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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on May, 26 2016 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

To share my thoughts as well I think RFI is connected to Andrew Pike's experiments. What I find strange is that after all these years there isnt' much that has been disclosed yet. I wonder why ... For me this is an indicator that research is still ongoing (or only finished a couple of years ago). This correspondents with reports still calling these things UAP. If they know what it is I presume it would have gotten another name by now.

As far as the nuclear connection I'm not sure what to think about it either. Being from Belgium there's a military base here that is/was storing US nuclear warheads as well, but I've never heard of any 'devine intervention' stories where warheads where disarmed by strange phenomena on that base. Why not? Not worth the time?

That's my skeptic side. My scifi/dreamer side is biased to think it was the Russians. Hey, it could be ... Some fiction novel by an obscure rock artist has contaminated my view *ashamed*.

I still got plenty to learn

Still in awe sometimes about all the knowledge in this topic ...
edit on 26-5-2016 by zeroPointOneQ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: zeroPointOneQ

My guess about non disclosure of any type of experimentation along those lines is that it didn't work properly.
Some unintended consequences that proved harmful to the test subjects.
Disclosure would mean having to explain what they where doing, giving the game away to any potential enemies.
Then they would have to admit that they tested on humans and compensate the "victims".
On top of all that it would expose a bunch of people going up the chain of command to accusations of a cover up (and rightly so), which could be a pain for them career wise.

Some of their secrets really are secret.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 09:06 AM
I must admit I struggle to enter-into the human logistics necessary to deliberately pull off something like, say, that reddish orb as an experiment with smoke-and-mirrors; e.g. the technical feats, use of 3 dimensional space, and to leave an impression on not necessarily one, but multiple witnesses (e.g. Halt and team as they see the reddish/yellow orb in the forest/field, or Carey and Barker in the tower). Be it holography, drugs, use of EM or otherwise fields, I feel this is an experiment that would have to produce something tremendously focused that would not warp entire surroundings, meld seamlessly with our sense of reality, and remain memorable enough after the event.

I find it hard to imagine that a NATO ally would attempt such an experiment IF it’s true that the base had the largest stockpile of nukes in Western Europe, and was on ‘alert condition’ status with events in the east (Poland/Russia)—i.e. Russia could trigger them into action in a heartbeat, and they’d need to be ready.

That leaves Russia, or an outside force. Again, my mind is in to the logistics of it all. The personnel on the nuclear base were surely alert for outside interference; you’d have UK MoD and defence aware of what—or probably who—was coming in or out of the UK. If the US/NATO were on to these secrets, wouldn't they take steps to prevent interference from outside influences on one of their top nuclear bases?

In any event, imagine Ike Barker and Jim Carey looking at that radar scope and seeing the object advance as they see it out the window—how do you accomplish something like that?

However, I would be tempted to go with "unintended consequence" angle Tulpa, i.e. they were doing something out there that triggered the events of high strangeness (in the event of such as experiment).

edit on ThuAmerica/ChicagofThu, 26 May 2016 09:16:50 -0500am905America/Chicago531 by Defragmentor because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Semi-off topic:

I'm reading "UFO Danger Zone" by Bob Pratt.

In that book the author wonders why Brazil seems unique in the world (as supposedly) there are swarms of blood sucking/abducting "UFO'S" (chupah chupahs) that also paralyze, hunt, lift into the air, grab with grappling hooks and shower with molten oil/metal the local inhabitants from the 60s to the modern day--'

But this does not happen in any other country like this. (according to the author).

Jacques Vallee went to Brazil 3 times as I'm very prone to believe that something is happening there.

Its the same question about RFI. Why this location?

It makes me wonder if there are say 2 or 3 factors which have to coincide at once...and we never realize that say 3 unusual "stars have to align" for something to happen.

In RFIs case...maybe...

1) Andrew Pike experimenting with plasma
2) Military maybe experimenting with microwaves or an EMP.
3) Maybe some "Earth lights" were in the area...

Add human hysteria and up pops RFI.

I'm wondering if some military base closures are due to inconvenient things in the local environment (say earthquake stress...quartz piezo...magnetite Or whatever) interfering with microwaves/plasma tech/expetiments) and triggering "high strangeness".

If we track UAP clusters with base closures...that might be interesting.


edit on 26-5-2016 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

With so much coming from Penniston being of an obviously dubious nature, it's hard to attach any special significance to his casts. Also it's not like we don't have other evidence from the photographs and Halts tape. Given Penniston's credibility record, I'd have to go with the photographs and Halts tape as being more credible to the extent there's any conflict between them and Penniston's casts.

I can't quite disprove it but I don't think Penniston could have made the plaster casts when he said he did. I've posted this somewhere earlier in the thread.

In a radio show he claimed he lived 20 miles from the base in Ipswich. He also claims after being debriefed and going out to the site after his shift finished that he returned later in the morning to make the plaster casts whilst also avoiding other personnel and British Police so he had his 'own' evidence.

