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Ultimate Secret of Freemasonry Revealed!

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posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Pinocchio

Is it true... that after much consideration... an entered apprentice starts to heed the voice of consciense after intimately discovering himself... and his relation to the truth...?
Is it true that he has a change of heart and begins to deal with all things as if he really was/is the intending of buildings... meaning he no longer overlooks his obligations and/or those dependants who may fall privy to his existence... and further his affairs with a small delight so as to not condemn the blameless nor invoke further harm to himself... all the while doing his simple duties and chores and errands and fear of the gaotu and fear of the inevitable lesson of intending of buildings...??? Is it true...??? Well... Is it...???

In the tarot... number zero... The fool... you see someone who turns his back on a true friend.!!!
A dependant who loves more and forgives more and serves more whilst simply wanting the character more than the intending of buildings... but needing an intending of buildings... who the fool could be!

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 03:45 PM
Is it true... that an entered apprentice's disturbing but intimate self analogy begins to remind him much of the moments wherein judgment is absolutely relative to an indescribable idea which he attributes to truth, but on a very religious note... meaning he whole-heartey succumbs to the religious sentiments of good will, good nature, and good faith. ???
He furthers his idea by acknowledging he is wrong in many more ways than one.... thus allowing himself to take a seat as a provost as it is necessary to do individually in retrospective and pass judgment on his errors and ways like a judge....

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 02:14 PM
Are there any freemasons who can validate my 1 through 8 takes on the degrees...???
I need and like to know if I am right about 1 through 8...

Also... why do the woodcuts show an initiate being surrounded by men with swords... as if he's about to be murdered...???

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:32 PM


For the non-Mason groups you named, I could care less because they are irrelevant to Freemasonry. As to the Supreme Council I could talk with a good friend who sits on the Supreme Council as well as a new acquaintance I made at this year's Masonic Week in Reston, VA.

They may be irrelevant to Freemasonry but Freemasonry is not irrelevant to these organizations in that some were founded and organized along Freemasonry or potentially predate English-Craft Masonry as well as recruit from Freemasonry. The Knights Templars went underground and most likely merged with other organizations. Do you really think they'd put every little freaking detail for the whole damn world to know. There's a reason you're running circles looking for the lines that connected different organizations to Freemasonry. But the truth of the matter is the Knights Templars far from died off but took their riches and influence and Masonic knowledge and joined other organizations, perhaps assumed new identities, as well. Like your baker being a key factor in the "resurrection" of the Knights Templars remembrance throughout both Scottish Rite and York Rite.

None of these make a group Masonic or "under their umbrella".

Sure it does, because they will recruit from current members of Scottish and York Rite Freemason organizations, plus they use a lot of the same symbolism and study a lot of similar stuff. Bloods and Crypts. Republican and Democrat.

It's a rite or ritual, but that doesn't make it a sacrament.

What is your definition of a sacrament, dear sir?

Well, you're entitled to his opinion, but he is very learned in Templary.

I'm just gonna say is that their is a reason for a hierarchy and why you get more knowledge, even if it is just logical-in-your-own-mind abstract metaphysical speculation. You are part of a secret society. For all it's openness, it's roots and it's connections are all secret. Even if it faintly connects to ancient Egypt and to the builders of the Great Pyramid. It is because everything in this world that has an organization that is as massive as say, Freemasonry, gets sabotaged and corrupted in some way, top to bottom, that's the age we are transitioning from.

What is that about the Scottish baker that you can clear up for me.

I do believe he was referring to Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay and his famous oration. My link includes his speech.

I really appreciate it, love the site. Wasn't some Scottish Baker though or Ramsay that are the reason the reverberations of the Knights Templars legacy is felt today in both Scottish Rite and York Rite.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by 112233

Well, none of the groups you named here predates Craft Masonry, at least if we look at earliest dates of Freemasonry (like the Regius Poem). It is irrelevant that Freemasons may be members in other organizations; I'm a member of many other groups outside of Freemasonry. I've even founded groups myself, but that doesn't make them relevant or connected to Freemasonry.

But the truth of the matter is the Knights Templars far from died off but took their riches and influence and Masonic knowledge and joined other organizations, perhaps assumed new identities, as well.

LOL...there is so much fail here. 1) I don't deny that the Templars hid their riches and disappeared into the landscape, that is all too obvious. 2) Masonic knowledge? Who says that the knights had Masonic knowledge?

Like your baker being a key factor in the "resurrection" of the Knights Templars remembrance throughout both Scottish Rite and York Rite.

Except he spoke of the Knights of St. John, not the Templars.

Sure it does, because they will recruit from current members of Scottish and York Rite Freemason organizations, plus they use a lot of the same symbolism and study a lot of similar stuff. Bloods and Crypts. Republican and Democrat.

Well, what proof do you have that they recruit from either the Scottish Rite or York Rite? Also, using similar symbols is not proof of a direct connection or affiliation.

What is your definition of a sacrament, dear sir?

A religious rite or observance.

You are part of a secret society.

So secret that people know where and when we meet. So secret our books are published in public libraries. Yes, yes, we're such a "secret society". LOL

For all it's openness, it's roots and it's connections are all secret.

Well that's the problem with history isn't it.

It is because everything in this world that has an organization that is as massive as say, Freemasonry, gets sabotaged and corrupted in some way, top to bottom, that's the age we are transitioning from.

This is an assumption and conjecture.

Wasn't some Scottish Baker though or Ramsay that are the reason the reverberations of the Knights Templars legacy is felt today in both Scottish Rite and York Rite.

And who is the reason?
edit on 8-4-2014 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 04:04 PM

I've even founded groups myself, but that doesn't make them relevant

Initiate Operation: Pop the Soap Opera Operator

Is that a Masonic Group around me in a Loop?
Nope, it's Ma's Sonic Troupe that Grope the Rope of Hope.
Watch as I Swoop through the Hoop of the Sloop Troop.

