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Russell Brand exposes the Truth - everything is Energy, Frequency, Vibration, Consciousness

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posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:17 PM
RB is a spaced out, brain fried junkie. There may be some elements of truth in what he is saying, but that does not make him nor justify him as someone knowledgeable or worth following on Twitter or elsewhere. He is a mere half-wit who is barely capable of regurgitating what more sober and knowledgeable people have already said a long time ago. As we say in Yorkshire, he's a dickhead.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:17 PM

If the information he is telling is not supposed to be told.... He'd be dead. Plain as that... That or, by now "they" don't care anymore if we're told the truth because either

1. Our short attention spand will forget about it tomorrow
2. It's neccasary for "us" to know such information to achieve their goal
3. They know most people won't believe the information or won't listen to others who relay the message
4. People won't even listen

If what he says is true, then what you say is true as well.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Sly1one

Yeah, I get the abhorrence of the cold-war commie ideas of suppression and sameness... a hardcore Marxist would say that total conformity to Marxist ideals is the only way to make the system work, thus the horrid boot-to-neck party line and re-education camps, etc. They think some people need to be booted awake and made to do the "right thing" in terms of the selfish capitalistic model.

Herding cats is easy with electric fencing and mean cattle dogs!

BUT, dreary and bad, bad, bad in my view, though I have a certain respect for the pragmatism shown.

And you may well be right that we, collectively, aren't ready to implement a socially conscious economic system that is devoid of strong arm tactics, has abundant resources available to all while basking in intellectual and creative individuality... but we'll never know until it's attempted, will we?

As I see it, unrestrained capitalism did some remarkable things and I can't help but love certain aspects of it, being encultured as I am in its resultant society , but the long term prognosis is ... quite stunningly horrible.

A neo version of communism, or socialism (commie-light) seems to be the only ideas that offer a way out of the corrupt governments, economic disparity and chaotic pollution we experience today.

At the least, some anti-corporatist restraints on rampant capitalism, of some flavor, might do the trick... but we need to act collectively and with foresight... soon.

How that might be accomplished in a "nice" way remains to be seen.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 06:23 PM
I personally agree with Brand. Scientifically, energy is everywhere and we are made of energy. I have agreed with his comment for a long time.
There's no God that directs us and is the reason for the being of everything.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by purplemer

Seems like Russ is growing up, becoming a spiritual person. Good!

(I have to admit though, after awhile I couldn't take it anymore and stopped the video.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 01:22 AM

I personally agree with Brand. Scientifically, energy is everywhere and we are made of energy. I have agreed with his comment for a long time.
There's no God that directs us and is the reason for the being of everything.

God does not 'direct' you. Soul is separate from God, and soul is responsible for its actions.

You may choose not to believe in God but that changes nothing.

Yes, energy (which causes vibrations and movement) is everywhere. Energy is due to God and is a power of God.

When God removes his power from the Universe, it collapses back into its native state 'prakriti' - a cold superdense mass.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 03:42 AM

RB is a spaced out, brain fried junkie. There may be some elements of truth in what he is saying, but that does not make him nor justify him as someone knowledgeable or worth following on Twitter or elsewhere. He is a mere half-wit who is barely capable of regurgitating what more sober and knowledgeable people have already said a long time ago. As we say in Yorkshire, he's a dickhead.

I think he has a lot of intelligent ideas, you say he is brain fried junkie, I know brain fried junkies, they can barely string a sentence together let alone talk about something that requires the slightest amount of intellect with language that I (a non brain fried junkie) has to look up to learn what it means.

Also there is a lot more truth in what he says than you know, he is not speaking of things you learn from a book, but things you learn from experience. His transcendental meditation has opened him up, I know this from my own personal experience. As a logical man, it's hard to place logic on the revelations and epiphanies that you experience when you give yourself to 'self-awareness', he talks about experiences that I have had and it makes me so happy that these ideas are being spread on the MSM.