Apparently Captain Verrano and Major Drury had questioned Penniston and Burroughs after they returned from the incident. Their shift would have finished about 7am. They then ordered Burroughs and Penniston to rendezvous with them at the landing site. The pair retraced their route and found the markings at the landing site that they'd seen in the dark forest (!!). Verrano, Drury and Ray Gulyas followed them.

After which Penniston then rushed the 20 miles home to Ipswich, contacted a decorator friend. Drove to his friend's home to obtain some plaster and then returned to the 'landing' site. He then filled the indentations with plaster, waiting around whilst they set and then just as he's packed the last cast the British police accompanied by Drury, Verrano and Gulyas (to take the photos) arrive.

Sun up is not until 8:15ish on Boxing Day in England. According to the police a report was made about 10:30am. So Penniston had 2hrs to not only show the officers the site but also get home, change, get to his friends, return and make plaster casts then let them set while remaining inconspicuous.

Finally they don't even look like they were made at the same place the photos were taken.

Maybe Penniston will read this and revise the story so it fits better and claim he went later in the morning after watching "Why Don't You????" on BBC1?

Yes Lord Hill Norton says he has no doubt something landed. He might have been a fine admiral so I can't judge his skills as a commander, but I must say his skills as an investigator are woefully lacking if he makes such a statement based on the dismal evidence for a so-called "landing" that's been made public. What's really ironic is that video focuses on a so-called landing site in the middle of the field and that's nowhere near the supposed landing site that's documented in the forest with trees nearby

The video is showing where Larry Warren claims 'an object' of some sort landed in the field at Capel Green on the 3rd night (Halt's night). The landing site is not the same as the one from the first night.

edit on 26/5/16 by mirageman because: typo

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: zeroPointOneQ

To share my thoughts as well I think RFI is connected to Andrew Pike's experiments. What I find strange is that after all these years there isnt' much that has been disclosed yet.

This case is mightily confusing and it's easy to misread or misinterpret things. (I do it myself)

Just so we are clear though .Andrew has now retired and prefers to keep himself to himself after being harrassed on social media and one 'investigative journalist' claiming he worked for the MoD. Andrew has never worked for the MoD or military.

Andrew Pike was not conducting any experiments. He arrived in the area after all the main RFI events had taken place and was conducting an investigation as a physicist. This was a study of ball lightning, natural plasma glows, earth lights and similar phenomena.

As for the nuclear connection. Bentwaters held tactical or 'battlefield' nukes, which in the event of a successful Warsaw Pact invasion across the West German border would be delivered by fighter-bombers such as the F-111. These were not your strategic nuclear weapons targeted at Moscow, Stalingrad and Kiev.

Many 'ufologists' will say it all began with aliens detecting the atomic bombs in 1947 Even though the explosions were nothing compared to the Shoemaker–Levy 9 impact on Jupiter in 1994 which was said to be a destructive force equivalent to 600 times the world's nuclear arsenal at the time. It's another 'ufology cliche' theory in my opinion. The fact is the military will closely guard weapons of this sort so more things get observed around these bases.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: Tulpa

My guess about non disclosure of any type of experimentation along those lines is that it didn't work properly. Some unintended consequences that proved harmful to the test subjects..........

Some of their secrets really are secret.

There is a history of experiments in Suffolk. For a quick thumbnail see here :

So I suspect the same myself. Although linking any or all of it to RFI is difficult if nigh on impossible without access to those 'secrets'.

edit on 26/5/16 by mirageman because: typos

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: Defragmentor

I must admit I struggle to enter-into the human logistics necessary to deliberately pull off something like, say, that reddish orb as an experiment with smoke-and-mirrors; e.g. the technical feats, use of 3 dimensional space, and to leave an impression on not necessarily one, but multiple witnesses (e.g. Halt and team as they see the reddish/yellow orb in the forest/field, or Carey and Barker in the tower)...........................

That leaves Russia, or an outside force

Here's one thing I still find very peculiar about this case. And so far Halt and others have never really answered this satisfactorily.

If this was NOT an experiment then how do you explain Colonel Halt's decision making in the situation he was in on the 3rd night.

Numerous airman sighted something, if only lights, in the forest.

Randy D Smith and many others in the control tower saw what he describes as 3 triangular shaped craft above the forest. Yet he seemingly did nothing about it?

... I saw VERY CLEAR images of 3 triangular shaped craft that were hovering a few miles away and above treetop level. They were triangular in shape, larger than a fighter jet, but smaller than a C5. Definitely triangular with lights that were arranged around the bottom that were perhaps different colours but unable to distinguish at that distance.

See :

We have the testimony of the radar operators. Although at the time Halt was not aware of what they saw why did they not raise any particular alert or report it to the MoD or USAF?

Halt himself claimed to see objects in the forest near the base, objects in the sky hovering over the base, one shooting beams of light down on his weapons storage areas and making sharp manoeuvres. He decides that walking around the forest is the only action necessary and then with the lights still in the sky and beaming down onto the base he decides to pack it all in and go back to base around 4:00 am.

