled psychic because it involves a class of phenomena commonly found in the literature of parapsychology, such as:

▪ impressions of communication without a direct sensory channel
▪ poltergeist phenomena: motions and sounds without a specific cause, outside the observed presence of a UAP
▪ levitation of the witness or of objects and animals in the vicinity
▪ maneuvers of a UAP appearing to anticipate the witness’ thoughts
▪ premonitory dreams or visions
▪ personality changes promoting unusual abilities in the witness
▪ healing

Layer VI: The sixth and last category could be called cultural. It is concerned with society’s reactions to the reports, the way in which secondary effects (hoaxes, fiction, and science-fiction imagery, scientific theories, cover-up or exposure, media censorship or publicity, sensationalism, etc.) become generated, and the attitude of members of a given culture towards the concepts that UAP observations appear to challenge.

In the United States, the greatest impact of the phenomenon has been on general acceptance of the idea of life in space and a more limited -- but potentially very significant -- change in the popular concept of non-human intelligence. In earlier cultures such as medieval Europe or Portugal in the early years of the 20th Century, the cultural context of anomalous observations was strongly colored by religious beliefs.

Incommensurability, Orthodoxy, and the Physics of High Strangeness:
A 6-layer Model for Anomalous Phenomena
Jacques F. Vallee and Eric W. Davis
National Institute for Discovery Science
Las Vegas, Nevada

And so of course this is related to the MK series of programs. And the fact that there is UFO related info in the package shows an even deeper connection between " high strangeness" and those pulling levers and flipping switches behind the curtain.
edit on 26-2-2014 by jadedANDcynical because: What out?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 01:18 AM
Looks like the Reddit Censors are continuing to delete the topic and comments. Wonder how many of their Mods have been compromised by the government? Pathetic.

The moderators at the giant r/news reddit (with over 2 million readers) repeatedly killed the Greenwald/Snowden story on government manipulation and disruption of the Internet … widely acknowledged to be one of the most important stories ever leaked by Snowden.

Similarly, the moderators at the even bigger r/worldnews reddit (over 5 million readers) repeatedly deleted the story, so that each new post had to start over at zero. Screenshots

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Bassago

Got to love Zero Hedge for getting the screenshots of this,
that is some real dedication to expose those who will censor the truth.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:40 AM
Reply to:
As it didn't add that in the original reply.
"What the hell is their 'our' crap ?"
What the HELL is this CRAP? Let's see,

Is it not "ours" that we use it, are consumers, pay for it, invest time in it... money, and for those who have built parts of it? Do we have no say so? If things become corrupt?

Comcast- TWC selling off to Comcast- having NetFlix pay them

Don't forget Comcast's past. As it remains one of the most hated companies.

There is concern for manipulation of the internet, it will be further if "we" do not realize what is going on here, then figure out what to do. You may not agree, nor others, but this is a big concern for many.



There's a war on for our internet, what do you say ATS?

What the hell is their 'our' crap ?

The US government pumped billions of dollars into creating what would become the 'internets'.

Private companies (Like evil Comcast) pumped billions of dollars in to creating the technology to make the 'internet's' possible.

Then other companies joined the bandwagon creating online markets, online banking. online EVERYTHING.

There is no OUR in that.

Things changed a bit after that. The ruling class now despises the internet. Our intelligence agencies pretend to view it as a threat but in reality they view it as job security and a place to gather insane amounts of information on people. Just look at facebook.

But the ruling class? They generally don't like it:

People always associate the ruling class (Comcast shareholders included) with the government and intelligence agencies. They are separate. Although the ruling class keeps purchasing our officials, I think eventually that will change. I like to hope, anyways. Of course, there will always be tryhards like the guy in the video who personally get involved in the government.
edit on 25-2-2014 by FreeWillAnomaly because: (no reason given)

Good reply.

the relations between corporations, media and government existing already, and concern for them:
Older graphic:

Comisioner, FCC, Bush, Obama < Meradith Baker> SR VP Government affairs Comcast - NBC

In mid-May 2011, she announced that she was taking a job with Comcast, effective June 3, 2011, instead of completing her term on June 30. The change, so soon after approving the Comcast NBC merger, garnered significant criticism and a possible House investigation concerning the "revolving door" between the regulator and the regulated.

FCC chair: ISPs should be able to charge Netflix for Internet fast lane

Fcc bought and paid for

edit on 26-2-2014 by dreamingawake because: rely error

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:43 AM

Looks like the Reddit Censors are continuing to delete the topic and comments. Wonder how many of their Mods have been compromised by the government? Pathetic.

The moderators at the giant r/news reddit (with over 2 million readers) repeatedly killed the Greenwald/Snowden story on government manipulation and disruption of the Internet … widely acknowledged to be one of the most important stories ever leaked by Snowden.

Similarly, the moderators at the even bigger r/worldnews reddit (over 5 million readers) repeatedly deleted the story, so that each new post had to start over at zero. Screenshots

Thank you for sharing that. Reddit, to say the least, has already had issues with certain areas of the site, particularly news, that have been "controlled". It was discussed as well.

Reddit is owned by Advanced Publications, now that Aaron(RIP) is "out of the way", everything he'd rail against in creating it.
edit on 26-2-2014 by dreamingawake because: Added more.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:57 AM

reply to post by PhoenixOD

If you seriously imagine for a nano-second that this would be limited to 'hunting down' members of Anonymous, you're delusional or worse.

