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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

I think you originally found that clip Arby?

Anyway just to be clear I wasn't using night vision equipment. It was a misty night though and it did look out of this world. If I had turned off the road earlier then I would have been no wiser as to what it was. But when I got closer I could see it was a police helicopter.

I am not claiming this is the effect that Halt saw. Supposedly there were no aircraft in the vicinity around the time he was out in the forest. But if he was using a starscope then perhaps something did create an artefact looking like the beam of light. However I don't know he was because he was also talking into his micro-cassette recorder as well and according to the tape Sgt Ball shouts and expletive rhyming with grit as it's all happening.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: Guest101

Looks like we can't put the symbols down to hypnosis.

No if we assume Penniston was not hypnotized previously (or totally messed up by a chemical briefing of some sort).
However if we take everything he has said publicly on the case I actually think we can safely say not much of it would stand up in a court of law.

Personally I think we must discount his notebook and any of his stories about photos, glyphs, touching the craft and his binary download. I would almost eliminate his testimony from the case entirely because he can't even stay consistent with himself.

The heat Burroughs feels is due to massive amounts of RF / non ionising radiation heating him up. A bit like standing next to a radar dome.

If we believe the heating statement is accurate then we have the source (whatever it is!) of non ionising radiation that Kit Green describes as being responsible for his injuries.

John rarely mentions the heating aspect, so for a long time I focussed on ionising radiation being unaware of this.

One thing that I've stumbled on is that, according to Peter Paget, a full on neutralisation of nuclear warheads took place both at Bentwaters and in the USSR.

Now this story is probably a bit crazy sounding. But I may as well put it out there for people to mull over.

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Thanks for sharing Mirage. The story would fit with an RFI that involved beams penetrating the WSA, wouldn't it? The logical inference would be that the electronics were overwhelmed perhaps by inducing high powered square wave forms.

I'm not too aware of Peter, beyond a few books and I'm not sure how seriously to take this story. I guess I can say this - if ANY of the so called nuclear weapon neutralisation incidents actually occurred, I think it makes sense to assume RFI was the same.

After all, if aliens / something else interfered elsewhere, then it seems fair to say they did in Rendelsham?

Whilst I don't discount this entirely, I find it hard to believe. If Rendelsham wasn't a nuclear disarmament event, then I think it's been made to look like one.

I don't believe that all of this disnformation is self generating or due to confusion. Some where, there is a core story, it has a source and a central narrative. I believe this is true regardless of what happened.

Here is where things bug me. Peter talks of their goal being disabling the nuclear warheads. I've considered the same.

Yet, If we are to believe that these craft can travel super luminal speeds, shape and size shift, create illusions and the transform into balls of light, then there is a significant flaw.

Why don't they transport the entire WSA into the sun, or into space? Send the warheads into another dimension or dematerialise them? Why not melt them or turn them to molten metal and lead?

Why can't they disabled the weapons at will, or from high in orbit?

These obviously aren't "all powerful", even if they are aliens, who can mind control people or totally warp reality. Whatever they wanted to do, it took them three nights at least

edit on 10-4-2016 by ctj83 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: ctj83

I am not convinced by the nukes being neutralized by UFOs is anywhere near the truth.
And, it's only my opinion but, I have heard Peter Robbins speak a number of times on radio shows and podcasts and he seems a fairly genuine guy searching for answers to his own experience as well as Rendlesham. He might seem a little over zealous in his attempts to challenge, what he perceives as, attacks on his own (and Larry's work) with his critiques "Deliberate Deception" and "Halt at Woodbridge". However I think we can say Halt has tried to undermine Larry Warren since the day he was outed as the UFO Colonel. Sometimes it's subtle (and perhaps even misinformed) e.g claiming that Larry was not involved because initially no one was backing Larry Warren up.

However here is a video of him telling the Rendlesham story from his own point of view. It seems with a faint air of boredom at times.

If you fast forward to around the 30min mark though you will hear him make one the most preposterous claims I have ever heard about Larry Warren. First of all Halt talks about a number of perhaps debatable things Warren has said.

But then he comments that he spoke to Salley Rayl (a journalist) about Larry Warren claiming he was a back up guitar player for the Beatles!!! Then he says that he was a groupie hanging around back stage.