I would say give him a chance, listen to his message, especially the spiritual side of it. There is more truth in his words than you think, I couldn't stop listening to this video, his experiences are so similar to my own.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Pathaka

I suggest that you consider you get out from your extremely narrow and uneducated point of view and study more books.

Read parts of canon that is at least a couple of thousand years ago that doesn't come from the Abrahamic tree of religions and you might just gain an additional new perspective that is NOT new age at all.'s too bad you didn't mention some of these additional new perspectives just now?
and what might they have been? ..the kaballah, zoarastar? Mithras? Krishna? Druidism? Shamanism?

if you've got anything positive to say about the new-age movement that isn't just the same old 'love and cosmic being' crap russell brand is peddling, now might be a good time to say it?

i'll just have to continue with my extremely narrow and uneducated point of view..

what's "bad" about the new-age movement, someone might ask?
let's go through this slowly at first, (this is something even cletus the yokel can understand)
excerpted from a search result of the term "new age"

New Age - definition of New Age by the Free Online Dictionary
Of or relating to a complex of spiritual and consciousness-raising movements originating in the 1980s and covering a range of themes from a belief in ...

Urban Dictionary: new age
1. What many hippies of the 60s and 70s turned into in the 80s and 90s with the best intentions, except without drugs or any attempt to change the ...

right off the bat, simple enough- it's supposedly about a spiritual and consciousness-raising movement
the freedomdictionary source puts it in the 1980's (suggesting a modern movement, a 'new' age movement) --but we both know what we're dealing with didn't just 'start' in the 80's..

the 2nd result (urbandictionary) yielded a little more background info (mentioning the 60's and 70's)
the 'hippy' movement (counterculture, anti-establishment, acknowledgement of nature) --but we both know there's still more to it than that..

to cut it short, we can (simply) trace the new-age movement back to things like the theosophical society and the turn of the century (uhh, that'd be the 18th century) the works of Blavatsky, Besant, etc, the involvement of people like Roerich in the political spheres and so on. (this is still the machinations of what we collectively term as the new-age movement, you'll have to draw in the parts about one-world-government yourself) and at this point, all we have to do is acknowledge the material all those folks were drawing on.. and that's only ONE series of links to (some of) these 'additional new perspectives' that are indeed, 'NOT new age at all'

so there really is nothing NEW about this movment..
but what exactly *is* this spiritual movement, that has been with us through the ages?

not many people are willing to dredge through all this crap one member here put it

...Now as far as I know this "new age" says nothing but love yourself, love others, just love. Feel connection...
...Logically, I never understood the hate on New Age ideals...
...When there is no evil in something why demonize it?...

these all seem like reasonable statements, right? (or the queries of someone who does not wear a tinfoil hat)

you'll have to build the macrame pyramid-with-the-eye model on your own

...but here is a very small insight into the situation;

from New Ager Barbara Marx Hubbard, the fate of anyone expressing 'exclusiveness and separateness' (unique individuality) may not be a good one. In her book, 'the Book of Co-Creation', she writes:

"Out of the full spectrum of the human personality, one-fourth is elected to transcend and one-fourth are destructive, defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a natural death. Now, as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human - the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers - the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects - we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death."

..and here's something else that sheds light on what's going on,

Alice Bailey; 'The Reappearance of the Christ', p.15, says:
"The major effect of his appearance will surely be to demonstrate in every land the effects of a spirit of inclusiveness - an inclusiveness which will be channeled or expressed through him. All who seek right human relations will be gathered automatically to him, whether they are in one of the great religions or not; all who see no true or basic difference between religion and religion or between man and man or nation and nation will rally around him; those who embody the spirit of exclusiveness and separateness will stand automatically and equally revealed and all men will know them for what they are." for the obtuse people out there,

"...No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."
- David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative United Nations

..even the disputed taxil/pike letters have something to offer here (think of lady gaga and other provocateurs as you read this)

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." Albert Pike


so (dear reader) it's up to you, what you want to make of any of that..
..maybe it's too many seemingly unconnected dots?
to be fair, let's give Russel some more time to expose himself (pun intended)
but as far as that wonderful, loving new-age agenda is concerned, just think on these little ditties again;

...Now as far as I know this "new age" says nothing but love yourself, love others, just love. Feel connection...
...Logically, I never understood the hate on New Age ideals...
...When there is no evil in something why demonize it?...

