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Ultimate Secret of Freemasonry Revealed!

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posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:32 AM
First off, I'm sorry for the late reply I saw it your reply and it came at a bad time but hey I'm back lol.

Except you misquoted Pike and seem to have a general lack of knowledge of what he was writing about.

Pike was talking about how those who deserve to be misled. Freemasonry is a progressive science taught by degrees, but we don't deceive or lie to our members. I've been through more degrees and orders than I can count and my experience tells me all of this supposition and conjecture is without merit, and the history of anti-Masonry keeps me weary of those crying wolf constantly.

First off, going against Pike and not you, NO one deserves to be misled, especially those farthest from the path. I'm just weary of any organization that raises a traditionally selfish being like Lucifer, who I don't believe exists, to the status of a leader in illuminating the human race when it's more of a light that seems to hypnotize people in believing that the light cannot blind.

And you know this how?

Now I won't say Freemasonry because you are looking at these groups as separate and I'm sure they have their differences. They are all connected under the Masonic organizational umbrella. As above, so below. Astrotheology plays a part in the symbolism of Masonry. The degrees have to do with the Zodiac. 360 degrees in a circle. Groups whispered about called the "Olympians" which could be people who are in groups like the Order of the Garter or the Club of 300 and what have you. No one comes out and blatantly says these things, they are hidden away in symbolism. I could go more in depth but I'm still working on a topic I'm going to post later in the metaphysics section. But yeah Masonry and Freemasonry have their separations and why I just used 33 as an example that you will probably never hit those degrees because you don't have the right blood or connections.

The 33rd is only the highest degree in the Scottish Rite. I don't get why people focus so much upon a simple numbering system.

It is the highest in the Scottish Rite but it falls under the Masonic Umbrella. For example, you are not going to be an Apprentice Mason or Fellow Craft and join say the Shriners. I'm interested in 33 only because of my own connections to that number why I subconsciously picked it as an example.

How could that be since he died 25-years before the first Grand Lodge was formed?

He is considered one of the founders of the First Grand Lodge because he was one of the first accounts found of a speculative Freemason Lodge in England before the founding of the First Grand Lodge, it was found NOT the first speculative Lodge of it's time, there were many others apparently in England at the time, speculative not operative.

Freemasonry is not a religion. We don't meet the basic requirements to be considered a religion.

Please tell me why you think it isn't a religion? I beg to differ. But I'd like to read your thoughts.

As far as that part in Blue Lodge being misled, in Morals and Dogma on the Knight Kadosh chapter on page 819.

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court of portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. The whole body of the Royal and Sacerdotal Art was hidden so carefully, centuries since, in the High Degrees, as that it is even yet impossible to solve many of the enigmas which they contain. It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain, and without any true reward violate his obligations as an Adept. Masonry is the veritable Sphinx, buried to the head in the sands heaped round it by the ages."

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by 112233

LOL, you may want to try to re-read the Pike quote you "think" claims we have anything to do with "Lucifer".

It is a favorite for anti-masons to use, but it's meaning only makes the informed laugh harder.

Pike was making fun of the misunderstanding of the mis-transliteration of Lucifer as a devil, from the initial meaning of Light Bearer, which had two initial meanings, One being Venus, and one being Jesus Christ.

Pike was much more educated than most at the time and his sense of humor was lost on a lot of folks.

But just so you know, Masons come to masonry with their individual religion fully intact. Masonry is not a religion and encourages each member to practice and be active in his faith. Lucifer is not mentioned, nor is Baal, Satan, Balphomet, Aunt Judy, or Cousin Steve. We make references to "the Great Architect of the Universe" as the Deity that represent the God of each members respective religion. Since my lodge is primarily Christian, we mean God when we say that.

Edit to add:
The Misled thing.