No alert called on base, no fighter cover requested. Nothing.

Also why did the USAF feel they could take 20 or so men with lightalls off base and wander around Rendlesham forest without contacting the Brits? (Well Halt did but not until mid-January of 1981).

#My conclusion would be that Halt was reluctant to raise an alert because he knew what was going on and he was playing along. Or the whole incident was nowhere near as exciting or threatening as he and others make out.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: mirageman

It's curious that Pike chose a location so close to RFI to be observing Earth lights don't you think?

Now Earth lights tend to be seen in areas with lots of tectonic stress.

I checked that whole region around RFI with the global seismology tracker....and its a very quiet area in terms of Earthquakes...

Any idea why Andrew chose his observational nature hikes adjacent to a nuclear base with low seismic activity?

edit on 26-5-2016 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

That's actually made some rather disturbing implications pop into my mind...

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

In that book the author wonders why Brazil seems unique in the world (as supposedly) there are swarms of blood sucking/abducting "UFO'S" (chupah chupahs) that also paralyze, hunt, lift into the air, grab with grappling hooks and shower with molten oil/metal the local inhabitants from the 60s to the modern day--' But this does not happen in any other country like this. (according to the author).

Doesn't Puerto Rico have similar tales about the blood sucking aliens? But nevertheless it's interesting/

I'm wondering if some military base closures are due to inconvenient things in the local environment (say earthquake stress...quartz piezo...magnetite Or whatever) interfering with microwaves/plasma tech/expetiments) and triggering "high strangeness". If we track UAP clusters with base closures...that might be interesting.

It's a possibility that I have never thought about.

I don't think we can bundle Bentwaters into that classification for definite. The Cold War ended and so NATO no longer needed a base there. Woodbridge is still used by the British Army Air Corps. I think the only major American base left in the UK will be RAF Lakenheath

Bentwaters is now a business park. If you've ever seen "Top Gear" (the BBC version) then that is partly filmed at Bentwaters.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I heard a very interesting story about a broadband engineer at the business park, who discovered existing fibre optics under the ground.

In my opinion, it's likely that these cables ran to Orfedness for data processing, and used the base's Milnet connection.

With Andrew Pike, do we know for certain he was taking hikes and doing plasma experiments in the area BEFORE the RFI? I've always been pretty vague on this, all I know for certain is that he was close by and ended up investigating. I'm not sure why or by who?

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I checked that whole region around RFI with the global seismology tracker....and its a very quiet area in terms of Earthquakes...

We tend not to have anything more than minor 'earthquakes' in Britain. There is a fault line (a bit too close to home) on the Western side of the mainland and the earth has noticeably moved for me a couple of time
. The Suffolk coast is sinking.

As for why Andrew Pike chose the area. I'll have to get back to you on that one......

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: mirageman

The Top Gear where they "raced" a Harrier was Top Rate ;-)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I've just reread this - no experiments and no prior presence. So, not as disturbing as I thought...

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I hadnt realized that chupacabras and "chupa chupas" were the same critter?

I need to read-up on this.


posted on May, 26 2016 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I am sure Andrew Pike would thank you for making it clear he was not experimenting with plasma if he was reqestered on this site.

As he states in his book he had a fellow astronomy friend who lived in Capel St Andrew who knew he was working on a university research project on earth lights and how they scale up to the size of plasmas in space. That friend knew of the fuss going on in the area with balls of light and called him to see if it was of use to investigate.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: SkywatcherUK

Andrew Pikes book is nearly impossible to find for any price. As a result misinformation about his role or lack of it seems to be an issue. Nobody is knowingly misquoting him that I'm aware.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:53 AM
originall posted by: mirageman
a reply to: zeroPointOneQ

Andrew Pike was not conducting any experiments. He arrived in the area after all the main RFI events had taken place and was conducting an investigation as a physicist. This was a study of ball lightning, natural plasma glows, earth lights and similar phenomena.

Thanks for pointing that out. Brought a bit of nuance to my view

edit on 27-5-2016 by zeroPointOneQ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

They're not.
Chupacabras is the Goat Sucker
Chupa chupa was what they called the smaller flying objects. Meaning "suck suck" (or going by one of your typos earlier...sick sick. Sorry).

Incidentally, I've just re-read Hunt for the Skinwalker because some of the UFOs at the ranch where said to look like refrigerators with a headlight and red tail light. I'm not sure if they flew upright, or lengthways but I'm guessing upright or they'd have just called them oblongs.

Not sure how the lights where placed either.
The larger ones where supposed to resemble an RV with lights on inside. When approached, these would lift up slightly and float along the contour of the ground, rising over fences etc. And always just out of reach. Silent too.

The authors include a chapter on the Colares events because some of the Chupa chupas where described as being similar to the refrigerater UFOs. I'd not made the connection myself but more strangeness....
edit on 27-5-2016 by Tulpa because: the usual

edit on 27-5-2016 by Tulpa because: and again

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