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by UNIT76

What RB is putting forward is a lot of Buddhist philosophy, do you consider Buddhism new age?

I think new age was a bit of a strange label, just because people decided to take a step back from the material and experience the spiritual it's been given this negative label?

Why? I don't get it...

I would be more inclined to call it the old age movement, since these people are picking up ancient methods of enlightenment and philosophy that hasn't stopped being relevant for over three thousand years.

What's so bad about the sort of kindness, openness and compassion that RB is talking about? Are you opposed to these things?

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

..i just got through presenting a facetious case for how the 'new age' scene is really the 'old age' scene!?

i'd compare it (buddhism) more to shamanism. you might want to take a closer look at it, and tibet, sometime?

..that's the problem here with the whole 'new-age' scene,
on the surface, it seems nice and cosy, doesn't it?

..but some of those quotes back there from some of these new-agers show there's a darker side to it, don't they?
(feel free to respond to any of these questions, btw?)
folks, make your own minds up by all means, i'm just showing how these things can be connected to eachother.

i forgot to include this before, (which shows Russel is at-least 'familiar' with the dark side of the jedi arts)

Perry’s ex-husband Russell Brand spoke about his own admiration of the Satanic Illuminati cult leader in the April 2011 issue of Details magazine, which can be read on their website.

He said: “I’m very confident in the physical manifestation of a rocker. And there are aphorisms I still deem tight: The carnal self is the true self. In that barbaric, marauding period of promiscuity, there was a type of Aleister Crowley ‘Do what thou wilt’ as the sum of the law. That voice you use when you come? I was using it to perform. Not some distant, attic-dwelling emotion brought out occasionally, like a front room you never use except when the vicar visits. I was in there f**king [censored] all the time.”

make of it what you will, peoples, i just work here

..oh, and "ha ha" (yeah) i opposed to these things? ..what? you mean peace, love and mungbeans?
come to the table with something more than peace, love & mungbeans..?
you wouldn't allow a christian to simply quip "do unto others" so don't allow Russel Brand (and co.) to do it either.
edit on 9-1-2014 by UNIT76 because: peace, love & mungbeans (patent pending)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:33 PM

reply to post by iRoyalty

..i just got through presenting a facetious case for how the 'new age' scene is really the 'old age' scene!?

i'd compare it (buddhism) more to shamanism. you might want to take a closer look at it, and tibet, sometime?

..that's the problem here with the whole 'new-age' scene,
on the surface, it seems nice and cosy, doesn't it?

..but some of those quotes back there from some of these new-agers show there's a darker side to it, don't they?
(feel free to respond to any of these questions, btw?)
folks, make your own minds up by all means, i'm just showing how these things can be connected to eachother.

i forgot to include this before, (which shows Russel is at-least 'familiar' with the dark side of the jedi arts)

Perry’s ex-husband Russell Brand spoke about his own admiration of the Satanic Illuminati cult leader in the April 2011 issue of Details magazine, which can be read on their website.

He said: “I’m very confident in the physical manifestation of a rocker. And there are aphorisms I still deem tight: The carnal self is the true self. In that barbaric, marauding period of promiscuity, there was a type of Aleister Crowley ‘Do what thou wilt’ as the sum of the law. That voice you use when you come? I was using it to perform. Not some distant, attic-dwelling emotion brought out occasionally, like a front room you never use except when the vicar visits. I was in there f**king [censored] all the time.”

make of it what you will, peoples, i just work here

..oh, and "ha ha" (yeah) i opposed to these things? ..what? you mean peace, love and mungbeans?
come to the table with something more than peace, love & mungbeans..?
you wouldn't allow a christian to simply quip "do unto others" so don't allow Russel Brand (and co.) to do it either.
edit on 9-1-2014 by UNIT76 because: peace, love & mungbeans (patent pending)

My friend, I am a Buddhist, what part of it would you consider shamanistic? The only rituals we do is we do some chanting, the idea of it is that you put yourself into these sounds and the effect is extremely calming. We don't mix with potions or summon spirits or worship deities.. I'm just interested where you got this view from?

