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Ultimate Secret of Freemasonry Revealed!

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posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 04:47 AM

reply to post by watcher6342

well said, muzzleflash..

Thank you Mysterious Watcher.
I Love you sooooo much!!! Whoever You are.
To Whom I Live For! That would be a lot of other people too I'm Afraid.
I have no problem admitting it so candidly in a personal Way.
You did lift my Spirit in this wonderful yet minor display the other Day!

From my Flower Basket I Reach, and I Find my True Love's Peach.
This Vanilla Orchid must be for You.
And have a Link to an Aromatic Tale or Two.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by Stonecutter45

Oh Shy StoneCutter, you are so Wise.
For you herein this Bag of Seed, arises a quaint Surprise.

This is A Note of Friendship, and It is with this Acorn I Teach.

When you Rely on the Oak, you shall Stand Mighty Tall when you Croak.
You are quite Secured in this City of Holy Trees I See
So Find within your Heart what you Please
Than just Ask and you Shall Receive
This I Beg of You Kindly, while on One Knee.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Hi lovely Muzzleflash!
Hope you don't mind me butting in, but I wanted to ask a question. It's a bit specific, but maybe someone here will know. I've only read half of this thread I'll admit, up to the point where Augustus Masonicus stated that the Masons pre-date the Templars, whereas often it is thought that they came from them.(And then I got a bit excited and wanted to ask).
In another thread, we're wondering about, well, masonry, and I was wondering if there is anything specific about the Scottish Rite, that is not relevant in other Lodges. (If I'm making a mistake with the terminology, it's through ignorance, not malevolence!)
In other words, did the Scottish Rite form on it's own, independently of other groups because of a historic culture of stone-carving and building, or did it split from a larger body?
This is a really interesting thread, and I'm impressed with how calmly everyone is managing to answer posts.
Hope you don't mind answering one more,

B x

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

These little poker zingers at the end are killing me HAHAHA

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by beansidhe

The document that states Freemasonry is older than the Templars is called the Regius Poem or Halliwell Manuscript.

Regius Poem:

Intro to Scottish Rite:

The exact history of the Scottish Rite and Craft Masonry specifically is unknown. It's a subject highly debated even among Masonic scholars.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by KSigMason

That's brilliant, KSigMason, thanks, that's just what I was looking for. I'm glad to hear there's debate about it, because I was starting to feel a bit stupid for not being able to find out the answer!
Part of the reason I'm curious is that a monastery was recently excavated in Portmahomack, (from around 500 AD) which showed that the Picts knew of the golden ratio, and were actually extremely skilled builders and craftsmen. So I wondered if this knowledge had been passed down through generations until it 'crystalised' if you like in the formation of a society or group specifically interested and skilled in this craft. Or not.
I'll read your links, just now. Thanks again x

I've read them thanks, and had a wee nosy through your site -forgive me. Is that double headed eagle just for the Scottish Rite, or do all the groups use it?
And also the poem -I wonder how long that passed down orally and why Athelstane wanted it known that he brought the tradition over? But I'm wandering -900 +AD seems a bit late for the Picts, and they're saying it came through England first (but they would!). Ok, thanks though. Thanks Muzzleflash for a great thread!
edit on 11-3-2014 by beansidhe because: Read the links. Might nosey about a bit more though. Just in case I find a Pict.

edit on 11-3-2014 by beansidhe because: sp

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by beansidhe

No problem.

I have several irons in the fire, in regards to research, and one of those surrounds tracing Freemasonry through the legend of Athelstan (Regius Poem) and going back through the Roman conquests to tie in the Roman Collegia and Comacine builders to the spread of such ideas like the pythagorean theorem and the golden ratio.

I've read them thanks, and had a wee nosy through your site -forgive me.

No worries. That's why I created that site.

Is that double headed eagle just for the Scottish Rite, or do all the groups use it?

In Freemasonry the double-headed eagle is used by the Scottish Rite. The other groups have their own primary or prominent symbol(s) that represents the values or characteristics of the degrees, orders, and ceremonies therein contained.

And also the poem -I wonder how long that passed down orally and why Athelstane wanted it known that he brought the tradition over?

This document is dated to the late 14th century so it seems several centuries went by if in fact the Grand Assembly at York really did occur and they did indeed create this document. History and records can be a fickle thing.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by KSigMason

It's a great site, a lot of work there. So the double headed eagle is Scottish? Now that is good to know. That's a Hittite symbol, and the Hittite's seem to have influenced the carved stones from very early AD.
British historical records are a pain in the bum, I have learned, since it very much depended on who was doing the copying and whom they were trying to placate!
Right, I'm taking this thread off track, so thanks again and good luck with the site. If you do happen to come across the origins by magic, drop me a note, I'd be most excited!
B x

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by beansidhe

In regards to Masonry, yes, the Scottish Rite uses the double headed eagle. Obviously it is used outside of Freemasonry in a variety of uses as you point out.

Right, I'm taking this thread off track, so thanks again and good luck with the site. If you do happen to come across the origins by magic, drop me a note, I'd be most excited

You got it.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by beansidhe

I don't think you are taking anything off track.
I really did want this to be a thread where people can find what they want to know about Masons without having to struggle over it.
Also I wanted it to be a friendly thread where no one feels pressure or anything negative like that.