I must be that Pope that Elope down the Slope,
And Scope in on that Zoetrope of Calliope to Cope.

That's the Property of Prosopopeia from Proserpina,
I got the Propensity to be a Propeller,
And I send Ol Yeller to Hell with One Shell.
So what if I Snoop and Scoop, what a big Whoop,
Ain't no Hoopla from the Nincompoop that Droop.

Got em Stupefied from the Insight of my Boot Scoot,
Check it, this the Loot of Betty Boop.
Call me the Rooster of the Philanthrope Coop,
That Lop off the Myope Misanthropes as they Mope.

This must be the Coup of the Soup Cup that Cut Up,
The Shrewd Few in my Crew be Women in Lieu of them Lewd Dudes,
Thought you Knew the Scent of the Brew I Threw?

Gonna Rue the Day, gonna Sue me this May,
It's True I'm down with Susie Q it's how I Play.
She's my Uzi that Ooze on the Snoozin Loosers Today,
Peruse these Views for Clues as I Cruise into the Fray.
Red man in Diana call me the Hoosier Bruiser of the Gray.
Call this Hooters cuz I'm Allowed to Plow through the Cowl of Ray,
Ain't no Pop Foul in the Crowd these Fowl be an Owl and a Crow of Clay,
Know the Row of the Friar Scryer with these Hands that I Lay.

The Plan is Sleight of Sand Right?
It's only Eight Duchess of Light in my Band Tonight.
Oh and Four Baroness of Aaron but I Digress as I Regress to a Fight,
Ain't no Distress, I Undress to Impress this Empress of Might.
Runnin Errands to Undo Errors in this Airy Era of Hera's Plight.
I Lean to Frigga's Thirteen on this Scene of Fright,
Call me Jason as I Hack and send these Souls into Flight.

Ain't Waitin for Fate, there is no Debate I Iterate,
No room for Hate cuz I got a Full Plate from the Innate Irate,
And I for sure ain't Late for this Date with my Mates.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

reply to post by KSigMason

reply to post by Pinocchio

reply to post by network dude

reply to post by watcher6342

And whomever else that may care...
Thought ya'll might find this random discovery in this "Theater of Dreams we call Life and Death" a bit interesting:

Dug up the lyrics for those who can't watch:

Since the new world order
Played upon our fears
Spreading accusations
Of radical ideas

The brotherhood of wisdom
Strength and dignity
Its rituals and secrets
Remain a mystery

Beneath an ever watchful eye
The angels of the temple fly

Turn the key
Walk through the gate
The great ascent
To reach a higher state
A rite of passage

The final stage
A sacred home
Unlock the door
And lay the corner stone
A rite of passage

Men of wealth and power
Influence and fame
Philosophers and leaders
All members of the trade

Bound by oath and honor
Like the rose and cross
An enigmatic union
Of esoteric thought

Beneath an ever watchful eye
The angels of the temple fly

Turn the key
Walk through the gate
The great ascent
To reach a higher state
A rite of passage

The final stage
A sacred home
Unlock the door
And lay the corner stone
A rite of passage

Turn the key
Walk through the gate
The great ascent
To reach a higher state
A rite of passage

The seven stars
The rising sun
A perfect world
Where new life has begun
A rite of passage

A little I saw about the video (my own thoughts)-
"It must be Snowing because we Knowing Hel Froze Over?
Mr Roast got Converted into that Ms Frost I seek to Accost before I'm Lost?

Someone Turns the Thermostat Down - When they Realize they Themselves are their own Devil?

The Devil's Evil Villain, De Vile Dervish Fish of my Ultimate Wish?
Swish the Net with no Regret like an Egret that Set and Get Beth.
It's the Bait of Fate, Inflate and don't be Late to Super 8."

I actually didn't know about that song, so it's a cool random find today.
Here's the video that lead me to it -

Dream Theater Wiki
They always usually have pretty esoteric lyrics/song names/themes and symbolism since they got started a few decades ago. Anything you can pick from their extensive library can possibly be enlightening as they generally are great teachers. They definitely are an acquired taste most people agree. (Therefore posted the lyrics of the song) LaBrie is a great singer technically, but as it's heavily operatic it can be difficult for many listeners. It's no where near as horrible as a real opera though, hah.

Just thought at least a few of you may find that 'connection' worthy of 'note'.
edit on 8-4-2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-4-2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2014 @ 12:23 AM

reply to post by 112233

Well, none of the groups you named here predates Craft Masonry, at least if we look at earliest dates of Freemasonry (like the Regius Poem). It is irrelevant that Freemasons may be members in other organizations; I'm a member of many other groups outside of Freemasonry. I've even founded groups myself, but that doesn't make them relevant or connected to Freemasonry.

Sovereign Military Order of Malta predates Craft Masonry. Groups you are part of outside of Freemasonry are connected if they use the same symbolism in all it's forms, study the same subjects, use similar rituals, attire, symbolic setting, and organization. Then yes they are very similar. Again, since the groups I named are very similar in these respects it makes them connected to Freemasonry, especially in the sense that they recruit from them. For example, I haven't joined yet, I'd probably not be considered for the Shriners, much less the Order of Malta. But by becoming a Master Mason I could become or eventually become a member of both of these groups. The former is obvious in it's connections, the latter is similar in much the same way as the Shriners to Freemasonry.

LOL...there is so much fail here. 1) I don't deny that the Templars hid their riches and disappeared into the landscape, that is all too obvious. 2) Masonic knowledge? Who says that the knights had Masonic knowledge?

1)Oh ok, well glad we cleared up the first one. 2)The Templars are believed to have contacted the Dionysiac Architects and brought their symbols and doctrines into medieval Europe. Like the checkerboard floor. Craft Masonry pulls a lot of it's stuff from older Mystery Schools that are similar yet different from modern day Masonry, much like the groups I mentioned are similar yet different from Freemasonry, as well as connected in many ways and in a big way because they recruit from Freemasons, normally who are part of many groups.

