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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on May, 17 2016 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

There's quite a few other symptoms, such as rapid tooth decay and white gums amongst others that occurred after the event and forced John to see the medical centre on base. All indicative of some kind of radiation poisoning

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: ctj83

So really.. some sort of whole-body exposure + the possible pre-existing condition might explain the physical symptomology.

But that doesn't explain the extreme secrecy regarding Burroughs medical records nor the other "stories" and whatever real events occurred.


posted on May, 17 2016 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear

But that doesn't explain the extreme secrecy regarding Burroughs medical records nor the other "stories" and whatever real events occurred.


LAEG, interview with Charles Halt (CH) by Peter Robbins and Larry Warren (LW):

CH: Well, something happened. What happened, I don’t know. It wasn’t an experiment, definitely wasn’t. My recollections fit very closely in with all the people, the four or five people that were with me that night.
For instance, Bobby Ball pointed out when he saw the things in the sky, he thought it was a grid pattern and they were searching. I’m not sure I remember it that way, I remember the pattern, but I’m not sure it was a grid. There were sharp angular movements and I’m not – I wouldn’t argue with him.

LW: I didn’t see anything flying except a red light, except when we went back.


CH: None of the witnesses that I’ve talked to from the third night say there was anything physical they could catch other than lights.


LW: As far as aliens and all that, I have to tell you that there was something there that was brightly lit with depth to it. Burroughs said they were just lights, they weren’t beings.

CH: Were you there with Burroughs?

LW: I saw Burroughs out there.

CH: Was he in uniform?

LW: No. No he wasn’t.


LW: Soon after this I started to have eye problems. Whether I saw a thing explode or I didn’t see a bright source of light…

CH: You couldn’t have been too close – you were not in front of us – there were no people in front of us. There were only five people past that point, except when Burroughs, I think, came forward. You had to have been well behind us, at least a hundred, two hundred yards, when you saw the object. That doesn’t mean you didn’t…

John Burroughs on the former Rendlesham Incident Forum:

Bustinza was with Halts party when I met up with them and he and I then went towards whatever it was.

Bustinza told me that as we were running towards the object and I say object for no better word he fell down which I remember well he stated he did not fall but was pushed and then was held down. After that he stated whatever it was completely covered me up in other words it went over me and I disappeared. Well I can remember getting close to it and then all of a sudden I was standing in the field not knowing what had happened.

Bustinza and I were running together and he fell down and I kept running. As I was getting close to it all of a sudden it was gone and I was just standing in the field. I don’t know what happened. Bustinza told me he was knocked down and held down afterwards he stated he could not stand up until after whatever it was gone and I was standing alone in the field. Halts party was behind us several hundred yards. Halt was the one who stated down the line that I was on top of something Bustinza said that I disappeared into it. I have no idea what happened.

Adrian Bustinza in his recent interview on Phenomenon Radio:

I was by Colonel Halt. I remember talking to Lt. Englund momentarily and Sergeant Ball. At that point, I remember John was talking to Colonel Halt, and John was pressing the issue about going back out to the forest.
Col. Halt told John that he could and he told me to go with him.

At that point, we go out into the forest and we weren't very far from each other. I'd say a couple of arm's lengths. We were walking. And at one point that's when John got in front of me, and he was like in between some trees.

There was a little clearing in between some trees and a light from above just shined on John. It was just like somebody turned a switch on. And I remember I looked at him and said something. And then I felt like I got pushed down. Like I got pushed from behind.

And that's when I tried to break my fall and my left hand went into the lighted area and it startled me. And at the same time, I felt like I was being pulled back up by my pack. I looked at John and John was trying to look up at the light. And I remember John looking at his arms and his hands. And the light was like fuzzy, when you get a snowy TV, but it was like particles. It looked like particles in the light like when you get onto a dusty road and you see particles in the light. And I couldn't tell you exactly how long. Maybe five, ten minutes. Maybe longer, I don't know.

I was more startled than anything else, and I'm sure John was, too, at the point. My reaction was to call out to him, and it crossed my mind to run. But, you know, where do you run? I didn't know what I was running from. And then the light went out. I remember the light being very bright. I even felt it kind of warmish, kind of like a spotlight.

This would explain Burroughs’ injuries, why his medical files are kept secret, and why Halt tried to keep him out of television shows.

