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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

Regarding the true nature of experiences, something you won't see ANYONE talk about 1of.

Was Persinger's early work ever extensively peer reviewed? During the time Blackmore, Wisemore in the UK embraced his research, had anyone successfully replicated his 'god' helmet?

If not, then why did the scientific mainstream rush to embrace this view of the phenomena?

If they did, then why did they all distance themselves from his recent ESP experiments and positive results?

My point being, the scales don't seem to balance, one side of this doesn't balance and hasn't been subjected to the scientific method it appears.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: 1ofthe9

Regarding the true nature of experiences, something you won't see ANYONE talk about 1of.

Was Persinger's early work ever extensively peer reviewed? During the time Blackmore, Wisemore in the UK embraced his research, had anyone successfully replicated his 'god' helmet?

If not, then why did the scientific mainstream rush to embrace this view of the phenomena?

If they did, then why did they all distance themselves from his recent ESP experiments and positive results?

My point being, the scales don't seem to balance, one side of this doesn't balance and hasn't been subjected to the scientific method it appears.

I know what you mean. A lot of this...isn’t fitting. The god helmet stuff seems to have gone quiet in the last decade...but some of the stuff says they were demoing an early version for Charlie Wilson around ~1980. The timeline for this stuff is all screwy.

Persinger apparently working for the spooks during all this. I don’t know how peer reviewed his stuff is - Spacetime Transients is very Fortean. I think the god helmet was jumped on because it fit peoples expectations...but then per the Metzinger article this brain stimulation stuff does cause weird stuff.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: ctj83

I am not in the mood for Dough tea today.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 07:13 AM
there's something weird going on in this thread at the moment... hmm...

anyhoo.... so the concept behind the god helmet is what essentially happened to at Rendlesham but on a much more focused way utilizing a payload that had something to do with THz radiation and EMF to affect peoples brains and make them see weird stuff in the forest.

yes I have simplified this, but I think I have put in one paragraph what a lot of people are hinting at over the course of the last few pages..

I am still chasing the BAE link as well to be honest.. but not coming up with much more than in my previous posts...

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

I know its unrelated, but being reminded of the God Helmet concept reminded me when they announced how much an F35 pilots helmet cost.. a cool $400,000 each and each is assigned to each individual pilot.. apart from the fact its molded to their own individual head shapes/sizes, I wonder why it cost so much
edit on 11-4-2018 by pigsy2400 because: Because posting on a mobile phone is pain in the a**e

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

In my opinion the "god helmet" didn't live up to it's promise for the spooks.

Transcranial induction might not hurt the brain long-term, but i suspect that Dr. Persinger's
results were not completely reproducible at will.. or the results useful enough to be
routinely exploited for intelligence work.

I suspect that THZ radiation works much better.. but gives people "experiencer madness"
and causes nasty brain changes.


posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: ctj83

There is some very good proof waiting in the wings as to why it couldn't possibly be true. However, I didn't find it, so it's not mine to reveal.

So you are saying the codes did not come from the device as claimed by Jim Penniston?

Look forward to the findings?

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: mirageman

There's a possible comprehensive solution to much of UFOlogy, that may have been involved at RFI,
so I might as well say what some of us are thinking.

But first the other elements:

Now first thing.. I'm totally on-board with the notion that the I.C. did post-incident drug/hypnosis
cleanup. That seems likely.

I'm totally on-board with the notion that the base fencing was running a non-lethal weapons
test, against people like APEN say.

And I'm totally on-board that what visited the forest on multiple nights, was probably just a BOL
as there is a history of them in the area... and they may have been attracted to the area
due to the weird weapons/deterrence testing going on in the area.


The final element to discuss, is of course THZ radiation.

I'm not an expert on that frequency range.. but it seems to have interesting and exploitable
properties.. and most important of all.. it seems that people are not scanning for it's use..
so it would make a perfect EM range to use for intelligence purposes.

Now if we had a satellite network using say RADAR to poke around Russia/China/N. Korea
or whatever.. everyone would know... you couldn't hide it.

But with THZ radiation, you could (probably.. it depends on the exact frequency.. and info
on this aspect seems unavailable) do domestic surveillance.. looking through the walls
of most buildings and watching people have sex (like that matters) or doing whatever
they are doing.

If people knew that the government had this capability, the uproar would be off the

So.. better to convince them that it's "UFOs", as cover.

Now.. the really ugly part of this..

is that THZ radiation might be giving some people 'experiencer syndrome' as a
side-effect.. making them go crazy.. and see UFOs and whatever else.

So the government might be 'leaning into the skid" (of an out of control
vehicle on ice), and since the technology tends to make people unbalanced
and to see "UFOs'.. encourage that belief system socially.. to furrther
add cover...

anything to keep using their beloved THz tech and not to give it up.

