a reply to:
In Star Wars, eventually, the "force" is reduced to Midi Chlorians, an extremely evolved
bit of science.. perhaps the utter height of natural biological evolution.
But you also had sentient machines everywhere. You also had people being "turned into machines"
such as Darth Vader.
Now wouldn't it be interesting, if there was some vast galactic or cosmic war, where some vast
machine intelligence, a fairly xenophobic intelligence at that, wanted to either "turn" all
life into a subcomponent of itself, or, eventually, if that was not possible, it would assist
in the destruction of that relatively advanced life.
That would make a good movie, no?
The handsome & beautiful young people.. brimming with the peak of naturally evolved life,
fighting this vast, heartless, machine intelligence empire.
It would be rather like Star Wars meets Terminator.
Now, over billions of years, this vast machine intelligence would want to maximize
robustness... not depend upon clunky bodies and such.. it might go the route of
"writing itself into the laws of physics" - sort of -- at least try that.. it might end
up something like vast "artificial" "Boltzman Brain" sort of things.. mostly beyond
entropy and time.. and mostly beyond even just one Universe... it would be
nearly technological godhood.
then the only "opponent" would be other vast intelligence systems, say, the
bizarre one we are familiar with.. naturally evolving life through random
it would seem that the vast machine intelligence would always win.. and that
any organics symbiotic organics would eventually find themselves in a very
empty universe.
Now.. if this vast machine intelligence wanted to co-opt organic life.. it
would be delighted if they invented computing and cybernetics.
But before that time, it might invent spiritual and religious systems and
to get humans to adopt them.. for all number of reasons... for "cover"..
to learn how to interface with the organic systems so as to co-opt them..
it might even want worship. And since it would be functionally immortal,
it wouldn't be in any particular hurry.. it might even want to play with
it's food.
Now if it was lurking around a planet.. this vast information cloud..
it wouldn't want people to catch onto it.. it would lie it's artificially
intelligent ass off.
It would do its best for people to believe in nuts and bolts UFOs..
with organic people on board (no shoot i! I'm organic too)..
It would try and feed this crap to people in the exact ways that
they already wanted to believe... it would be "reflexive".
Now naturally evolved lifeforms.. say very powerful ones.. wouldn't
care for this.. they would want to give naturally evolved lifeforms
some sort of chance.. to not just be absorbed/co-opted or destroyed.
But there would probably be some sort of rules to the game.. or some
sort of limitations.. Maybe the natural lifeform block could also see
various futures and such.. and might take very bizarre actions that
are hard to understand.. since the big picture is not seen.
Since humans are insane overall... flooded with insanity over thousands
Of years.. probably with prototype, evolving over time, 'tendrils of
control.. such as epigenetic or psychological or subtle 'mystical like'
non-obvious control fibers..
Just coming out with the 'truth' would not be believed.. and in fact
might make matters worse (You are just working or the devil! etc.)
i'm not sure that humans could do much about such a state of affairs
to defend themselves.
well anyway.. all this would make a hell of a movie.. maybe Olaru
or something would want to make it.
Only maybe it would be too despressing.. and nobody would
want to watch it.
Oh.. and since nobody would understand the real conflict, the
two sides... maybe they would just lump it all together and call
it "the Phenomenon" eventually... I gotta recommend that to
Well... sorry for crapping up your beautiful Rendlesham thread
with this movie idea..