Larry Warren was 19 in Dec 1980 when the incident happened. Which means he would have been 5 years old when the Beatles last played live at Candlestick Park in the summer of 1966.

I don't know any 5 year old groupies and I seriously doubt Larry would make any claims about being a back up guitarist for a band that split up before he was more than 10 years old. I think Larry may have said once he met the Beatles (or one of them) as a kid but that's about all.

There is still a game being played out here to discredit other witnesses.

So unless there is some kind of corroboration then treat everything individual witnesses say with caution.

Halt : Who Goes There

edit on 10/4/16 by mirageman because: typo

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: ctj83

I think its worthwhile remembering that, as far as we as humans go, the nuclear warhead is our ultimate symbol of both power and lunacy in a neat package. Ergo, to disable them in situ in front of their very own elite forces that protect them, is another form of saying. "We could, if we wanted to, do anything". They know that, only those that really matter would ever be truly aware of it happening and if they simply "vanished" then they'd be replaced in short order anyway and the incident would most likely, have even less chance of ever leaking into the public arena.

That's not attempting to give the tale some sort of credence rather, merely to give a possible methodology and motivation for it happening.

I have half a mind that the narrative possibly runs along the following lines. That the area around the bases has long been the focus of weird happenings and that, for millennia, we as humans tended to back off from these places and leave well alone. Those of a more "out there nature" for want of a better term, were the only people who felt "comfortable" living in a such an area and that until the the era of "enlightenment and rationality" was that. With industrialisation and the banishing of many of our old "folk memories, sensibilities and customs" from our societal meme we increasingly began to impinge on these "old places and as, they were often fairly sparse in terms of population, the military was first in to use them.

However, with the military always on the look out for something new, something the "other side" doesn't have and with indulgent black budgets, by the 1970s, both the Western block and the Soviet block were funding projects most people would say were, at best "fringe science" and in many's eyes, simply the realm of "magick". Under the e aegis of these various schemes there was a revision of how certain places/sites were "hotspots" for weirdness and one can clearly see how the possible weaponisation of these "forces" was on the agenda.

Thus, in a quiet period over the Xmas holidays and remembering that, there was an unwritten tacit agreement between both power blocks, "No naughtiness over the holiday period around New Year" some agency decided to see what happened if they prodded one of these sites with a stick. Could they, using modern technology, "activate" the "power" in a particular area and more importantly, could they understand and adapt it for their own use? Having done exactly that and inserted their "stick" the intelligence behind this "power" bit back and just to prove a point once and for all, to those in power, put on a show, they would not forget in a hurry. That is, you want weird, well here's weird, deal with this, let your current science work this one out if you can?

In our current state, post religion has all the answers, "Aliens" are the easiest answer, they are the easiest place to lay such concepts at the door of. Ergo , to appear as "Aliens" is the easiest way to adopt of position of seeming "Invincibility and unaccountability". Hence , our visualisation of these "powers" keeps pace with our understanding of what is technically feasible. From "mysterious airships" to "sleek space ships" in 50 years. Now, maybe they are indeed "Aliens" or maybe they "Dimensional travellers", Maybe the "power" just feeds into our subconscious hopes and fears in a wholly neutral manner and produces the experience we expect given our current collective subconscious about what would be "seriously weird", meme. My only problem is, with those who flatly deny these "weird things" actually happen to people, how they interpret them, now that's the 64 thousand dollar question?
edit on 10-4-2016 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2016 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:17 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Tulpa

Having spent more time than I should with similar contraptions I would say with 100% certainty that this video is showing something with conventional aviation navigation lights in terms of location, intensity and frequency.

Looks like a 3rd gen device doing the intensifying and I would say the beam is almost certainly a search light/Laser (rather than an artifact) as its just intensifying the photons that can be seen unaided in the right atmospheric circumstances.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:28 AM
a reply to: FireMoon

Very interesting scenario Fire! Although I can't find it anymore, I did find one off the record comment from Halt where he said the devil was responsible.

I am still of the opinion that wherever this phenonema came from, it was more interested in putting on a show and making its presence felt than anything else. I don't think the location is a coincide either.