Pike was under the impression that Freemasonry was rooted by the Knights Templar and since the Blue lodge did not teach anything about the Templars, they were misled until they received the degrees of the Scottish Rite. Pike was wrong about this.
To date, they is no proof of Freemasonry being tied to the Templars.

edit on 25-2-2014 by network dude because: added thought.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:59 AM
LOL I don't know but I will be finding out soon if anything in the Lodge has any symbolism connected to say the Lodge where I live. As far as the Lucifer and Satan thing being one and the same. Yes Venus Lucifer, shetan(Sounds kind of like Shaytan) in Hebrew, the opposer. I am well aware you don't look at these two fictional Christian beings as one and the same, even though one is considered before the fall and one is after the fall in Christianity and no I am not Christian but I study as many different religions as possible.

Obviously the Son of the Morning has a connection to the Morningstar Jesus, and perhaps a bigger connection between the two to Saint Michael.

He was not joking, he wondered why people call the Spirit of Darkness, Lucifer when that means Light-Bearer.

I know you guys come with your religion intact, its an international fraternity.

Also according to Pike on the Royal Arch of Solomon chapter on page 213 he says that "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teaching are instruction in religion." I have to go hang out with my family but I'll be back.


posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:31 AM

I have to go hang out with my family but I'll be back.


Enjoy that.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 12:25 PM


Also according to Pike on the Royal Arch of Solomon chapter on page 213 he says that "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teaching are instruction in religion." I have to go hang out with my family but I'll be back.


I was curious so looked up the full context for that:

Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion. For here are inculcated disinterestedness, affection, toleration, devotedness, patriotism, truth, a generous sympathy with those who suffer and mourn, pity for the fallen, mercy for the erring, relief for those in want, Faith, Hope, and .Charity. Here we meet as brethren, to learn to know and love each other. Here we greet each other gladly, are lenient to each other's faults, regardful of each other's feelings, ready to relieve

p. 214

each other's wants. This is the true religion revealed to the ancient patriarchs; which Masonry has taught for many centuries, and which it will continue to teach as long as time endures. If unworthy passions, or selfish, bitter, or revengeful feelings, contempt, dislike, hatred, enter here, they are intruders and not welcome, strangers uninvited, and not guests.

Certainly there are many evils and bad passions, and much hate and contempt and unkindness everywhere in the world. We cannot refuse to see the evil that is in life. But all is not evil. We still see God in the world. There is good amidst the evil. The hand of mercy leads wealth to the hovels of poverty and sorrow. Truth and simplicity live amid many wiles and sophistries. There are good hearts underneath gay robes, and under tattered garments also.

Love clasps the hand of love, amid all the envyings and distractions of showy competition; fidelity, pity, and sympathy hold the long night-watch by the bedside of the suffering neighbor, amidst the surrounding poverty and squalid misery. Devoted men go from city to city to nurse those smitten down by the terrible pestilence that renews at intervals its mysterious marches. Women well-born and delicately nurtured nursed the wounded soldiers in hospitals, before it became fashionable to do so; and even poor lost women, whom God alone loves and pities, tend the plague-stricken with a patient and generous heroism. Masonry and its kindred Orders teach men to love each other, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the sick, and bury the friendless dead. Everywhere God finds and blesses the kindly office, the pitying thought, and the loving heart.

sacred-texts link

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 12:36 PM
I kept reading and I have to say it's great.
I really like whoever he was when he wrote this passage.

I don't actually know much about him, but from this it looks like he got a bad rap unfairly.
This is very positive stuff. I don't sense any negative in it.
In fact it appears rather brilliant.

This chapter was at least, I'll read more. I admit my ignorance.
I am also ashamed I avoided his works purely because of all the hate he gets.
I kinda focused on everything else, but will look further into this.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by 112233

Those who are intentionally ignorance deserve to be misled...maybe that's horrible of me to say, but from my interaction with people so many care little about the truth and more about their agenda. I've even had anti-Masons tell me that they did not need facts or like facts because it doesn't support their story and propaganda.

