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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I'm not aware or have forgotten about the earlier events in 1980?

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: ctj83

Yes there was an incident involving Lori Rehfeldt earlier in the thread : which took place in Feb of 1980.

Steve La Plume's story is also referenced in that link. He saw a huge triangle craft glide over the base in January 1981 about 3 weeks after the main Rendlesham incident.

In fact Steve posted a number of interesting comments himself in the thread in it's early days as well. (He is LaPlume if it's not obvious.)
edit on 20/4/16 by mirageman because: too mcuh cdier mkiaing me esyieght go wset

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: ctj83

We are in agreement.


posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I'm always interested what time of day people see BTUFO...but that is often not provided.


posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: ctj83

If we accept all of this then it seems likely that the report I found a few months back on non classical RF physics and interactions is what Kit Green was referencing.

Where can I find this report?

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

It was referenced in my Rendlesham radiation thread.

Interestingly, the report is now 404.

Electromagnetism in the LIC

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: ColdWisdom

It was referenced in my Rendlesham radiation thread.

Interestingly, the report is now 404.

Electromagnetism in the LIC

But you can still get it here : Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology (free pdf)

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I'm always interested what time of day people see BTUFO...but that is often not provided

There have been a few black triangle UFOs in the UK like Cosford in the early hours of 31st March 1993. However the break up of a Russian Cosmos satellite occurred over Britain between 1am and 1:15am at exactly the time the BTUFO sightings were being reported.

The other best one we have (or don't) is the Calvine UFO taken at around 9pm on 4th August 1990. See here which occurred whilst there was still plenty of daylight.

edit on 21/4/16 by mirageman because: added link

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Ah! How smart, I wouldn't have known to do that.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 03:16 PM
I forgot to add this the other day. Not really much to add to the story. Other than it appears to add a bit more weight to the fact that something strange went on.

UFOs Radar operators say UFO travelled 120 miles in 8 SECONDS in Britain's famed close encounter

Two former radar operators have revealed how a UFO travelled 120 miles in less than EIGHT SECONDS during Britain's most famous close encounter...........

Ike Barker said: "It wasn't like any radar target I've ever seen.

"It was travelling at an extremely high rate of speed. It passed over the control tower and then it stopped. I've never seen anything like the maneuverability that happened with this object.

"It was orange in colour and it popped into my mind that somebody was flying a basketball out here. There were lights around the centre but not like navigation lights.

"It was more like portholes, as if you were seeing the lights from the inside coming out. It hovered momentarily, reversed its course and went back out a high rate of speed."...........

Carey, a tech sergeant with the 2164th Communications Squadron, said the unknown target made a sharp right angle turn at high speed before it left the area.

He said: "It was just phenomenal to see it go that fast. I said that can't be one of ours. No jet can make an immediate right hand turn."........

Source: Daily Mirror

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I remember Lori now, I found her both believable and likeable in the short video segment.

I had a quick trawl through this thread again and I what impressed upon me was the sheer volume of witnesses from airmen, to people in the woods, civilians from the village and drivers.

If KPB is even vaguely right then Condign also has some validity.

Seeing as Andy Roberts and Dr Clarke were part of the release and the big reveal of
Condign I'm surprised they didn't look at Rendlesham in detail, or did I miss something?

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: ctj83

I don't think Roberts is involved with Rendlesham much in recent times. But Clarke became the voice of the MoD for the release of the UK UFO files going back a few years now.

He's written extensively on the subject with a fairly heavy scepticism. Here's a few links:

The Rendlesham Files

New Light on Rendlesham

The Secret Files: Rendlesham

The Rendlesham File: Analysis of the documents released by the Ministry of Defence in 2001.


For those with an interest in the Nukes and UFO connection there is an interesting interview with Halt here : Rendlesham, UFOs, & Nukes

I honestly haven't read up on them or listened to that interview for a long time. But they are there if anyone is interested.
edit on 21/4/16 by mirageman because:
fixed link

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Sounds like the orange basket ball seen by Bustinza and Warren that exploded into a pyramid craft over the mist?

In all honesty, I'm getting quite confused. The amount of witnesses I find hard to dismiss. Yet, none of the elements make a consistent whole.

There are two things I can say for certain:
- whatever it was had intention. It acted strategically and coordinated and in a location that suggests a purpose.
- whilst I can see a lot in the plasma theory, and understand the angle of the demon variant I believe there is a huge flaw in thinking.

I'm not aware of anything in nature, including human colonization, where one species or civilisation just 'messes' with the other

Whatever 'it' is, I think it's far less capable and powerful than many think. Perhaps it comes down to logistics, or raw numbers. Or maybe, 'they' are only ever slightly technologically ahead of us...

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: ctj83

I often say It's like a dozen or more jigsaw puzzles have all been thrown together into the one box. Except that not all the pieces have been thrown in there. All the pictures on the lids have been thrown away and somehow you have to try to explain it all.

As soon as you get close (or think you have) someone chucks a few more pieces in there that don't appear to match the picture you thought you were making. That's Rendlesham and ufology for you.