Also 2011 RB was still part of 'The charade' (his words), it has only been this year that he's been more open minded about the world.

I would also like to ask you why you think that because he's made friend with someone who has conflicting views makes him less credible? I have friends who drink, do drugs, I even have a friend who steals. Should be unspeakable for someone who abides by the 5 tenants of Buddhism to associate with? Nope, shunning people from society will not help them or yourself, if I come across someone who has a different view on life to me I talk to them like a human being, and I have made some very loyal friendships out of this.

I still feel like the 'new age' is a nasty and derogatory word for people who are tired of a material life and are trying to pursue a spiritual one. I do not deny there are a lot of people who have taken this for a 'fad' and I do wonder about their sincerity.

Also you're very wrong about my view on Christians, I think those who follow Christ properly are usually some of the nicest people I've had the pleasure of meeting. Anyone who has views trying to promote love and oneness should be in a place where everyone can hear them.
edit on 10-1-2014 by iRoyalty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 04:32 PM
Started following Brand as I liked his brash intimidating humor.
Also intrigued by how clever he could put himself across to be and possibly is.

As for his revolution he will have to chill on the rebel or anti-establishment and really look at the problems that would come around if people started following some of his suggestions: definitely more on the Utopia side of the common argument.

I feel he has a voice and also the mind set to get behind or instigate a movement I just don't think he has came to a conclusion that will work. Seems this is a common problem, many want change but the change is to big to implement or get behind.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 08:29 PM
If you think you have to follow anyone you're an idiot.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by KBadger

I think he's reffering more to following what he's been saying rather than putting on a crazy wig, wearing skinny and talking in a posh but cockney language.

There is nothing wrong with paying more attention to someone who has something interesting to say.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by iRoyalty

I wasn't referring to the post above mine, I was referring to anyone who thinks Brand is awesome. Be suspicious of anything the controlled media lets out.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by KBadger

I have always been a bit of a fan of Brand, only because he is not like anything else we are exposed to. He challenges the norm with his mannerisms and dress sense, although I always had just pawned him off as a stooge, until recently.

The things he talks about in this video is stuff I can 100% relate to. I would be wary of him but what he's saying is pretty revolutionary. Also it's not like anything in the MSM supports him, interviews try to dismiss him but he loudly bats them back, papers try to discredit him and he points out how pointless and off topic their argument is (usually referring to his mannerism and dress sense). He's challenging MSM at their own game.

Whilst it's not out of the realms of possibility that he is just there to appease people who have been openly slating the government, he ideologies challenge everything the government has been doing over the past 60 years, I have been waiting for someone who has been given a microphone to actually talk about things of substance for too long now.

TBH even if he is a stooge, I'm glad these ideas are being vocalised none the less. Also any promotion of meditation is a good bonus, it's a very overlooked practice, definitely more useful that any muscle building practice.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 09:35 PM
I tend to agree we should feel the need to follow someone unless we agree with them then why not, especially if what they say is good.

Problem for me Brand preaches the wrongs more than the rights. I do think its good that people stand up and contribute as we are in a very special time when globalization is becoming a reality and we should be setting the path ourselves not letting others dictate it to us.

I wonder if he see's the good path shown to us that we have a chance of laying out for others...

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 03:23 AM

reply to post by iRoyalty

from what i found in buddhism, self discovery was encouraged..
what will we discover next?
you've said,

...The only rituals we do is we do some chanting...

..maybe you can tell us exactly why this tibetan buddhist monk is using a human skull in this ritual?

