My husband is a classicist (he hates that term) and historian with an obscene amount of knowledge when it comes to conspiracies in historical wars. As
a Latin teacher, his specialty is Rome, and I guess that would fall under ancient civilizations, but what would be a good forum to discuss something
like the Banana wars or strange medieval beliefs?
Alright, I'm sorry for being aggressive. I'll just edit out that post, it was unnecessary.
I think I'm going to stop posting on this website for a while. It's going to my head, and I tend to adopt a bad attitude towards people on here, which
I regret later on.
Anyway, sorry for OT, have a good day everyone.
edit on 20-10-2015 by Talorc because: (no reason given)
I highly appreciate the apology, and I totally understand. You also just earned a lot of respect in my book. I can't claim the best of additude on
here lately either.