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Dr. Jacques Vallee ~ The Control System

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posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

I have read only one Vallée book. It seemed he was strongly suggesting, but not really explaining, an organic nature but certainly not a modern technological explanation. Other dimensions, a strange bunch of folks that live among us and always have, a secret civilization on earth, watchers ect. All this is well and good, but as he and Bramley, about as difficult, suggest there may be some good or bad element to these.

I suppose its there, the strong suggestion anyway, in history going back, that there are some other dudes hanging out on the planet. Good, bad, ugly. And what a great cover for that by pointing to outer space as an origin. That does tend to evade a lot of questions that will arise from the organic to earth idea. You know always been here. That's presents a great deal more of an explanation problem than the idea of a galactic federation just now sending representatives with advanced technology to move mankind onward. If they had to explain that they have always been here then they would have a lot of explaining to do considering human history. Like hay man wow, you guys have always been here and had all these toys but just watched mankind poke along for centuries? And now there is some talk about man entering into a super age in conjunction with these hyper tech guys from outer space just never mind that they have been here for a very long time. Sort of puts them on the spot for a congressional hearing or some sh*t.

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: Rosinitiate

It's telling, that 'Forbidden Planet' is one of Aquinos favorite movies of all time.. and
he uses it to explain the Great Pyramid and other things.. I concur that, that movie
is perhaps the most important movie ever made.. as it demonstrates a great truth
about our world.. it has vast explanatory power for all phenomenon, both 'real' and
'psychological'. Throw in the magician's self-delusion story and magician's trick
explanations..and in fact you'll see that MA knew far more than you'd expect he did.


I give him more credit than I otherwise show. I quote him often enough to be considered flattery I suppose. I trust he knows plenty and is good at weaving stories. I do my best to read between the lines.
edit on 1-8-2014 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: Logarock
a reply to: Rosinitiate

I suppose its there, the strong suggestion anyway, in history going back, that there are some other dudes hanging out on the planet. Good, bad, ugly. And what a great cover for that by pointing to outer space as an origin. That does tend to evade a lot of questions that will arise from the organic to earth idea. You know always been here. That's presents a great deal more of an explanation problem than the idea of a galactic federation just now sending representatives with advanced technology to move mankind onward. If they had to explain that they have always been here then they would have a lot of explaining to do considering human history. Like hay man wow, you guys have always been here and had all these toys but just watched mankind poke along for centuries? And now there is some talk about man entering into a super age in conjunction with these hyper tech guys from outer space just never mind that they have been here for a very long time. Sort of puts them on the spot for a congressional hearing or some sh*t.

Yeah the first thing I'd say to them is; "you know, your technology is responsible for the countless deaths on our planet. I'd call that a war by proxy and subversion. You stand accused, how do you plea?"

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Well according to the early reports, the first weapons they gave man, showed him how to make were metal swords ect. They got a lot of mileage out of that! The real party will begin when every infantry troop has a laser weapon, backed up by plasma artillery ect! And just think they had plasma all this time!

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

You are a wise man.

I think I might make it my signature ... "UFOs are the latest model of magician's wand."

Anyone who just posts some pablum UFO-story babble but doesn't evidence the stage
magician's art is clearly being used.

Now granted.. the prep work on this recent event was excellent.. and the supporting work
was excellent..and it was all designed to push some emotional and intellectual buttons..
but it was an amateur job at best.

Now, some truly fine work.. would be one where there is the usual drekk being put out there,
but it's interesting.. and it is then allowed for the audience to 'catch the magician in the act..'
but 'accidentally' 'reveals' some actual 'truth'... this would be a 2-layer deception at it's best..
and the recent event was not THAT.

To properly do THAT a new(ish) meme would have to have been revealed.. and that didn't happen..
actually the whole human bio-computer in a network thing is something I wrote up about 20 years
ago... I can't be the only one who thought of such an obvious thing.. so someone 'mines' the
human racial unconscious for this kind of stuff.. heh.. maybe I should put an 'artifact' in the
next thing I come up with and see if the doofuses fall for it, so I can see it's my thought that was
mined. Rather like a dye bag at a bank.



posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Well here is an interesting article that is both recent and ties into the dreaming brain supercomputer:

Scientists Link Brains Together To Form An Organic Super Computer

If two heads are better than one, then Miguel Nicolelis is developing a super-head. Or, perhaps, a super-computer. And, it seems, he’s not content with only two. After successfully linking two rats’ brains together and having the animals communicate and collaborate together on simple tasks, Nicolelis--a well known neuroscientist at Duke University--said he wanted to get more animals connected. "Basically, we are creating what I call an organic computer," he said.