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Guest101

You are saying that supposedly John was hit most strongly by a plasma mist effect (or whatever) because he was closest to it?

I think that has been my basic assumption from day one.

Only I don't trust any of these constantly changing and conflicting stories.

For all we know, that mist was an "earthlight" electrified by prevaling weather conditions, or a pack of invisible pink alicorns (winged unicorns).

RFI is beyond annoying in terms of attempting to figure it out.


posted on May, 17 2016 @ 01:55 PM
Interesting. If true of course.

Book update, by Jim Penniston

As I write the aftermath of the RFI, I find it to be an amazing part of it all. The aftermath which will also be presented, has all new information the public has never seen or heard about. An example of this is how the CIA and its surrogate contract services are still involved with Rendlesham.

To make this book definitive in every way, I have decided to include how I was offered a full disability under the Veterans Administration Disability program. Essentially they (the CIA surrogates) wanted to have me “bought and paid” for in return for a full VA disability. All I had to do was to submit to a Medical, DNA, and testing examination by the Stanford Research Institute Research department, along with a list of other things


In return, I would have been given their help in gaining full disability from the US government. They said it was guaranteed. This is one of dozens of unknown pieces of information about Rendlesham and its aftermath that has not been told to the public.

It was a question of integrity for me, and unfortunately, one of the other Rendlesham witnesses took them up on their offer. I have the confirmation of all of this from multiple sources.

The writing of this book will detail in every way the incident and how we got to today. It will further explain the Rendlesham Code (written by Gary Osborn, author, and researcher) and will include Gary’s discoveries which cannot be dismissed. We are both excited with the writing of this book. We will continue to keep all of you updated until completion of our definitive book on Rendlesham.

Source : Book Update - Jim Penniston

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: mirageman

RFI is a food fight over who "wins" the UFO dog and pony show prize.

I'm a little surprised that Jim didn't take the "good package" but is going for "the big gun".

(A reference to the movie "Real Men" with James belushi and John Ritter).


posted on May, 17 2016 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Indeed Kev. I don't remember this film at all. Maybe it was never released in the UK. Or maybe it was because I was still MirageBoy (ehhhherm Mirage-Young-Man) back then!

Was it a cult comedy or something?

Anyway....yes it seems Penniston is now accusing someone else of having sold their soul to the CIA. Instead of perhaps losing their mind to them.
edit on 17/5/16 by mirageman because: edit

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: mirageman

The snowy light that Bustinza mentions enveloping John is described or mentioned by so many, including Warren.

I think there might be three books due out:
- The new Halt book
- Burroughs / Dugdale
- Penniston

I can tell you that some of these books are being written to undermine / expose people behind the other books. Unless things change, any sort of 'treaty' appears to be gone. The real issue is why it existed in the first place, and for what purpose?

Am I misreading it, or is Penniston saying that Burroughs has been bought off? He could mean Halt or Warren, but it feels like Burroughs.

I'm not saying that we are anywhere near a solution, but I do think part of the RFI is very close to becoming a little clearer.

- Why the CIA accusation? Is it real, if so who?
- Where are the Bruni / DOD phenomena photos? What do they show?
- Why is Warren the only one connected with photos?

Whoever Penniston is suggesting was bought off, must be telling a narrative he is unhappy with, regardless of how true or fake it is.

Therefore that narrative, wether bought or not gives some impression that isn't wanted for some reason.


Pennsiton directly states he is saying Burroughs sold out:

None of the medical records are classified. I have my full records, because the responsible thing for Airman who are retiring from active duty and/or reserve duty, is to go down to the Base medical records and make copies before retiring. This is a recommended procedure that all the people I know who retired from the USAF did. Only one exception to this, is the same airman who was bought out.

And then in the next reply:
The airmans condition that you speak about, was not caused by anything at RAF Bentwaters.

edit on 17-5-2016 by ctj83 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-5-2016 by ctj83 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I just like John Ritter; I think he was underappreciated. I don't think that movie is very well known.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

As of today, we now have a situation where, on Facebook

- Penniston has said Burroughs was bought off by financially, and is spreading disninfo
- Penniston says Burroughs injuries were NOT caused by the RFI
- Penniston has a book coming revealing the truth behind the code

- Burroughs has promised a Phenomenon radio show where Ronnie Dugdale will reveal the truth behind Penniston's binary code.

Whilst this may not seem much - this is actually a rather significant, although unpleasant, day for those interested in the truth of the RFI.

