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Russell Brand exposes the Truth - everything is Energy, Frequency, Vibration, Consciousness

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+46 more 
posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:22 PM
I think Russell Brand has had a bad time recently. Personally I think he is doing a fantastic job at bringing a message to people.. It is inspiring to see a fresh voice sharing much needed ideas and I do not care if he is a celebrity. If Ghandi was alive today he would be one too..

One's reality is the result of your Intention & Attention. They want you talking about twerking, they want to shut your f*ing mouths and watch this # you f*ing morons and I know because I've been part of the charade...but I'm awake now

Contains strong language.


posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:28 PM
Well done I say.

The more celebs and people in places of spotlight getting the message across the better.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:34 PM
If the information he is telling is not supposed to be told.... He'd be dead. Plain as that... That or, by now "they" don't care anymore if we're told the truth because either

1. Our short attention spand will forget about it tomorrow
2. It's neccasary for "us" to know such information to achieve their goal
3. They know most people won't believe the information or won't listen to others who relay the message
4. People won't even listen

+13 more 
posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:35 PM
It's simply amazing how even in our everyday life, we're expected to kneel down, supplicate ourselves, and kiss our betters feet.

A recent luncheon discussion over a rather current media topic got me publicly and privately censored. All I did was state a mere business fact in response to it. Apparently I was considered to be the swine that pearls were being distributed to, and should have shut the f#c% u#.

It's really rather mind blowing how fragile other people are. How if you don't "fit" into "your role", it upsets them. This is what Russell Brand is talking about.

God forbid you disagree.
God forbid you speak out.
God forbid you think.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:37 PM
I like RB and agree with much of what he stands for but...

How is he "Exposing The Truth?"

He has a belief system and has the platform to speak but he doesn't really expose anything many of aren't aware of.

Just me.


posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:41 PM
Russell is a good example of your never too old to change, or to be forgiven. Definitely like this Russell more then the "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" one (which portrayed his real life really) or how he was when he was with Katy Perry.

+6 more 
posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:42 PM
I think many on forums have a pretentious deluded opinion of themselves and their opinions. Easy for a person using an avatar to rationalize any view on this brilliant man. He doesnt have to say this. He could just leave you in your abstractly pointless lives to do what you will. But he isnt a faceless person writing on a largely ignored website. He is on multiple shows, in front of multiple groups espousing complex and beautiful thoughts. If you had anything negative or cynical to say after watching that video, you have no soul.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:43 PM
I've found it interesting that the liberal arts was removed from the public education criteria right around the time of the industrial revolution.
Some forward thinking sociopaths got together and said "isn't this grand? In a few years we will turn the populace into a slave race meant to do nothing more than go to work from 9 to 5 and turn a knob on a machine. We won't need THINKERS anymore."

It may make for a good thread for someone with more time on their hands...

Anyhow, Brand is very brave.
The first step the PTB will take against him is to blackball him in the entertainment industry and label him as a nutter. They attempted this with Charlie Sheen but he was a little too popular.

Both men are walking on thin ice.

God speed, Russell! I love reading your website! What a sharp mind!

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Thank you for this Thread with video... I must admit I did not like his telephone harassment prank with Jon Ross which Jon was suspended by the bbc. To me at that time I thought he was just gone from the drugs....

I am soooo pleased he has found his cause as its our cause other wise we would not be here reading and writing and bearing our thoughts to NHS and public. BTW Public are welcome here..... This is the third speech I have heard of his and restores my faith in man in so far as man can change. It may be too late for us to change as I am concerned with the damaged already on this planet!


posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:48 PM
I've been meditating regularly for about 3 years now and in MY mind, everything RB is saying is true! Without doubt.

"Skin puppets", gotta love it.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 08:53 PM
A worthy 11 + minutes,imo. I had no idea he had views such as these and I envy those that can seamlessly articulate such perspectives with such assurance.
I like his point about frequencies/vibrations that are out of our sensory detection range, yet they are there. I believe we still have much to discover in the realms of dimensions and quantum physics.

I recognize within myself the capacity for selfishness, lustfulness, egotism and because I recognize these qualities within myself I would prefer a culture that does not celebrate, exacerbate,stimulate the most negative aspects of our species inculcate them reward them financially til we get to a cultural hysteria where we are destroying the planet.