We don't venerate or raise (probably meant "praise") Lucifer. Nowhere does Pike state that we Masons worship Lucifer.

There are a lot of degrees, but they don't add to 360, even if you take them as a collective. The degrees have numerous symbols and influences in them, still doesn't support your idea of "360 Freemasonry". You are speaking out of conjecture.

But yeah Masonry and Freemasonry have their separations and why I just used 33 as an example that you will probably never hit those degrees because you don't have the right blood or connections.

And you really don't know where I sit in Freemasonry or what degrees I've attained nor do you know how Freemasonry operates it seems.

It is the highest in the Scottish Rite but it falls under the Masonic Umbrella.

So? I've never denied that. I've just pointed out the false opinion that it is some centralized authority over Freemasonry or some kind of "stepping stone" into higher "unknown" degrees and/or bodies.

He is considered one of the founders of the First Grand Lodge...

According to whom?

...because he was one of the first accounts found of a speculative Freemason Lodge in England before the founding of the First Grand Lodge...

Which makes him a famous historical figure, not a founder of the first Grand Lodge. was found NOT the first speculative Lodge of it's time, there were many others apparently in England at the time, speculative not operative.

I know this. I'm very familiar with Masonic history.

Please tell me why you think it isn't a religion? I beg to differ. But I'd like to read your thoughts.

Well as a member I know we are not a religion. We don't seek converts, we don't solicit, we have no sectarian faith, we have no dogma or theology, we allow men of all faiths to join, we offer no plan of salvation, and we have no sacrament. By all requirements of a religion we don't qualify.

As far as that part in Blue Lodge being misled, in Morals and Dogma on the Knight Kadosh chapter on page 819.

I'm familiar with this (mis)quote and as I've said before, what Pike was meaning with this was that those who deserve to be misled will be misled by their own ignorance. This is the problem with people like you, you think one quote taken way out of context can define the practices of an entire fraternity (that is much larger than just the Scottish RIte). This degree also warns against the ignorant, fascist, and tyrannical who twist truths to suit their agenda (ironic).

Pike was not without fault. Some things he wrote in this book are incorrect and thus today we see the need for an abridged version from the likes of Arturo de Hoyos (a very knowledgeable Mason).

reply to post by 112233

Actually Lucifer is only referred to as a disgraced fallen King in the Book of Isaiah.

I know you guys come with your religion intact, its an international fraternity.

The fraternity has no say in what faith the individual members keeps.

Also according to Pike on the Royal Arch of Solomon chapter on page 213 he says that "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teaching are instruction in religion."

Pike also states in this book that Freemasonry is not a religion.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:35 PM

Thanks a lot, brother.

I just thought also about the connection between Hermes/Thoth standing on top of Typhon and Saint Michael on top of the red dragon, symbolism. All just being the regenerative powers of the physical, mental, and emotional and the defeat of the lower worlds within ourselves.

Those who are intentionally ignorance deserve to be misled...maybe that's horrible of me to say, but from my interaction with people so many care little about the truth and more about their agenda. I've even had anti-Masons tell me that they did not need facts or like facts because it doesn't support their story and propaganda.

We don't venerate or raise (probably meant "praise") Lucifer. Nowhere does Pike state that we Masons worship Lucifer.

Firstly, no one deserves to be misled. I am sorry if I made you upset or if ignorance makes you upset it can to me, as well. But the big picture is we are here to pull each other up via service in any form especially knowledge and let the person do as they wish with the info as we continue our own spiritual journey, we are not to pull each other down it defeats the purpose of why we're here. SO my info supports my opinion your info support your opnions, but let's not think I want to tear you down so I'm sorry if I offend anyone. Again, I think Blue Lodge is the bee's knee's.

I have turned atheists into agnostics and set agnostics on their own conscious spiritual journey. Some are harder eggs to crack then others but when you consciously and sincerely want to serve All, and it's a pain in the ace sometimes, it's hard but you try to find the Joy in Labor.

