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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on May, 14 2016 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: mirageman

If you remember my Radiation RFI thread, I think I found a good amount of circumstantial and possible links between the RFI and Terrahertz radiation.

When you add in:
- the wooded location and 'probing' action
- Warrens underground story and now the underground photo!!

It seems possible that the phenomena gave off huge amounts of Terrahertz as a function of scanning through things. The altertive is a huge waste of power / inefficient if it's part of a propulsion system.

My current crackpot theories:
- The phenomena uses plasma as part of its propulsion (same as Bennewitz)
- the phenomena generates Terrahertz radiation to scan for concealed objects
- the phenomena uses a directed energy weapon to induce EM eddy currents to destroy electronics
- The true significance of what the phenomena was happened on the 27th

One more thing - there are essentially three photos of the phenoemna we know of:
- the black and white one
- the lightened version of the bW with azure plasma and yellow most
- the Larry & Garry PowerPoint DOD craft with blue / azure plasma in the woods

That means two photos of the phenomena showing similar plasma and colour characteristics.

If it's fake, both almost have to be fake .Why fake a photo near identical to the the other one?

edit on 14-5-2016 by ctj83 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: Jukiodone

Yup. You pitched me a softball.

I'm writing something up a bit more detailed. May take a while.

Just for back from a little trip.


posted on May, 14 2016 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: ctj83

Heres a few thoughts on the less crackpot end of the scale:

If you assume there is regular plasma involved, then you are almost certainly going to be having high temperatures involved, which would have burned the surroundings, and certainly skin with something like 3rd degree burns.

I don't care what the source of regular plasma might be... Ball lightning..electrified earth lights..some sort of a craft...regular plasma is regular plasma.

We didn't see these temperatures.

So maybe GHZ or THZ microwaves were present for some reason...ECM or something..But that would have caused external skin damage due to cellular heating effects...I'm not sure how much visible plasma you might get without scorching temperatures...but you definitely would not get internal tissue damage without external tissue damage.

Like I hinted earlier, a hypothetical cold, dark plasma might explain Burroughs symptoms but non-ionizing radiation, ionizing radiation and regular hot plasma---none of these make any sense.

To me anyway.


posted on May, 15 2016 @ 04:57 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: mirageman

If you remember my Radiation RFI thread, I think I found a good amount of circumstantial and possible links between the RFI and Terrahertz radiation.

It seems possible that the phenomena gave off huge amounts of Terrahertz as a function of scanning through things. The altertive is a huge waste of power / inefficient if it's part of a propulsion system.

My current crackpot theories:
- The phenomena uses plasma as part of its propulsion (same as Bennewitz)
- the phenomena generates Terrahertz radiation to scan for concealed objects
- the phenomena uses a directed energy weapon to induce EM eddy currents to destroy electronics
- The true significance of what the phenomena was happened on the 27th

I saw it and not so crackpot in my opinion (if we assume this isn't just a cleverly planned limited hangout with an agreed narrative employing various ostensibly well credentialed people to lay a trail of diversionary breadcrumbs that corroborate!).

Not had time to properly review but this book
has lots and lots of familiar terms .

Pages 506-511 ( viewable under google preview) are particularly interesting with a nice mixture of

None Adiabatic QED
Metamaterial Lasers
Optical cavity resonance
Temporal wave forms
etc etc

edit on 15-5-2016 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

You're so right Kev. Whatever this was, matters less at this point than the nature of the 'plasma' effects seen be everyone from Bonnie Tamplin, to Burroughs, Penniston, Halt, Bustinza etc.

Why do we got told by these witnesses and more that it was a plasma like object?

Why are there two different photos showing this plasma effect?

Remember, we have Bruni's lightened photo giver by Larry and the PowerPoint DOD photo. Georgina described hers as Azure plasma with yellow most. The DOD certainly has azure 'plasma'.

Yet as you state it can't be hot plasma, or contained in the usual ways.

Testimony of flying balls of light,and in the woods and Massive amounts of non ionising radiation, injuries suffered by Burroughs that are consistent with that, then two photos that 'verify' all of the above into a neat package...