I thought this was spot on and it makes me wonder if this paradigm is circumstance,as a result of pursuing maximum profit by utilizing(abusing) sensationalism, or if it is intentional to keep us disconnected and distracted.

Thanks for sharing,
edit on 5-1-2014 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Nice Video brother.


posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by zeroBelief

Been there, done that, was 'punished', I still speak up and applaud others that also do and I feel better for it.

The more people that wake up to the sham that their lives are moulded round the better, humanity is progressing, we just have to make sure WE the AWAKE population aren't replaced by the 'grateful' newcomers to the society all too happy to put and shut up for a position in the machine.

That also applies to the super dumbed down emerging workforce generations because so far, from most of the current 20 somethings I have witnessed in the workplace, that is a step too far in the self serving, trample on anyone in their way, blinkered egotist that can only lead to a terrible, incompetent and inefficient workforce.

They've been warned.

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by IceHappy

Maybe i'm wrong but i believe it is never too late.
As long as there are some humans survive any mega disaster/war/etc, there is a chance to 'reverse the wheel'.

But these days i always see that 'evil' people are not really 'evil', they are playing their roles so 'good' people can wake up and continue the evolution.

edit on 5-1-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-1-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 09:22 PM
All hail Russell Brand!

I really like the guy a lot and I agree with just about everything he's been saying lately. When I hear him speak, I can just feel the overwhelming sense of genuine compassion in his voice. Its so refreshing compared to the phony vote pandering drivel we're accustomed to.

With that said, I think what he and everyone that shares his mindset lacks is a plan that everyone can get behind. After all, knowing is only half the battle.
edit on 5-1-2014 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by purplemer

I'm torn on Russel Brands message. While in comparison it SEEMS delightfully refreshing from a celebrity to hear such ideas being brought to a mass isn't really anything too overwhelmingly paradigm shifting.

I may be interpreting his message incorrectly but I sense and feel socialist,globalist overtones in a very subconscious way. He wreaks of individuality and speaks of nonconformity but implies a global unity that requires the sacrifice of those attributes. Regardless his message is refreshing in comparison to the usual.

He also speaks very quickly using large words...not that this is indicative of anything but I find it hard that everyone who likes him knows exactly what he is saying, implying or talking about...He is also a comedian in some regards so deciphering sarcasm and satire from legitimacy is probably difficult for most.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Sly1one

It isn't paradigm shifting.

A lot of the things he says I am sure I have been writing and saying for years.

But that isn't the point.

To many it IS new, it is something they never thought about before and it is being broadcast widely on MAINSTREAM media, which is a good thing.

The way he says it is his style, which people have already bought into and accepted. It is then more easily absorbed and accepted, because here is a SUCCESSFUL mainstream celeb that has obviously passed all the other perceived 'how to be successful' tests in the eyes of those that did not previously see the machinations of society in their true light talking openly about things they didn't know about but should.
edit on 6-1-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 06:52 AM
Nice to see people agreeing with what Russell Brand has been saying but just remember a lot of the information he is passing on he got from David Icke.

All Hail David Icke!

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by purplemer

A really really good video, whoever put this together did a lot of work and it shows that Brand is learning and sharing some fine data.

One aspect about sharing this kind of information with people willing or ready to learn it is that the more you share, the more information and access you are either given or run-up on "accidently" and the better your communication skills evolve along with that knowledge. Russell Brand has a wide path ahead of him, a path lined with what he describes as "a daily access to unseen realms of power", and he seems to be enthusiastically traveling along that path and - more importantly - sharing his findings with the world.
edit on 6-1-2014 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-1-2014 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:04 AM

I think many on forums have a pretentious deluded opinion of themselves and their opinions. Easy for a person using an avatar to rationalize any view on this brilliant man. He doesnt have to say this. He could just leave you in your abstractly pointless lives to do what you will. But he isnt a faceless person writing on a largely ignored website. He is on multiple shows, in front of multiple groups espousing complex and beautiful thoughts. If you had anything negative or cynical to say after watching that video, you have no soul.
well i have no soul then. Intention and attention? Lol , so all the people who are murdered or starving is a result of their attention and intention.
He is a rich spoilt nob end who perpetuates the crap.

He thinks that humans only have 5 senses lol
He looks like nigella lawsons son and acts like it too!
edit on 6-1-2014 by symptomoftheuniverse because: spelling

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