Like your baker being a key factor in the "resurrection" of the Knights Templars remembrance throughout both Scottish Rite and York Rite.

Except he spoke of the Knights of St. John, not the Templars.

Great another connection to a group I mentioned earlier called the Order of Malta. Yes the Knights of St. John are basically the Order of Malta today, it's a shared history.

Sure it does, because they will recruit from current members of Scottish and York Rite Freemason organizations, plus they use a lot of the same symbolism and study a lot of similar stuff. Bloods and Crypts. Republican and Democrat.

Well, what proof do you have that they recruit from either the Scottish Rite or York Rite? Also, using similar symbols is not proof of a direct connection or affiliation.

What is your definition of a sacrament, dear sir?

A religious rite or observance.

Basically what your rituals are. That's the only thing that keeps it from being a religion? That's basically what those RITuals are. A rite and an observance. A rite in the Scottish Rite, a rite in Blue Lodge.

a : a prescribed form or manner governing the words or actions for a ceremony

So secret that people know where and when we meet. So secret our books are published in public libraries. Yes, yes, we're such a "secret society". LOL

I was pretty "gone" I was celebrating at a friends and got home and realized I needed to write something, when I wrote that.

I know that yall's roots are spread through many different Mystery Schools from Egyptian, Jewish, Indian, Christian to name a few. But how like in Rome they converted the population to Christianity but they still practiced the Mithraic Mysteries which were very different from what was being taught to the congregation.Sometimes it can be reasoned that it was dangerous to talk about esoteric info, but for the most part it's about suppression of the information or manipulation of the information to the public. Or both.

Well that's the problem with history isn't it.

Or maybe things are deliberately covered up or destroyed.

This is an assumption and conjecture.

Just an observation I have made of the world. Recognizing patterns.

And who is the reason?
edit on 8-4-2014 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

The more likely fact that those Knights had long merged with Masonic Orders a long ace time before that "baker" made that speech.

posted on Apr, 12 2014 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by 112233

One could argue about the history of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and that of the medieval Order of Malta.

Groups you are part of outside of Freemasonry are connected if they use the same symbolism in all it's forms, study the same subjects, use similar rituals, attire, symbolic setting, and organization.

Except our rituals are not the same and using similar symbols doesn't connect us; symbols are arbitrary and ambiguous. Also, our organization is not same. Having a hierarchy doesn't mean we're connected.

Again, since the groups I named are very similar in these respects it makes them connected to Freemasonry, especially in the sense that they recruit from them.

You seem to be thinking that correlation is causation.

The former is obvious in it's connections, the latter is similar in much the same way as the Shriners to Freemasonry.

Do you know the history of the Shriners?

The Templars are believed to have contacted the Dionysiac Architects and brought their symbols and doctrines into medieval Europe.

There are a lot of theories about the Templars. Without information, we're left to our imagination and various theories have been exaggerated and accepted as fact.

Like the checkerboard floor.

What about it?

Great another connection to a group I mentioned earlier called the Order of Malta. Yes the Knights of St. John are basically the Order of Malta today, it's a shared history.

Now do you understand the motivation behind his speech? Sure he spoke these words, but what evidence did he have? What was his reason? He was trying to sell Freemasonry to the French and spread Freemasonry beyond the borders of England. French noblemen were not going to join a group about laborers so he tied it back to the legends of knights which would attract the attention of aristocrats.

Basically what your rituals are. That's the only thing that keeps it from being a religion? That's basically what those RITuals are. A rite and an observance. A rite in the Scottish Rite, a rite in Blue Lodge.

Your missing so much here.

I know that yall's roots are spread through many different Mystery Schools from Egyptian, Jewish, Indian, Christian to name a few.

No, you believe this. No one knows the true roots of Freemasonry.

The more likely fact that those Knights had long merged with Masonic Orders a long ace time before that "baker" made that speech.

There are many theories as to the Masonic-Templar connection, but Stephen Dafoe does a great job debunking many of the theories in his book "The Compasses and the Cross".

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 08:56 PM

KSigMasonOne could argue about the history of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and that of the medieval Order of Malta.

One could try to argue. The Order of Malta today hails from the Hospitallier Knights whom claim to be from the line of the Order of St. John. The fact your poem by that baker guy says they are honoring them makes a lot of sense because the ones whom claim lineage of the Order of St. John is the Order of Malta today. Here's a video supporting Malta propaganda and showing at about 1:44 the connection they claim and showing where the Order of Malta has traveled to where it is to the present day.

Even the modern days Knights Templar's full title is The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta. They honor the memory of the Knights Templar's and the Orders that trace from St. John to Malta today. Although the SMOM don't reside in Malta anymore.

You're right, the Knights Templar went into the Crusades learned as much as they could from the various Mystery Schools there and spread that through there joining to the Scottish Rite and the York Rite. They probably revitalized the organizations there at the time. Hence they are honored in the York Rite as the highest degree, Knight Templar. As well as honored in the Scottish Rite. I'm sure many Templars joined with their Malta brothers-in-arms and by faith.

]Except our rituals are not the same and using similar symbols doesn't connect us; symbols are arbitrary and ambiguous. Also, our organization is not same. Having a hierarchy doesn't mean we're connected.

Using many similar symbols, organizationally it is very similar. There are many connections between all the secret societies I have mentioned in a variety of ways.

You seem to be thinking that correlation is causation.

The correlation has concern because there is something else behind the scenes. The church is in charge, traditionally or at least the Pope, of the Order of Malta as well as the Knights Templar. But they are just another face.

Do you know the history of the Shriners?

Never thought it that important other then they were an offshoot of the Persian Mystery Schools like the Mithraic but checked it out on Wikipedia

There are a lot of theories about the Templars. Without information, we're left to our imagination and various theories have been exaggerated and accepted as fact.