- Why would something just mess with us occasionally like a plaything?
- Why does the technology often seem about a generation ahead of the current day tech? (That dates back to the end of the 1800s with mystery airship waves.)
- Why is there nothing, after 70 years+ that can be considered conclusive proof?

Perhaps we humans are not able to answer those questions.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: ctj83

Why would something just mess with us occasionally like a plaything?
- Why does the technology often seem about a generation ahead of the current day tech? (That dates back to the end of the 1800s with mystery airship waves.)
- Why is there nothing, after 70 years+ that can be considered conclusive proof?

I have definite comments:

"Why would something mess with us just occasionally like a plaything?"
"Why is there nothing, after 70 years+ that can be considered conclusive proof? "

1. We are play things.

2. I call this the "Star Wars Delusion" or "Delusions of Empire". In short, since most or all "real UAP's" are actually living beings that swarm together.. they do have some characteristics in common with humans.. namely they don't have "one world government / empire" either.. they are bunches of individuals with individual agenda.

3. They seem photophobic, including a possible tie to sunspots/solar wind/gamma ray bursts - I'm thinking they
have to doge these things.

4. They don't like EM fields that humans generate.. so since we wash the planet with those.. they have to dodge those.

5. Same for Nuclear weapons / reactors would wigg them out.

6. Same as for stealth planes using plasma.. or plasma experiments.

(you notice that 4,5,6 are in plenty near military bases? And military bases near the ocean
would be even more of a tie-in.. as I think that some of them live under the water for
shielding purposes).

7. At least some of them, at least some of the time, raise their young inside humans (anyone wigged out on religion or spirituality might be carrying one of their larval young in them). So if one of these individuals shows up somewhere, that might be all it takes to get "them" involved... as least as a triggering or additive factor.

8. These critters are at least partially transacting on the quantum level.. so since time works both directions in quantum mechanics sometimes, they might "know the future" and thus be masters at messing with us.

There's probably more.. but I think this list explains things better than nearly any list out there.

edit on 21-4-2016 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: ctj83

You haven't noticed that "they" can tap into our brightest and most forward thinking minds and/or know what we will be doing a few years in the future, and then emulate that?

The whole goal being of course, that they are both spurring us on, probably to enhance our destructive potential,
and distracting us from figuring out that "they" don't come from the stars, but from under the ground / ocean,
and may have lived here longer than we have... or at least evolved concurrently with us but didn't have the
fake Catholic religion to slow them down for 1500 years.

I'd wager I could give you a good answer for any of your objections to the "plasma civilization theory".

Of course it's a theory.. and I might be full of fecal matter.

But thinking this way should generate a lot of creative thought.


posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: mirageman


"Mine" appeared while there was still up to 30 minutes of sunset left,
so that's why I say around dusk.


posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Kev, everything your saying makes a lot of sense.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Kev, everything your saying makes a lot of sense.

I shudder to think how much unwarranted supposition I throw around though..

Yes, I had a plasma critter living in me for many years (a lot of people do..
they are like stomach flora and fauna) but mine got very frisky.. I've attempted
communication with such things for most of my life.. and that BTUFO I saw
and interacted with provided me a lot of information...

But I'll be the first to admit that I'm putting forward a theory... I'd just like to
have such theories given a hearing, so that perhaps at some point someone
can prove or falsify pieces of it.

Of course next steps are always the thing..

I could train people in the techniques I've developed.. but I blew up my
central nervous systems while developing it. So I can't in good
conscience do that... maybe for a true scientific study where people
sign away their lives to become lab rats.. but nobody is offering to
provide such resources. I thought about approaching Bigelow once,
I know a few people who have worked with him. But it seems that
inflatable space habitats are his big thing.. he didn't seem to do
much with Skinwalker Ranch.


posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
- Why would something just mess with us occasionally like a plaything?
- Why does the technology often seem about a generation ahead of the current day tech? (That dates back to the end of the 1800s with mystery airship waves.)
- Why is there nothing, after 70 years+ that can be considered conclusive proof?

Perhaps we humans are not able to answer those questions.
The questions certainly have answers, though they aren't the nuts and bolts answers some people are looking for. There is increasing evidence that Ufologists lack a skill set needed to investigate UFOs, which is psychology. The Yukon UFO is a good example where we were lucky to discover what it was, but I think some people have tried to brush the psychology aspects under the carpet. Instead, I think we need to study them.

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
Yes, I had a plasma critter living in me for many years ... perhaps at some point someone
can prove or falsify pieces of it.
If you mean plasma as in the 4th state of matter, yes that can be falsified. Plasma exists at either high temperatures or low pressures, two conditions which humans can't survive. So the fact that you're still alive is proof enough you weren't inhabited by that type of plasma.

Plasma (Physics)

Very high temperatures are usually needed to sustain ionization, which is a defining feature of a plasma.

If you mean blood plasma, we all have that, but contrary to the ridiculous statement above by an external source saying it's comparable, it's nothing like ionized plasma, it doesn't have the same properties as ionized plasma, and doesn't exist under the same conditions as ionized plasma.

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