I've read another quote of dubious provinence in the Daily Telegraph in which Halt is reported to have said that whilst the airmen were outside, aliens were found in the WSA.

In terms of a "supernatural" angle or even natural plasma I've long held the same view you suggest. Essentially, that such phenomena retreat to certain places. I've even considered that woodland may attract or enable the phenomena. The problem is, Rendlesham is not an old Forrest.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: mirageman

I've always been intrigued by Peter and Larry's own encounter with the phenomena on their visit to the woods for LEAG.

I struggle somewhat with interpreting the actual encounter as transcribed and reported in the book. I'm not entirely sure where the alien encounter reference later occurs? Possibly when Warren tells Robbins not to turn around?

If there is any truth to the lights and craft they see, it seems possible that the demonstration was put on for them?

If not true in any way, then it undermines Robbins, LEAG and Warrens original encounter.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 05:29 AM
I'm more prone to thinking this whole story is just a result of the declassification of older military projects in the area.
There was a lot of secret technology from WW2 through the 1950's tested and used at the base there.
Similar technologies probably used at Holt in Australia during the same period.

There are some remarkable accounts of abductions by time traveling aliens in the Astral.
Problem is that alien abduction often involves psychotic break with other masking neologism which disqualifies the event in the minds of many.

The Beatles sang "Octopus's Garden" in 1969 a year before "Let it be".
According to the patent that was before we had 2 meter GPS accuracy.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: FireMoon
a reply to: ctj83
In our current state, post religion has all the answers, "Aliens" are the easiest answer, they are the easiest place to lay such concepts at the door of. Ergo , to appear as "Aliens" is the easiest way to adopt of position of seeming "Invincibility and unaccountability". Hence , our visualisation of these "powers" keeps pace with our understanding of what is technically feasible. From "mysterious airships" to "sleek space ships" in 50 years. Now, maybe they are indeed "Aliens" or maybe they "Dimensional travellers", Maybe the "power" just feeds into our subconscious hopes and fears in a wholly neutral manner and produces the experience we expect given our current collective subconscious about what would be "seriously weird", meme. My only problem is, with those who flatly deny these "weird things" actually happen to people, how they interpret them, now that's the 64 thousand dollar question?

That's very thought-provoking FireMoon. Recalls the late Stefano Breccia, who had some kind of parallel thoughts throughout his book "Mass Contacts" and "50 Years of Amicizia":

What I believe the UFO phenomenon consists of, is what I call the “Conjuror Theory”. Think to be in a theatre, assisting at the show of a clever conjuror: he will be able to exhibit unbelievable things. You are aware that there must be a well hidden intelligent trick behind all that, but our performer is really clever, so that no tricks may be perceived. Were you able to enter the stage, you might find that things are not like they were seen from the stall, but, unfortunately, you are not allowed to: you are allowed only to see just what your conjuror wants you to see.

... Some years ago, I presented a paper at the annual CUN Convention in San Marino, a paper in which I believe to have statistically demonstrated that the UFO activity is almost always oriented toward its witnesses; that is, that they deliberately behave so that they may be seen.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: mirageman

I've always been intrigued by Peter and Larry's own encounter with the phenomena on their visit to the woods for LEAG.

I struggle somewhat with interpreting the actual encounter as transcribed and reported in the book. I'm not entirely sure where the alien encounter reference later occurs? Possibly when Warren tells Robbins not to turn around?

If there is any truth to the lights and craft they see, it seems possible that the demonstration was put on for them

February 1988 I think it was. What a chilling read that was in LAEG! Peter taped much of that incident (hence his ability to transcript for the book), but I've never come across any of it online. Perhaps a demonstration indeed, a play on part of the phenomena to give some validity and clarity of proceedings for Peter; to really bring it home? I think both Peter and Larry have an incredible genuineness about them (even an anger at times as to what went down)—hard to believe they would make those events up.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: FireMoon

Very thought provoking and who knows?

Maybe the phenomenon has never changed But we have, in the way we think and act. And we still can't explain what it is.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Defragmentor

You can read huge chunks of "Left At East Gate on Google Books".

But alas no I have never heard any of the tape recording made that night when Peter and Larry returned to Bentwaters and visited the forest. It was still a fully functional USAF airbase at the time as well.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: Defragmentor

I found the whole episode very creepy, and it wouldn't have been out of step in a horror novel!