This also of course would tie in with cattle mutiliations.. they would need
to do extensive testing of ALL sensitive body tissues.. to track the
damage the TZHZ radiation is doing.

They'd also find value in rounding up "experiencers" to study their
brains for damage, such as with TTSA.

Also, it might even explain BTUFO.

If the government is flying lower-altitude lighter than air airframes
with THZ gear, if that worked better for some applications..

that would especially fry the brains of experiencers.. maybe
that's what happened to me.

So... I'm not saying this theory doesn't have holes.. and doesn't
need research and development.. and "debunking"...

but it explains so many things.. it's worth discussing.

I leave it to others to research this angle if they want to..

it's not my area of interest... I'm a paranormal researcher
not a UFOlogist.


posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Very interesting thoughts there my friend.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: mirageman

if you haven't noticed, I'm finding value in using myself as a role model,
for someone who has strong opinions, but who forces themselves to
keep an open mind and examine various possibilities neutrally.

I should have been that way the entire time i was on ATS, but what with the
(according to my theory) "parasitic infection" that led to my death, the
"BTUFO sighting" and what not, it was very easy to get carried away with
my own unproven theories.

If I, who have been working on my theories for close to 50 years, having
traveled the world and spoken to many world experts, am willing
to put down my own bias and examine multiple explanations, then
any ATS poster should see that as a good example for their own

I'm sorry it took me so long to recover from my 'incidents'.


posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

An excellent post and interesting theory Kev!

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Godric

I knew it! Osman is a man who explores a lot of questions and often finds those obscure answers like yourself. A true giant in his field.

Are you messing with me? You aren't really him are you?

Are you?

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I think you popped a lot of balloons that round and at least won a large-size prize. Maybe even the jumbo.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 10:03 PM
On the subject of THz and drones.

A pair of drones can use Wi-Fi signals to see through walls.

Researchers at UC Santa Barbara were able to create three-dimensional images of the objects behind a brick wall in a series of experiments with the drones.

The two flying machines work in tandem. In the demonstration, they fly around a four-sided brick building. One drone transmits a continuous Wi-Fi signal, while the other, on the opposite side of the house, measures its power after it passes through.

No, really. You can see through walls using drones and Wi-Fi
Researchers explore 3D imaging using drones
By Katyanna Quach 20 Jun 2017 at 23:51 19 Reg comments SHARE ▼

Video Drones can perform three-dimensional imaging of objects through walls using Wi-Fi, a team of researchers demonstrated for the first time.

Chitra Karanam, a PhD student, and Yasamin Mostofi, a professor at the department of electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara, presented their results [PDF] at the Association for Computing Machinery/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks.

“Our proposed approach has enabled unmanned aerial vehicles to image details through walls in 3D with only Wi-Fi signals. This approach utilizes only Wi-Fi RSSI measurements, does not require any prior measurements in the area of interest and does not need objects to move to be imaged,” Mostofi said on Monday.

RSSI stands for received signal strength indicator. A drone beams radio waves at 2.4GHz, and another drone on the other side of the wall measures the power of the signals.

The researchers used two 3D Robotics RTF X8+ drones, measuring 40 x 40cm (15.7 x 15.7in) and weighing 3.5kg (7.7lb) each.

The strength of the received signal drops by a certain level depending on the presence of objects through the wall, Mostofi explained to The Register.

“3D imaging is harder than 2D, since there are a lot more unknown areas. We approximate the wave model and solve Maxwell’s equations that describe the propagation of the Wi-Fi waves. Next, the signals are compressed to form an image,” she said.

Just like pixels make up a two-dimensional image, voxels describe a patch of three-dimensional space. The final step is to use the voxels to build a model of the interior hiding behind the walls.

Both drones are always parallel with one another and travel in a zig-zag motion. They hover outside the 10-cm (4-in) brick walls, sweeping the area at different angles to try to get a good picture inside.

But it’s not possible to catch everything, and the researchers have to fill in the blanks by employing a bit of nifty guesswork during the modelling process.

“Each voxel looks at its neighbors’ image decisions. For instance, if a voxel’s own decision is that this voxel should be empty but then the neighbors’ decisions are all full (non-empty), then the voxel may want to revise its decision since there should be a spatial correlation.

“So the belief propagation method is a way of doing this iterative update. At some point, the image will converge to something and will not change any more. That is the final imaging result we produce, and its quality has improved a lot beyond that initial processing phase,” said Mostofi.

Some of the clear structure like edges are lost. But the drone manages to estimate the length of objects to a pretty good accuracy – a wall that is actually 1.48 metres is measured as 1.5 metres.