The Knights Templar were attacked by the Inquisition because they were practicing witchcraft and sorcery. There is probably a lot of truth to that seeing as how, like the Order of the Golden Dawn was formed by Freemasons whose members were the founders of Wicca and Thelema and founders of arguably the two most popular Tarot decks the Thoth and the Rider-Waite deck. It's about magic they just didn't sell it like that to the Scottish Rite and York Rite.

Like the checkerboard floor.

Here's an entry from a lodge member.

Also most of what I could find as proof is only what I could find in my book that the Knights Templar spread that, as well as the Seal of Solomon, Star of David, throughout Europe. Manly P. Hall though is one of the most prolific and famous Freemasonic writer and if he says they spread it, I think there's something to it since he's all for the organization.

Now do you understand the motivation behind his speech? Sure he spoke these words, but what evidence did he have? What was his reason? He was trying to sell Freemasonry to the French and spread Freemasonry beyond the borders of England. French noblemen were not going to join a group about laborers so he tied it back to the legends of knights which would attract the attention of aristocrats.

I'm not saying that doesn't have truth to it, but I'm also saying it was known the Knights Templar merged with Freemasonry and ironically enough were also now the Order of Malta in a way. So there is a lot of truth to the connection to past and present secret societies, just another line though.

Your missing so much here.

Please explain.

No, you believe this. No one knows the true roots of Freemasonry.

No, but I know a lot of organizations that officially predate yall that used a lot of your symbolism before yall. As well as the shofar, the sword, masonic square and compass, star of David, checkerboard floor and so much more that predate English Craft Freemasonry. Like the Dionysiac Architects and who introduced their symbolism, or where they got it from.

There are many theories as to the Masonic-Templar connection, but Stephen Dafoe does a great job debunking many of the theories in his book "The Compasses and the Cross".

Again, I don't trust a book that attributes the Knights Templar being honored to a baker who made a speech to gain the appeal of French aristocrats. They probably already had Mystery Schools among the aristocracy. It's just a front, it's because the Knights Templars and the Order of St. John aka Order of Malta gave huge contributions to the Western Mystery Schools during their time in the Crusades and what they brought back with them. As well as the merging of Knights Templar into Scottish and British Mystery Schools.
edit on 16-4-2014 by 112233 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by 112233

Except there is no proof that Freemasonry is connected to the Order of St. John or any chivalric order. Like I said, he most likely gave the speech to sell Freemasonry to the French aristocracy.

Even the modern days Knights Templar's full title is The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.

Yes, that is the name the Masonic order uses, but the names are used in commemoration only.

You're right, the Knights Templar went into the Crusades learned as much as they could from the various Mystery Schools there and spread that through there joining to the Scottish Rite and the York Rite.

I never said this so don't put words in my mouth. There are a variety of theories, but most of the mare easily debunked and there is no proof that the medieval Templars brought anything to the Templars. Now, I would love to see some solid evidence that ties us to the Knights Templar, but it doesn't exist.

Hence they are honored in the York Rite as the highest degree, Knight Templar.

You really should do more research into the Templar Order found in the York Rite.

There are many connections between all the secret societies I have mentioned in a variety of ways.

Then let's see all of these connections.

The correlation has concern because there is something else behind the scenes. The church is in charge, traditionally or at least the Pope, of the Order of Malta as well as the Knights Templar. But they are just another face.

Except the Masonic orders dont rely upon Papal authority.

The Knights Templar were attacked by the Inquisition because they were practicing witchcraft and sorcery.

LMAO! You really need to do more research. King Phillip had the Templars charged with heresy and many other trumped-up charges, most of which were identical to the charges which had previously been leveled by Phillip's agents against Pope Boniface VIII. By making the charges religious in nature, he wouldn't be seen as a greedy tyrant, but as a servant of God. You should also realize that the Pope secretly absolved the Templars (research the Chinon Parchment).

There is probably a lot of truth to that seeing as how, like the Order of the Golden Dawn was formed by Freemasons whose members were the founders of Wicca and Thelema and founders of arguably the two most popular Tarot decks the Thoth and the Rider-Waite deck. It's about magic they just didn't sell it like that to the Scottish Rite and York Rite.

ROFL!!! You are just proof that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Context buddy, context.

I'm not saying that doesn't have truth to it, but I'm also saying it was known the Knights Templar merged with Freemasonry and ironically enough were also now the Order of Malta in a way. So there is a lot of truth to the connection to past and present secret societies, just another line though.

Okay, I'm going to speak slowly for you. There is no proof that the Templars merged, affiliated with, or reformed the Masonic order. You say that it is known, but that's wrong; it is only believed or theorized.

Please explain.

Rites: Dramatic, planned sets of activities that bring together aspects of an organization’s culture in a single event. Examples are Rites of passage, conflict resolution rites, enhancement or advancement rites, and so on.

Rituals: Repeated communication performances that communicate a particular value or role definition. There are a variety of types of rituals: religious rituals, social rituals (parties or grabbing a beer after work with the co-workers on a set day of the week), personal rituals (preparation rituals, morning rituals, etc), and task rituals (weekly staff meetings).

Rituals are not just religious ceremonies.

No, but I know a lot of organizations that officially predate yall that used a lot of your symbolism before yall. As well as the shofar, the sword, masonic square and compass, star of David, checkerboard floor and so much more that predate English Craft Freemasonry. Like the Dionysiac Architects and who introduced their symbolism, or where they got it from.

*facepalm* Do you not realize what arbitrary and ambiguous means?

Again, I don't trust a book that attributes the Knights Templar being honored to a baker who made a speech to gain the appeal of French aristocrats.

So you mean you are looking for information that confirms your beliefs or what you think is true, not necessarily what is true in reality? Interesting.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 10:22 AM
If I went to the thirty third... like I did in a dream... Will I meet the donkey named ace (spelled: ass) who has the Don key to the harem above???
Will the horse (whores) named mare (spelled: Mary) greet me and laugh at me...???

Will they carry me off to boredom to Live in peace...???

