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Your Money Is No Good Here: How Our Upside Down Flag Caused Local Business Owner to Turn Us Away!

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posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 11:43 AM
Your post proves that most are confused about reality and prefer comfort and getting by than anything else. In a way I dont blame them but sooner or later they will get floored at once. Bliss cant last forever.

I remember telling my parents about who did 9-11 and the half-angry, half-confused response they gave me. To this day its the same thing but a little less so. They dont want alternative anything and think the tea party is hitleresque or something like that. They even shun on occupy and think they are all lazy do no good bums.

They dance to the tune of cnn for the most part. CNN says 1=4, then 1=4. Who has time for critical thinking?

You will probably get lots more hate speech your way before people do a 180 and see your pov.
edit on 26/10/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 11:52 AM
It's as simple as this. I can walk in Walmart and buy a American flag. I plunk down MY money and pay for said flag. I can now DO AS I DAMN WELL PLEASE WITH MY FLAG. If I want to fly it upside down and backward at half mast, that's my choice. If I want to fly it as a polictical statement, that's my right. If I want to fly it as a message of dissent, that's my right. Until out Government creates a new law saying I cant DO AS I DAMN WELL PLEASE with my flag, It will stay upside-down and at half mast. Our country owes 17 trillion dollars to other nations, how is that not a distressful situation for ALL OF US NO MATTER WHO OR WHAT SIDE GOT US THERE. When China has some soverign territory where YellowStone used to be, we ALL will wish we had gotten the house and budget in order.

If vets are offended by my flag being the way it is. Them I'm offended by the thousands and thousands of innocent folks our war machine has killed in just my 50 year life. All in the name of FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY. It;s just B.S.
edit on 26-10-2013 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:23 PM


Listen he is right. Your not protesting anything you are showing ignorance.

Don't have a firm grasp on protest or the First Amendment I see. that's ok - so few do these days. There are, after all, ball games and TV shows to be distracted by - erm, I mean attended to. Don't let a wee thing like the country swirling down the crapper distract you from what is important to you!

The county officer came by my neighbor and we stopped and talked about the flag. He said yes that it is a signal your life is in danger and that if the police rolled out to help you that you would be arrested. You would also be liable for all the cost incurred.

If that is their firm belief, then I suppose they can't be assed to contemplate the meanings of what is going on, can't read the signs they see, either. I guess it might interfere with that ball game and whatnot for them. That's ok - they can carry on like that if they wish. Their attention WILL eventually be gotten, but it'll probably be a bit late for them to catch up by then.

As a refresher, they - and you - may care to free up a few minutes from your busy schedules of bread and circuses to read "4 USC § 8 - Respect for flag". Note well the use of the term "should" repeatedly. Not "Will" or "shall", but "should". Also note that EVERY provision of 4 USC § 8 has been and is violated on a daily basis, and yet our jails are not swarming with flag disrespecters. Must be some reason for that... as in "that code is not an arrestable offense" reason.

You - and they - ought to carefully pull your heads out of your fourth points of contact and take a look around.... with understanding this time.

He was so appalled at the thought he checked with district attorney and yes they would be prosecuted.

I WELCOME that attempt at prosecution and infringement of my rights! Come and get me, boys!

As stated here it is not to be used as a sign of protest, it is a sign you are in direct threat.

As the US IS. We are under direct threat and in dire straights. I wouldn't expect one to notice who can't even be assed to read 4 USC § 8 for comprehension.

You should not be surprised that people stand up for their flag.

I'm not - but I AM surprised when people stand up for SOMEONE ELSE'S flag, as they appear to be doing here. You think that flag still represents the American People instead of the AFE? How cute is that!

I might even understand if you said let's all have one day where we do this together and then correct it. But that is not what you are doing.

Of course not. that would lessen the impact. it's the same mindset that gave us "free speech zones". The whole damned country is SUPPOSED to be a free speech zone! Read that First Amendment again! It doesn't say "here", or "there", or "now" or "on schedule".

You should all be held liable for this is not acceptable as form of protest.

Please forgive me for not allowing YOU to determine when MY protest is "appropriate". It doesn't work that way.

I bet you all had a nice dinner,

Two frozen burritos. Yes, they were "nice" I suppose. thank you for caring.

watched some TV,

Nope. haven't even seen TV in a couple of months. S'ok, I really don't have time for it, anyhow.

maybe had a glass of wine or a beer last night.

Nope. That crap is expensive, and wine is just plain nasty.

