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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: Guest101

The tape or tapes are a bit of a mystery. Because on the show linked below Halt claims he only had one tape with him in the forest. That he made another tape in 1981 or 1982 to cover himself in case he lost his memory or worse. I think he also mentions that there were 'reel to reel' tapes made of the security communications with himself and his officers but he was never allowed to hear them and these may well have been taken by General Gabriel who coincidentally visited Bentwaters not long after the incident.

Show details :
Podcast UFO Col. Charles Halt & John Burroughs
(Cheeky blighter nicked my graphic from the front page of this thread as well!

There is also a Youtube version

The details of the tape being taken away have also been documented and released in the National Archives.

loose minute memo" from RAF Sqd. Ldr Badcock date 16th Feb 1981 sent to DS8 (UK MoD).

The key details concerning General Gabriel (who at the time was the USAFE Commander in Chief and in charge of the Allied NATO Air Forces) are :

....tape recorders of the evidence had been handed to General Gabriel who happened to be visiting the station. Perhaps it would be reasonable to ask if we could have tape recordings as well"

What tape recorders did he remove? It could mean Halt's recording but as it clearly states recorders (plural) then my guess is that they were the communications net tapes from the nights in question. And if it was only Halt's recording then it would have been easier to dub a cassette and send it on the next flight to Ramstein where Gabriel was based.

This is where the trail appears to have ran cold.

edit on 19/4/16 by mirageman because: typo

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Thanks as always, my friend, for excellent resources!

As you know, my APEN research identified two groups, one being a creation of UK authorities and it was most likely behind the Berywn report to Jenny Randles.

The private group seems to share a belief that may have taken hold at the top of Flying Saucer Review - that demons were the true source of UFOs.

I'm not religious, but I think that demons essentially are fallen angels. I also think this beliefs are more naturally associated with evangelical Christian concepts.

I'll post more later but it's just occurred to me that both of these are UK originated terms:

- Aerial Phenomena Enquiry Network
- Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

A coincidence?

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Would the tapes have recorded flash traffic? I've read numerous sources saying that there was a huge spike over the RFI period?

In all honesty, I don't fully get what flash traffic is!

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: ctj83

As far as I recall 'flash traffic' is a highest message priority system whereby there is a strict time line as to when the person designated must receive the message. Remember this was the 1980s for Rendlesham and communications were advanced even then. However it may mean postponing or terminating lower priority telephone, radio or satellite messages if a flash message was sent.

Maybe someone else can define that one better.

Oh and yes, Gordon Creighton, the editor for a long while at Flying Saucer Review, was a believer in the demonic UFOs or demons. So that all makes sense to me. Even if I have a hard time accepting 'demons' as it's a bit like believing in Bad Santa.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I don't believe in demons either. Seriously.

But I find a strong case (personally) for dark matter / dark energy plasmas which originally evolved in an organic matrix...just like how its theorized that organic life evolved here with the help of a crystaline matrix near an easy energy source (one of the more common theories for abiogenesis).

This would have likely happened billions of years before the Earth even existed....

So no angels or demons...just crotchety apex predators who spread out across the no Fermi paradox either....



posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I think your theories are one of the most plausible ways of explaining high strangeness, Kev. I think that plasma life almost certainly exists, I can't comment beyond that but I'm not sure if such life if behind Rendlesham.

What I do rule out is any notion of the RFI being a purely t technical holographic experiment. It's quite clear that it leads to the demonic theory.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

There is some foundation in that line of thinking as we know, Kev. It's fascinating stuff. But I'm not sure too many ATS members can get their heads around it all.

Plasma blobs hint at new form of life

Hot Gas in Space Mimics Life

The Skies are Alive

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I wonder if APEN was founded by people who felt fairly well connected to official sources? That would explain the Aerial Phenomena terminology.

If the Collins group were real (which personally I doubt) then it seems likely that there was some connection or link with APEN.

Which makes me wonder why APEN's whistleblowing on RFI and Berwyn to Randles were of such a traditional nuts and bolts nature?

Other random stuff that bothers me:
- Why was Andrew Pike so attacked by RFI players?
- Who on the base told team Skycrash that Halt says "oh my god, it's a machine?" and why?
- Why did APEN bother to get involved in RFI at all?
- Who wrote the Condign report? Are they a known character, connected to Pike or APEN?

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: ctj83

I wonder if APEN was founded by people who felt fairly well connected to official sources? That would explain the Aerial Phenomena terminology.

I don't know but Prince Philip and Uncle Louis Mountbatten had a keen interest in the UFO phenomenon. Maybe it went right to the very top of the British Establishment? Maybe they had nothing to do with it?

If the Collins group were real (which personally I doubt) then it seems likely that there was some connection or link with APEN.

Could be. But again I don't know. I haven't really paid attention to the Collins Elite and it's a good 5 or 6 years ago when I did.