Since the beginning there has been a code of silence In operation between the respective participants and their differing stories. This has now broken - and with three books due out, plus podcasts we should start to see some aspects of the RFI removed or held up to serious scrutiny in a way it never has.

- What will Burroughs / Dugdale reveal about Penniston and the time travellers?
- What does Burroughs know about the PowerPoint photo? Will he challenge Warren over that, if he's also tackling Pennsiton. Or does some truth exist in it?
- Why does Pennsiton claim Burroughs was bought off? To hide what? Where did his injuries really come from
In Penniston's mind.

For those looking for these posts:

Burroughs - exposing the notebook and binary codes Burroughs page

Penniston - Burroughs was bought off Penniston's Facebook group

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: ctj83

The gloves are off again!

Yes we've had Peter Robbins fighting at light middle weight against Nick Pope and then Charles Halt and it has never been clear who the winner was. More of a stalemate there it seems.

But now the heavyweights are coming together for a real scrap again. This is something that never really happened with Roswell. But in these days of internet powered instant communication it's all coming together.

- Penniston has said Burroughs was bought off by financially, and is spreading disninfo
- Penniston says Burroughs injuries were NOT caused by the RFI
- Penniston has a book coming revealing the truth behind the code

Penniston is correct in as far as we know Kit Green (ex-CIA) was involved in helping John Burroughs in his case against the VA. Of course the rest of it we don't know. However John Burroughs condition was potentially life threatening. If he's really sold his soul to the CIA to remain alive then I don't actually blame him! Penniston was also not out on the 3rd night when Burroughs was. So his knowledge of that can only ever be second hand at best.

As for the injuries to Burroughs. We don't know for sure what caused them as his medical records have supposedly not been released. Kit Green confirmed as much and compared and said :

.I had, until a year or so ago...only seen a handful of truly 'classified' medical records: those of Adolph Hitler, John Kennedy's Autopsy, and recently ... John Burroughs.

I would like to know how many US serviceman take Penniston's advice :

.... the responsible thing for Airman who are retiring from active duty and/or reserve duty, is to go down to the Base medical records and make copies before retiring

This all still proves nothing.

Burroughs comments on the the book of Jimbo's binary codes with reference to a past interview. Angelia Joiner absolutely destroys Penniston in the interview and makes him sound like a bit of an idiot.

Since the beginning there has been a code of silence In operation between the respective participants and their differing stories. This has now broken - and with three books due out, plus podcasts we should start to see some aspects of the RFI removed or held up to serious scrutiny in a way it never has.

I don't think the code of silence ever existed between the differing participants. Halt has always tried to attack Larry Warren and often aimed put downs at John Burroughs and even Penniston. Burroughs has been critical of Halt, Penniston and Warren in the past claiming they all hurt the story. Penniston has mystifyingly always seemed to remain loyal to his senior officers whilst claiming he was drugged and interrogated. He has never had much time for Larry Warren is now at odds with John Burroughs. However he has also continually expanded and exaggerated his own experience no matter how much it seems in contrast to his fellow witnesses.

Rendlesham is almost always a revolving door of shifting loyalties between the participants. Perhaps all part of the game that is being played out as well? I don't know.

edit on 18/5/16 by mirageman because: corrections

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: mirageman

My thought is that with competing books, and the gloves are off, any chinks in the armour of rivals stories will be exposed. Whilst I'm not sure why Penniston feels the need to attack Burroughs now (perhaps he knew the binary code expose was coming?), or why Burroughs has decided after all these years to openly condemn the time traveller angle - there are two clear conclusions.

Both narratives will be attacked by the other side and the participants forced to defend their narrative. This is Soemthing we've never been able to do when spotting inconsistencies or having questions.

It's hard to believe that in both attempting to show the other has been bought off etc, that they won't consider every avenue and option, as has happened in your thread.

The second conclusion is that just before one of the U.K. RFI 'cons' both of them announced on Facebook that they had made a major breakthrough. At the event they would be revealing the truth behind Rendlesham. That never happened. I suspect this was the beginning of the break between them, and I expect more to come out about this...

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: ctj83

My thought is that with competing books, and the gloves are off, any chinks in the armour of rivals stories will be exposed......