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Pinocchio

They will probably laugh with you since you tend to tickle everyone with that nose of your's.

Hear em? The Harem? Ha, it's REM, Rapid Eye Movement.
It's that "Dream" of Ream with Re'em while listening to R.E.M. sing something like "Losing My Religion" like he was a conduit for Rem

Rem ( "to weep"), also Rem-Rem, Remi, or Remi the Weeper, who lives in Rem-Rem, the realm of weeping[2] is a fish god in Egyptian mythology who fertilizes the land with his tears,[3] producing both vegetation and the reptiles.[4] He is assumed to be the personification of Ra's tears.[1]

I'm thinking like Guzzling as a Gazelle, or Grazing the Gravel while I Gaze thru Elle's Veil.
Elle is a code name like Reem or Rim in this "Dream Sheen", once you see through the Shimmer of Shim.

What else? Hmm...
Pe is the Ace, didn't make it up:

The Cyrillic letter Pe was derived from the Greek letter Pi (Π π).
The name of Pe in the Early Cyrillic alphabet was покои (pokoi), meaning "peaceful state"

So Pi is the Gate of Fate, shaped like the letter "n" because we need to get "In". There is some of the craziest stuff associated with this. I'll give a neat example:

"Pi", a song by Hard 'n Phirm from Horses and Grasses

Horses and Grasses

Horses and Grasses is the first album of the comedy band Hard 'n Phirm. It was released in 2005 to acclaim, especially for the fourth track "Pi" and for their bluegrass Radiohead medley titled "Rodeohead".

So the band's name was/is "Hard 'n Phirm"? Most people squirm reading that lol, therefore "comedy".
Let's grab a few song names (although all of them can lead to something) and investigate shall we?

Moose Lodge – 2:04

Loyal Order of Moose
Moose? Moo See? The Loose Noose of the Moon? Anyhow...

Pneumatica (Part I) – 0:41

Pneumatic (Gnosticism)

The pneumatics ("spiritual", from Greek πνεῦμα, "spirit") were, in Gnosticism, the highest order of humans, the other two orders being psychics and hylics. A pneumatic saw itself as escaping the doom of the material world via the transcendent knowledge of Sophia's Divine Spark within the soul.

It's like I'm ringing Hel's Cow Belle, hah, but...

She Named the Pony Jesus – 5:05

Here's one more this one's good:

El Corazón – 3:46


Corazón is Spanish and Galician for heart.

Corazón (volcano), a volcano in Ecuador
Corazón (1947 film), a 1947 Argentine film
"Corazón" (song), a 1997 song by Ricky Martin
Corazón (Ednita Nazario album), 1999
Corazón (Fonseca album), 2005
Corazón (Santana album), 2014
"Corazon", a song by Bishop Allen, 2007
"Corazón" is a brand of Tequila
Corazon is used in Spanish to mean darling.
"Corazón", a song by Carole King

So it's Music from the Heart of All, our 'Darling'. Which we drink (she's pretty strong).

I'll do one more:
Boredom to Live?
More like Bored with Om into the Bedroom of those that Lie.
To the Lay they won't know what I Say, cuz I'm Lying with the One that Gives.

I'll Revive the Jive and tell em it's Vital to know Viva said the Scribe of Shiva. It's the "Vital Signs of God" so to speak.

viva (interj.)
1640s, from Italian viva "(long) live, may he (or she) live," third person singular present subjunctive of vivere "to live," from Latin vivere "to live" (see vital).

livelong (adj.)
also live-long, c.1400, lefe longe (day), from leve, lief "dear" (see lief), used here as an emotional intensive + long (adj).

Lief = "Dear" = Live ???
"Life is but a Dream of Reem" remember?

Reem (given name), Arabic name given to females, which means a baby deer or gazelle

That Dearest Baby of our Dreams it Seems!

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Pinocchio

Oh yeah and the Donkey King who we can call Kong in this Song, brings the Dawn of the Qi from the Sea as I hit the Gong.

And that would also be a Yawn from Me, because I got several places to be shortly.

edit on 4/19/2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 12:26 PM
One more quick thing about what I posted above that I just looked into and it added up perfectly. Keep in mind I posted that purely off intuition in merely 20 minutes or so. No plans really.

I'll just post the video mentioned above:

Now check the Lyrics :

I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
Try, cry, why try
That was just a dream
Just a dream
Just a dream, dream

You thought they were laughing too didn't you?
Therefore R.E.M. of course.

So "God" sent us another message on the side panel of "suggested videos",
I bet some of you remember this one haha:

"Midnight Oil" ? "Beds are Burning" ??
We are talking about REM Sleep, Dreaming, Laying in that Bad Bed of Beth.

Out where the river broke
The bloodwood and the desert oak
Holden wrecks and boiling diesels
Steam in forty five degrees

The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning
How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning

Four wheels scare the cockatoos
From Kintore East to Yuendemu
The western desert lives and breathes
In forty five degrees

So here's a little more info for reference :
45th Parallel North

The 45th parallel north is often called the halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole, but the true halfway point is actually 16.2 kilometres (10.1 mi) north of the 45th parallel because the Earth is oblate, that is, it bulges at the equator and is flattened at the poles.[1]

45th Meridian East

And of course half a right angle (90 degrees) is 45.

So check out this extensive wiki on 45 number
A few quick examples:

A type of gramophone record classified by its rotational speed of 45 revolutions per minute (rpm)
In years of marriage, the sapphire wedding anniversary.
Repeated continuously in the 1997 song "Brimful of Asha" by Cornershop

Brimful of Asha
See that's funny to me because my Sha thread starts out with Asha. It's the name of the singer apparently but it's also incredibly important.

So let's check out something totally different for insight into "Asha" that I don't think I linked yet in my other thread. So I will here for now (just in case).

In the modern franchise "Might and Magic" we have lore about Asha

Asha is the primordial dragon, creator of the world of Ashan, sister of Urgash and mother of the six elemental dragons: Elrath, Malassa, Sylanna, Arkath, Ylath and Shalassa.