My thoughts have always been that if you dismiss this event, then you really have to remove Larry and Peter from the entire event. The RFI still stands without them, and like you I find Peter and Larry very believable, so I chose to accept that the incident they describe took place.

If you don't remove this event, then we are left with some sort of (at the time) repeatable phenomena!

That leaves only a few options:
- A paranormal phenomena (FireMoon) that is well aware of the participants
- a Human agency testing some sort of device we aren't aware of
- Some human agency, who wishes to promote the 'core story' of aliens and nuclear weapons
- A weird, but natural phenomena that is localised to the area.
- Aliens that like to come back to this area. A lot.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: mirageman

After rewatching the Paget video you shared, I developed an alternative hypothesis.

- Peter refers to the obvious nuclear disarmament agenda
- Elsewhere he also refers to a high speed torpedo project to take on what were believed to be Russian subs

The primary concern was that one of these subs could sneak up, and either destroy strategic bases, or drop off a commando task force. However, the high speed subs that were being detected by the hydrophones, were never actually positively identified as Russian. According to Paget, the thought then being, that perhaps these were USOs.

Which leaves us with the US / UK high speed torpedo project (Stingray), being developed in the UK. It was compromised of both hardware and software, with several different companies involved. One of the primary companies was Marconi.

As you're no doubt aware, many of the Marconi scientists died in unusual "suicides". Marconi had several research facilities in the area around Rendelsham, most notably Bawdsey Manor. One of the key areas of research was the guidance system (you'll find that these were the system destroyed in ufo nuclear disbarment incidents as well) - and a technology area that the very dubious Phillp Corso talks about, needed work to shoot down UFOs.

We even have an "alien" connection - an intrusion by a grey being into a Marconi facility in Surrey! Alien Marconi Account

No matter, if you believe in UFOs of a human or non human origin, there were two problems with current guidance technology. Slow manoeuvrability meant that more nimble craft (or anti ballistic missiles) could either avoid them or shoot them down. Secondly, these electronic systems were VERY vulnerable to EMP pulses.

If we make a few assumptions about the type of energy Burroughs and Penniston were exposed to, it's not inconceivable that it could have been used to destroy such guidance systems.

Then we are left with a phenomena of unknown origin capable of destroying sensitive electronics and rendering any cache of weapons useless.

Personally, I'm not sure if there is actually any connection here. Without Peter, I wouldn't have considered the above at all. Maybe this will be of some use to someone though.

edit on 13-4-2016 by ctj83 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
That leaves only a few options:
- A paranormal phenomena (FireMoon) that is well aware of the participants
- a Human agency testing some sort of device we aren't aware of
- Some human agency, who wishes to promote the 'core story' of aliens and nuclear weapons
- A weird, but natural phenomena that is localised to the area.
- Aliens that like to come back to this area. A lot.

If I were really, really going out on a limb, I'd say "a consciousness (i.e. ET) which is well aware of a) where the nukes are, b) the participants, c) intention and, rather importantly, d) ramifications"

With regard to a), saucers have been sighted over military bases and potentially shut down or interfered with nuclear ordinance (see: Robert Hastings and his military witnesses). RFI may have been another such case. The likes of the Big Sur incident involved the shutting down of an Atlas missile: whatever appeared and disabled that missile knew where and when it was being tested.

Ergo, whatever the consciousness is, it surely has accumulated, or has access to a body of knowledge. If it’s an ET civilisation many thousands of years in advance of ours, I don’t necessarily know that we can place boundaries on the “how”: they may interface a machine which matches locations of matter, DNA, who knows! That’s a very far-fetched example. But if ET can override electrical systems and so forth to shut down nukes and systems, I don’t see why they can’t pluck information from our communication systems or from the wires. Even wirelessly via telepathy.

There may be a case to apply a) to the whereabouts of individuals without even touching on possible abduction scenarios and implants.