..and speaking of shamanism, here's an interesting scene from tibet, don't you think?

here's another tibetan ritual mask, maybe by now you will accept the term 'shamanistic practices'?
(the guy holding the mask is an interesting character too, look into that, yet another facet of this vast new-age agenda)

(but mentioning this 'vast new-age agenda' yet again) ..where have we seen this before?
(and) what story is being told in the symbolism here?

I'm just interested where you got this view from?

look for watermarks in images, sorry some of these are small, (from discovery channel, a documentary on Tibet)
and an interview with a suspicious character called Leo Zagami

it's up to you what you want to make of that
but what i'm trying to tell you about this 'dark side' of the new-age is..

..that it's all connected
..that's why you'll find that obelisk over there in tibet too

the whole thing is a sophisticated shopfront

Russel Brand is not an agent, he's an asset


Also 2011 RB was still part of 'The charade' (his words), it has only been this year that he's been more open minded about the world.

are we talking about the same guy here?
the guy who once climbed naked on top of a parked van at a protest?
the guy who'd like to "ride of a wave of sperm with his audience members" in a celebration of love and unity?
the guy who has all the (new-age) eastern religion paraphenalia in the background of his shows?
he's been "open-minded about the world" for some time now, don't you think?

the way 'open-minded' is being applied to Russel here,
is analogous to the open-mindedness and diversity of the new-age movement.
(it's difficult to stand for a particular issue when the majority have already been influenced, don't you agree?)

this is what people like Russel Brand are used for, (i think i already refered to it as the thin end of the wedge in a previous post) he's going to be a toned-down version of david icke, people will "FOLLOW" him (as one member inadvertantly stated) ..perhaps on TWITTER? (even the linguistics show where this is all meant to lead to..)

i'll try to address as much of this as possible..

I would also like to ask you why you think that because he's made friend with someone who has conflicting views makes him less credible?

sorry, uhh, who might this be again please? (gosh, you'd think the least i could do is remember the person i'm apparently impuning)

I have friends who drink, do drugs, I even have a friend who steals. Should be unspeakable for someone who abides by the 5 tenants of Buddhism to associate with? Nope, shunning people from society will not help them or yourself, if I come across someone who has a different view on life to me I talk to them like a human being, and I have made some very loyal friendships out of this.

uhh, sure..
even jesus says "the doctor must be where the sick are"
(i'm just believing you at your word, that you don't actually run around with this stealing person, taking old ladies garden gnomes at 4am in an ice-induced frenzy)

I still feel like the 'new age' is a nasty and derogatory word for people who are tired of a material life and are trying to pursue a spiritual one. I do not deny there are a lot of people who have taken this for a 'fad' and I do wonder about their sincerity.

well.. that's probably because every few decades this false-spirituality tries to reveal itself again in some 'new' form.. you even use the word 'fad' to describe this..

Also you're very wrong about my view on Christians, I think those who follow Christ properly are usually some of the nicest people I've had the pleasure of meeting. Anyone who has views trying to promote love and oneness should be in a place where everyone can hear them.

i don't know your views on christians? you must at least be credible if you know what a 'proper christian' is? (just teasing) mean that "do unto others" thing"?
i could've used a buddhist quote there i suppose, but it would've been way too subtle.. (that is to say 'middle-grounded' and 'open-minded', not particularly leaning one way or the other.. [more teasing])

..something that actually stands for something was necessary to get the point across

i'm sure as a buddhist you're a really nice person,
but i think this would make you someone who probably would be receptive to someone like russel brand
and i think you and Russel are unaware of some of the activities of head office..

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:21 AM

reply to post by ItsEvolutionBaby

A good interview with paxman as to why he does not vote..

OMG !!!! yes.. I said it..

the first question on the video .. I literately Laughed out Loud ....WOW!!!

ETA: yeeah .. what raw truth RB has .. i love it !

edit on 11-1-2014 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:52 AM
in the raw.. if you don't've missing out on life..

edit on 11-1-2014 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

Removed for explict material ..

edit on 11-1-2014 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

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