And I think that it turned out great in that posts have been pretty reasonable and productive. A lot of discussion has been generated and the Masons have kindly addressed many questions *(which I thank them for their participation).

Actually it's kinda funny because the mods don't really bother to police my threads much anymore, mainly because they don't need it.
I guess they assume I'll just alert them if I think things are getting outta hand and I need an assist.

Back when I argued about politics a lot, moderation was necessary to an extent.
I have gotten death threats (hollow internet ones) for saying very basic political opinions before, it's ultra-rare though.
The mods banned em quick, they don't put up with it. Thankfully. It was a bit freaky.

Once I started ignoring "Politics", the arguments began to dissipate and so did the extreme animosity.
It's funny how that one topic is sort of the nexus of negativity in many ways (at least in ATS terms overall).

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by KSigMason

I want to thank you personally KSig for all of the work you have done in helping to educate people and sharing your findings.

Thankfully you know I cannot handle it on my own, and a lot of these questions are better answered by you guys anyways since you are indeed in a position to know exact answers (or to know if no exact answer is available from your position).

Also I am really "outta it" right now and don't know if I should bother reading-thinking in depth about anything at all until I can get a hold of myself and get back "down to Earth". So thanks for taking the initiative while I am dazed and confused.

Appreciate it.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Well thank you.
It's a brilliant thread, and I've learned loads from it. I suppose it's safer to stick to devil-worshipping masonry than politics, anyway. (That was a JOKE).
It's very polite and civil, and everyone has been very obliging. I've not finished reading it yet, so I'll be back!
Have a daisy, just to say thanks;

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:49 PM


Since today is '3-11', and you sent me this Amazing Daisy,
I will share this with everyone so they will know how I really feel.
As if they didn't already...

I'm alight and aflare with insight's glare.

That Sun Chakra is the Fun Chakram I thought you knew.
It is what I threw when I cut deep into You...

I can't write, I'm tied in knots, so take these blue Forget-Me-Nots,
while I try to get uncaught and sort out my true forged thoughts.

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Love moves more than hate.
But that's the point!
Thank you, wish I could write something clever back, but you're the James Joyce, not me!
I'm sending you more daisies -hope you get them xxx

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 01:43 PM

Ultimate Secret of Freemasonry Revealed!

This thread has so many pages, I`m afraid I must have missed the ULTIMATE secret of Freemasonry. Care to summarize it in one sentence? It should make for a real muzzleflash.

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 01:46 PM


Ultimate Secret of Freemasonry Revealed!

This thread has so many pages, I`m afraid I must have missed the ULTIMATE secret of Freemasonry. Care to summarize it in one sentence? It should make for a real muzzleflash.

God = All

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 01:55 PM


God = All

What a relief to now know the secret of secrets and mysteries of mysteries. After climbing the highest mountains and diving the deepest seas, after love, tragedy, joy and pain, after sweat and tears, after enlightenment and disillusion, after traveling the four corners of the globe, I at last find it on an internet forum.

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Actually all of those things you listed were "It".

Did you not realize this?
If so that's normal, it took me a long time to realize it's significance as well.

You are welcome.

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 02:03 PM


What a relief to now know the secret of secrets and mysteries of mysteries. After climbing the highest mountains and diving the deepest seas, after love, tragedy, joy and pain, after sweat and tears, after enlightenment and disillusion, after traveling the four corners of the globe, I at last find it on an internet forum.

Also let's break it down:

Traveling and exploratory exploits in the physical world don't give any advantage over those who don't.
The only exploration that counts is in the mind (in terms of discovering these things).

Everyone goes through Love, tragedy, joy, pain, we sweat and shed tears.

None of these things are factors that will grant this specific data.
It has to be 'distilled' or 'boiled down' so to speak.

Millions of people went through all of these things but never even thought about it more than a few minutes.
Whereas some guy in a wheelchair could figure it out just as easy, if not easier due to circumstance.
edit on 12-3-2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 11:07 PM
Dude, I've tried reading your threads and I do not doubt that you may very well be "onto something", but you do not really explain yourself very well. You just go on about this Holy Spear It stuff and move on without much explanation, expecting us to know what you're talking about.

I get that the word "spirit" sounds just like a combination of the two words "spear" and "it". I get that Jesus was stabbed by a spear that is now known as the spear of destiny. But what is the significance here? Why are you always saying "spear-it"? How is the command "spear it" related to the essence inside us all that we call a "spirit" or the biblical "holy spirit"? What does any of it have to do with a spear? I've read your threads and this and other obvious questions are not answered. It's like, and I know there is probably more to it than this but it SEEMS like, you just combine words with similar sounding words and expect us to have some kind of epiphany from this.

In my opinion you need to remake all of your Mega threads into a set of "for Dummies" versions. But that's just me. Maybe I'm just not ready for the knowledge you have to offer and maybe there are others who are getting a lot out of your threads and if so then hey good for them and good for you and hopefully I'll be able to catch up one day!

Btw, I wonder what caused this change in you. You have a very memorable avatar and screen name so I remember you from when I first started coming here and you used to be just a regular conspiracy dude and then suddenly you began creating these very cryptic (to me), very spiritual threads. Just a curious observation, no offense or anything. It just bothers me a little bit that i cant understand you, anymore...

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