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Dr. Jacques Vallee ~ The Control System

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posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: Kantzveldt

It is false information and setting dangerous precedent as susceptible ATS members have been drawn into the disinformation process, i would trust no-one who was appearing to confirm any aspect of it as there are serious undertones of active recruitment involved, people are being offered 'inside', the only question is whether it is an individual Astr0 that has initiated this or whether he himself is being used.

Great points.
Active recruitment. That's not only scary, but it's happened here before. I'm starting to suspect by the same person(s) under a different guise. The more I think about it, the better it fits. I mentioned a possible prior instance before when I referenced the "all roads"author and his swan song thread. The M.O. is a pretty tight fit: A member built up trust with some not-so-gullible folk and had them believing he was "highly placed" in the intelligence field by calling some events before hand. I'll be reviewing the possible ties to that particular bit of ats history and may elaborate more on that later. Oh, btw, (----O---)

originally posted by: 1ofthe9

...The guys who photographed the mystery triangles over Texas - they had a weird tip off like this too. Either to show off what we have, or get the GRU analysts pulling in the overtime.

Something very weird is going down here.

…Alternatively we could be looking at someone trying to socially engineer Zaphod.

That's what reportedly happened with George Adamski too: He was told when and where to see and photograph a ship by two agency men. Old tricks, new dog maybe?

That last concept is well worth considering too.
A related theory: Disinfo, distraction, and confusion in that forum.

If this is more of the same shenanigans, then the swan song could indicate this particular experiment--or hoax--is over and the thread was mainly penned so as to not leave his "converts" hanging or suspicious and thusly leave the meme healthy enough to propagate---if any myth-making was intended. The thread was pretty sloppy and seemed rushed to me. Almost passionless, even. More like he was bored and ready to get outta there quick and on to the next project. Gonna have to think on this more…

originally posted by: Baddogma
...The other persons who are/were apologists... they, so far to a man, feel ashamed and embarrassed (heck, me too, but I am an all info on the table sort, raised eyebrows be darned)... but were sucked in despite their very pragmatic (well except for one individual) natures.

Seems like you understood that I wasn't including you as an apologist. I totally see why it caught your attention and made you go hmmmmm. Especially since you were following the story early in it's development and have communicated with some of the converts. I'm grateful that you brought it here and certainly, from my viewpoint, believe it's very on-topic in this thread. I'm sure it surprises no one that I feel that way HA!!

originally posted by: Willtell
The magnetic pole has returned.

Greetings GUT!

Hey, Will!! How you be do? It is truly nice to spend some time with y'all again and mull over this newest mystery. Seeing cuckoold's thread closed, however, almost made me just sign out and forget about posting on this or any other subject at all. Seems like the threads that really catch my interest are often targets--or "no-no's"--of some sort...

edit on 31-7-2014 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 02:13 AM
Hi all, hi Gut.

I am in mourning for my thread. I can see the reasoning the mod was using in shutting it down, but I don't agree with his/her assessment of the functionality of what had already been posted.

I got a nice final articulative post in where I laid out my hypotheses. Maybe it is all real, and the truth has been relayed to us. It's a nice tale with an air of possible authenticity about it.
But maybe this is just another Mirage Men situation, perhaps a Serpo 2.0. Greys and abductions have gotten old, and Serpo 1 was never that good to begin with. What if these stories of giant modular ufos are just the latest meme, as somebody wants to push UFOlogy in a new more sophisticated direction? It ties things up nicely, throwing Klass aside and gives us answer to what UFOs really are.
Perhaps Doty's not involved here (but who knows who is who in the Byzantine virtual ATS empire).

Maybe it's true, maybe the poster wanted to got out like a flaming Soyuz Stage 3 burner, but perhaps it's disinfo of the highest degree. More sophisticated stories for a less naive crowd.

That's my 2 cents, and that's why I made that thread. Is there a conspiracy? Is this a conspiracy website?
edit on 31-7-2014 by cuckooold because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 02:30 AM
I'm glad to see you've stopped back in The Gut. I've missed you.

As to Astr0's story, I find it really interesting. Particularly that the control system reacted to him, to validate and react to another person.

I'm hesitant to say what I really think.

~ Cirque

edit on 31-7-2014 by CirqueDeTruth because: grammar

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Bybyots

I can generally agree with that expect i'd go one step beyond and say that our neurological disposition toward order is in itself reflective of Divine Ordering, and of course there are varied and often wacky interpretations of how that should manifest itself within society.

It follows then that at any given time there are individuals and groups pushing there own interpretation and agenda toward realization, pretty much everyone does this with differing degrees of awareness and effectiveness, case in point here, is this an individual that has cobbled together his own paradigm and sought to bring others into it or is there a group that has used or influenced that individual toward their agenda...?

In terms of influence that could certainly be traced back to the tradition of The Secret College, 'Re-learnt knowledge' of supposed Ante-Diluvian times, the shadowy elite that develops technologies then filters them down to Government and the general populace as it see's fit, a chosen people set aside from greater humanity destined to become a veritable fifth root race, that will know no frontiers and bravely go were no man has ever gone before, and the rest of it...