When I refer to Masonic organizations is groups that Freemasonry falls under but is a separate part. i.e. Baptists might not feel that they are really that alike to Catholics in anyway. But they fall under the umbrella because they have many similar beliefs outside of moralistic and virtuous belief systems. I know this sounds like I am very anti-Freemason but I'm not.
But their are other organizations I do not care for that fall under the Masonic Umbrella.

There are a lot of degrees, but they don't add to 360, even if you take them as a collective. The degrees have numerous symbols and influences in them, still doesn't support your idea of "360 Freemasonry". You are speaking out of conjecture.

I am speaking through seeing through symbolism. As Above, So Below. Organizationally speaking, as well.

And you really don't know where I sit in Freemasonry or what degrees I've attained nor do you know how Freemasonry operates it seems.

Well aren't you a doll. I meant in the sense that their are higher degrees not attained unless you had family that was a part of it. Also in the sense if their is a 360 degree representation of higher degrees under the Masonic umbrella.

It is the highest in the Scottish Rite but it falls under the Masonic Umbrella.

So? I've never denied that. I've just pointed out the false opinion that it is some centralized authority over Freemasonry or some kind of "stepping stone" into higher "unknown" degrees and/or bodies.

Totally agree that Scottish Rite is not some centralized authority, all Grand Lodges are sovereign to themselves. I also agree it is most likely not a stepping stone of sorts in other unknown degrees. I'm sorry if I mistook you for saying that. Just establishing their is a connection between the two, is all. Just like many other organizations fall under that same "umbrella".

He is considered one of the founders of the First Grand Lodge...

According to whom?

Well for one Frank C. Higgins, so I assume their are many others, I was making a generalization that he is considered that but I should have added only because it is one of the earliest accounts of Freemasonry before the founding of the First Grand Lodge of London. Like the forefathers of the Lodge.

Which makes him a famous historical figure, not a founder of the first Grand Lodge.

I agree. I'll find out why Frank made that statement. was found NOT the first speculative Lodge of it's time, there were many others apparently in England at the time, speculative not operative.

I know this. I'm very familiar with Masonic history.

Well for whatever reason Frank spoke out of turn. I have to go back through since Frank is something of a prolific writer and I've handed it a lot of my material.

Well as a member I know we are not a religion. We don't seek converts, we don't solicit, we have no sectarian faith, we have no dogma or theology, we allow men of all faiths to join, we offer no plan of salvation, and we have no sacrament. By all requirements of a religion we don't qualify.

There's plenty of religions that don't seek members if not at the least ask them to join or check it out, members don't pay anything(Awesome I'm in), sectarian faith as in no members of the same faith fighting but not sectarianism in the sense that you exclude women, atheists, and a promotion of an us and them, Those with knowledge and those of the ignorant masses not saved by the Light of Freemasonry. There is plenty of Dogma you are showing it to me through your arguments and theology is practiced in Freemasonry unless all you guys do is talk about just fundraisers and picnics. Nothing to do with the Kabbalah? Sacrament like the Holy Book symbolic in every Lodge or the symbols used in every Lodge for ritualistic purposes? I think you qualify more then you think.

I'm familiar with this (mis)quote and as I've said before, what Pike was meaning with this was that those who deserve to be misled will be misled by their own ignorance. This is the problem with people like you, you think one quote taken way out of context can define the practices of an entire fraternity (that is much larger than just the Scottish RIte). This degree also warns against the ignorant, fascist, and tyrannical who twist truths to suit their agenda (ironic).

Pike was not without fault. Some things he wrote in this book are incorrect and thus today we see the need for an abridged version from the likes of Arturo de Hoyos (a very knowledgeable Mason).