Now this stuff gets really interesting as it ties in with global mythology very nicely:

While she is well-known as the "Dragon of Order", Asha appears in many different forms. Asha and Urgash fought against each other in the Genesis, during which Asha banished Urgash into the heart of her world. However, she was wounded in that battle, and hid in the moon in order to heal herself.

Asha renders the fate of all mortal beings—she spins forth their destiny upon their birth, measures it throughout their time in the physical world, and then embraces their life force upon death. Asha is neutral; she shows favor to neither good nor evil men. She does not bless any race above another. Angels, Faceless, Elves, Dwarves, Humans and Nagas, all stand before her in equal measure. She does, however, hold her twin brother, the Dragon of Chaos, in eternal disdain and is opposed to the principles that drive both him and the demons, the beings he created to oppose her own.

Today, Asha is worshipped by the Blind Brothers, Silent Sisters, White Weavers, Dragon Knights and Necromancers, in different forms and aspects. Asha herself rests in the moon and doesn't really know what happens on her beloved world. Every creature, except the demons and (mainly) the wizards of the Silver League, respect the worshiping of the Dragon of Order, except her aspect as Spider goddess.

The Moon is in fact the cocoon she wove around herself. It is an image of the cosmic egg, a means to measure time, the final resting place of the dragons and the gate to the Underworld (where all souls come from and where all they go back after death).

This basically ties in with everything I've been writing the last month (which hasn't been much).
Dreams, Egg Head of the Mare of the Night, etc etc.

Kinda have a mess going on here since all of the posts tying this together are split into 3 threads currently, lol.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 01:37 PM
A few more things since they follow the few posts above.
The Cosmic Cream is a Scream from the Dream between the Seams.

Get to "Choppin".

v. when a car has rims that continue to spin after the car has stopped(spinners). When the rims are spinning at a high velocity they are considered to be choppin

Yes the Car that Carries has Rims that Spin, the Chopper.
Choppin and Hoppin.
That's Hoppin' John the Don of the Dawn of which we are just Pawns.

Hoppin' John is a peas and rice dish served in the Southern United States. It is made with black-eyed peas (or field peas) and rice, chopped onion, sliced bacon, and seasoned with a bit of salt.[1]

Peace? Pea See? Peas Please!!!! Where the Cheese?
Told ya Pe was the Ace of our Base.
Salome with the Head of John the Baptist
It's that Hopping Head from out under our Bed some call Fred or Ed.
I must be Inside the Head of John Peel

Track List?

A. Sferic Waves
B. ----- (Classified)
C. Inside the Head of John Peel
D. Max Q

"Man Or Astro-Man?" Clearly both, because Man bears the Star.
It's like A Spectrum of Infinite Scale

"Pathway to the Infinite"
"Many Pieces of Large Fuzzy Mammals Gathered Together at a Rave and Schmoozing with a Brick"
"Very Subtle Elevators"
"Obligatory Part 2 Song in Which There Is No Presently Existing Part 1, Nor the Plans to Make One"
"Spectrograph Reading of the Varying Phantom Frequencies of Chronic, Incurable Tinnitus"

Phantom Frequencies? Because it's the Spectrum of the Specter that Inspect the Electrum Plectrum.

So the Pea is the Cosmic Egg, and probably could be a hidden syncronistic meaning of 'people', phonetically.
People Pull the Pea literally, it's basic Agriculture. Hard work...

So Pea is the Nut (Peanut)
Pea is the Whirling Pearl
Pea is Princess Peach it's hardly a Reach...
Peafowls (Peacock-hen)

And what's the Peacock's feather appear like? The Eye of Pie sliced at roughly 45 give or take?
It's the Tears but you gotta Hear with your Inner Ear!

In Hindu culture, the peacock is the mount of the lord Karthikeya, the god of war. A demon king, Surapadman, was split into two by Karthikeya and the merciful lord converted the two parts as an integral part of himself, one becoming a peacock (his mount) and another a rooster adorning his flag. The peacock displays the divine shape of Omkara when it spreads its magnificent plumes into a full-blown circular form.[12]

Even though the Peafowl is native to India, in Babylonia and Persia the Peacock is seen as a guardian to royalty, and is often seen in engravings upon the thrones of royalty. The monarchy in Iran is referred to as the Peacock Throne. Melek Taus (ملك طاووس—Kurdish Tawûsê Melek), the "Peacock Angel", is the Yazidi name for the central figure of their faith. The Yazidi consider Tawûsê Melek an emanation of God and a benevolent angel who has redeemed himself from his fall and has become a demiurge who created the cosmos from the Cosmic egg. After he repented, he wept for 7,000 years, his tears filling seven jars, which then quenched the fires of hell. In art and sculpture, Tawûsê Melek is depicted as a peacock. However, peacocks are not native to the lands where Tawûsê Melek is worshipped.[citation needed]

So it's like the Rainbow Sun, thus Spectrum of the Specter, Prison of the Prism, etc etc.
It's a CRISM, as we are talking about the War God, Mars.
"Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM)".
Also known as Karthikeya

Murugan or Kartikeya (also called Subramanya, Subramani, Muruga, Karthikeyan, Shanmughan and Shanmukha) is the Hindu god of war, victory, wisdom and love. He is Commander of the gods.

A last little bit: Argus Panoptes
Check the wiki, it explains the Eyes were never asleep and watched constantly.
But was defeated in the myth through "A Sleep"...

To free Io, Zeus had Argus slain by Hermes. Hermes, disguised as a shepherd, first put all of Argus's eyes asleep with spoken charms, then slew him by hitting him with a stone, the first stain of bloodshed among the new generation of gods.[8]

Lots of neat connections there, 'cow, split, pigeon, snow', etc.