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

You're so right Kev. Whatever this was, matters less at this point than the nature of the 'plasma' effects seen be everyone from Bonnie Tamplin, to Burroughs, Penniston, Halt, Bustinza etc.

Why do we got told by these witnesses and more that it was a plasma like object?

Why are there two different photos showing this plasma effect?

Remember, we have Bruni's lightened photo giver by Larry and the PowerPoint DOD photo. Georgina described hers as Azure plasma with yellow most. The DOD certainly has azure 'plasma'.

Yet as you state it can't be hot plasma, or contained in the usual ways.

Testimony of flying balls of light,and in the woods and Massive amounts of non ionising radiation, injuries suffered by Burroughs that are consistent with that, then two photos that 'verify' all of the above into a neat package...

I don't get very excited by any of these famous cases in general, but i must say, that RFI is more interesting than most, as there is just that drop of "evidence" (Burrough's injury that was acknowledged to be genuine and the cause is classified) PLUS while the whole thing is dripping with possible deception and misinformation,

it doesn't SEEM to have been designed from the git go to be deception (i.e a psyop), but merely a cover-up AND possibly the witnesses got a bit fried by something that makes them hallucinate a bit.

So yes, this case 'screams' for a Project Condign type explanation.

Now I'm not saying there was a classical "UFO". In fact I think it's far more likely that there was some sort of "plasma" experiment in the area and/or it was a "natural plasma".

I'm saying that it begs for a "cold dark plasma" effect (that's probably what I should have been calling it for the past several years, to differentiate).

Cold in that it is at or near body temperature; so as to not freeze or burn, or it doesn't interact with matter at all very much.
Dark as in not necessarily radiant, at least not all the time (I know that it was fairly radiant at RFI, but I have my reasons for saying Dark).
Plasma, simply meaning that there is some mixture of some sort of (probably for the most part) "exotic matter") that also has free ions and electrons as part of the mixture.

With the characteristic that this effect/phenomenon either "leaps out of space/time" as if tangentially from another dimensional vector (as in the book "Flatland") or again, interacts with matter in such a controlled matter, like say Neutrinos that can be made to pass through matter 100%, but then suddenly start interacting when so desired, as an example.

That about sums it up in a coherent, not particularly "woo" manner.


posted on May, 15 2016 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: mirageman

What really did go on that 2nd night (26th/27th December 1980)

What if Halt's memo is using the 'date' when something happened that needs to be concealed? The 27th December. Instead of a mistake this is the actual date of something important.

He even confirms later in the memo "The following night" as the 29th December. Which is unusual if he was being consistent the following night was surely the 28th December?

Then we have Penniston's notebook dating details of a craft no one else saw on the first night. JIm also dates it as 27th December.

Was Jim actually out there on a further night - the 27th?

Is it possible Penniston and then Halt were out on the 2nd night? What if Penniston was called back to duty because of Tamplin's incident and then Halt got involved as well?

Yes, this also kept me wondering about the veracity and purpose of the memo.

Halt seems to have remembered the events in the correct order, but has shifted the whole RFI by one day:

Established timeline:
25/26 : Penniston, Burroughs, Cabansag
26/27: Lori Buoen, Bonnie Tamplin
27 daytime: Nevels sent out to investigate (see timeline)
27/28 : Halt night

Halt memo timeline:
26/27 : ‘Early in the morning of Dec 27, 03:00 AM’: Penniston, Burroughs, Cabansag
27/28 : Lori Buoen, Bonnie Tamplin: nothing in Halt memo about this night
28 : ‘The next day (from Dec 27)’ = day of Dec 28: Nevels sent out to investigate
28/29: ‘The following night’ = night of Dec 28/29: Halt night

Why was Halt wrong with the dates? And why did he report details of a triangular craft that are in none of the witness statements?

Maybe the events on Dec 26/27 were almost identical to those of Dec 25/26, but this time a craft was seen. This would explain both the wrong date and the rather detailed description of a triangular craft in his memo. He simply counted forward from that (wrong) date.