Exactly though to keep out the delusional part.

It wouldn't be limited to Anonymous, uh "hideouts" on the net, but to extend to shared articles. Even here on ATS. Besides how many members here align with or consider themselves that?

edit on 26-2-2014 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:04 AM


Where did you get that idea? that's anathema to debate.

We must visit different ATS's then

Phoenix has a very valid point, something like this will simply make the fringe posters of ATS even that more kooky, heck there are very logical and intelligent posters on ATS that always get the instant 'your a shill' posts (or at least thinly veiled versions) when they chime in on a topic, those who do that will now feel even more justified in their attacks on balanced thinking. The average run of the mill ATS poster however is fine from what ive seen.

Bound to be many way out their people on ATS who will read this and instantly go 'See!.. I must be right!'

**Insert Buzz Lightyear and Woody meme here**

"Shills... Shills every where"

edit- Why is my posts text so big?...nvm fixed it seems nested quoting borks the post up
edit on 25-2-2014 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

Isn't "fringe", "kooky", name calling, exactly what you are against?

Actually, reading through the thread in particular, it has been mostly civil according to manners and ATS rules. I want to thank members for that.

edit on 26-2-2014 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by dreamingawake

I never doubted it. Their patterns are so obvious. Some can play the fool pretty well as they do right here on ats. I will let you spot these trolls yourself tho.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:00 AM
What agents? CIA, NSA, FBI, private PR companies?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:36 AM
This may get buried in the end of pages but these kind of programs are absolutely useless for counter-terrorism but are probably quite useful in preventing grass roots activism.

Funnily enough this story is being buried across media by several vested "interests". For eg. it is being buried on a very popular website called Reddit and the mods are playing whack a mole. Every time they delete the popular thread 2 more pop up.

Reddit Censors Big Story About Government Manipulation and Disruption of the Internet

No one should be surprised by the latest revelations if they are keeping up, stories which may or may not have been covered in the past as given below:

HBGary's high-volume astroturfing technology and the Feds who requested it

US created and ran the Office of Strategic Influence to psychologically influence its population to support the War on Terror through propaganda

CIA's confidential idea's on how to manipulate the population of Europe to get more support for the war in Afghanistan [PDF]

Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators

Army of fake social media friends to promote propaganda

US plans to 'fight the net' revealed

Exclusive: Military’s ‘persona’ software cost millions, used for ‘classified social media activities’

Newest U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy: Trolling

Air Force Releases ‘Counter-Blog’ Marching Orders

Feds Look to Fight Leaks With ‘Fog of Disinformation’

Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media

Combating jihadists and free speech: How the U.S. military is using fake online profiles to spread propaganda

Pentagon Wants a Social Media Propaganda Machine

Defense Department Initiative Seeks to Analyze Social Media Patterns

Guest Post: Peter Van Buren wrote a critical book about Iraq. Now the State Department is waging war against him

Misinformation campaign targets USA TODAY reporter, editor

Propaganda firm owner admits attacks on journalists

Obama lays framework for purge of online opponents

CIA tracks global pulse on Twitter, Facebook

U.S. Subpoenas Twitter Over WikiLeaks Supporters

Homeland Security office OKs efforts to monitor social media

Military Report: Secretly ‘Recruit or Hire Bloggers’


The internet: Israel’s new PR battlefield

Revealed: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people

NSA and GCHQ target Tor network that protects anonymity of web users

NSA tracks Google ads to find Tor users

Leaked NSA Doc Says It Can Collect And Keep Your Encrypted Data As Long As It Takes To Crack It

Would you like to know more?.....

Google Teams Up with CIA to Fund "Recorded Future" Startup Monitoring Websites, Blogs & Twitter Accounts

Google Comes Under Fire for 'Secret' Relationship with NSA

Court Rules NSA Doesn't Have To Reveal Its Semi-Secret Relationship With Google

Pentagon Wants a Social Media Propaganda Machine

DARPA looking to master propaganda via 'Narrative Networks'

Your 119 Billion Google Searches Now a Central Bank Tool

Remember that one time when Julian Assange who repeatedly embarrassed the USA was conveniently accused of sexual assault?
No way they did that to discredit him...

PS: I'm not able to flag this thread so here's one for you to bring this to this forum

edit on 26-2-2014 by TrustMeImLying because: To Add PS

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:48 AM
S&F OP! Great thread!

I've ran into a few of those on ATS, I do believe!
Actually, I think there's at least one on this thread now!

I saw my twin above me! Hey, Sis! How's it going?! (waves!)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 09:03 AM
Interesting thread, some posts on the internet make you wonder. Even on ATS there are times when you think of a post, is this guy for real, and for us ATS oldbies we think either this guy is paid or uber ignorant. Because the average ATS poster that has been here a few years wouldn't post such drivel.

I found it even more interesting what one deleted post said about paid posting and the pro-agendas they are focusing on.
I would have to agree on some of the topics, I have encounter it here at ATS, but the MODS are better here than other sights at not letting it go too far.

I once encountered a government operative in real life in the late eighties(as I found out later) this guy was speaking some pretty offensive things that went against human decency on behalf of the agency he worked for. And they had hired only 2 that were found out. It got me thinking with the age of the internet these agencies could hire hundreds even thousands and nobody would ever know.

The test, does what they post violate common sense and basic core human values on a regular basis ?
edit on 26-2-2014 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

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