First, two rats were trained to press a lever when a light went on in their cage. Press the right lever, and they would get a reward--a sip of water. The animals were then split in two: one cage had a lever with a light, while another had a lever without a light. When the first rat pressed the lever, the researchers sent electrical activity from its brain to the second rat. It pressed the right lever 70% of the time (more than half).

This actually gives us something to follow, as it may have relevance to the meme generation or the propagation.
edit on 1-8-2014 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate


There is a theory (from actual physicists) that what we view as 3D space is really 2D space
projected from the boundary of a black hole that we are all within.. and to anyone who
could access that skin on the outside of the 'black hole' could presumably see all of human
history.. all thoughts... perhaps the control loop entity lives there.. who knows..

I know that sounds more 'woo' than even mysticism.. I share it, just to say, that there well
might be 'real physics' behind all of this.. in fact I'm certain of it.. I'm just not certain what
the actual architecture is..

Good link.


posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 08:21 AM
This also fits with the same principle?

Thalamo-cortical interactions modeled by weakly connected oscillators: could the brain use FM radio principles?

Here is the Abstract:

We consider all models of the thalamo-cortical system that satisfy the following two assumptions: (1) each cortical column is an autonomous oscillator; (2) connections between cortical columns and the thalamus are weak. Our goal is to deduce from these assumptions general principles of thalamo-cortical interactions that are independent of the equations describing the system. We find that the existence of synaptic connections between any two cortical columns does not guarantee that the columns interact: They interact only when there is a certain nearly resonant relation between their frequencies, which implies that the interactions are frequency modulated (FM). When the resonance relation holds, the cortical columns interact through phase modulations. Thus, communications between weakly connected cortical oscillators employ a principle similar to that in FM radio: The frequency of oscillation encodes the channel of communication, while the information is transmitted via phase modulations. If the thalamic input has an appropriate frequency, then it can dynamically link any two cortical columns, even those that have non-resonant frequencies and would otherwise be unlinked. Thus, by adjusting its temporal activity, the thalamus has control over information processing taking place in the cortex. Our results suggest that the mean firing rate (frequency) of periodically spiking neuron does not carry any information other than identifying a channel of communication. Information (i.e. neural code) is carried through modulations of interspike intervals. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

I noticed on the first comment from the original thread from a guy named PAUL FRED FRENGER, I linked regarding the rat experiment that stated:

In 2010 I gave a presentation at NASA JSC-Houston, one part of which included my discussion on what I call the "cortical radio". Two neurons connected in series form an electrical diode, the basic element of a radio receiver. The billions of 6-neuron cortical columns of the human brain form a phased array send-receive "radio", amplifying the signals between human brains. This is the basis of telepathy. Some people appear to perform this feat easily, others hardly ever. It comes with the brain's inherent design, wireless, and nothing to be added unless you want better reliability. Agreed?

I'm trying to find a little more on this fella.

What's curious still is that if this knowledge exists and is accurate within the public domain then certainly those who have the money to build such spectacular aircraft can equip such spectacular equipment on ____ (fill in the blank) exotic airframe. No need for aliens here, just more misdirection. "It's the grey guys!! We swears it, precious."

edit on 1-8-2014 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Can you please give me a link to this movie? forbidden planet!

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Oh yea there is some way that the other dimension is kept hidden from the human view. "the horseman and chariots of Israle".

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

I'd say that there are MULTIPLE ways that the analogue computer
in our heads are or could be linked.. especially if the limiting factor
of our personality is swept out of the way of this presumably weak
signal processing (i.e religion and mysticism).

Keep up the research!


posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: combatmaster

Forbidden Planet

It was made in 1956.. ! the young fellow who is the captain is Leslie Nielsen when he was like 20!
(airplane.. airport.. all those goofy movies).