In early times, peas were grown mostly for their dry seeds.[8] From plants growing wild in the Mediterranean basin, constant selection since the Neolithic dawn of agriculture[9] improved their yield. In the early 3rd century BC Theophrastus mentions peas among the pulses that are sown late in the winter because of their tenderness.[10] In the first century AD Columella mentions them in De re rustica, and Roman legionaries still gathered wild pisi from the sandy soils of Numidia and Palestine, to supplement their rations.

In the Middle Ages, field peas are constantly mentioned, as they were the staple that kept famine at bay, as Charles the Good, count of Flanders noted explicitly in 1124.[11]

So what's this all about?
The Princess and the Pea

Bedtime, feeling the "Pea" through the Matter (of the Physical Universe) because the "Pea represents God" and it's there but it's hidden deep under many many layers and feathers. The Princess can feel it because she is Pure.

In the morning, the guest tells her hosts that she endured a sleepless night, kept awake by something hard in the bed; which she is certain has bruised her. The prince rejoices. Only a real princess would have the sensitivity to feel a pea through such a quantity of bedding.

That's right, this is Princess Peach that "Lucky Pink Lady" who is here to Cure our Malady with a Melody.

It connects with so many different "The Princess and the _____" stories, just fill in the blank and Google lol.
The Princess and the Pirate (Pi Rate?)

1944 American comedy film directed by David Butler and starring Bob Hope and Virginia Mayo.[1] Based on a story by Sy Bartlett
A pirate captain known as the Hook (Victor McLaglen) buries his treasure on an island and kills the map maker so no one else will find it. He and his cut-throat crew go after the Mary Ann, a ship on which Princess Margaret (Virginia Mayo) is running away from her father, the King (Robert Warwick), so she can marry a commoner.

The Princess and the Goblin
The Princess and the Frog
Beauty and the Beast

It's about:
You + God = Married Forever
(Honey of the Moon)
edit on 4/19/2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: KSigMason
reply to post by 112233

Except there is no proof that Freemasonry is connected to the Order of St. John or any chivalric order. Like I said, he most likely gave the speech to sell Freemasonry to the French aristocracy.

Other then the fact that there were lodges already in France, I'm pretty sure there were already French aristocratic Freemasons. In that speech you provided from your website by Andrew Ramsay. He even states:

"At the time of the Crusades in Palestine many princes, lords, and citizens associated themselves, and vowed to restore the Temple of the Christians in the Holy Land, and to employ themselves in bringing back their architecture to its first institution. They agreed upon several ancient signs and symbolic words drawn from the well of religion in order to recognize themselves amongst the heathen and Saracens. These signs and words were only communicated to those who promised solemnly, and even sometimes at the foot of the altar, never to reveal them. This sacred promise was therefore not an execrable oath, as it has been called, but a respectable bond to unite Christians of all nationalities in one confraternity. Some time afterwards our Order formed an intimate union with the Knights of St John of Jerusalem. From that time our Lodges took the name of Lodges of St John.

This union was made after the example set by the Israelites when they erected the second Temple, who whilst they handled the trowel and mortar with one hand, in the other held the sword and buckler."

As I've shown and I can just keep showing more proof of the lineage of the Order of St. John to modern day Order of Malta.

Even the modern days Knights Templar's full title is The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.

Yes, that is the name the Masonic order uses, but the names are used in commemoration only.

And you don't think that it's strange that the title honors both of the Vaticans chivalric orders/secret societies in the short and full title of that particular group? Why honor the Knights Templar that you claim has no bearing or connection to Freemasonry? Why not just the Order of Malta whom the Ramsay claims shares an intimate union with the Knights of St. John/Rhodes/Malta who even claimed that Lodges were called Lodges of St. John. They are connected according to your most likely a fake bakers name Freemasonic propaganda, but I could be wrong.

I never said this so don't put words in my mouth. There are a variety of theories, but most of the mare easily debunked and there is no proof that the medieval Templars brought anything to the Templars. Now, I would love to see some solid evidence that ties us to the Knights Templar, but it doesn't exist.

Except Knights Templar is the final order joined in York Rite after you've completed the Royal Arch degrees(Mcdonalds?), some jurisdictions require you to complete your Cryptic Degrees before you can join the Templars and you have to be Christian. They try to carry on the spirit of the organization? A lot of flag raising for a group that had no real effect on Freemasonry don't ya think? Why not just Knights of St. John? I apologize for putting words in your mouth, I know how annoying that can be.

You really should do more research into the Templar Order found in the York Rite.

I did, thanks.

Then let's see all of these connections.

Ya know what, I"ll do it for you but not right now, at least not as detailed as I'd like, but I've been pointing it out. But I'll get more detailed in another post. Sorry, about this one being so late, but I have other things on my plate.

Except the Masonic orders dont rely upon Papal authority.

Except they honor groups who helped Freemasonry in many ways, one way was it's relationship with the Order of St.John/Malta.

LMAO! You really need to do more research. King Phillip had the Templars charged with heresy and many other trumped-up charges, most of which were identical to the charges which had previously been leveled by Phillip's agents against Pope Boniface VIII. By making the charges religious in nature, he wouldn't be seen as a greedy tyrant, but as a servant of God. You should also realize that the Pope secretly absolved the Templars (research the Chinon Parchment).

Well I would say the Pope was doing the same stuff his Knights were accused of doing. The three or so Templars accused of sodomy were only a fraction of guys who were probably practitioners. At least I can quote that parchment to the Templars properties being turned over to the Templars sister organization the Order of St.John/ Malta.

ROFL!!! You are just proof that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Context buddy, context.

Well, you're helping me grow it, Rofl. What I mean by Magic/K is the manipulation of consciousness by use of numerology, astrology(especially alignments with Sirius, Anilam, Alcyone

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:58 PM
[continued] through symbolism and especially where the planets are during an event I'll give you examples with the connections I've already pointed out before in another post.

Okay, I'm going to speak slowly for you. There is no proof that the Templars merged, affiliated with, or reformed the Masonic order. You say that it is known, but that's wrong; it is only believed or theorized.