- Why was Andrew Pike so attacked by RFI players?

I really don't know the full story on this one either. I know many people began bugging him on facebook a few years back and Linda Moulton Howe made a statement claiming he (Andrew) worked for the MoD. He didn't and never has. But for whatever reasons she refused to retract the statement.

- Who on the base told team Skycrash that Halt says "oh my god, it's a machine?" and why?

- Why did APEN bother to get involved in RFI at all?

I don't know the answers to those questions either sorry.

- Who wrote the Condign report? Are they a known character, connected to Pike or APEN?

As far as I know it was a 'UK defence contractor' so I doubt it had anything to do with either. They studied various MoD UFO files (before we had an FOI Act) and assembled the details into a database. The report is based on mainly findings from the later 1980s and 1990s.

You may find this document answers your questions better. THE BRITISH M.O.D STUDY : PROJECT CONDIGN

edit on 19/4/16 by mirageman because: typos

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

There is some foundation in that line of thinking as we know, Kev. It's fascinating stuff. But I'm not sure too many ATS members can get their heads around it all.

Plasma blobs hint at new form of life

Hot Gas in Space Mimics Life

The Skies are Alive

I'm a little startled even 2 people aren't throwing rotten fruit at me, especially a ufo skeptic.

On the Collins elite..I'm 100% certain some group like that once existed as I know someone...but I have no idea whatsoever how whoopty do it ever became or if it still exists.

I'm also fairly certain that some insane people are running around with high tech Djinn bottles...and I want nothing to do with that either.

I think that at some point it's wise to just give up on UFOlogy As if you don't, you get turned into a "plasma shaman" or "demonologist" and that's some scary stuff. All roads lead to that, and that alone.


posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: mirageman

If Halt is hiding some recordings as a kind of ‘life insurance’, they contain information that is not and should not be in the public domain.

I wonder what kind of information is so explosive that it should be kept under wraps at all cost and even could endanger Halt’s life.

He once stated that the tapes are about the happenings after the encounters, so they could be about the way the witnesses were treated, or about the damage to the WSA and the risks involved. On the other hand his statement can be a smoke screen to hide the fact that Larry is not that far from the truth and Halt has the tapes to proof it.

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: mirageman

1) Do APEN Matter For RFI?

I think APEN was composed of three groups communicating in the 1970s.

- Establishment figures with a UFO interest (leaking government work from their contacts)
- Right Wing coup related characters (unknown involvement)
- Top ufologists in the UK (providing research)

For both Berwyn and Rendlesham, Jenny Randles seems to have been the main point of contact. The Berwyn report they sent her is laughable. I'm not saying that as a skeptic, I'm saying ANY report that claims crashed aliens have an ex directory telephone number for a UFO group is just lunacy. I'm sure whoever wrote that report cried with laughing.

All APEN reports are nuts and bolts and personally, I can see a nuts and bolts disinformation story still going on with Berwyn. I don't think the APEN Berwyn Report or Rendlesham 'titbit' were from the real APEN at all.

2) Collins Elite

The hologram theory, Ray Boeche all lead back to a demonic as opposed to nuts and bolts explanation.

3) Why Were The Contents Of The Tape Exaggerated?

There are two likely options here:
- The tape did contain Halt exclaiming that the craft was a machine and the craft also attempted to attack.
- The claims were made to ensure that ufologists kept digging to get the tape


I think Halt could answer much of this, but won't.

Were some of the claims about the contents of the tape fabricated to get ufologists to dig into the case. The intention being to bring light to something that did happen (maybe just as stated) to the publics attention?

Was this an attempt to get justice?

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Perhaps you have already covered this..

but have you written about the "dripping molten metal" effect in any detail?

One would think that should be a most fruitful avenue to pursue..

I"m thinking of looking into it, I never have.


posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: mirageman

One thing that I've stumbled on is that, according to Peter Paget, a full on neutralisation of nuclear warheads took place both at Bentwaters and in the USSR.

Now this story is probably a bit crazy sounding. But I may as well put it out there for people to mull over.

Peter Paget advances an interesting theory which may hint at the reason for intervention over the nuclear base, and it relates to the dripping metal:

The craft which was dripping metal, is dripping and dispersing the iron that its just picked up from the bunkers and it was all on the trees and on the ground. And the forestry commission and the army had to come in and cut down all the trees, clean up the area and take it away. They didn't tell you that.

Why didn't they tell you that? Why were the witnesses shut down? Because: "My god, we haven't got a nuclear deterrent. And we can't let the Russians know that ... we can't tell the British that we haven't got a nuclear deterrent any more."

They were out there taking readings in the forest, equipped with a Geiger counter. And wasn't the forest later scalped somewhat during a terrible "hurricane"? An interesting theory, nonetheless ...

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Defragmentor

That's very interesting Defrag, I'm not too familiar with nuclear weapons, but do you know why it would be iron?