Can anyone say whitewash. Ironic in that the finger can be pointed back. Listen as I've stated before on this thread, Blue Lodge rules because it is in a sort of "bubble" among the other Masonic societies. He doesn't read like those will be mislead by their own ignorance other then that from the get go they are to be deceived. I typed it from the book you can at least re-read it to see he is specifically talking about them being intentionally misled which is a lack of wisdom, IMO. We should never quit on anyone when it comes to planting as many "seeds" of wisdom and knowledge as possible to see their own spiritual unfolding.

Actually Lucifer is only referred to as a disgraced fallen King in the Book of Isaiah.

I was talking about how he is perceived at large. You see if this was such a blatant example of ignorance why was it never taught, because it was meant to mislead the flock. Just like it has been in the past. There is what is taught to the people. What is taught to the priests. Then the secrets held in the Mysteries like the Kabalah.

edit on 25-2-2014 by 112233 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:49 PM
As far as Pike saying it isn't a religion which I remember reading about which I think took place before he says basically that it is. I'll say that it is another example of double-talk another example of Freemasonry's members being intentionally misled. But whether it is true or not, is for you to decide. i am sorry for upsetting anyone, I just wanted to post on some stuff because I felt I should put more on here and I'll let you have the last word and blast me for being such an ignorant poop. Have a great day and I hope you check out some topics I'll post in the metaphysics section.


I think Alcyone and where it's located on the Bull's shoulder is why 33rd degree holds such importance, unless we talk about maybe higher dimensional worlds amongst the Seven Sisters.

Notice the Seven "Sisters" in the video with Alcyone in the center

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:37 PM
There are only two places I have not found one atheist and they are the foxhole and the Mason lodge. Christ gave his life for all of us humans so he is the bringer of a new days light for humanity.
You do not need to be a member of any religious group to be accepted into the AF&AM lodge, but you must believe in a higher power other then yourself.
We serve that power that brings hope and blessings to humanity.
As far as being a secret group; all I can say is we were told to respect the privacy of others just as it was written in the Bill of Rights fourth article.
Those that don’t know talk and those that do know won’t.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by 112233

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

There are a lot of groups that many think fall under the Masonic umbrella, but do not. What ones do you not like?

Well aren't you a doll. I meant in the sense that their are higher degrees not attained unless you had family that was a part of it.

I know this isn't true though. I've joined many groups and none of them have had such requirements.

Well for one Frank C. Higgins...

Well I'd point out the facts to Frank and debate his theory.

Sacrament like the Holy Book symbolic in every Lodge or the symbols used in every Lodge for ritualistic purposes?

Having a Holy Book in the Lodge is not the same as sacrament. Ritual does not denote religion.

Listen as I've stated before on this thread, Blue Lodge rules because it is in a sort of "bubble" among the other Masonic societies.

I typed it from the book you can at least re-read it to see he is specifically talking about them being intentionally misled which is a lack of wisdom, IMO.

I've read M&D many times. Not my favorite Pike book though.

I was talking about how he is perceived at large.

A popular lie is still a lie.

reply to post by 112233

Pike stated:

Masonry is not a religion. He who makes of it a religious belief, falsifies and denaturalizes it.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by 112233

Poor Pike is the whipping boy of masonry. And largely because he is misunderstood, by everyone at times. He is hard to read today. He speaks in late 1800's English. And I'd venture to day he was more educated than most of us today.

We will have to agree to disagree on the religion statement. I see it as he is comparing masonry to a religion in a sense of explaining it to someone who has not understanding of masonry. I can say that masons will pipe up quite quickly if you say masonry is a religion. It's a close as I get to church unless somebody dies, but it's so much more fun. (if you have ever been to a Catholic mass, then you know what I mean.)

If you find any other Pike quotes that bother you, please let me know. I have not read Morals and Dogma all the way through yet and enjoy picking parts our and trying to understand the meaning.

Have fun.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 07:43 AM
networkdude, KSigmason and AugustusMasonicus: I have a simple question (and although you may question my intentions, it is asked in good faith):

Do you believe a Bible-centred Christian can become and remain a practising Mason without any "conflict of interest" (for want of a better term)?