I think about Roswell and how people follow whatever path of belief they choose. I suspect the same thing happened with Rendlesham a few years ago. It may get more exposure for those paying attention. But I somehow get the feeling that we are just going through another distraction which will prevent the case moving forward at anything other than a snail pace.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
Angelia Joiner absolutely destroys Penniston in the interview and makes him sound like a bit of an idiot.

Yes she does, but in my opinion he doesn't need much help in that regard. Anybody who has been paying attention without Angela's help has seen the changes in his stories.

There's another video from paratopia which makes some commentary on that video. The paratopia guys were pretty open minded about the Rendlesham Forest incident, but they seem to have a somewhat different opinion after listening to Penniston's testimony implode.

Jim Penniston's Testimony Implodes

I think it's not a very good UFO case, especially not Penniston's testimony, but for interpersonal drama, it's unsurpassed.

originally posted by: ctj83
And then in the next reply:
The airmans condition that you speak about, was not caused by anything at RAF Bentwaters.
Not that I believe anything Penniston says anymore, but aside from Penniston saying this, I think people are making a huge leap to assume there's a link. I certainly can't assume there's any link, and while I haven't ruled out a link, I've seen nothing but unsubstantiated hype so far to suggest one so I can't prove Penniston is wrong about this even if he's wrong about other things. Of course if Penniston is right about Burrough's condition not being caused by anything at RAF Bentwaters, then what, if anything, did cause it? My brother-in-law has a strange medical condition and it developed for no apparent reason, so with my familiarity with that I don't assume there's always some specific cause. Doctors even have a word for such diagnoses: Idiopathic.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
The gloves are off again!

Yes we've had Peter Robbins fighting at light middle weight against Nick Pope and then Charles Halt and it has never been clear who the winner was. More of a stalemate there it seems.

But now the heavyweights are coming together for a real scrap again.

Having watched the Halt presentation and having read Peter's recent book, Halt seemed to be floundering, swinging punches without any weight and sailing recklessly close to the ropes. This, while Pope simply jumped out of the ring (I don't believe he has yet addressed Robbins' criticisms?).

Burroughs vs. Penniston though . . . you're right: that is a battle of heavyweights! Tenner on Burroughs for me.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: ctj83

According to this newspaper report, the new MOD files may be released imminently (date of around 25th May)?

UK's top-secret UFO X-Files to be released by MoD within DAYS

So all the in-fighting around this may not help potential media coverage. I did have a feeling that Burroughs has recently sided more with Warren and distanced himself from Penniston. Who knows what they've talked about behind the scenes. Apologies, I've missed a lot, great to see this immense thread continue and all investigation!
edit on ThuAmerica/ChicagofThu, 19 May 2016 08:46:12 -0500am805America/Chicago531 by Defragmentor because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Hopefully these new books aren't going to be as hard to find for obsessive collectors like myself.
I'm sure quite a few others out there will be out looking to spend...what?...£12?
Times three...
The kerching sound should be quite loud somewhere.

Will we get value for money?
Sounds like it could end up being a tit for tat fest if you ask me.
Whoever sells the most gets to be "telling the truth" and wins the next round.

Might I suggest that any other bookworms who get their hands on the first copy of whichever one arrives first, give us all a nod before we rush out and buy?
They may need to prop up their Air force pensions with book sales but there's enough costly clutter on my shelves as it is.

Can't really say I'm looking forward to much more reading from them.
Unless, of course, one of them comes clean.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Tulpa

Halt and Burroughs have been talking to each other since at least the UK / Aspel documentaries. I feel Anything that has been held back in confidence will be used.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Tulpa

Who knows what these books will reveal? I'm sure they'll be available in all good bookshops, many mediocre ones and also some clearly crap ones too.

I found "Encounter in Rendlesham Forest", whilst fairly easy to read, revealed little I didn't already know. People new to the case will probably enjoy it more than I did. But it also resorted to 'padding' with other UFO cases mentioned and Nick Pope talking about the inner mechanisms of government.

I gave a brief review in the thread earlier.

Will we get the truth in the next round of book releases? Well that depends first of all if any of the authors really know the truth. Even if they do will they tell us? And would we believe it?

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I don't think we'll get the truth but it's not inconceivable to think that these books and the imminent release of more papers (which were delayed) is related. I'd assume it spurred them on. Perhaps it will burst the gravy train for someone?

If, and it's a big if Penniston can show something substantive that undermines John's Injuries being caused by the RFI or even provide a plausible alternative that would be a game changer

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