You went to football games

Seriously? You think I should be watching a bunch of grown men chase a pumpkin around a big open field for no discernible reason ( that pumpkin never did ANYTHING to them!) while Rome burns?


in your nice cars,

I have NO car, nice or otherwise. No license either, but I don't need one anyhow, since I have no car.

then maybe had some food at the golden arches.

Do they sell frozen burritos there? On the cheap?

Probably everyone will make at least one trip to Walmart,

Maybe. Are we talking "lifetime", "recent", or "today" here?

you will rake some leaves or cut the grass around your your cozy little house,

My "yard" is 3 feet wide and entirely composed of concrete and asphalt. S'ok, though... it makes it pretty low maintenance. "Cozy" IS precisely the right word for my domicile, though. It consists of a single room, second story, in a building that was good 50 or 60 years ago. Got a roof over my head, though, and that's saying something - I'm in better shape than some folks around here, so I reckon I ought not to worry, eh?

how many of you own home and cars?

I can't say in general - there are only two of me, and neither of us does.

Ah yes how many will dress up in finest clothes and head to church on Sunday,

Why bother? God don't live here any more, or maybe He's just busy with one of your silly-assed ball games.

yea then most will be watching nfl and shouting for their teams.

Pumpkins, man, pumpkins! It's not surprising that you don't see the walls coming down around you. You seem to have eaten the distractions up.

You have children, are they healthy, fed, go to a good school.

My kids are all grown. they can't afford school. One of them is dying. How is YOUR day? Get enough of that ball game yet?

On Monday how many trod off to jobs.

Not me. I don't go to work until Tuesday, and by sheer good luck I am scheduled for THREE days at work at my part-time job next week. WOO HOO! I worked full time until Obamacare started kicking asses and taking names. Thanks!

Hmmmmm, you don't have it so bad after all. Life is actually pretty dam good. Is it perfect, could it be better, yes. But you have it so frigging good and you are whining and acting like a bunch of babies. Grow the F up.

Sonny, I was already grown up when you were still crappin' green. You need to dry behind them ears before you start telling ME to grow the F up. Bad or good, life can ALWAYS be made better, and that is the objective - if you can tear yerself away from that ball game, that is...

To be Continued...

edit on 2013/10/26 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:24 PM
... Continued...


Take a trip to Mexico, you don't have to go far, just across the border you still find folks living in a mud hut with no floor and no plumbing or running water, no electricity, but they are not complaining, they have a roof, so many don't.

I have been to El Salvador, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, and a few other places that were marked upon the map "Here There Be Dragons". I've seen kids scavenging the city dump for food. I've seen unburied human carcasses that were little more than disjointed bone and gristle after the town dogs got through scavenging them. There really ain't a whole lot you can educate me about in that regard. "Relatively rosy" is NOT "rosy in absolute". I don't want my county to become like them, but it will if you ball-gamers have your way in distracting the rest of us.

I honestly believe that is the very REASON you push for your silly little distractions.

Come on guys get real, take a good look at what you should be thankful for and what you have.

You want "real"? I really don't think you can handle "real". It might cause you to have a meltdown. better get back to your distractions, your bread and circuses. Nero will approve of that!

At least we can vote them all out, will you, NO, lol you won't.

"LOL" is right! That actually DID give me a chuckle! You really think voting will help? How's that been working out for us the last few years? Iran votes. China votes. Egypt votes. Zimbabwe votes. Hell, I think they even vote in North Korea. The thing about voting is that it only works when it ain't rigged, and it causes politicians to pay attention. We are in the same voting booth as all of the aforementioned countries. You probably haven't noticed, what with all them sporting events and whatnot.

You want to protest, start recall petition. Start a third independent party to force change. Force term limits. Instead of disrespecting your neighbors, which you obviously have done, March on Washington, do something constructive towards the changes you want.

1) Those schmucks in DC are NOT my neighbors. They have in no way EARNED any respect.

2) I'm doing my part for change. I do, however, find it... odd... that you advocate marching on Washington as somehow less disruptive of your ball games than flying flags under distress. Hmmmm...

Every single one of you here in America did some of those things I described, all of you. Stop being hypocritical. It's pathetic, you have good lives, great country, if you feel so badly about it give up all you have and go live somewhere else. You will very very quickly wish you were back home and that it was not so bad here after all......

I am saddened by hypocrisy.