Relevant Bible verses which spring to mind: James 5:12, Matthew 4:10, John 14:6, John 3:16 & Matthew 5:34. I don't understand how these verses reconcile with Masonry. I have read (and dismissed) many a half-baked theory disclosed here on ATS regarding Masonry (Baphomet, widespread Satanism, Masonic child-sacrifice and the like) but always wondered how the fundamental all-inclusive nature of Masonry can be considered with what I consider rather specific and foundational Christian beliefs.

Just so we are all on the same page here: I'm not interested in debating theological roots of Christianity or the Bible - rather how a Bible-believing Mason reconciles his faith in Christ (and Christ's teachings) with his obligations and attendance at Lodge.

I'm not trying to pick a fight - I'm just interested
I've seen plenty of well-reasoned and balanced opinions and arguments mounted from Masons over the years (you three especially spring to mind) and was hoping you guys (or others) could "shed some light" on the interpretation of Bible-believing Masons. And to bring this post back on topic: is the true "secret" of Freemasonry compatible with (all of) the Bible?

Thanks for your time. And if I could start a new thread......I would

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by EFFBD

I feel that once Masonry is understood, no religious person would find fault with it. The misunderstandings far out weigh the truth. At it's core, masonry is about Faith, Charity, brotherly love, respect, and truth. All virtues taught in the Bible. In fact, our lessons come from the Bible.

But......tolerance. Now that can be an ugly word. Some feel that they are the only ones on the path to salvation and everyone else is doomed to hell. Those people would not like masonry, nor would they be able to function in it. And they might appear to be very religious people.

From the garbage man to the Senator, we all meet on the level. (my belief is) from the Muslim, to the Christian, in the end, we are all speaking to the same Deity. The single omnipotent creator of all.

As far as the Bible, how you interpret it's words is how you justify your actions. I am pretty sure you can find a passage that will either confirm or deny just about any situation.

We are taught that the Bible is a rule and guide of faith. How it's used is up to the individual. (IMHO)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 08:24 AM


..provided EVERYONE was invited to the party and nobody was deliberately harmed, do what you like!

But don't...really don't preach or claim views on equality when there is a huge, enormous elephant in the room making it plainly obvious that is not a sincere sentiment.

But here you are "better than them" passing judgement ?
You have no evidence of any of those claims any more than I have evidence that you are holding slaves in your basement.

'Enormous Elephants' usually have evidence that supports their existence don't they?
Please share the evidence about your claims.

This is the perfect place to debunk my thread and prove everything is in fact the opposite of what I claimed.
But you will need some evidence and more than personal attacks to make a real case.

Where did i say, claim or insinuate i was better than them (by 'them' i assume you mean Masons) ?

I didn't and i don't...strange you should say that i consider myself better than others, when i was pointing out forcefully i believe in EQUALITY for all, even though my position is centered on what is the undeniable hypocrisy of sexual / gender discrimination, or put plainly, inequality because of gender, which everyone would have to agree, is a very far cry from equality for all, which is what you said.

I would say it's patent that if anyone, Masons are the ones generalizing about 'who's better or superior', for considering themselves 'better' than Women, since they bar them from their meetings...isn't the fact Masons are a 'brotherhood' and do not welcome Women to the Masonic meetings evidence of discrimination against Women or is that incorrect in your view?

I'd be honestly interested to know how you feel this is me 'having no evidence'.

'The enormous elephant in the room is an Idiom (originated in your country btw) used to highlight the very obvious or uncomfortable which is being ignored in a discussion, in the case of the topic we're discussing, it's the very obvious or enormously obvious in my opinion, failure to include or consider Women as equals, in the same sentence talking about equality and inclusion of all.

The evidence for the elephant is the lack of either inclusion or equality.

As far as you thinking i am personally attacking you or members here who happen to belong to a Masonic group, you're wrong.