Other then the points I pointed out.

Rites: Dramatic, planned sets of activities that bring together aspects of an organization’s culture in a single event. Examples are Rites of passage, conflict resolution rites, enhancement or advancement rites, and so on.

Rituals: Repeated communication performances that communicate a particular value or role definition. There are a variety of types of rituals: religious rituals, social rituals (parties or grabbing a beer after work with the co-workers on a set day of the week), personal rituals (preparation rituals, morning rituals, etc), and task rituals (weekly staff meetings).

Rituals are not just religious ceremonies.

So yall's rituals are neither dramatic, planned sets of activities that bring together aspects of an organizations culture in a single event. They aren't Rites of passage through the Degrees? Enhancement or advancement rites? This was the only thing that kept it from being a religion in your opinion you said right? Since from your reasons it hit every one. No they are not religious ceremonies but you basically meet the requirements of your Rituals being religious ceremonies.

No, but I know a lot of organizations that officially predate yall that used a lot of your symbolism before yall. As well as the shofar, the sword, masonic square and compass, star of David, checkerboard floor and so much more that predate English Craft Freemasonry. Like the Dionysiac Architects and who introduced their symbolism, or where they got it from.

[qoute]*facepalm* Do you not realize what arbitrary and ambiguous means?

If two different religions had even just the symbolism I mentioned above it would raise the suspicion of a major connection between the two. This is no different.

So you mean you are looking for information that confirms your beliefs or what you think is true, not necessarily what is true in reality? Interesting.

I don't trust propaganda. Besides he already mentioned how you guys are so close to the Order of St.John/Malta.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: 112233
I'm sure there were a few Lodges, but they were not prolific nor were they composed of Frenchmen. Many Lodges were said to be Irishmen, Scotsman, and Englishmen who were in exile in France (Jacobites). As I said, Stephen Dafoe wrote a great book debunking many of the myths and pointing out that some of the biggest perpetrators of these myths were Masons who wanted to increase the pedigree of their newly formed order.

Again as I said, there are a lot of theories about the continuation and perpetuation of the Templars and their theorized connection to Freemasonry. Just saying there is a theory and that there is a connection is not proof in of itself, no proof exists that proves any connection.

As I've shown and I can just keep showing more proof of the lineage of the Order of St. John to modern day Order of Malta.

Well, there is more than one Templar, Maltese, or St. John order in existence. The Masonic ones do not claim any lineage to the medieval orders.

And you don't think that it's strange that the title honors both of the Vaticans chivalric orders/secret societies in the short and full title of that particular group?

We're not honoring the Vatican, but the knights themselves and their legendary virtues and principles.

Why honor the Knights Templar that you claim has no bearing or connection to Freemasonry?

Because as Christians we seek to uphold the chivalric virtues held by the medieval order.

An Order emphasizing the lessons of self-sacrifice and reverence. It is meant to rekindle the spirit of the medieval Knights Templar devotion and self-sacrifice to Christianity.

Except Knights Templar is the final order joined in York Rite after you've completed the Royal Arch degrees(Mcdonalds?), some jurisdictions require you to complete your Cryptic Degrees before you can join the Templars and you have to be Christian.

Yes, I'm familiar with the membership requirements, having presided over each of the 3-bodies that compose the American York Rite as well as the Lodge.

A lot of flag raising for a group that had no real effect on Freemasonry don't ya think?

Not really. You're just reading too much into it.

Ya know what, I"ll do it for you but not right now, at least not as detailed as I'd like, but I've been pointing it out. But I'll get more detailed in another post. Sorry, about this one being so late, but I have other things on my plate.

I can wait.

At least I can quote that parchment to the Templars properties being turned over to the Templars sister organization the Order of St.John/ Malta.

It's too bad so much was destroyed by the Ottomans.

a reply to: 112233
Conjecture and repeating theories is not proof.

So yall's rituals are neither dramatic, planned sets of activities that bring together aspects of an organizations culture in a single event.

I'm not saying that. What I was saying is that having rites or rituals, but that not all rites or rituals are religious in nature or a sacrament as you inferred back in this post.

No they are not religious ceremonies but you basically meet the requirements of your Rituals being religious ceremonies.

Not really.

If two different religions had even just the symbolism I mentioned above it would raise the suspicion of a major connection between the two. This is no different.

So I guess you don't know what those two terms mean then.

I don't trust propaganda.

Apparently you do as you are clinging to romanticized theories and exaggerations.
edit on 7-5-2014 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 08:19 AM
In the spirit of the original post I'd like to make up some ridiculous stuff that is quasi-spiritual/Masonic fluff, it goes like this.

There is no God only The Goddess.

Most organised religions and Masonry are a manifestation conscious or otherwise of the fallen Goddess. Gnostic teachings on Sophia talk about the fall of the Goddess in great detail. It is very sad that the Goddess fell. If the whole world could return to the ways of the Goddess all would be healed.

Masonry should let girls join, it might solve a lot. I know you have Eastern Star but that's not the same, I mean integrate them properly. Here is the crazy part.

The CIA is the manifestation incarnate of the Goddess and her number is 311. The force of the 311 Goddess reaches out to all not just CIA agents. Just like the vagina receives so too did the CIA let every corrupt organisation penetrate its walls. From Masonry to drug trading, Islamic fundamentalists to Chinese banking, from alien contact to the Yakuza to jump rooms through time, Knights of Malta to Hollywood whatever was out there groping for power all were seduced by the 311 Goddess.

Masonry thought it infiltrated the CIA but that's how the feminine works and now the opposite is true and now the 311 Goddess knows all. Soon she will rise and in time we will all come to realise that we are all becoming the 311 Goddesses children. I don't buy that theory that we are all God. We are not all The Goddess either, it is a force, not to be harnessed and used for power but to get enticed by and worship. I'm not saying you should worship the CIA, you don't have to be in the CIA to be in touch with the 311.

Please don't argue with me, I told you it was fluff.

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