So we can ascribe influence, it's a powerful meme and Protestant Free Masonry has been gleefully chasing after it for half a millenia without really checking the source, as you said there are older versions and as we have noted it can be the paradigm through which you attempt to manifest your inner vision onto greater society. Given Astr0's posting history i have doubts he could have pulled that rabbit out of a hat, i suspect he bought into it.

The software of consciousness talk i listened to the other day in full and it got me thinking, also what you mention with regards to somehow being on the same LAN, how it is that sometimes on certain threads one is being drawn into a shared dream state or shared vision, that synchronicity through connectivity starts occurring, at which point someone kind of wakes up, points this out, and generally ruins the moment, the critical factors being trust and engagement. So i was also drawing attention to Astr0's garbled version of this with regards to drawing upon the dreams of sleepers and the interest in dream time experience differentials.

But anyway of course i love some of the qualities that yourself and others bring into discussion here and it's always nice to also be appreciated, so thank you also for the kind words, are we ready to take on the Labyrinth...?

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

The more I explore this topic the further down the rabbit hole i go. What's dreaming and what is real? Dreaming always runs parallel in context to our waking life, albeit more random but just as fluid. When we dream its as real to our conscious as being awake.

If we were in a holographic universe sleeping would be akin to checking and downloading any updates. Any real time MMORPG requires constant updates on the regular to ensure a smooth and "realistic" game play. If our world was a simulation and we needed to receive updates we would need to be in a stand by mode to receive and install updates.

If this is a simulation than everyone I have ever engaged with is a manifestation to ensure believability. Although the world appears random and chaotic, it's really all just a micro-expression of myself. Which is why the personalities in relationships match your level of evolution and manifests as an expression of the greater you even if you don't realize it. Because, well, they aren't I real?

And if you are real, it's only because I decided to be you to experience differently.

edit on 31-7-2014 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

I was thinking that during sleep an individual is subsumed back into the greater sub-conscious whole which we all share, not that such isn't also omni-present during waking but it's more in the background, and also that in certain group dynamics an individual can begin to lose themselves and merge into the whole in a subconscious state such that it becomes as a waking dream, connections become apparent that individuation suppresses, not in the sense of a simulation just actuality.

People that have a somewhat repressed sense of self anyway seem more susceptible to tuning into group dynamics than those with an inflated sense, they become more sensitive and more likely to pick up on oppressive behaviour from others, creates something of a vicious circle for the day dreamer but they can become highly intuitive with seemingly uncanny powers, but that's enough psycho babble from me

edit on Kam731211vAmerica/ChicagoThursday3131 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: The GUT
a reply to: Kantzveldt

If this is more of the same shenanigans, then the swan song could indicate this particular experiment--or hoax--is over and the thread was mainly penned so as to not leave his "converts" hanging or suspicious and thusly leave the meme healthy enough to propagate---if any myth-making was intended. The thread was pretty sloppy and seemed rushed to me. Almost passionless, even. More like he was bored and ready to get outta there quick and on to the next project. Gonna have to think on this more…

Well if there was any doubt of this meme's ability to proliferate let it be laid to rest.

lack Triangles, RKs and the secret space program.

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: CirqueDeTruth

In my opinion, the control loop entity will play with anyone who lets it get a foothold in their conscious mind --- is a true believer fanatic who lets the CLE use them.....someone who believes their own snake oil.....

Now most people make poor strategic assets as a good asset needs some intelligence, education, charisma, money etc.

Next there has to be a current use for that asset on the chessboard (the world)..thus the new potential asset generally idles, perhaps for years before they are used.....generally just once or the asset often gets consumed/ prevent the person from figuring out they have been used as a can see this pattern in Vallee's Messengers of Deception.

Someone who works closely with the CLE, is used but survives and heals up is very uncommon.


posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 11:12 AM
"My Big Toe" pdf. by Thomas Campbell.

I personally haven't got to into the book, but I did enjoy something in the PDF. Like the "Belief Trap(" and " A closer look at Psi Phenoma, NMPR, and You(465)", and "Who you gonna call(163)(Meditation guide).

I would like to get the book one day and read it till I'm nothing but dust and bones. But right now I gotta kind of study regular, boring, physical world, physics.

Thought it would be appropriate for the control system idea.

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 11:45 AM
Re: The "research" thread

Black Triangles, RKs and the secret space program. page: 1

Im thinking that until the members on that "research" thread start a reading-comprehension thread that Astr0's story will remain safe from propagation.


Another item our "source" kept mentioning was the space station Olympus.

Then we needed our own refuge in deep space, our own home. It was a chance find by USS Neptune that lead us to our perfect home. We named her Olympus.

Olympus is a planet.

Those guys are going to be there a while just getting out of page 1.


No but seriously, it is beyond fascinating to have this going down here. I've been occasionally parsing Astr0s text with Google to se how long it takes to break free of the confines of ATS, if it does. So far someone has reprinted Astr0s story on Facebook, with no response so far.
edit on 31-7-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 12:24 PM
cuckoold gets shut down and then we get a "no reply" research thread by the converts. Oh my, surely this subject isn't being managed?