I'ts so forgotten and so underrated.. but for the time .. freaking amazing on all levels... it has a 7.7
rating on -- higher than star wars..

It's my guilty pleasure.


posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Baddogma
Lots of great food for thought here since last night.

B.Dog: What is the earliest reference (or pm "recruitment") you know of where astr0 started turning the corner and suggesting the RK theme? Maybe you could check with those you've been in contact with? I think that could be important to know.

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: phantomflier
Woah, that is some awesome dot connecting and forensics, phantomflier.

So, then, your working theory suggests "we don't know what they are so we'll make folk believe they are ours"---is that the overall gist?

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate
Dang, Rosinitiate, that also is some impressive forensics. It connected somewhere down there in the mists. Gonna think on it. Only problem is, to do so, I have to contemplate a feller that makes me feel like I sneezed snot into my hand and have no place to wipe it (aquino).

edit on 1-8-2014 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 12:45 PM
Sounds like the thalamo-cortical system functions somewhat like TCP at layer 4 of the OSI model.

It doesn't care what is being passed through it. It just addresses it, chunks it up (segmaents it) and moves it.

So, thanks, that adds to the model I have been working with that has the temporal-lobes at layer 3.

edit on 1-8-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 12:46 PM
Well. Just to point out - so that we are delicate in our perusal guys.

1. This could be a lot of factual information.
2. This might not be factual information.

It's two that worries me. I've had a nervous breakdown. The VA was treating my PTSD with a trial medication - I had a very bad reaction to. I was quite mad. Delusional, paranoid thinking - the whole gambit. So, I just hope, that those who are still in contact with Astr0 - have made sure this person is okay.

Now with that being said, in our analysis through the Vallesque process, lets try to give Astr0 the utmost respect. Whether we find he's 75% wrong or right... either way he needs more support from this community - than condemnation. I look forward to determining which side of the scale - Astr0's story holds up on.

Regardless, it's an interesting social experiment unfolding. Whether by design or fate - analysts should be following it. All analysts and researchers within ATS should give it at least a cursory look over.

~ Cirque

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Thanks. And yes, that is pretty much the gist of it. Of course it could be that they do know what they are and have a reason not to come out to the public with the information. There's a lot malevolent & benevolet reasons for that.

The "they don't know" aspect is mostly based around the fact that world goverments appear to have an interest in UFOs, perhaps considering extra-terrestial or otherwise out of this world behind closed door and feed the public disinfo. It's just the general attidute & mode of operation. Sure there could be some cabal of cigarette smoking men with The Truth but jus as well it might be that TPTB are as confused over them as we are. Since the triangles are seen so commonly they can't just completely ignore it, but if they don't know what they are they can't admit it. So they deploy a smokescreen.

In my opinion they missed a gold opportunity way back in 90's when people were still speculating about the Belgium wave being B-2's. The USAF stated that they had not operated B-2's in Belgium. They could have just said they had and cast a shadow of doubt over the sightings. But they did not. Perhaps the Triangle activity has intensified and has thus necessiated something else than just the typical "nothing happened".

I forgot to mention in my already rather lenghty post that there's a fascinating element both in the earlier human triangle memes and the RK stuff. There's some hidden social elite with incredible technology which cannot be touched by us plebs. For TR-3B and NIDS cargo blimps it was the world of shady black tech. Astr0 kicked it up a notch.

Spreading this kind of thinking would be advantageous for any real social elite. It's a rather passivating thought that somewhere out there are people with untouchable technology. Think about it. Joe Average sees a big scary triangle, goes to the nets and discovers that "oh, they are super advanced USAF planes. Nothing to worry about. I'm kind of glad they are protecting us." Those who have concerns over secrecy and the excesses of power on the other hand are struck with fear. "They are so far head of us. We can't do anything."

Well, maybe people don't really think like that, but it could be possible that these memes have such a component built in for a reason.

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

Woot! Im a principal systems and network engineer....all this protocol talk puts a big smile on my face. keep up the good work.


posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

That's awesome, KPB, do you think that you can figure out how to get JStylo/Anonymouth (a.k.a. JSAN) and JGAAP from the git repositories?

Or is it just Signature?

Strike that. It always works like that, right? I found it as soon as I asked you. Reading README.


edit on 1-8-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

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