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Russell Brand exposes the Truth - everything is Energy, Frequency, Vibration, Consciousness

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posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 02:30 AM
russel brand has always been a conduit for new-age propaganda

i haven't even watched the video yet
but i know what i'll see

a bit like that zeitgeist movement
that describes the problem
without using words like "freemasonry" and "socialism"

another one of these self-deluded celebrities
it's like they all come off a similar production line

so, ermmm,
i'm about to watch this video

*edit and stuff
the video was almost exactly as i imagined it would be..

i especially enjoyed the snippet where he was with alex jones he's well and truly one of the scooby gang
solving crimes and making rhymes
will he start sounding off on 'the phoney money system' next?
or do you think it's going to be 'those space reptiles' again?

let's see if russel can walk the walk now that he's talked the talk
but let's wait and see who he now becomes affiliated with
..maybe he'll become a UN goodwill ambassador like geri halliwell
but i suspect there are much bigger things planned for him

mmmm, gotta love that minty fresh kool-aid
edit on 7-1-2014 by UNIT76 because: russell disseminates same old NWO message... "the system is crazy, we need a reset"

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:19 AM
I've never been a fan of Brand and his snake like ways, but when it comes to these kinds of messages, I guess the sincerity (which I doubt in his case) and the reasoning don't really matter, if people would actually listen.

I suspect though, Brand will do the whole "Open your mind, love and peace!" sideshow for a few years, then go back to how he was and do interviews where he will mock the interactions and correspondence he's had with "lunatics" while in this phase.

Hopefully he really proves me wrong though

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 06:00 AM


When will the whole Russell Brand crapola die out? When will people stop following celebrities and wake up to their own sovereignty?
Do you really need famous shills to tell you what to think?

Ironically, you just agreed with him 100%.

I don't think you've actually paid attention to his sentiments.

"Ironically" I don't think you listened either. Brand talks of socialism which is nothing like waking up to your own sovereignty, the exact opposite in fact. But by all means keep following your Brand new Jesus...

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by purplemer

Russell Brand I love you but you're wrong -

Russell Brand, Get a clue!

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by zeroBelief

There are no "betters" unless you see yourself as less. Money doesn't make you better than someone else. Education doesn't make you better than someone else. Let's squash those egotistical pigs now .

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by ScareCro

Isn't the advocacy of Anarchism also a utopian belief that relies on the good nature of humans. There's nothing to stop organised criminal groups like the mafia etc, from becoming the new governments. One bunch of crooks taking over from another. Like its always been throughout history.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:34 AM

reply to post by ScareCro

Isn't the advocacy of Anarchism also a utopian belief that relies on the good nature of humans. There's nothing to stop organised criminal groups like the mafia etc, from becoming the new governments. One bunch of crooks taking over from another. Like its always been throughout history.

Good question, I would say it isn't any more utopian than believing that doing business with the barrel of a gun via an actor from a soulless fiction know as government being morally accpetable. But then again there are a lot of different ways "anarchy" is viewed and I prefer a non aggression principle. I happen to see it as basically rules with no rulers. Just like when we go to the store to buy something we want. We are not being forced to shop at a certain store, we're not being forced buy specific items from certain shelves, it's a voluntary interaction of course. When the word anarchy is used, the image it brings up is looting and smashing crap and that's not anarchy, that's vandalism. Most folks have a sense of self-preservation and are generally good people. My neighbors haven't tried to kill me, nor I them, why? Well duh. You mentioned there's nothing to stop organized criminal groups from becoming the new government. That is EXACTLY what "we've" got now. Here are some folks who managed to stop it:

MOLON LABE - How the Second Amendment Guarantees America's Freedom:

Battle of Athens (1946):

Mexican vigilante gunmen disarm local POLICE so they can rid town of feared Knights Templar drug cartel:

And of course, can't leave this one out:
American War of Independence

Why it works:
The Tiny Dot

Why it's not working now:
"...films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” - George Orwell

Regarding anarchy:

Government, A necessary evil?

Debate - Anarchy vs. Authority
edit on 7-1-2014 by ScareCro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 09:43 AM



When will the whole Russell Brand crapola die out? When will people stop following celebrities and wake up to their own sovereignty?
Do you really need famous shills to tell you what to think?

Ironically, you just agreed with him 100%.

I don't think you've actually paid attention to his sentiments.

"Ironically" I don't think you listened either. Brand talks of socialism which is nothing like waking up to your own sovereignty, the exact opposite in fact. But by all means keep following your Brand new Jesus...

Speak up, I can't hear you when you're yelling all the way from the McCarthy era.

What he speaks of is not socialism, not even close. What you're confusing socialism with is "anything-not-compatible-to-your-standard-"perfect"-system". You act as if predatory capitalism is a functional system. Just because somebody suggests a new system (which, by the way, people have been echoing loooong before Russel Brand started speaking out), it doesn't mean it's "socialism".

Your reasons for not liking him are the same reasons he doesn't like the current system. It's also funny you mention "Jesus" as he follows his teachings far closer than any of the current Ayn Rand Satanism that plagues the current pro-capitalist politicians.

The man is not spreading new ideas so, if you want to blame somebody, blame the average critically-thinking person you see on the street because they have probably had at least half of these thoughts rolling around in their heads for years. He speaks the exact same words and concepts many of us have (even on ATS). The difference is that he's famous and extremely well-spoken. This gives him an accountability and he's utilizing it. The man has found god and is shouting it from the mountain tops... you'd think Christians of all people would understand his passion.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:09 AM
i hope they dont crucify (or hang) him because he looks like jesus (or guy fawkes)


posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:28 AM
I like the sound of this and that was an awesome video. I even played it again for my wife in the truck on the way home from sushi (radioactive!? Lord I hope not)

Anyway, is it possible that Russel Brand is just really smart, sees this new age movement happening, probably a frequent ATS lurker, and is jumping on the opportunity to gain a huge following?