Does anyone have any details on the alleged "visualization" exercise that someone (astr0?) walked a member through? Shades of mind control.

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 12:35 PM
Also: On one of my brief stop-ins a few weeks ago, I saw what might have been a build up to this "bombshell." A thread about breakaway civilizations that had more flags than I thought it would have if I remember correctly. It seemed a little odd to me, but I had no context. Sorry for these brief "throw-outs." I'll try and be more coherent when I can sit down longer than a few minutes at a time.

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
Well if there was any doubt of this meme's ability to proliferate let it be laid to rest.

originally posted by: Bybyots
Re: The "research" thread

Im thinking that until the members on that "research" thread start a reading-comprehension thread that Astr0's story will remain safe from propagation.

You guys crack me up! Got me thinking and laughing at the same time.

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 12:41 PM
I have a slightly differing opinion of what's going on over there.

They aren't being managed. They are auto-organizing themselves because they are under the stress of change and the unknown.

They are as a group attempting to accomodate the impact of the story and the stress of it is driving them to organize like any group would: in a hierarchical order like a tree, or a secret society.

Nows a good time, I think, to suspend disbelief and judgment and just contain the story loosely as it develops here. I think that we will learn more that way.

We're not going to find the managers anyway.

ETA: Also wanted to add that I was relieved when they shut the thread down: it would have turned in to a giant charlie-foxtrot-formation of an AMA.

Baddogma asked just the right stuff and just enough, and he answered some other stuff too. I'm just glad they shut it down. I don't know if that was some brilliant move, or some hail-Mary move, but it was a good one.

Best we just break off in to our little coffee-klatches, we're getting more done and the team's back together.

I'm anxious to hear what MM has to say a couple of days along here.

Song break? This is the only mp3 on mi Ipod...

edit on 31-7-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: The GUT

That visualization exercise certainly got my attention... but everything rests on these other members and their telling the truth (and being able to do that).

The story is quite well constructed on its own... but the only reason I was interested was due to the admissions, in private, of those things I listed. I don't think they exist out on the threads, unless the people involved got a tad braver about suffering ridicule.

I assume the mods have satisfied themselves that the posters are indeed from different IP's (not that that is definitive). But the fact this supposedly deals with total (or even partial) consciousness control ... well, it has many spin off implications.

EDIT and as far as Bots ideas above... articulated my feelings pretty precisely (and added some I couldn't)... I abhor compartmentalized information... even though it's claimed to be crucial! eta2 and we try to deal with conflicting or novel info by organizing it and trying to control it... heh... usually to no end

edit on 7/31/2014 by Baddogma because: add

edit on 7/31/2014 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: Bybyots
They aren't being managed. They are auto-organizing themselves because they are under the stress of change.

I basically agree in that these guys were wound up and let go. They're just along for Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. The "management" I refer to seems to be running interference for propagation of the desired effect. The programming is set, now we let the subjects free to evangelize type o' thing while we provide blocking on the field.

If one overlooks the many holes, it is compelling. And, to be honest, I do think there is probably some truth mixed in. Not much, but some.

Great job on searching the webs for replication, btw. Which brings me to: Does anyone here know how/have access to the kind of software that can identify text written by the same author? I'm pretty damn sure we've seen astroboy before.

edit on 31-7-2014 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I suspect that Astroboy may be part of that bogus hidden hand bunch. I ferreted out one of hidden hands people last year (using the Internet).

A dead give away would be a Crowley meme being used but I haven't seen one being used.

Ufos are GREAT COVER for occult groups with an unsavory reputation. And linking 'angels' with ufos is another genius maneuver. Ufos are the chosen 'cover' these days for all previous memes and indoctrination attempts from history.


posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
cuckoold gets shut down and then we get a "no reply" research thread by the converts. Oh my, surely this subject isn't being managed?

Does anyone have any details on the alleged "visualization" exercise that someone (astr0?) walked a member through? Shades of mind control.

Did you catch the MILAB type stuff too?

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

In my view, nearly ALL spiritual techniques ever developed (including even prayer within the ontological framework of a major religion) are designed to modify the brain and nervous system (via neural plasticity and perhaps epigenetic manipulation and other factors) to make meme implantation (mind control) more potent...and for other more reasons I won't go into.

I'd love to read about that 'visualuzation'; it would help identify which meme strain was involved.


posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Well, I'll certainly ask him to go into more details... with the promise I won't divulge who he is... if I have to.

Most hypnotic techniques employ sound and visual input... words off a PM is impressive... again, IF true.

I'm still wrestling with cog diss about even considering the info as it conflicts with not only consensus reality constructs, but with pet theories I've developed... so all my talk about trying to be meme neutral is so much noise... I, alas, am human.

I am having second thoughts about joining that "research thread" as screening negative input defeats the process of deciding relative truth... and for other reasons as well, tbh.
edit on 7/31/2014 by Baddogma because: grammar I caught

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