I am challenging your opinion and what you said, and also those who falsely preach or claim equality and respect for all, when they very obviously do not practice it in the case of Women. That in no way equals me attacking you or anyone else here personally, i do actually respect other peoples opinions, even if i don't agree with them.

If i disagree with your opinion or what you're saying in a post, and post the reasons why i don't agree , does that automatically mean to you that i am attacking you? If so, why would you think that considering we're on a forum for purpose of debate?

I have no wish to 'debunk' or otherwise derail your all. I happen to agree with some of what you posted, but strongly disagree with you on the specific points of equality and so on that i have spoken about.

I wish you well, not ill.

BTW...i haven't got a basement.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 08:31 AM

networkdude, KSigmason and AugustusMasonicus: I have a simple question (and although you may question my intentions, it is asked in good faith):

Do you believe a Bible-centred Christian can become and remain a practising Mason without any "conflict of interest" (for want of a better term)?

I am not a Christian so my personal opinion is not relevant, however there are many in my lodge and by their frequent attendance and sponsorship of petitions of fellow church goers it would appear that they have no issues.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by MysterX

Not that I think I can change your mind, but Freemasonry is a FRATERNITY. There are plenty of opportunities for women to do most anything, and nobody looks down on them. Hell, they aren't called the better half for nothing. But being a fraternity, no girls allowed. For one night a month. A few hours. Is that too much to ask?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 09:00 AM
obelisk = the phallus of osiris

i had to unravel this thing . let's start with the story of osiris being dismembered by his evil brother set, who chops him up into 14 pieces and buries the pieces all along the nile.
isis, osiris' wife, finds each piece and on each spot erects an obelisk to commemorate a burial site of osiris. in some versions of the story, she is then magically impregnated by a fake phallus she has constructed for osiris.

now skip down to osiris' city, Abydos.
buried in the ground is the remnant of a larger structure. this buried structure is called the Osirieon. while excavating for his own temple, many millenia later, Seti I found the osirieon and had his workers attach it to his temple via a long underground passageway.

and here's the theory:
at one point, the osirieon had a pyramid built over top of it. this was what was dismembered by set - in other words, set deconstructed osiris pyramid, destroyed it somehow, and the blocks were scattered along the nile. wherever isis found a piece, she had an obelisk fashioned from the stone from that pyramid and erected on the spot. this is the fake phallus isis built for osiris. the shabaka stone basically explains this by declaring that osiris drowned in "his water" , was saved by isis and her sisters, and he then entered the portal of the lords of eternity in the osirieon. the osireion is the "pit" of osiris' pyramid, in much the same way as the great pyramid has a "pit". at one point, the osirieon contained some kind of central structure on a raised dais, this was likely the site of the portal of the lords of eternity.

anyway, freemasonry is fascinating but don't let 'em fool ya, they gots some hefty info and the only way women and lay people get access to it is by going over every bit of ancient information with a fine tooth comb.

i think jesus referred to this as:

you won't enter the gates of heaven, nor will you allow anyone else to either.

interesting comment on his part, doncha think?

edit on 26-2-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 09:04 AM
I like the God= All part the most in the OP.

Is it fact? I have no idea if it is or not however I would believe it more so than anything.

I see it like this below...

All of creation is created with possibilities in time however the creation is already made perfect and well on its way through time transforming into it's ultimate perfection. Thy will is literally already done outside of time. All is experiencing transformations as nothing stays constant in time... everything changes with time.

Time is outside of perfection.

Thus, God = All.

Satan is nothing more than a thought in which equates to the opposite of love. It has become a thought of fear. With the indoctrinated thought we have a choice. We either reflect on fear or love. There is no in between. What we think.. our thoughts.. is also a creation in time. When we think of God we think of Love. There is no fear to be had in love.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 09:26 AM

I like the God= All part the most in the OP.

Is it fact? I have no idea if it is or not however I would believe it more so than anything.

in the end, it only matters what you think. But I agree with you.

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