I'm always thinking I must beware of false prophets, and bringers of peace, for all we know he could be the anti Christ......
edit on 7-1-2014 by GoShredAK because: Didnt make sense, still may not

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:37 AM

If the information he is telling is not supposed to be told.... He'd be dead. Plain as that... That or, by now "they" don't care anymore if we're told the truth because either

1. Our short attention spand will forget about it tomorrow
2. It's neccasary for "us" to know such information to achieve their goal
3. They know most people won't believe the information or won't listen to others who relay the message
. People won't even listen

especially by a clown like russell brand.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:39 AM

reply to post by zeroBelief

There are no "betters" unless you see yourself as less. Money doesn't make you better than someone else. Education doesn't make you better than someone else. Let's squash those egotistical pigs now .

Great theory in the hypothetical world...but, int he corporate world...guess what...whether true or not, they are your "betters", in as much as they have a higher paygrade, and can make decisions that will reduce your paygrade to NOTHING. If it weren't for that, I'd have told the self-righteously pious jerk preceisely what I thought of him then and there. But, it wasn't him I would have been telling to kiss off, it was my salary and career.

So, therefore, supplication and ass kissing is entirely necessary if you wish to maintain a job. I am lucky enough to be able to live comfortably and not have my family wanting for anything in the slightest. I am also lucky enough to be able to help out those extended family members who are in dire need on a monthly basis and make their lives more bearable.

This is the price I pay for them to be able to live that way.

All bravado aside, reality is reality.

And then there's scotch.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:49 AM

reply to post by symptomoftheuniverse

He is a rich spoilt nob end who perpetuates the crap

We are ruled by degrees of separation. It does not mater if he is rich or poor. He is a human being like the rest of us..

I'm reminded of the poet James Maynard....

Someone told me once that there's a right and wrong, punishment would come to those who dare to cross the line. But it must not be true for jerk-offs just like you. Maybe it takes longer to catch a total a##&ole. but I'm tired of waiting.

Someone told me once that there's a right and wrong, punishment would come to those who dare to cross the line. But it must not be true for jerk-offs just like you. Maybe it's just bulls$%t and I should play GOD, and shoot you myself. Because I'm tired of waiting. Consequences dictate our course of action and it doesn't matter what's right. It's only wrong if you get caught. If consequences dictate my course of action I should play GOD and shoot you myself.

I'm very tired of waiting.

I should kick you

, beat you

, f#$k you

, and then shoot you

in your

f#$%ing head.

edit on 7-1-2014 by zeroBelief because: editing blows...aren't "little" people paid for this sort of thing ???? -Imelda Marcos

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:01 AM

reply to post by purplemer

Russell Brand I love you but you're wrong -

Russell Brand, Get a clue!

the video you show says that the problem is socialist governments, which should be reduced and cut down to a bare minimum...we saw what happened before 08' when government was not involved....corporations took over and were allowed to run a massive financial Ponzi scheme in the form of "derivatives" and it's numerous machinations. because of the close relationship of our leaders to corporations, they DID NOT represent what was good for the common man, but, chose to represent the wealthy elite.
corporations are based on fascist that is what we would have if representatives of the common people did not have a way of combating the enormous power of the corporation, which for the most part, the wealthy control.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Sly1one

Just wanted to say that globalist, socialist ideas for economic parity and environmental awareness don't necessarily conflict with individuality. That's a false choice/ dichotomy popular with the "neo right" these days. It is wrong, as in incorrect.

One can express themselves and glory in their individuality (however "false" that is in higher, metaphysical perspectives) while being part of the human experience and maintaining awareness of our interdependence and reliance on our planet.

It's rarely "either/or."

And RB is ... a guy that got famous and has a brain, which some people can't conceive of... though it IS true that those two properties rarely go together in the entertainment industry.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 12:12 PM

reply to post by Sly1one

Just wanted to say that globalist, socialist ideas for economic parity and environmental awareness don't necessarily conflict with individuality. That's a false choice/ dichotomy popular with the "neo right" these days. It is wrong, as in incorrect.

One can express themselves and glory in their individuality (however "false" that is in higher, metaphysical perspectives) while being part of the human experience and maintaining awareness of our interdependence and reliance on our planet.

It's rarely "either/or."

And RB is ... a guy that got famous and has a brain, which some people can't conceive of... though it IS true that those two properties rarely go together in the entertainment industry.

While I entirely agree that it IS possible to be collective and individual minded, that is a balancing act that I'm not sure is capable of the world yet.

I think if the global mindset is popularized by abhorring individualism as the reason people are "Divided" then humanity is merely driving off the other side of the road.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

So in the Paxman interview when Brand talks of bringing in a socialist egalitarian system that's not socialism? You probably think the Zeitgeist movement makes sense too. Yeesh...

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:02 PM
Love the video! Thank you for bringing him to my attention!! S&F, OP!

Love the message Russell Brand is sharing! Standing ovation for the message he's trying to get the human race to understand!

And, he's not bad on the eyes either!

Like the new smileys too. Still not as good as the old ATS had.

edit on 1/7/2014 by sled735 because: add comment

(post by Jed212 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 05:28 PM

reply to post by Cuervo

So in the Paxman interview when Brand talks of bringing in a socialist egalitarian system that's not socialism? You probably think the Zeitgeist movement makes sense too. Yeesh...

The system we have in place is failing us on many levels. I do not think socialism is the answer. But we do need something different...

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