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: ctj83

That's a very good question. I honestly don't know. The book "Chemical Separation Technologies and Related Methods of Nuclear Waste" reveals:

For many years divalent iron was used as the reducing agent for plutonium; however, the practice of using iron has led to large amounts of iron in the reprocessing waste streams with attendant increased final waste volumes.

But I cannot guess at or vouch for this. Peter must have made some connection though, or had a source, and come to the conclusion it was 'iron'. Also, earlier in the video he talks at length about a "Carlton Crater"

It amounted to the fact that there was some kind of incident or sighting, and in a field there was a hole and there was something in the hole. The army came along with long poles, and when they're using long poles you know they don't want to go near it. And they were finding out what was in this hole. When this iron has been created out of the plutonium, they don't want to take it home, so they dump it. And they dump it in a responsible manner, and they usually dump it down a hole. In those days a very small hole, now a bigger hole.

Just trying to cross-check on the forest upheaveal. Warren says this in LAEG:

The destruction of Rendlesham Forest fits in well with an accident or miscalculation involving a possible weather weapon. People who reside in the area feel that the windstorm of 1987 that destroyed the forest was not a windstorm at all. Many of them feel that the reason for the disaster centers on the U.S. Air Force and exotic-weapons testing that took place on Bentwaters at that time.

edit on WedAmerica/ChicagofWed, 20 Apr 2016 14:28:22 -0500pm204America/Chicago430 by Defragmentor because: quote

edit on WedAmerica/ChicagofWed, 20 Apr 2016 14:31:22 -0500pm204America/Chicago430 by Defragmentor because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: Defragmentor

I've heard of molten metal from UAPs being analyzed before.. heck when I talked to Jacques Vallee we discussed one sample he had analyzed. I think that it's generally aluminum alloy. Here is one link for example:

and here is a great resource from Jacques himself:

Now I'd been thinking, that if our plasma civilization friends wish to be physically seen and touched, that materializing aluminum is as good a material as anything.. it's light and strong. I can't guess what the energy requirements would be to construct something like aluminium on the spot would be.. but it can't be insignificant.

Now iron.. I don't know what to say. I know all about nuclear reactors, but not much about nuclear bombs and bomb silos. Iv'e never heard of any credible reports of the mass dematerialization of iron or anything else for that matter.

Of course there are stories about UAPs interfering with nuclear sites.. I have no idea if any of them are actually credible.

People assume that the "aliens" want to save us from ourselves, and are 'helping us' by interfering with nukes.. well that's one theory.. but not one that i hold.

If anything, UAPs would be annoyed by highly enriched nuclear material and want to destroy it I'd imagine, just like so-called MIB are afraid of microwave ovens.

It must be hell on this planet these days, for "energy creatures" to withstand all this EM pollution and radioactive pollution.

That's my take anyway. It's my observation that "so called plasma lifeforms" are extremely shy about any form of radiation... and perhaps that's why there are so many stories about meeting them way out in the middle of nowhere, where cell coverage is so faint, etc. And why there are stories about them coming from underground/underwater.. and my own observation that they most often come out at dusk and not one minute later.

Who knows.


edit on 20-4-2016 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-4-2016 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
If anything, UAPs would be annoyed by highly enriched nuclear material and want to destroy it I'd imagine, just like so-called MIB are afraid of microwave ovens.

Well, that might tie in with Peter's theory: the phenomena attempting to remove the offending material. Furthermore, given the continued presence and rumours of high strangeness around that area, it may just be a habitat of sorts and worthy of such action. Then you're left with another question: why, in particular, December 1980? Why not earlier?

You have the phenomena possibly attempting a form of distraction, clearing personnel from the base into the field (anywhere from thirty to fifty men, depending on witnesses; Tim Egeric I think it was even asks Halt in one interview why so few men were left at the base), shining a beam down (possibly into the WSA), and now possible removal of offending material. Evidence is perhaps thin, speculation is growing, but it's an interesting narrative ...

edit on WedAmerica/ChicagofWed, 20 Apr 2016 15:04:59 -0500pm304America/Chicago430 by Defragmentor because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Now I'd been thinking, that if our plasma civilization friends wish to be physically seen and touched, that materializing aluminum is as good a material as anything.. it's light and strong. I can't guess what the energy requirements would be to construct something like aluminium on the spot would be.. but it can't be insignificant.

Stellar nucleosynthesis

higher temperatures and pressures required than generally found on a winter's night in suffolk

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: aynock
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Now I'd been thinking, that if our plasma civilization friends wish to be physically seen and touched, that materializing aluminum is as good a material as anything.. it's light and strong. I can't guess what the energy requirements would be to construct something like aluminium on the spot would be.. but it can't be insignificant.

Stellar nucleosynthesis

higher temperatures and pressures required than generally found on a winter's night in suffolk

Oh I know.

But there are multiple ways to skin a cat.


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