Also, on b) and c) Sir Peter Horsley wrote in his autobiography regarding his meeting with the enigmatic Mr. Janus. In a later interview with Timothy Good, he revealed:

In my second and last meeting with Sir Peter Horsley at his home in 2000, he revealed that, in addition to being disturbed by the realisation that Janus was reading his mind, he was even more disturbed by the fact that this extraordinary man ‘knew all Britain’s top-secret nuclear secrets’

d) The destruction of life, animals, vegetation. Possibly interference with other dimensions if they exist / bottleneck of souls on the other side if there is an afterlife. I’m sure it was Gary Heseltine who also postulated that if the consciousness/intelligence is based here in some way, it may wish to protect its own habitat/bases or such. And I think Robert Hastings has half-joked that it not wish to inherit a nuclear wasteland.

This is very loose, rambling, and does not present concrete evidence.

I believe FireMoon is correct: those nukes could have been disabled without so much as a whimper, but then there’d be arguably no insight on our part, perhaps no real inquiry into the “import” of what happened.

I also think something like the Vrillon 1977 broadcast interruption could be genuine as it hints at us having to disable our weapons, but at the same time there’s enough there to make us wonder: take the names, Aquarius and Galactic Federation which inspire a half-doubt as to its authenticity.
edit on WedAmerica/ChicagofWed, 13 Apr 2016 07:58:30 -0500am704America/Chicago430 by Defragmentor because: Year change

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:37 AM
For nearly four years Ralph Noyes headed Defense Secretariat 8 (DS8) which among other tasks logged UFO reports from members of the public. Ralph Noyes retired in 1977. He passed away in 1998.

In this 1989 issue of “The UFO Report”, chapter 2, Ralph Noyes gives his analysis of the Rendlesham case:

His opinion on the Halt tape is interesting:

The tape made available to us on public sale cannot possibly be a full recording of any original. It runs for only about eighteen minutes whereas the events it describes-on the time-readings which it distinctly records-extend over several hours.
My own suspicion is that the abbreviation was made, possibly by Halt himself, to exclude material which, though honestly perceived (not only by Halt but by other witnesses), was far too bizarre to be left on record.
At one moment, which can be put at roughly 2 a.m. or a little earlier, Halt reports a remarkable object:

" ... It looks like an eye winking at you. Still moving from side to side. And when you put the star scope on it, it's like this thing has a hollow center, a dark center, like the pupil of an eye looking at you, winking. And it flashes so bright ... that it almost bums your eye. ''

There follows what the transcribers of the tape call a ‘garbled security communication’ and then Halt immediately resumes, in a remarkably steady voice , with relatively unexciting information that has nothing to do with the breathless wonder of that great winking ' 'eye. ''

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: Defragmentor

That's a really intriguing post - and I wouldn't automatically discount any of it...

...however, there's one 'quibble' I always have with the 'UFOs shutting down nuclear weapons to save us from ourselves' meme -

- if they are so interested in preventing us doing 'nuclear' damage to our planet, then why haven't they ever done anything to stop us using nuclear power plants?

I mean, you'd think considering 3 Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, that we'd have seen some 'preventative measures' taken by now, if the aliens had a problem with our nuclear 'activities' -

- Although this, admittedly, does not speak to the possibility (as outlined in part of your "d)" comment above) that there is a factor involving other 'dimensional' "habitat" of aliens, which could be affected by 'explosions' of nuclear weapons, as opposed to simply the emission of radiation from power plants which would only affect our planet.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: Guest101

He has explained a few times on camera that the tapes are only twenty minutes long. He was starting and stopping the record function periodically to "make notes" as it were.

I've always wondered if he flipped it over and kept recording but we only have side one in the public arena?

We can only accept what we're given. All the starting and stopping of the tape makes it fantastically easy to miss bits out while making a copy.
It would be virtually impossible to say that the complete contents are known.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

Yes. The 'Nuclear' question is an interesting one related to UFOs. Because none of it really makes complete sense.
There are numerous sightings over nuclear weapons storage sites. But not so many over nuclear power plants that I know of. I would guess that the high levels of security at military bases with nuclear weapons means anything odd in the sky is more likely to be spotted than most other places on the planet.

However there have also been many nuclear weapon detonations since the 1940s (around 2,500) : link. So the stories of UFO 'intervention' are few and far between.

So is there really a link? Or has it become a Ufological meme like a lot of the other UFO lore?
edit on 16/4/16 by mirageman because: typo

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