a reply to:
I have to consider your views on this as worthy of further investigation.
This is something I have been looking at this week, along with some of the 'riddle me this, riddle me that' type comments that stem from some members
of ATS.
I saw the following while following a Renaissance comment.
Light is the core concept in Iranian mysticism. The main roots of this thought is in the Zoroastrian beliefs, which defines The supreme God Ahura
Mazda as the source of light. This very essential attribute is manifested in various schools of thought in the Iranian Religions and philosophy. Later
this notion has been dispensed into the whole Middle East, having a great effect of shaping the paradigms of different religions and philosophies
emerging one after another in the region. After the Arab invasion, this concept has been incorporated into the Islamic teachings by Iranian thinkers,
most famous of them Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi, who is the founder of the illumination philosophy.
Although this school had stemmed from the Iranian culture and beliefs, it has spread far into Europe and can be seen and traced in the teachings of
the Enlightenment era, Renaissance movement, and even the secret cults as early Illuminati.
In Da'at, all sefirot exist in their perfected state of infinite sharing. The three sefirot of the left column that would receive and conceal the
Divine light, instead share and reveal it.
Adam Kadmon (Primordial Man; also Adam Ila'a, אדם עילאה "supreme man"; abbreviated as א"ק, A"K) , in Kabbalah, is the first spiritual World
that came into being after the contraction of God's infinite light. Adam Kadmon is not the same as the physical, Adam Ha-Rishon (Adam, the first man),
whom God created from the dust. The spiritual realm of Adam Kadmon corresponds to the sefirah (divine attribute) of Keter ("crown"). It is the divine
will and program for subsequent creation.
In Lurianic Kabbalah, the description of Adam Kadmon is anthropomorphic. Nonetheless, Adam Kadmon is divine light without vessels, i.e., pure
potential. In the human psyche, Adam Kadmon corresponds to the yechidah, the collective essence of the soul.
In Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda is the beginning and the end, the creator of everything that can and cannot be seen, the Eternal, the Pure and the only
Ahurâ-Mazdâ is the Avestan name for the creator and sole God of Zoroastrianism, the old Iranian religion that spread across the Middle East, before
ultimately being relegated to small minorities after the Muslim conquest of Iran. Ahura Mazda is described as the highest spirit of worship in
Zoroastrianism, along with being the first and most frequently invoked spirit in the Yasna. The literal meaning of the word Ahura is "Mighty" or
"Lord", and Mazda is "wisdom".
Throughout history from ancient texts and various bibliography, speak of man having contact with this 'Divine light'.
Receiving messages from this divine light.
Very much like the Antenna idea.
Another thought considering it is spoken in the history of Zoroastrianism...
If man uses this let's say, Spirit/body electric/and tech/mind to mind communication for immoral means/agendas, this light will come back and bite one
in the backside. (My interpretation!)
Zarathushtra faces bitter opposition from those who
have played upon the credulity of the ignorant and
the superstitious [72] and have prospered thereby.
He invokes Ahura Mazda for the frustration of their
mischievous machinations. Even prophets are moved
with indignation and righteous wrath against evilminded
persons who lead mankind to destruction.
Jesus, the embodiment of gentleness, denounces the
Scribes and Pharisees with prophetic rage as fools
and hypocrites, serpents and vipers; he overthrows
the tables of money-changers, and casts them out of
the temple with a whip of small cords. Zarathushtra
exhorts those who seek Vohu Manah's blessings to
put down violence and cruelty.31 He implores Armaiti
not to let evil rulers govern the land.32 Bendva is the
powerful foe who thwarts Zarathushtra's work of
winning over men and women to righteousness, and
he prays unto Ahura Mazda for his downfall.33 He
calls such persons liars, deceivers, and wicked.34
One wonders if any of this 'odd air form' interfered into a possible SAP causing confusion and what also intrigues me is how some reports of this
phenomena has caused effects such as electrical failures on aircraft or other electrical devices when in contact with this phenomena.
Who ya gonna call?
Electronics division?
On a possible 4th night?
Look forward to hearing from Adrian again.
edit on 17-3-2018 by AdamE because: (no reason given)