The Bot

I've been elsewhere. Their countries are not mine to fix. I have one of my own in dire need of repair, and THAT is where I'm concentrating my efforts. You can move out if you have mind to, but DO NOT tell ME what to do! At least not until you've pulled your head out, looked up from your bread and circuses,and looked around to see the stat of affairs.

edit on 2013/10/26 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

I have read about your personal tragedies and successful history throughout this thread. I think it would be hard for most of us to see the country on such an apocalyptic scale as you because of relativity. I have never left the US and made choices not to.
edit on 26-10-2013 by MOMof3 because: add

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by MOMof3

Both "tragedy" and "success" are relative - they depend upon how you see things, and we all see them differently. I've been at a disadvantage a time or two, but don't see that as "tragic". it just is what it is. Likewise with "success". I'll never be successful until I'm six feet under. Until then, I still strive, and have not yet reached a goal I have purposefully set beyond my limitations. Keeps me moving towards the impossible, and in that I may eventually overshoot the mark of "reasonably expectable".

It's really a GOOD thing to not leave the US. I wish I hadn't. It allowed me to see what we're heading for, and the steps others have taken to get there. We seem to be walking in their footprints, but not everyone will see that... they have to notice those earlier footprints first.

Besides that, why leave the US when there is so much work needing done HERE? If I had known then what I know now...

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

You have hit the nail on the head! most have no clue as to what is happening around them nor to our country, love your Av send me a u2u on how to do it. and for you that have no clue here is a vid just for you
for our country, the US of A is in distress. get a clue

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:55 PM
So whats the difference between a flag flown at half staff and a flag flown upside down?

Is one a a sign or mourning while the other a sign of distress?

What happens when you fly it both upside down and at half-staff?

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:55 PM
Do all of you flag wavers in here that support flying the flag upside down as a form of protest also support burning the flag, walking on the flag, or pissing on the flag as a form of protest?

They are all disrespectful forms of you condone all of them, or are you going to be hypocrites and make excuses for YOUR method?

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 01:02 PM

reply to post by captaintyinknots

It is only negative because people are dumb as a stump and don't know crap about displaying the flag.... Their ignorance is the only factor here ....
I understand that stance (although it is debatable). I would say it is "dumb as a stump" to think that you WOULDNT get negative attention from some people for it.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 01:23 PM


If vets are offended by my flag being the way it is. Them I'm offended by the thousands and thousands of innocent folks our war machine has killed in just my 50 year life. All in the name of FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY. It;s just B.S.
edit on 26-10-2013 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)


The bloodshed of so many innocent people is heart breaking and one of the reasons I'm ashamed of this country.

I love my country but I don't love what our war machine has done to so many who were undeserving.
edit on 26-10-2013 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by AlienScience

I can not speak for others , but yes it is your right to do so this is what freedom is about the right to do so, you might not like it but that is your right , just as it is my right to fly it upside down and at half mast.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 02:49 PM
Some of you have assumed that:

I'm crazy
I'm dangerous
I'm a Bush lover (Because everyone that doesn't bow down to Obama must love Bush)
I'm TEA Party
I'm the far right
I'm a republican
I'm racist (because if you don't love and praise Obama, its because he is black)
I'm ungrateful for our veterans
I am somehow dying to give Car Guy my money
I am all broken up and sad that Car Guy backed out of the deal
By being polite to someone I'm agreeing with the entirety of their views

And many have basically said that my opinion/right to express myself is invalid because it doesn't line up with the mainstream, or that I should censor myself, because, I'm hurting your/someone else's feelings. Heaven forbid if anyone ever gets offended by anything. We just can't have that now can we?

I am not the left or the right. I'm not red or blue. I will not fall all over myself to praise Obama just because he is the president or not to appear racist. I will not flip my flag back over to please anyone.

I will not change my views on Obama because OMG BUT WHAT ABOUT BUSH! JUST LOOK AT WHAT BUSH DID! WHY DON'T YOU HATE BUSH, TOO?!

You guys can continue to hate each other, and fight about the left vs right, red vs blue, and why Bush was so much worse than Obama, insult anyone that doesn't agree with you, etc.. Realize though... that BOTH sides are part of the problem (unless you are one that sees NO problem with the current state of things/direction the nation is taking, and if that's the case, I'm afraid there's nothing I can say).

Nothing positive comes from being SO divided the way we are. The constant barrage of tired old arguments is exhausting and redundant. If we really want to see 'hope and change'... we will have to come together.

We are all clinging to the same rock and its high time that we started acting like it.

And with that, I'm walking away. Thanks for all the feedback.

edit on 26-10-2013 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by daryllyn

I do wish I could get an answer from you....I honestly want to know...what were you hoping to accomplish with all of this?

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:19 PM



Unless you are in immediete danger in your home, ie: about to freeze to death, starving, or suffering life threatening injury that you require outside assistance for, (hint: affordable healthcare doesnt qualify as immediete danger) then flying the flag this way is disrespectful, and frankly, stupid.