Or maybe there was a fourth night, on Dec 28/29, which he tried to cover up. An interesting alternative timeline that builds a rather strong case for a fourth night can be found here.
This would explain the discrepancy between the Halt tape and the stories of Larry Warren and Adrian Bustinza.

Or maybe he made a mistake with the dates, like he always says when asked for an explanation.

In any case, I think the Penniston notebook was constructed to fit the timeline in the memo. Why I don’t know…
But since the binary code affair I do not trust any of Jim’s stories anymore.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Guest101

For no logical reason, nothing more than hunch I think there is a connection between:

- The Bruni photo
- The Larry/Garry DOD PowerPoint photo
- The timeline / possible coverup of the real date of the main event

I'm convinced that having access to either of those photos would be a major breakthrough for the RFI - either proving:

- elaborate fakes designed to push the plasma craft angle
- or that two independent photos of the same thing exist

They don't seem like they could have been from the Halt night, nor the second night. Bruni's sounds like the third night craft. The DOD one, without a better copy is hard to place.

Would a better photo show the yellow mist below it? Both Georgina's photo and the DOD one show azure plasma - making me think they have a common origin, be that the same real craft or the same photo lab / photoshop.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

........... RFI is more interesting than most, as there is just that drop of "evidence" (Burrough's injury that was acknowledged to be genuine and the cause is classified) PLUS while the whole thing is dripping with possible deception and misinformation,

You can say that again Kev.

Condign makes a passing reference to Rendlesham. In fact I think it may be the only case directly referenced in the whole report.

"The well-reported Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters event is an example where it might be postulated that several observers were probably exposed to UAP [Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon] radiation for longer than normal UAP sighting periods."

What exactly does that mean?" It might be postulated" reads as "it could be thought" or "someone might think".......It's hardly positive confirmation that the men "were probably exposed to UAP radiation".

What is UAP radiation? It doesn't really make anything clear. Then finally what then does "for longer than normal UAP sighting periods" mean?

Burroughs however claims :

..............I received lifesaving heart surgery to replace a badly shredded anterior mitral valve caused by the UAP radiation, and a settlement from the DOD and VA admitting I was injured in the line of duty in December of 1980.

Now I am no lawyer. But the wording in the Condign report does not seem to be confirming beyond reasonable doubt that Burroughs was injured in the line of duty in December 1980.

It is very easy to gloss over the two statements and join the dots without really thinking about it. But what we haven't been told is why the DoD/VA settlement was made.I really can't believe that slightly vague paragraph from the Condign report played anything more than a minor part in the settlement.

It might be postulated that some kind of agreement was struck with Burroughs about receiving UAP radiation exposure for longer than normal sightings periods. What that entailed I don't know? But something doesn't quite add up with his statement and why suddenly the VA caved in and settled the case.

It is also notable how the relationship with his co-author Jim Penniston seems to have deteriorated almost from the moment after their book was released and not long after Burroughs underwent surgery.

edit on 15/5/16 by mirageman because: typo

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Do you think that Burroughs got some sort of "compensation" of which Penniston is jealous?

But I must say,

that whole heart valve thing doesn't rest easily with me.

I did say that hypothetical cold, dark, plasma would be able to damage interior tissue and skip outer tissue.. and I stand by that.

But such a specific heart valve injury makes me a little dubious that actually happened.

If I had to guess, I'd say that something "dicey" and "experimental" did happen to Burroughs, but perhaps not directly related to his heart. But it seems that Burroughs has "someone over a barrel" to some degree.. or he'd not have gotten a settlement.
The government loves to deny vets their benefits.. it's been all over the news.

So Burroughs must have something really "juicy" and it's *probably* related to "plasma" or at least "microwaves"

But that seems to be all the close as we can reasonably get right now.


posted on May, 15 2016 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: Guest101

That 2nd night has been something that has puzzled me ever since I found out about it around 7 or 8 years ago. Everything previously I had read and heard on the incident had never mentioned it.