It’s not the first time Wi-Fi has been used for imaging. A group from MIT used it to capture human motion behind a wall. But the UC Santa Barbara group are the first to do this with drones, they claim.

The brick wall scenario is simple, and a lot of problems have to be solved before drones can be used for more complex situations like search-and-rescue operations, structural modelling to monitor the state of buildings and bridges, or inspecting potential archaeological sites.

There’s definitely room for improvement, Mostofi said. Issues such as interference from other Wi-Fi networks or needing better image processing methods will need to be addressed before it’s applicable in the real world

Ultrafast wi-fi, which is 100 times quicker than today’s mobile networks is on the horizon, after scientists proved they could send complex data using high-frequency radiation.

The researchers sent video signals using terahertz, rather than traditional microwaves, at speeds of 50 gigabytes per second. Most wireless networks only operate at top speeds of 500 megabytes a second.

The breakthrough could lead to high-speed streaming on the go.

“We showed that we can transmit separate data streams on terahertz waves at very high speeds and with very low error rates,” corresponding author Professor Daniel Mittleman, from Brown University, said in a statement. “This is the first time anybody has characterized a terahertz multiplexing system using actual data, and our results show that our approach could be viable in future terahertz wireless networks.”

The multiplexer uses a single guideline to transmit both signals at the same time. The guideline has a slit cut into it and some of the signals will leak out of it. The angle at which they leak out depends on the frequency of the signal so the two signals won’t interfere with each other. So currently, the angle of the receiver is very important to keep the error rate down.

“If the angle is a little off, we might be detecting the full power of the signal, but we’re receiving one sideband a little better than the other, which increases the error rate,” Mittleman explained. “So it’s important to have the angle right.”

edit on 11-4-2018 by AdamE because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: mirageman
Now if we had a satellite network using say RADAR to poke around Russia/China/N. Korea
or whatever.. everyone would know... you couldn't hide it.

It's called Lacrosse.

The problem I have with Thz stuff is that it's a pretty recent development as things go (AFAIK anyway...). What about all the pre-RFI stuff?

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 10:19 PM
For those interested, the following link gives an outline on interest shown in THz/Far Infrared or sub-millimeter waves

Terahertz-Technology approaches to markets:
Survey about current developments

(a) Number of publications between 1960 and 2013 with the topics terahertz or far infrared and sub
millimeter waves. (b) Number of publications in scientific (topics: chemistry, physics, materials science) and
engineering journals (topics: engineering, chemical engineering) to the total number.
The ratio between publication in scientific and engineering journals to the total number is
plotted in Figure 2 b). Up to 1980, the research focused on fundamental work as evidenced
by the large number of articles in scientific journals. After that, more applications-oriented
engineering publications remain.

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 10:55 PM
On the subjects of BoL and Plasmas.

Plasma physics has vast applications in low-temperature laboratory plasmas (gas discharges),
in high energy density plasmas, e.g. for instance Inertial Confinement Fusion
(ICF) schemes, in Magnetic Confinement Fusion (MCF) schemes, in magneto-inertial
fusion schemes, in our solar system (viz. geospace plasmas, heliospheric plasmas),
in planetary systems, and in astrophysical environments (e.g. interstellar medium,
the cores of white dwarf stars, magnetars, neutron stars, etc.), and in MHD energy
The plasma fusion efforts will provide a cost effective, limitless and environmentally
friendly alternative energy, because the method would not produce unwanted
waste fusion products, and in most cases would expose insignificant hazards
to mankind.

Plasmas are also used for medical treatment.

Sounds very similar to Chi energy.

'Put simply, chi (qi) is that which gives life. In terms of the body, chi is that which differentiates a corpse from a live human being.'

'To use a Biblical reference, it is that which God breathed into the dust to produce Adam.'

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 10:55 PM

edit on 11-4-2018 by AdamE because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

Pre-rfi is the conversion disorder, BOL, and the Phenomenon

Starting around RFI, we still had the previous things, but the government research into
EM/THZ/Plasma, etc. "stirred the pot".

This is how I've seen it for some time, anyway.


posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

I assume you accept that the device Jim Penniston touched was from the future?


And so now you know why you are "Uhuru", right?

Manning the comm and receiving nothing.

If you aren't a hardcore Trek fan, you won't get it, but the rest of us small minority will.

Why on earth? Why on Earth would you even go there?

Tell you what? Sure. Why not? That's his story, right?

It's all about stories, and if you believe Jim, what he touched was from the future.

Like, Back to the Future, I gotcha.

Would you please grow a brain?

You have the Comm, and all.


edit on 11-4-2018 by Godric because: bbc #e

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