Teams continue to play sports, people go to work and school, and quite honestly I think anyone who flys this flag should be arrested for falsely declaring an emergency, and if you really think we are in a day to day emergency, you should AT LEAST be put on a mental health risk, and not permitted to purchase firearms, explosives, or maybe even bleach for that matter.

I wouldn't do business with you either.

Gotcher panties in a wad...huh....

What lala land do you live in. Oh, it must be all Rainbows and Unicorns...for if you lived in the Untied States, and pulled your head out of your'd be able to see, this once Great Nation, is indeed in distress.

Why don't you visit your local Veteran's Hospital, and repeat your above speech to them. I'm positive they need a good laugh.

Yes, I am flying my Old Glory upside one is breaking down my door to arrest me, nor cart me off to a mental hospital. Nor confiscating my firearms. I think they like me sitting here funding their chaos with my taxes. If flying my Flag in a National symbol of distress scares you that much....It's well worth it.


Listen he is right. Your not protesting anything you are showing ignorance. The county officer came by my neighbor and we stopped and talked about the flag. He said yes that it is a signal your life is in danger and that if the police rolled out to help you that you would be arrested. You would also be liable for all the cost incurred.

He was so appalled at the thought he checked with district attorney and yes they would be prosecuted.

As stated here it is not to be used as a sign of protest, it is a sign you are in direct threat.

You should not be surprised that people stand up for their flag.

I might even understand if you said let's all have one day where we do this together and then correct it. But that is not what you are doing.

You should all be held liable for this is not acceptable as form of protest.

I bet you all had a nice dinner, watched some TV, maybe had a glass of wine or a beer last night. You went to football games in your nice cars, then maybe had some food at the golden arches. Probably everyone will make at least one trip to Walmart, you will rake some leaves or cut the grass around your your cozy little house, how many of you own home and cars?

Ah yes how many will dress up in finest clothes and head to church on Sunday, yea then most will be watching nfl and shouting for their teams. You have children, are they healthy, fed, go to a good school. On Monday how many trod off to jobs.

Hmmmmm, you don't have it so bad after all. Life is actually pretty dam good. Is it perfect, could it be better, yes. But you have it so frigging good and you are whining and acting like a bunch of babies. Grow the F up.

Take a trip to Mexico, you don't have to go far, just across the border you still find folks living in a mud hut with no floor and no plumbing or running water, no electricity, but they are not complaining, they have a roof, so many don't.

Come on guys get real, take a good look at what you should be thankful for and what you have. At least we can vote them all out, will you, NO, lol you won't. You want to protest, start recall petition. Start a third independent party to force change. Force term limits. Instead of disrespecting your neighbors, which you obviously have done, March on Washington, do something constructive towards the changes you want.

Every single one of you here in America did some of those things I described, all of you. Stop being hypocritical. It's pathetic, you have good lives, great country, if you feel so badly about it give up all you have and go live somewhere else. You will very very quickly wish you were back home and that it was not so bad here after all......

I am saddened by hypocrisy.

The Bot
It's thinking like this that got Mexico the way it is. Can you not F***ing comprehend this? Ahh let's just count our blessings, and turn a blind eye to all the bad. That is what the government wants. If everyone followed this thinking, eventually the only blessing we'd be able to count is, "Well, at least we're still breathing, we may have chains on our necks, but at least we're breathing." Do you not worry about anybody besides the people that are close to you? I want abundance for more than just me and my family. I want it for all who live on this Earth, and until then, all flags should be upside down.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:20 PM

reply to post by daryllyn

I do wish I could get an answer from you....I honestly want to know...what were you hoping to accomplish with all of this?
Probably the same thing you want to accomplish with this post. A reaction that will cause change.....

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:43 PM

quite honestly I think anyone who flys this flag should be arrested for falsely declaring an emergency,
reply to post by Anonex

And my opinion is that anyone who has a different opinion than I do should be arrested! But, you know what they say about opinions.....

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

lol, Knight and shining armor syndrome in here, I see.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Btw, learn to read. I didn't say SHE was getting all huffy. I said a lot of people who post things like this do. Thanks for not understanding basic English and just wanting to be obtuse.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:58 PM


reply to post by daryllyn

I do wish I could get an answer from you....I honestly want to know...what were you hoping to accomplish with all of this?
Probably the same thing you want to accomplish with this post. A reaction that will cause change.....
Why the accusatory tone? I am asking in all sincerity. I do not understand, realistically, what someone thinks they will accomplish with this.

What kind of change do you think it can cause, and how?

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