As for Halt getting the date wrong on the memo it could be a simple mistake. But this is a guy who made meticulous tape recordings and must have known the importance of accuracy with military records. So was it to evade possible FOIA requests or to 'compress' the incident and downplay it? Or is it because a lot more happened on that night and Halt has avoided talking about it?
edit on 15/5/16 by mirageman because: typo

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Do you think that Burroughs got some sort of "compensation" of which Penniston is jealous?

I don't see how that would shake their relationship so much as to lead to a complete breakdown as has become apparent now. Leading up to the settlement with Burroughs Penniston was also seemingly happy to pursue a claim against the VA.

It could be that whilst the book was in progress Burroughs felt it better not to challenge Penniston's story. However all the while he felt Penniston's 45 minute drawing, photography and 'binary download session claim was a work of fiction.

Let's face it he's said as much himself on here a decade ago. The links are on the first page of this thread :

But I am not sure. It may be something else we don't know about. I feel there is a lot of deception going on in this case to this day.

edit on 15/5/16 by mirageman because: corrections

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

The type of damage he suffered is more consistent with ionising radiation - and you can find quite a few examples of his injuries, even down to the RAD level in people who have had radiation therapy over months.

However, Kit hinted at and several of the reports I found suggest that non ionising radiation at specific bands, frequencies and waveforms stops behaving like non ionising radiation in the classical sense.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Has Larry ever questioned or criticised Burroughs or Penniston's stories? I've never heard him say a word against anyone involved but Halt?

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

The type of damage he suffered is more consistent with ionising radiation - and you can find quite a few examples of his injuries, even down to the RAD level in people who have had radiation therapy over months.

However, Kit hinted at and several of the reports I found suggest that non ionising radiation at specific bands, frequencies and waveforms stops behaving like non ionising radiation in the classical sense.

Well that's the puzzle.

I too was strongly convinced (at first, before reading the Kit Green links) that this must
be a simple case of ionizing radiation. But ionizing radiation has it's own symptomology,
which I'm not seeing here.

One would expect hair loss, corneal clouding, nausea, etc. if one were to get enough
whole body radiation to cause a heart valve defect.

Unless of course you had basically an X-ray machine stuck right up to his heart.. which
doesn't seem to be the case.. but I suppose could be.. he might have stood in the
path of a gamma laser (coherent gammas).

But again, there would have been lots of tissue damage on the outside of the body,
of which there was none.


posted on May, 16 2016 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: mirageman

Has Larry ever questioned or criticised Burroughs or Penniston's stories? I've never heard him say a word against anyone involved but Halt?

I haven't read Left at East Gate in a long time though so he may have done. But I don't remember him doing so. Obviously he wasn't there on the first night and has struggled to get any back up he was there on the third night when Burrough's was involved again.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: ctj83

I have heard John say on a radio show that he felt that his medical records are being withheld because whatever happened to him he believed the military were amazed he was still alive after encountering whatever it was that caused damage to his heart. I can't remember what show at the moment.

However what caused the damage and how it was done remain somewhat of a mystery.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Pretty convenient that we can't FOIA his medical records-
they are protected up the ying yang by HIPPA laws.


posted on May, 17 2016 @ 03:35 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: ctj83

However what caused the damage and how it was done remain somewhat of a mystery.

I know this is a UFO investigation but from a statistical standpoint, given the numbers of people who have exactly the same condition and dont report close proximity to UFO's:

What causes the damage?

Mitral valve regurgitation caused by collagen deposits placing pressure on heart tissue over time.

How it was done?

Recognized by medicine as a progressive condition which usually has few noticeable symptoms and affects each individual differently based on their unique systematic biology.

Unless there is data to suggest Burroughs condition was in some way different to the other 99.9% of people who suffer- there is a very likely conclusion that it was an existing condition that was simply not spotted in any medicals he previously underwent.....

edit on 17-5-2016 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-5-2016 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

Pre-existing condition sure.

So why would his medical record be classified?

Why is his medical care being paid for?

These are tacit admissions of something unusual.


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